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December 11, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-12-11

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suicide attempts


as college pressures

An increase in the number of student
suicide attempts in University housing this
fall has prompted administrators to con-
sider ways the University can help students
deal with the growing tensions of college
Twenty to 25 students have made suicide
tempts in University housing this fall,
University officials estimate. No official
records are kept on off-campus students and
many attempts go unreported, they add.
SOME SAY the rise in suicide attempts is
just one indication of the increasing
pressure today's college students encounter
as they juggle financial and academic
worries while preparing to face an ever-
competitive job market. .
Itpink now is one of the worst times to be
a college student," said Tom Morson, a
senior counselor at the University's coun-
seling service. "Pressures are much more
Student demand for University'counseling
services has been steadily increasing over


Understanding the possible
causes of suicide and knowing
what danger signs to look for is
crucial in preventing someone
from taking his or her life. In-
dividuals concerned about a
friend or acquaintance should
intervene, experts say. As one

example, the University of
Wisconsin at Madison has
developed a renowned program
for handling stress and suicide
attempts. Officials here say
residence hall staffs are the key
to preventing attempts in the.
dorms. See stories, Pages 6, 8.

There was, a rash of suicide attempts at
Michigan State University last month, and
MSU counselors said requests for coun-
seling appointments have doubled this fall.
Here at the University, there has been a
definite increase in suicide attempts, accor-
ding to Housing Director Robert Hughes. He
refusedto say how large the increase was or
how many attempts had been made, but
other University officials estimate - there
have been between 20 and 25 attempts this
One University law student committed
suicide inhis parents' Southgate home in
"WE CERTAINLY are seeing alot more
student suicide attempts at 'U' hospital,"
said Dr. Bruce Greyson, chief of University
Hospital's Psychiatric Emergency Service.
Greyson said he did not have official data on
the number of student suicide attempts the
hospital handled this fall.
In response to the recent surge in suicide
attempts, the University this week set up an
See SUICIDE, Page 9

the last three years, said Counseling Ser-
vices Director Dr. Harold Korn. The num-
ber of new clients increased 16 percent in
1979-1980, another 20 percent in 1980-81 and 6
percent from July 1981 through November.
76-GUIDE, AN information and coun-
seling hotline sponsored by the University,
has received more counseling calls this
year, according to GUIDE counselor Evelyn
Gauthier. The number of calls has averaged
two to three per night this year, compared to
one and one-half calls per night last year,

she said.
"Certainly, people are feeling a lot more
stress," Gauthier said.
A group of psychology teaching assistants
organized a workshop on stress last month
because they were worried about what they
were seeing in student journals and self-
evaluation papers.
"STUDENTS ARE reporting a lot more
stress," said Barb Baranca, one of the TAs
who conducted the work shop. "There's a lot
of pressure about grades."

. . . .......... . . . . .. .......

Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom




Colder today with high in
-the low 30s. Slight chance
of flurries iW the morning.

Vol. XCII, No. 76

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Doily

Ann Arbor, Michigah-Friday, December 11, 1981

Ten Cents

Fourteen Pdges

Graphics section
added to relieve

U.S. citizens
in Libya
ordered home

After complaints from students con-
cerning-overcrowdini in graphic design
classes, the Art School plans to add a
graphics section to its upcoming
semester schedule.
An additional section of Graphic
Design 373, a requirement for several
upper-level graphics classes, is ten-
tatively set for the 1982 winter term,
according to School of Art Associate
Dean Wendel Heers.
NEARLY 50 students unable to
register for the course's single section
met with art school professors last
week to protest overcrowding in the
"The meeting with the students
helped. It added weight to the issue,"
Heers said, adding that creating an ex-
tra section had been considered prior to
the meeting.
Heers said he expected the creation
* of an extra section to help alleviate the
ONLY ONE section was originally

scheduled because of 'a faculty shor-
tage, Heers added..
Heers said overcrowding in graphics
classes stem from its increasing appeal
to students worried about finding jobs
upon graduation.
"With graphics, there's always been
a market and there always will be,"
Heers said.
HEERS SAID plans have not been set
for scheduling procedures for the ex-
panded course.
Plans for the course addition were not
mentioned at the meeting with the Art
School faculty, and students were
angered when Art School Dean George
Bayliss said, "If you don't like it, go
someplace else," according to junior
Mary Weisenberger.
Other problems with Art School
registration were discussed at the
meeting, including scheduling.
procedures. Art .school registration,
conducted at the North Campus Art
School buildings, is done on a first-
See DESIGN, Page 2

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan asked some 1,500 Americans
working in Libya to return home
yesterday. The government said U.S.
citizens - many of them oil technicians
-- stand in "imminent danger."
The State Department also banned
travel to Libya by U.S. citizens.
"TRAVEL TO or residence in Libya
by American citizens is hazardous,
because of the continued anti-American
stance and hostile actions of the Libyan
government," the State Department
said in a notice immediately in-
validating U.S. passports for travel to
Deputy Secretary of State William
Clark, giving the rationale for yester-
day's actions, said over the past six
months Libya has broadened and ac-
celerated its efforts to undermine
neighboring states and to work against
U.S. interests.
"The steps taken early today by
President Reagan are in response to the
problem of Libyan lawlessness,"
Secretary of State Alexander Haig told
reporters in Brussels, where he con-
ferred with European allies.

