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December 05, 1981 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-12-05

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Page 2-Saturday, December 5, 1981-The Michigan Daily

Haig says
CASTRIES, St. Lucia (UPI) -
Secretary of State Alexander Haig
charged yesterday Nicaragua had
become the headquarters of the Cuban
and Soviet-backed subversion of Cen-
tral America and said the United States
would do "whatever is necessary" to
stop it:
With Nicaragua's foreign minister
seated only a few feet away, Haig told a
meeting of the Organization of
American States that Nicaragua's lef-
tist Sandinista government was seeking
to build the largest army in Central
America, and outfit it with MiG jet-
fighters and Soviet tanks.
"THE OTHER nations of Central
America must also be asking about the
meaning of these military activities.
They fear-and we must all fear-that
the militarization of Nicaragua is but a
prelude to a widening war in Central
America," Haig told the audience
gathered in a steamy conference room,
"the United States is prepared to join
others in doing whatever is prudent and
necessary to prevent any country in
Central America from becoming the
platform of terror and war in the
"The countries of the region should
know that the United States will help
them resist illegal intervention from
their neighbors or from the outside," he
Haig said there are 1,500 Cuban
military advisers in Nicaragua and
called it "ludicrous" for the Sandinistas
to charge-as they have-that the
presence of 31 American-military ad-
visers in El Salvador constituted U.S.

Daily Photo by MIKE LUCAS
Shl use dance .:., 9

Lori Schreiber (left) and Gwynne Kosten are busy making signs for the Dec. 11 Benefit Dance being held by the
Ann Arbor Tenants Union.
Student loan program close

(Continued from Page 1)
The students who will be affec-
ted-estimated at 300 to 500-will be
those unable to apply for an SDSL loan
for the winter or spring term, Grotrian
These students will have two alter-
nate sources of funding, according to
Elaine Crook, administrative secretary
in the Financial Aid Office, Guaranteed
Student Loan department. Students
may either reapply to commercial len-
ders or apply for a loan through the
University of Michigan United Student
Aid Fund, she said.

THE USAF program currently gives
loans to out-of-state students through
an arrangement between the Univer-
sity and the Lincoln First Bank in New
York City. The program will be opened
until Jan. 22, 1982 to in-state students
who can no longer apply to the SDSL
program, Crook said.
The University faced the same
problem last year when the SDSL
closed for the first time, Borset said,
adding most students were able to get
loans from the alternate sources.
"WE HAD SOME traumas, but we
survived," Borset said.
Peterson said both this year and last

year's shutdowns were caused by the in-
crease in the number'of applicants to
the SDSL program. State officials
predicted last month that the program
would have to close this year.
The state is preparing a bond sale to
raise new funds for the program,
Peterson said. He added that he hoped
the program will reopen before the end
of this academic year. The Univer-
sity deadline for SDSL applications was
Oct. 30. Those who submitted ap-
plications before the deadline probably
have already received approval for
loans, Crook said.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Lebanese security uncovers
new Libyan assassination plot
BEIRUT, Lebanon- Lebanese security sources said Friday they have un-
covered a Libyan plot to assassinate U.S. envoy Philip Habib when he stops
off in Beirut during his current Mideast tour.
The sources said security for Habib, who is currently in Israel, would be
increased for his next visit to Lebanon, probably next week.
"Lebanese security forces have uncovered a plot to assassinate Philip
Habib. The report was immediately revealed to concerned U.S. and
Lebanese authorities to provide maximum security for Habib during his
stops in Beirut," one source said.
Cave-in kills three miners
BERGOO, W.Va.- Rescuers found two men dean Friday and worked with
pick and shovel 350 feet underground to reach a third man still trapped by
tons of rock in a central West Virginia coal mine.
Earlier, two other miners trapped by the rock fall were rescued.
The cave-in at the Elk River Sewell Coal Co. mine was one of two serious
mining accidents that occurred Thursday night in the state. An acetylene
tank explosion at a mine in southern West Virginia burned four men.
The three men trapped in the Elk River mine were identified as Robert
Bennett, 34; Doyle Gillis, 36, and Donald Arbogast.
Rescuers first found Bennett's body and brought it to the surface. Several
hours later they found Gillis' body, leaving Arbogast still inside the mine.
Reagan to nominate Watergate
figure for board post
WASHINGTON- President Reagan announced plans yesterday to
nominate former Commerce Secretary Maurice Stans, a former Nixon ad-
ministration and re-election official who pleaded guilty to campaign law
violations arising from the Watergate scandal, to be a director of the Over-
seas Private Investment Corp.
Stans is believed to be the first person with a criminal record from the
Watergate scandal to be named to a federal post.
A White House statement said Stans, now a private consultant in Los
Angeles, will succeed William Landau on the OPIC board. The nomination is
subject to Senate confirmation.
OPIC was established to encourage American industry to invest in Third
World development by insuring U.S. investors against political risks, such
as expropriation or revolution, and by offering loans and technical assistan-
ce. The independent agency, established in 1969, is governed by an 11-
member board of directors.
Sakharov hospitalized
MOSCOW (AP)- Soviet authorities said yesterday they hospitalized
hunger-striking Nobel Peace Prize winner Andrei Sakharov and his wife to
"prevent any complications in the state of their health." Their daughter-in-
law said she feared the couple was being force-fed.
The government, newspaper Izvestia said "medical assistance is being
administered" to the Sakharovs, but did not say what type, where they were
hospitalized or when. It called the fast "a fresh provocation calculated to at-
tract the attention of the West to Sakharov's anti-Soviet views."
Sakharov, a 60-year-old physicist, suffers from a heart ailment which
reportedly has been aggravated by the fast. Relatives say that his wife,
Yelena Bonner, a 58-year-old physician, is in better health than her husband.
The be an the hunger strike 13 days ago to protest Soviet refusal to let
their daughter-in-law emigrate.
U~e itganturatIu
Vol. XCII, No. 71
Saturday, December 5, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The Univer-
sity of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during
the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 49109. Sub-
scription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mor-
nings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Ar-
bor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Uaily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International,
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[ News room: (313) 764-0552; 76-DAILY, Sports desk, 764-0562; Circulation, 764-0558; Classified Advertising.
764-0557; Display advertising, 764-0554; Billing, 764-0550.


