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December 05, 1981 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-12-05

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom




High today will be in the
low to mid-30s with a chan-
ce of flurries in the mor-


Vo. XCII No.71

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, December 5, 1981

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


With hypnosis, test woes
can disappear like magic

The audience is quiet. On the stage, a
man in a tuxedo slowly swings a gold
watch on a long chain in front of his
awe-struck victim.
"Your eyelids are getting heavy, you
feel sleepy, veeerrrrry sleepy," he
says. "You feel relaxed. As I count to
five, you will fall into a deep, deep
sleep, but you will hear my voice and
respond to my every command. One,
two, you're falling into a deep sleep,
three, four, five."
THIS SCENE sounds very familiar.
It's the first image that may come to
one's mind when the word "hypnosis"
is mentioned. But the watch-and-chain
method is the only one used by
Though magicians may claim to use
hypnosis to compel people to act like
chickens or to reveal their deepest and
darkest secrets, true professional hyp-
notists say their craft can help people to

combat some very real problems.
In addition to fighting smoking or
eating habits, hypnosis can be used to
help students to overcome their anxiety
before finals, hypnotists say.
LAST WEDNESDAY, a seminar was
held in the Michigan League entitled
"Test Success Seminar." The purpose
of the seminar, according to sponsor
Terri White, was to help students,
through the use of hypnosis, improve
study skills and memory of material,
reduce anxiety in test situations, and
gain a greater sense of confidence of
their test-taking abilities.
WHITE, A registered nurse with a
masters in psychotherapy, has recently
been working in the area of "hyp-
notherapy." The Ann Arbor resident
said there is no better place to hold
seminars of this type than in a college
White received her training from a
friend who is also involved in hyp-

notherapy. "It's an apprenticeship kind
of thing," she said. "There's no 'school
for hypnotists' that you can go to."
ABOUT 10 people attended the
seminar. At the onset, White introduced
herself and promised that she wouldn't
make the participants "act like
chickens." She then explained the hyp-
nosis process the group would be ex-
periencing that evening.
Hypnosis is a process in which the
unconscious part of the mind is opened
up for suggestion, White explained.
During this time, the conscious part of
the mind is still aware of what's going
on but it's "taking a little vacation,"
she said.
Prof. Jesse Gordon, of the School of
Social Work, said "people are trained in
logical, orderly thinking; their
capacities in creative thinking are
greatly suppressed." He said hypnosis
allows the mind to be creative.
See HYPNOSIS, Page 5

aily rnoto Dy KIm M ILL
AT THE TEST Success Seminar, Terri White hypnotized Michael Kubacki, telling him he would be successful in a test
situation and would be confident of his abilities to study and remember material.

'it team'
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan personally expressed concern
yesterday over intelligence reports that
a terrorist squad trained in Libya has
entered the United States on a mission
to assassinate him or other government
A day earlier, Reagan personally or-
dered Secret Service escorts for his
three top aides. Security officials, who
have taken the purported threat
seriously for more than a week, already
had tightened the protection of the
president, Vice President George Bush
and Cabinet officials.
THESE OFFICIALS are known to be
concerned about the possibility of an
armed attack against the president or
an attempt to blow up his plane with a
surface-to-air missile. There also are
fears that terrorists might try to hit his
armored limousine with a rocket-
propelled grenade or some other
"Obviously, you have to be concerned
about all the people that have been
named in this," Reagan said, referring
to published reports that a five-man
"hit team" from Libya was already on
See REAGAN, Page 2

State forced to close
student loan program

The State Direct Student Loan
Program ran out of money yesterday,
but officials predicted the program's
shutdown will have little effect on
University students.
The SDSL program, which provides
Guaranteed Student Loans to students
unable to find a commercial lender, is
officially closed and will no longer ac-
cept applications for the 1981-82
academic year, according to Lee Pat-
erson, deputy director of the state's
financial aid program.

THE STATE WILL continue loans to
students who applied before yester-
day's closing date until funds run out.
When funds are no longer available,
rejected applications will be returned
to the students, Peterson said.
However, the University expects all of
its 3500 applicants to be approved for
loans, totalling roughly $10,000,000, ac-
cording to Director of the University
Office of Financial Aid Harvey
"We don't expect any applications to
be returned," Grotrian said.

The University was notified 24 hours
before the SDSL program shutdown,
said Lynn Borset, associate director of
the financial aid office. Approximately
one hundred applications were rushed
to the SDSL office in Lansing to
meet the deadlines, Borset said.
STUDENTS WHO already have been
granted an SDSL loan will not be affec-
ted, Borset added. The loans, available
to undergraduates and graduates,
average $3,000 per academic year, Bor-
set said.
See STUDENT, Page 2