VIRTUALLY ALL 1,500 Americans in
Libya are employed by about 30 U.S.
companies, mostly oil firms. An official
'said the departure of the Americans
would have a modest, near-term affect
on Libyan oil production.
The government still is considering
an embargo against oil from Libya,
which supplies about four percent of
U.S. imports,'according to officials who
spoke privately.
There have been no American
diplomatic personnel in Libya since the
spring of 1980, and the, administration
closed down Khadafy's diplomatic
mission in Washington earlier this
year. The U.S. mission in Tripoli was
the target of a mob attack in December
Border guards were alerted to be on
the lookout for two assassination
squads intent on killing Reagan and
other top officials. Accbrding to a
document issued by the Immigration
and Naturalization Service, one squad
is headed by the famed international
terrorist known as "Carlos" or "The
Jackal," whose full name is Carlos Ilich
Ramirez Sanchez.

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
Levitating magic
This gigantic truck appears so light it can float as its wheels are lifted off the
ground during construction of the University Replacement Hospital project.
The illusion resulted from the truck's precarious perch..

Divestment supporters
at U' down, but not out

Student bookies
uncovered at MSU

Today's Diag rally on divestment
probably will look quite different from
the protests of several years ago.
It's not just the cold December
weather that will keep the attendants
subdued relative to 1979 and before. It's
more that student activism on the issue
has fizzled out, according to some ob-
BUT THE FACT that students are no
longer shouting down the University's
Regents and executive officers does not
mean sympathy for the black majority
in South Africa has died out. Rather,

say those who were involved in the
movement to get the University to
divest from companies with holdings in
South Africa, the fact that apartheid is
no longer making front page headlines
has shifted people's attentions away
from the South African issue.
Apartheid is the South African gover-
nment's policy of social and economic
discrimination against its black
population. Those who supported
divestment said that American
businesses operating in South Africa
support the economy of a racist society,
and hence racism itself. They wanted

the University to withdraw its invest-
ments from these companies.
In the Spring of 1979, after scores of
students disrupted several Regents
meetings, the University's governing
board obtained a court order to meet in
closed-door sessions.
BUT SINCE that time, the
organization that inspired the protests
- the Washtenaw County Coalition
Against Apartheid - has shrunk until it
disappeared, according to Heidi Got-
tfried, a former WCCAA member.
The demise of the WCCAA was due
See RALLY, Page 6

EAST LANSING (UPI)- Police said
yesterday they have uncovered a
studept-run book-making operation at
Michigan State University which
burgeoned from a "social -thing" to a
sophisticated racket.
East Lansing Det. Sgt. Gary Howell
said he became aware of the operation
when a frightened 19-year-old MSU
sophomore came to the department
saying he was being pressured to pay
off a $1,300 gambling debt he had ac-
cumulated in only one week.
Howell described the alleged

kingpins of the sports betting ring as
"fairly good students from very good
Four students from suburban South-
field have been arraigned in East Lan-
sing District Court on charges of con-
spiring to violate state gambling
laws-a felony which carries a
maximum term of four years.
Jeffrey Lesson, 21, his brother Ken-
neth,19, Daniel Gilbert, 19, and Lindsay
Gross, 19, had their $1,000 personal
recognizance bonds continued by Judge
Daniel Tschirhart.

... sponsors divestment legislation

Study all day, all night
OR STUDENTS who can't study in their rooms
and finid the libraries full, the Michigan Union is
pleased to announce that the study lounge on the
first floor will remain open 24 hours on December
and 15 for students use during the study days prior to
finals. Happy cramming! Q
Pestered by a persistent suitor?

offs, as well as birthday greeting cards, get-well cards, and
anniversary cards. E
Marked withdrawal
A Milwaukee woman drove up to the teller's window out-
side her bank and handed over a withdrawal slip, unaware
that some prankster had scribbled on the back: "Give me
all your money. I have a gun." Instead of getting her
money, she spent the next 30 minutes trying to convince the
police all she wanted to do was to withdraw money from her
account. The teller had summoned police after turning the
slip over and finding the handwritten note on the back. A
bank official, who was not named, said the woman was a

vice hot line, said he got a complaint from a resident about;j
a bigpothole in the 700 block of Gross Street. Swierczyk said
a Public Works Division truck driver spotted the pothole
Tuesday and decided it was a safety hazard and he had no
road barricades on his truck. "People use the end of Gross
Street as a dump," said Swierczyk. "It seems logical that
the guy knew that, found an old refrigerator in that dump
and put it in the hole." Another crew was dispatched later
with proper barricades and the refrigerator was. re-
moved. El
Shrinking uniforms
The Armv is Irving solven u~the mvs~terv of the incredpible

more sets, which are supposed to be worn both in garrison
and on the field. Soldiers began complaining of "excessive
shrinkage" soon after they began receiving the new
uniforms in October, according to Army supply officials.
Troops then were given special laundering instructions and
told they could draw replacements for shirts and pants
"which had been rendered unusable." These are only
temporary measures. The Army said it will take "correc-
tive action" after the cause is identified. E
On the inside .. .




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