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January 24, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-24

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Ninety-One Years
Editorial Freedom

V' P

Lit ian


Mostly cloudy today with a
high near 40.

Vol. XCI No. 98

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 24, 1981

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


CCRB, IM may
face huge cuts


Operating hours at the Central Campus Recreation and In-
tramural Sports Buildings will be cut by as much as 40 per-
cent later this year if an administration budget proposal is
adopted. The intramural sports program could also be cut in
In addition, Recreational Sports Department officials
predict they will have to reduce staff, including student em-
ployees, and reduce support for club sports if the depar-
tment's budget is cut.
RECREATIONAL SPORTS Director Michael Stevenson
said proposed cutbacks of between 40 percent and 60 percent
would have a "devastating impact on the quality and quan-
tity" of recreational sports-a department that served an
estimated 62,000 members of the University community last
year, according to department statistics.
The Recreational Sports Department is one of a number of
non-academic departments being studied for budget cuts
designed to save more than $3 million in the next school year.
kscK Bob Sauve, assistant to the vice president for academic af-
fairs, said while reductions suggested in recreational sports
are not final, cuts will have to be made somewhere.
A 6 PERCENT budget cut has already been prescribed for

all academic departments, but administrators say additional
reductions in the teaching and research areas will lead to
erosion of quality in those areas-considered "central" to the
University's mission.
Recreational Sports Director Stevenson, at the request of
the University vice presidents, is preparing impact
statements in the event of 46 percent, 56 percent, or 66 per-
cent decreases in the amount of money the department
receives from the University's general fund.
Of the nearly $1.2 million 1980-81 Recreational Sports
Department budget, $450,000 is general fund money. The
remaining $750,000 comes primarily from user fees.
SHOULD THE 66 percent figure be implemented,
recreational sports officials predict that as many as 233 of the
350 student employee positions would be cut. In the event of a
46 percent decrease, 180 positions would be dropped, Steven-
son said.
A cutback in operating hours at the recreational sports
buildings, including CCRB and the IM Building, would also
be necessary, Stevenson said. Buildings which open as early
as 7 a.m. and close at 10 p,m. could reduce hours to 11 a.m. to
Support for club sports, such as lacrosse, rugby, crew, and
See IM, Page 2

Daily Photo by BRIAN MA
SEVERAL WOMEN PLAY volleyball in the Central Campus Recreation Building, one of many Recreational Sports
facilities that will face a substantial reduction in hours if the department's budget is cut. Total building hours for all the
facilities could be slashed by 40 percent.

Curious careers

Townsfolk, students

to come home

* "


It's amazing
do to make a bu
Some people
jobs. Others, li
advertising ag
choose slightly
lines of work!
business rout
Moody Ballo
delivers specia
in a dozen heliu
"It's really.
where I make
son said of
customers hav
(who costume
Piggy outfits,;
bikinis) to as
and to give

enterprising lot
MARIE FAZIO One University student, who asked
what some people will , to remain anonymous, found another
uck these days. way to make people happy and pad his
opt for traditional desk pocketbook as well. The art major
ke Ann Arbor freelance said he used to pay for his art supplies
gent Nancy Anderson, by. manufacturing and selling fake
y more unconventional IDs. The student said he began
making the documents for himself
pursuing her normal and friends when he was 16, and found
tine, Anderson heads out there was a market for the same
ons, a company that service in Ann Arbor.
al occasion greetings - "I MADNE $800 in 12 days," he
um-filled balloons. ' boasted. The art student quit the fake
neat going in places ID trade after a near brush with local
people happy," Ander- authorities. "It's too dangerous," he
the business. Her explained. "The money isn't worth
ve used the. messengers getting thrown in jail."'IIn an ironic
e themselves in Miss twist of fate, he added, he currently*
as mime clowns, or in checks IDs in-a local bar.
k people out on dates, Those who couldn't get a copy of one
or accept marriage of the bogus documents to quaff a few
See A CURIOUS, Page 8

pR4 I14

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( 7 .f

Health Service chan ges planned

From UPI and AP
WIESBADEN, West Germany -
Embittered and in some cases
depressed, the freed American
hostages will fly home tomorrow to
their families and the heroes' welcome
that doctors hope will help erase the
haunting memories of their deprivation
and abuse in Iran.
The 50 men.and two-women were due,
to leave Frankfurt tomorrow morning.
Pentagon sources in Washington said
A former hostage tells of his
days of "total terror" at the
wrong end of a submachine gun
in Iran. See story, Page 3.
they will be reunited with their families
at Stewart Air Base in Newburgh, N.Y.,
and then go to the nearby U.S. Military
Academy at West Point for a few days
One former hostage, Sgt. 1st Class
Donald Hohman, 38, already has been
reunited with his wife, Anna, a nurse in
Frankfurt, and will remain with her in
West Germany.
The chief of the medical team that
examined them said a number show
signs of temporary psychiatric illness,
some have guilt feelings about their ac-
tions in captivity and some are so
depressed they stay in their hospital
Dr. Jerome Korcak, head of the State
Department team sent to Wiesbaden to
help the hostages cope with a return to
freedom and the harrowing experien-
ces of captivity, said several have
psychiatric symptoms he described as
"post-traumatic stress syndrome."
awithout discussing individual
patients, Korcak said mental problems
include flashbacks, disrupted sleep,
and, in some cases, severe depression.
Some have been more severely affec-
ted by the experience than others," he
said, but added: "We feel these people
will not be permanently disabled by
their illnesses;"
Korcak said the problems were
"variable, but it passes with time and
proper treatment" and that treatment
would be continued in the United States