Tafoya convicted for
assault on dissident

Alleged raccoon killers
plead guilty in court


Eugene Tafoya, a decorated veteran
accused of trying to assassinate a
Libyan dissident on orders of Col.
Moammar Khadafy, was convicted
yesterday of third-degree assault and
The nine-woman, three-man Larimer
District Court jury deliberated more
than 16 hours over three days before
deciding on the least severe of the
guilty options available to it.
THE 46-YEAR-OLD former Green
Beret had been charged with attempted
first-degree murder and conspiracy to
commit murder in the Oct. 14, 1980,
shooting of Faisal Zagallai, a Colorado
State University student.'
-Tafoya admitted the shooting but said
he acted in self-defense. He said he had

gone to Zagallai's apartment on behalf
of the CIA to warn him against making
radio broadcasts and that he fired two
shots at Zagallai's head only after the
student pulled a gun on him.
The CIA denied that Tafoya was
working on its behalf, and defense at-
torneys portrayed him as a patriot
deserted by his country.
The conviction carries a maximum
sentence of two years in jail. Tafoya
has been in jail more than seven mon-
ths in lieu of $500,000 bond and that time
could be deducted. Attempted first-
degree murder is punishable by up to 12
Tafoya, dressed in the same blue
blazer he had worn throughout the trial
was impassive as District Court Judge
J. Robert Miller read the verdict.

Two University groundskeepers
pleaded guilty Thursday to charges
of animal cruelty after allegedly
killing two raccoons trapped in a
North Campus dumpster in October.
The raccoons were stabbed and
beaten with a pitchfork and a
Eddie Bailey and William Hender-
son, who face a maximum penalty of
$500, will be sentenced within a mon-
ONE OF THE employees was
dismissed and the other, disciplined,
but not terminated, according to
University grounds Manager Doug
Fasing. Fasing declined to give the
name of the fired employee or the
nature of the disciplinary action, but

said they were reprimanded for
violating University procedure.
The Humane Society of Huron
Valley urged the prosecution of the
two men after investigating com-
plaints about the incident. Animal
Welfare Officer Delores Gibson
reportedly said that the men killed
the two raccoons to eat them.
The Society is satisfied with the
guilty pleas, said Public Relations
Director Eileen Liska-Stevens, but it
is slightly concerned that Bailey and
Henderson may be plea bargaining.
"What they did warrants a full
penalty," she said.
The Society is very interested with
the case, she said, because "the
specifics of what - they did are

Af &,&LAWReagan


331 Thompson-663-0557
Weekly Masses:
Mon.-Wed.-5:10 p.m.
Thurs.-Fri.-12:10 p.m.
Sun.-8:30 and 10:30 a.m. (Upstairs
. and downstairs)
12 noon and 5 p.m. (upstairs and
North Campus Mass at 9:30 a.m. in
Bursley Hall (Fall and Winter Terms)
Rite of Reconciliation-4 p.m.-5 p.m.
.on Friday only; any other time by ap-
* * *
632 N. Fourth Ave.
Rev. Avery Dumas Jr., Pastor
9:45 a.m. Sunday School.
11:45 Morning Worship
7:00p.m. Evening Service.
Bible Study-Wed. & Fri. 7 p.m.
For rides call 761-1530
409 South Division
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Rev. Steve Bringardner, 761-5941
Christian Education-9:45 a.m.
Service of Worship-11:00 a.m.
Time of Meeting, 6 pm.

