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Page 2-Friday, November 20, 1981-The Michigan Daily
Intense storms
cover Midwest
with first snow
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
From AP and UPI
The season's first major snowstorm
plastered the Midwest with up to a foot
of wind-blown snow yesterday, snap-
ping power lines, sending cars
careening into ditches and causing at
least two deaths.
"This storm has the potential of being
one of the most dangerous that Min-
nesota has experienced in several
years," said a forecaster at the
National Weather Service in the twin
cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul,
where 11 inches of snow had ac-
AN "INTENSE" major storm system
centered over southeast Iowa spread
snows over much of Iowa, North
Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Nebraska and Kansas.
In the Twin Cities, the heavy, wet
snow toppled trees onto power lines,
knocking out power to 30,000 homes. It
caused the roof of the new Hubert H.
Humphrey Metrodome, a stadium
being built as the home of the Min-
esota Vikings, to sag.
Slippery roads caused numerous traf-
fic accidents across the Midwest.
TWO TEEN-AGERS were killed
when their car collided with another
car on a slushy highway about 10 miles
north of Marshall, Minn., on Wed-
nesday evening. The victims were iden-
tified as Brian Martin, 18, and Keith
Paradis, 17.
The weather service in Minnesota
said that up to 11 inches of snow fell in
parts of St. Paul, 9 inches in Young
America, 8 inches in Minneapolis, 7 in-
ches in Chaska, and 6 inches in Rock-
ford and Stillwater.
In - Nebraska, wind speeds were
averaging 20 mph to 35 mph, with the
Norfolk weather station clocking a
blast at 50 mph.
HIGH WINDS in Crete, Neb., snap-
ped power lines, leaving about one-
fourth of the community without elec-
tricity for several hours.
The Nebraska State Patrol said
yesterday that all of the state's roads
were either packed with ice and snow or
were wet and slippery.
By noon yesterday, Omaha police had
been called to more than 30 minor traf-
fic accidents.
LIVESTOCK warnings were posted
for southwest Nebraska and northern
Kansas because of chill factors brought
on by the strong, northerly winds and
cold air.
It was 29 degrees in Sioux City, Iowa,
but winds gusting over 30 mph caused a
wind chill factor of one below zero.
In Wisconsin, where temperatures
were expected to drop as low as 12
degrees during the night, snow ac-
cumulations of 4 to 6 inches were
NRC suspends operations
of Diablo Canyon plant
WASHINGTON- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission yesterday
suspended the operating license of the Diablo. Canyon atomic power plant,
saying it would require verification of earthquake protection equipment at
the troubled California facility.
NRC Chairman Nunzio Palladino said the vote was 4-1 to suspend the
license to test the first nuclear reactor at the yet-to-be-opened $2.3 billion
plant. Commission member Thomas Roberts, who was the dissenter, said he
plans to file a separate opinion.
Senate leaders seek-cuts.
to keep gov't from bankruptcy
WASHINGTON- Senate Republican leaders agreed yesterday to seek $3.6
billion in new cuts from domestic programs but spare defense in a bid to
avoid a veto of legislation needed to keep the government from running out
of money at midnight tonight.
Without the additional spending cuts-an average of 4 percent in hundreds
of programs-President Reagan "would undoubtedly veto" the huge
emergency bill, said Senate Republican Leader Howard Baker.
He said a veto, in turn, probably would force Congress into an around-the-
clock weekend session to produce a second measure that Reagan would ap-
7 indicted in Brink's robbery
NEW YORK CITY, N.Y.- Seven persons, including Weather Un-
derground leader Katherine Boudin, were indicted for murder yesterday in
a terrorist-style robbery attack on a Brink's armored car in which two
policemen and a guard were killed.
Officials also identified three people, one of them dead, as the triggermen
who killed the three men in the $1.6 million Oct. 20 robbery in the New York
City suburbs.
Justice Dept. attorneys say
Allen correct m taking money
WASHINGTON- Justice Department attorneys believe that despite "a lot
o( smoke," national security adviser Richard Allen did not act unlawfully
when he accepted $1,000 after helping Japanese journalists obtain an inter-
view with Nancy Reagan, sources said yesterday.
The department said publicly, meanwhile, that while it hopes to end its in-
vestigation as quickly as possible, it has not yet done so-and will not until
the findings are "thorough."
Department sources, who asked not to be named, said, however, that so
far the public integrity section has produced no evidence to warrant naming
a special prosecutor. But they agreed it would be "premature" to say that
won't occur.
Schmidt to ask Brezhnev
for nuclear arms reduction
BONN, West Germany- When Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev arrives
Sunday on a four-day visit, the West Germans will urge him to accept
President Reagan's call for reduction of nuclear missiles in Europe.
Chancellor Helmut Schmidt said he will use the visit-Brezhnev's first to
the West since he and former President Carter signed the SALT II accor-
ds-to press the Kremlin leader to go along with Reagan's offer to forgo
deployment of U.S. missiles in return for dismantling Soviet rockets aimed
at Western Europe.
West Germans hope Brezhnev's visit will give them a firsthand view bf
Kremlin reaction to the proposal Reagan made on Wedensday.
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Vol. XCII, No. 62
Friday, November 20, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The Univer-
sity of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during
the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 49109. Sub-
scription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mor-
nings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International.
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BOOG POWELL (Former American
Baseball Great): Koichi here has
been giving me a.new angle on
baseball. It seems the game's a
little different in Japan.
Japanese Baseball Great):
BOOG: That's right. The field is
smaller over there.
KOICHI:'~D 19),, a - h 'C' e >
BOOG: Well, now that you men-
tioned it I guess you guys are
kinda smaller. Does that mean
you drink Lite Beer cause it's less
AI t i
BOOG: Tastes great? That's why I
drink it, too! I guess we have a lot
more in common than I thought.
KOICHI: tii)A9! e5T , 9*Q
0)If1 -3r -.t (AZ) 9 1 i ,
BOOG: Me? I'm too big to play on
a Japanese team.
KOICHI: =k U- Z 'OTATc, '
B000: Shortstop?! Very funny.
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