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January 17, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-17

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One Years
al Freedom



It will be partly cloudy
today with the high in the
upper 20s and the low in the
lower 20s.

Eight Pages

dol. XCI, No. 92

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 17, 1981

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


r .




final agreement

Carter transfers
billions in gold

s lGclerl of stars
Empty chairs on the west side of the Capitol await the ceremony to be held Tuesday inaugurating Ronald Reagan as U.S. President. The
wearing-in stand is located at the wall of the building.r
Wos stce woresr in - oie

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-The United States is
sending Iran the U.S. draft of a final
agreement to end the hostage crisis,
and the 52 American captives could be
released before President Carter
leaves office if Iran promptly accepts,
the White House said yesterday.
With a breakthrough apparently im-
minent, Carter ordered the transfer of
$2.2 billion in Iranian gold and assets to
London and an Iranian official said the
52 American hostages had been
"prepared for departure."
"YOU WOULD be. correct in inter-
preting the fact we have taken these
steps today as a sign we have some op-
timism about it," White House press
secretary Jody Powell told reporters.
Powell said the U.S. terms for a final
agreement should reach Tehran today.
If Iran accepts the American draft on
that day, he said, the hostages could be
released by Tuesday, Inauguration
Day. The hostages spent their 440th day
in captivity yesterday.
Powell said about $2.2 billion in gold
and cash or "cash equivalents"is being
placed in position for delivery to an
escrow account that could be turned
over to Iran "if and when the hostages
are released."
IN ADDITION to the gold, worth
about $1 billion, Powell said about $1.2
billion worth of U.S. Treasury
securities owned by Iran but held by the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York are
being sold to turn them into cash or
Scash equivalents for prompt transfer to
/ an escrow account..
U.S. officials said Iran no longer was
insisting on $24 billion in financial
"guarantees" and agreed to settle for
only the money frozen by the Carter
Administration in November, 1979.
The Iranians also agreed to a U.S.
proposal to let international arbitration
decide who gets the $2.2 billion in
disputed assets.
THOSE TWO concessions, apparen-
tly affirmed in Iran's message to the
United States Thursday, sent a State
Department financial team rushing off
to Algiers to join Deputy Secretary of
State Warren Christopher two -years to
the day that the late shah fled Iran.
A senior Iranian official close to the
negotiations in Algiers said Iran had
made the necessary arrangements to
fly the hostages to Algeria or any other
country of their choice as soon as its
assets had been deposited in an escrow
account with the Algerian Central

care for terminally ill



... says "time is running short"
In Tehran, Iran's chief hostage
negotiator said the hostages could be
freed in a matter of hours with only the
transfer of the assets now holding up
their release.
THE U.S. AIR Force hospital in
Wiesbaden, West Germany, was being
readied to receive the captives and of-
ficials indicated that Carter may make
a quick trip to West Germany if the
hostages are released.
At the U.S. Embassy in Algiers,
spokesman Edward Penney said a
team of legal and financial experts, in-
cluding five Americans and three
Britons, arrived to join Christopher and
other U.S. negotiators. The group was
meeting with Algerian diplomats who-
were acting as go-betweens in the com-
plex financial negotiations to exchange
the hostages for frozen Iranian assets.
At nightfall yesterday, the U.S. Em-
bassy's deputy chief of mission,
Christopher Ross, told reporters
Christopher and his original diplomatic
team started work "very early this
morning and have been working on
various efforts ever since."
ROSS DID NOT name the eight new
arrivals, but a spokesman for the state-
owned Bank of England said in London
two members of the bank were part of
the team. He identified them as Deputy
See IRANIAN, Page 8

For Louella Logan, it was a "God-
send." Her husband Howard wanted to
die at home. With hospice care, he was
0given what he wanted-the chance to
stay home and die in the bed his mother
died in.
A hospice-originally a place for
weary travellers to rest-is a licensed
facility which provides care and other
services to the terminally ill. Hospice of
Washtenaw, Inc. is one of 18 such in-
stitutions in the state.
Hospice Secretary Kathy Dickerson
said she and her staff help patients
"live, to the fullest until they die."
Headquartered at 2530 S. Main, the

local hospice provides home care for
patients diagnosed as having several
weeks to six months to live.
"IT IS THE BELIEF of many people
that the terminally ill shouldn't be shut
away," Dickerson said.
"There must be a desire on the part 6f
the patient and the family to have the
patient cared for in the home," said
Patient Care Co-ordinator Sue Ivey.
"Both parties must be willing to work in
the home."
Because of rising medical costs, ter-
minally ill patients are becoming more
and more of a burden on their families,
Dickerson said. Often, she said, it is
hard for the patient's family to main-