120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Worship Schedule:
8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion in the
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Morning Wor-
ship in the Sanctuary.
Sermon for Dec. 6th: "How God
Treats His Enemies."
Church School for all ages-9:30 a.m.
and 11a.m.
Choir Rehearsal-Thursday at 7:15
Ministers :
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Rev. Fred B. Maitland
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Education Directors:
Rose McLean and Carol Bennington
502-East Huron 663-9376
Jitsuo Morikawa, Pastor
10:00 a.m.-Sunday Worship. Child
care provided.
Dec. 6th: "Preparing For His
Sunday: Church Loyalty Dinner 12
11:00 a.m.-Church School. Classes
for all ages. Class for undergraduates.
rlc n. a s,..aa nti f : n .. f

1432 Washtenaw Ave.-6624466
Service of Worship:
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Student Fellowship meets at 5:30
* Wednesday: Bible Study, 8:45 p.m.
* * *
(The Campus Ministry
of the LCA-ALC-AELC)
Gordon Ward, Pastor
801 S. Forest at Hill St.
Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Choir practice.
* * *
' Universal Life Church
Pastor Stanley Zurawski, 434-7445
Sunday 11:00 a.m. Meditation. Sub-
ject: New World Religion.
Crystal House (downstairs)
3250 Washtenaw
Classes: Mon. Evening 8:00
p.m.-"Discipleship in the New Age."
Wed. Evening 7:30 pm-"Study in
Mysticism" (Inquiries Welcome). For
class location and further information,
call 434-7445.
Ordained minister available for any
ministerial or priestly function.
* * *
Serving the Campus for 39 Years

'It team'
(Continued from Page 1)
the prowl. Asked if he took the purpor-
ted plot seriously, the president
"I THINK YOU have to. I think it's
safe to say that in any security case,
even sometimes when security gets
what they think is a crank call, they
can't take that for granted."
Ever since the attempt on Reagan's
life last March 30, security has been
tightened. In recent weeks it has grown
even stiffer because of the alleged
Libyan plot, and "You can expect to see
it get tighter," according to an
authoritative source who asked not to
be named.
Asked if Reagan were considering
curtailing public appearances, the
source said, "It's moving in that direc-
TALKING WITH reporters after a
bill signing ceremony, Reagan said he
has had no contact with Libyan
strongman Moammar Khadafy, who
was enraged when U.S. planes shot
down two Libyan jets in a dogfight
last August.


Editor-in-thief....... .........SARA ANSPACH
Managing Editor..............JULIE ENGEBRECHT
University Editor ..._.............. LOREN4ZO SENET
News Editor AV....IDAVID MEYER
Opinion PogeEditors..........CHARLES THOMSON
Sports Editor....... ........MARK MIHANOVIC
Associate Sports Editors...........GREG DGULIS
Chief Photographer ............PAUL ENGSTROM
PHOTOGRAPHERS-Jackie Bell, Kim Hill, Deborah
Lewis, Mike Lucas. Brion Masck. I
ARTISTS Robert Lence, Jonathon Stewart, Richard
Walk. Norm Christiansen.
ARTS STAFF: Richard Campbell. Jane Carl, James Clin-
ton, Mark Dighton, Michael Huget. Adam Knee. Pom
Kramer.Gail Negbaur, Carol Poneman. RJ SmithSBen
NEWS STAFF: John Adam. Beth Allen. Julie Barth.
And. ew Chapman. Liso Crurnrine, Ann Marie Fazia.
Pon Fickinger.,Joyce Frieden. Mork Gindin, Julie Hin-
ds. Steve Hook. Kathlyn Hoover, Harlon Kahn. Mincy
Loyne. Mike McIntyre. Jennifer Miller. Don Oberrot-
man. Stacy Powell. Janet Rae. David Spok. Fannie
Weinstein, Barry Witt.

SPORTS STAFF: Barb Barker, Jesse Barkin, Tam Ben-
tley. Randy Berger, Mark Borowski, Joe Chapelle,
Laura Clark, Martha Crall, Jim Dworman, Karen Flach,
Larry Freed. Matt Henehan, Chuck Jaffe, John Kerr,
Doug Levy, Jim Lombard, Larry Mishkin, Dan
Newman, Andrew Oakes, Ron Pollock, Jeff
Quicksilver, Sarah Sherber, Kenny Shore, James
Thompson. Josie VonVoigtlander, Kent Walley, Karl
Wheatley, Chris Wilson, Bob Woinowski.
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Sales Coordinator...........E ANDREW PETERSEN
BUSINESS STAFF: Liz Altman. Hope orron. Alan Slum.
Daniel Bowen. Lindsay Bray. Joseph Brodo. Glen Can-
tor. Alexander DePillis, Susan Epps. Wendy Fox.
Sebastian Frcka, Mark Freeman. Marci Gittelmon,
Pamela Gould. Kathryn Hendrick. Anthony Interronte,
Indre Liutkus. Seth Kovinsky. Caryn Natiss, Felice
Oper. Jodi Pollock, Ann Sachar. Michael Sovitt.
Michael Seltzer. Karen Silverstein, Sam Slaughter.
Nancy Thompson, Jeffrey Voight.

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