MSU cuts funds to alumni group-

EAST LANSING (UPI) - The Michigan State University
Board of Trustees voted yesterday to cut off the school's in-
dependent-minded alumni association, ignoring warnings the
move could damage MSU's image and affect state ap-
The 6-2 vote - which also called for creation of a univer-
sity-controlled alumni program - was the culmination of a
running, two-year battle which began in 1979 after the con-
troversial Cecil Mackey became president of Michigan's
largest public university.
THE VOTE demonstrated the strong support Mackey en-
joys on the board.
The consequences for this financially ailing alumni
association were not immediately known although East Lan-
sing Sen. William Sederberg - who strongly opposed the
disfranchisement move - said he believes the group will
"continue the best it can."
The resolution adopted by the board severs all relations

between the university and the 32,000-member association
from representing MSU in any fashion.
JOHN BRUFF, chairman of the board of trustees, said the
move resulted from the inability of the association to work
out an operating agreement with the university. He said the
group was not working in the university's best interest.
Don Borgeon of the alumni association, however, charged
the trustees were not interested in settling the dispute.
The fight between the alumni association and the MSU ad-
ministration first came to a boil when the group's president,
Jack Kinney, refused Mackey's request to resign.
SINCE THEN, the college has discontinued the.
association's annual subsidy and denied it access to vital
computerized records for mailings to alumni. The
association has irked MUS officials, 'in turn, by running
critical articles in its magazine.
In negotiations, the association had said Kinney would
resign and offered the MSU administration a say in selection
See MSU, Page 3

Galens Tag Day
The downtown streets are busier than usual today. People wearing red
ponchos and carrying buckets filled with red and green tags are asking
passersby for donations to help the children at Mott Children's Hospital have
a Merry Christmas.

Student Legal
Services loses
VISTA staff

Student Legal Services, already
trying to cope with the loss of three staff
members earlier this fall, will lose two
more staff workers by the end of the
month when their VISTA contracts ex-
The two workers are full-time staff
members of the Center for Housing
Reform, which has worked closely with
SLS since 1975. They, as were the three
staff members who lost their jobs
earlier, are volunteers in VISTA
(Volunteers in Service to America), a
federal agency modeled after the Peace
Corps which operates domestically in-
stead of abroad.
THE VISTA program has been
targeted for elimination by the Reagan
The VISTA workers are not officially
staff members of SLS, because their

salaries are paid by a grant from
VISTA. SLS Director Jonathan Rose
said there is "a lot of interplay" bet-
ween the VISTA staff and SLS in
organizing tenants' rights groups and
drafting tenants' rights legislation.
The threat of eventual discontinuance
of VISTA coupled with a new set of
VISTA guidelines has made VISTA's
housing reform work less effective, ac-
cording to Guzmich.
"THE GUIDELINES have really cut
down on your ability to accomplish
long-range change," said Guzmich,
who has worked both to organize and to
draft housing legislation since she
joined the housing reform project last
VISTA worker Dave DeVarti, whose
contract expired in November but who
is still active with the office, agreed
that the restructured VISTA "doesn't
want to see VISTA (volunteers) at

demonstrations or organizing people,"
DeVarti said.
Both DeVarti and Guzmich have tur-
ned to the legislative side of the housing
reform project to work on issues such
as encouraging landlords to make their
units more energy efficient and net-
working with state and national
organizations to creat a lobbying force,
particularly in the state legislature.
In addition, the VISTA workers have
written books and articles about
housing reform, served as consultants
to the Ann Arbor Tenants Union, helped
research economic conditions essential
to SLS in drafting legislation, and
helped institute a do-it-yourself court
case kit for landlord-tenant cases, ac-
cording to Rose.
Rose said that SLS and the VISTA
workers were not surprised that their
See SLS, Page 5

... hopes project continues

.... . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Designer beans
D ESIGNER JEANS have inspired designer beans
and if you're tired of Gloria Vanderbilt, what do
you 'do about Gloria VanderBean? The promo-
tional gimmick is the work of inventors Joe
Greenfeld and his wife Diane, who said they want to sell
nnmly it 111e hans tn nonnl who are siek of hearing about

Those nasty Westerners
China has forbidden its people to fall in love with
foreigners or become friendly with them in an effort to put
an end to wanton western ideas and romantic notions,
reports from Shanghai said yesterday. Officials in
Shanghai have confirmed for the first time the issuance of
new regulations that attempt to minimize contacts between
Chinese citizens and foreign residents. The regulations ap-
pear to be part of a mounting effort by Vice Chairman Deng
Xiaoping's government to top the influx of "decadent"
t.Man s mnsie_ and rAmanticne otions. The

no more. The "Christmas tree ship" pulled into port here
Wednesday with 103,800 Douglas firs for the holiday season.
Matson Naviation Co's S.S. Kauai unloaded its cargo of 173
refrigerated containers from the Pacific Northwest. The
trees will be inspected by the state Department of
Agriculture for pests, then picked up by retailers. Prices
for firs here range upward from $25 a piece. Sixty-six con-
tainers of Christmas trees arrived Saturday bound for outer
islands, and 25 or 30 more containers are expected later in
the month.

rooms for the yuletide season except for the finishing
touches of glitter and greenery. The decorations include a
15th century creche, a gift to the White House in the John-
son era, which was set up in its traditional place in the East
Room. Visitors also will be able to see Jamie Wyeth's oil
and water color painting of the White House on a winter
night which the Reagan's are reproducing for their Christ-
mas cards. The painting is on loan from Wyeth. O





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