tain the lifestyle to which they are ac-
That's where hospice volunteers
come in.
of nurses, clergy, social workers,
psychologists, and lay people, form a
"direct care team." This team has
direct personal contact with the family
and is assigned to help the family cope
with the patient and their illness.
Anyone over age 18 is eligible to volun-
"The family is generally exhausted
and tired from the strain of the
patient's illness," said Volunteer Betsy
Stranahan. "They may feel uncomfor-

table always talking to friends about it,
but they can talk to us because they
know that's what we're here for," she
Help doesn't end when the patient.
dies, though. Care and continued ser-
vices for the family can last for up to a
year after the patient's death, but
assistance "wouldn't be stopped if the
family still needed it," Dickerson said.
Six months after her husband's
death, Logan still talks with a hospice
volunteer. She knows that if she ever
needs to talk, a volunteer is only a
phone call away. "If I had to do it over
again, I'd do the same thing," she said.
See HOSPICE, Page 8


Earning the right tocharge


Cashing a check outside Ann Arbor or getting a
quick car loan takes credit. In our plastic-oriented
world, a good credit rating carries a great deal of
financial clout.
But the effort to establish credit can be a vicious
Catch-22 for those just beginning to enter the world of
charge accounts. Most people encounter a paradox in
that it seems impossible to establish a credit history
without having first had one.
Fortunately, with planning and a little help from
already "established" friends and parents, most
students should have little trouble accumulating a
credit history before they graduate from the Univer-
"CREDIT IS OFTEN mistaken as one of our given
rights," says Keith Harness of the Ann Arbor branch
of Credit Counseling Centers Inc. "You have to prove
you're credit worthy."
Harness suggests that one of the best times to start

establishing a credit rating is before you need it.
Regular savings account deposits and a clean
checking record are two of the best introductions to
banks that may later supply a loan.
Once a bank is familiar with a student as a respon-
sible customer, Harness says,, officials are more
willing to consider granting a loan. If there still are
troubles, a co-signing friend or parent may be
necessary for a first-time loan.
BUT THERE ARE other options besides banks.
According to Peter Burton, assistant manager of the
Ann Arbor Co-Op Credit Union, smaller loans are
more readily available from credit unions because
they are founded on a less extensive base than banks.
"We very seldom have stringent restrictions," says
Burton. We specialize in the smaller type of loan."
Credit unions, banking institutions designed for
member use only, circulate dividends and profits
back to members. In Ann Arbor there are seven
credit unions available with such a wide variety of

membership requirements that most people are
eligible to join at least one.
Once a loan is established, creditors say a healthier
credit history is formed if the loan is paid back via the
agreed-upon installment plan. "Creditors look for
ability and willingness to repay debt. That is
crucial," says Hollie Entenman of American Express
in New York. Speeding up repayment she said, does
not establish what a person will do in a given amount
of time.
But there are those who would rather not go into
debt to establish credit. For them it is often
necessary to wait until the junior or senior year of
college to begin accumulating a rating.
companies and various "T and E" (travel and enter-
tainment) credit card corporations begin to take an
interest. Through a process which most of the com-
panies prefer not to talk about, they select students at
See EARNING, Page 8


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DAILY i9$i


Delbert bites the dust
OBODY WANTED POOR Delbert, and now he's
dead. You see, Delbert was a dinosaur who lived
Nat a miniature golf course in Arizona. And two
years ago the miniature golf course closed.
Lorraine Norton, the real estate agent, tried to find a home
for the 15-foot orange chicken wire and concrete creature
but no one would take him. The Pima County fairgrounds
..o~n rll1r i it. k.-44, t ha nnyhiI-m,,vu cnrtment did not

Club empty-handed, police said. "Them's a bunch of har-
dheads, the people in here. They don't take nothing off
nobody," bar manager Dorlores Jachelski said. The
customers, nicknamed "The General," "Mr. Peepers,"
"Bumpers," and "Pretty Boy," hardly blinked when the
two men burst in wearing ski masks. Several customers
even went into the bathroom to put away their cash. "I'd
rather die than give them my money," one patron said. []
Full of beans
A ; gourmet" treat is in store for many folks who'll be at-

someone in the limelight was when the Beatles admitted a
liking for the candies. QI
See you later...
Alligator is in-at least that's the way it was at the Poulet
restaurant in Berkeley, California until the state Fish and
Game Department intervened. The Poulet featured
alligator creole in a red onion and parsley sauce and
alligator abodo in a red pepper and garlic sauce. Thirty

On the road
Motorist Gilman Richard was on his way to work Thur-
sday morning when a car pulled out in front of him, ran four
lights, and finally stopped behine a parked car. Richard
figured he was stuck behind a drunk driver. He jumped out
of his car, opened the door of the other stopped car, yanked
the keys out of the ignition and asked, "What's going on?
The driver was 7 years old: He told Richard he was just
driving his sister, 7, to visit their father in Jonesboro,
Louisiana, 15 miles away. No charges were filed against the
youthful chauffeur.

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