for those who need it.
HE SAID "SOME feel guilty ' and
mentioned that one hostage had made
anti-American statements to his cap-
tors on condition some of his colleagues
would be released.
Koreak said another hostage made a
television statement after being told
his mother had died and that if he made
the. statement-he. would be, allowed .to..
return to the United States for her
funeral. He apparently referred to U.S.
Marine Sgt. Johnny McKeel of Balch
Springs, Texas, who reported being told
his mother was dead and finding out
only when he reached West Germany
that she was alive.
In the first report -of firing on a
hostage, former captive William Belk
said Iranian militants opened fire- on
him when he tried to escape and then
kicked his injured leg as punishement
when he was caught.
Belk, 44, said in an interview with a
South Carolina televison station that he
tried to escape several times and was
fired on by his captors.
"I tried to escape here in Tehran, or
rather in Tehran, on a couple of oc-
casions and the bullets sound the same
as they go by your ears," the ex-Marine
with combat experience said in an in-
terview with Columbia station WBTV
from Wiesbaden.

He may not have a cure for the Bangkok flu,
but new Health Service Director Caesar Briefer
says he may have solutions for some of the ser-
vice's problems. ,
"The health service, in general, is in pretty
good shape for a university facility,'' said
Briefer, who became director Jan. 1. "But it does
lack some of the clinical divisions and special
services existing at other admirable university
health services, such as Harvard and Dar-
TO REMEDY THE health service's deficien-
cies, Briefer said he is considering plans to
renovate the existing facilities to aid patient flow
and increase clinical privacy.
Briefer also said he is trying to keep costs at a
minimum and wants to see the billing process
made as simple as possible.
* "Many students are confused by our two dif-
ferent billing systems," he explained. For an ac-
curate explanation, he suggested, students
should ask one of the health service's clinical
assistants, or read the "Assessment -Fee" pam-
phlet located in the lobby of the health service

OTHER PLANS include the implementation of
a health education program "as a form of
preventive medicine," the creation of more
specialized health care divisions, and recruit-
ment of student advisors to participate in the
Student Health Advisory Committee.
The new director said he would also like to im-
prove the appointment and medical record
systems and broaden the scope of office services.
Briefer added that he wants to eliminate fees for
service charges and daytime emergency visits.
Briefer replaced former 12-year director Dr.
Robert Anderson, who is now working part-time
at the University Health Service.
A graduate of the University of Chicago
Medical School, Briefer worked ten years at
Massachusetts General Hospital. He spent 12
years building the Polaroid Company's Health
Service. He was the camera company's first
health service director.
Briefer said he spotted the University health
service director job opening in the New England
Medical Journal. "I saw it as another mountain
to climb, and this one looked pretty steep," he

. plans health service changes

reunited with wife

Virgin Marie
HE MAY BE a little bit country and her brother
Donny may be a little bit rock and roll, but Marie
Osmond also claims to be a "square lady." The
singer says she has "just as many passions as any
other woman," even though she declares she is a virgin in
next month's issue of Ladies Home Journal. The 21-year-old
Mormon star, who broke off an engagement last year to ac-
tor Jeff Crayton, said she doesn't plan to marry for eight}
years and is determined to wait for the "right man" before

Chugging songs
If you're trying to save money on your next beer binge,
don't sit in a bar listening to singers like Kenny Rogers,
Waylon Jennings, and Hank Williams. According to a
University of Minnesota anthropologist, country and
western music speeds up the tempo of drinking. "The
slower the beat, the faster the drinking," said Prof. James
Schaefer. He and some of his graduate students checked out
bars in Montana and Minnesota to learn what factors con-
stituted the highest risks for problem drinkers. The sipping
rate increased, Schaefer said, when melancholy music such
ac R ,dor m.,, a" ndWlm e' , T', enT nn-e- 1

psychologist Dr. William Murphy, he and four other
researchers are looking for 40 men to participate in
a revealing $176,000 project aimed at identifying common
characteristics in exhibitionists while seeking a successful
method of treatment. "We want people out there who are
exposing themselves to know that we exist," Murphy said.
"The majority of exhibitionists realize that what they're
doing is wrong . . . it's the embarrassment of coming to
someone that keeps them away." So far, they have not
discerned any common bond among exhibitionist men.
Speculation by the researchers is that they are trying to
release anger or express their masculinity. Murphy says
that he has talked with a vast variety of flashers ranging

error, saying there had been a query about a lost mink, not
about a found coat. But distraught claimants already were
in action. "A lady called lost and found and said she was
looking for a black full-length mink coat, but she didn't
know where she lost it," Pfansteihl said. He also received a
call from a limousine rental service man making an inquiry
on behalf of a woman from New Jersey who thought she had
lost her mink on the subway. Both Capitol and District of
Columbia police reported -further inquiries. And you
thought umbrellas were tough to hang onto.
'n - 1 0 - 5



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