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November 20, 1981 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-11-20

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom



43 at IV

A winter storm warning is
in effect. Snow today,
possibly heavy and windy,
with a high near 35.

Vol. XCII, No. 62 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 20, 1981 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages

The national economy is in the midst
of, a recession, but recovery should
begin by the spring of next year and ac-
celerate sharply after the middle of the
year, University economists said
"We are forecasting that the closing
quarter of 1981 will suffer the most
serious decline of the current recession,
with real Gross National Product
falling at an annual rate of 4.8 percent,"
the economists said in a major report
delivered to the 29th annuial Conferen-
ce on the Economic Outlook.
THEY ALSO predicted yesterday
that the Michigan economy will recover
from its current recession during the
second half of 1982, but noted that the
state needs a growth base on which to
build a solid economy. (See story, page
The forecast, prepared by Profs. Saul
Hymans, Philip Howrey, Harold
Shapiro, and research scientist Joan
Crary, predicts "an end to the recession
before the spring of 1982."
The recession's end will come on the
heels of stage one of President
Reagan's personal tax cut, and
declining interest rates resulting from
the current economic weakness and a
reduction in the discount rate, the
report states.
ployment rate to average 8.6 percent in
the first quarter of 1982 as the recession
comes to an end," the economists
reported. The current U.S. unem-
ployment rate is 7.5 percent.
The study predicts 1982 total produc-

Frye sees





The University must rely more heavily on
reallocation and retrenchment to meet budget
.needs, Vice President for Academic Affairs Billy
Frye said yesterday.
Reduced state appropriations, decreasing
enrollment because of cuts in financial aid and
rising tuition, and continuing pressure to meet the
needs of priority areas is pushing the University
further toward internal budget-cutting measures,
Frye told the Regents yesterday.
"WE NEED TO be in a reallocation/retrench-
ment mode," Frye said. Frye's presentation
focused on "the inevitable gap between revenues
and expenditures" that he predicts will be further
aggravated in fiscal 1982-83 by even more of the
same financial woes that have been plaguing the
University in recent years.
Emphasizing that any figures he used are still
estimates, Frye called for further base budget
reductions of some $5 million to $6 million.
Frye said one option would be reallocation and
retrenchment through implementation of a
"priority fund tax" which would be imposed on all
general fund areas.
UNDER THE plan, each unit would be required
to prepare a report on how it might meet a cut of
anywhere from 1 percent to 3 percent. Budget
planners would then examine the suggestions and
decide how best to reallocate those funds. Frye
said academic units would take less of a cut than

The Regents also heard yesterday
discussions of the status of GEO,
student conceris about University
policy, and faculty worry over tenure.
See Page 5.
other areas and priority areas could even gain
from the procedure.
"This would-not be an across-the-board cut," he
said. "The base of the University would not be
According to present estimates, Frye said, it
would be nearly impossible to keep a recommen-
ded salary increase of 10 percent. He said other
programs are in danger because of the Univer-
sity's poor financial situation, including graduate
student support and recruitment and increased
research support.
FRYE MADE predictions of both urgently
needed expenditures and likely revenues. The
most urgent item, Frye said, will be an improved
salary program that remained a few points ahead
of inflation. Based on an 8 percent inflation rate,
Frye recommended a 10 percent salary hike.
Staff benefit costs also are rising, Frye said.
These costs combined with the 10 percent salary
See FRYE, Page 5

Snowy fallAP Photo
Three people, top, work on freeing a car that became stuck following the heavy snowfall in St.
Paul, Minn., Wednesday night and early yesterday. A bundled-up runner, bottom, jaunts past one
of the many branches that succumbed to heavy snow and blocked Minneapolis streets.
Forecasters said late last night the snow was supposed to hit Ann Arbor early this morning. See
story, Page 2.

'U' researchers say they build ideas, not bombs

Last in a three-part series
"We're just the brain power . .. we
don't build any hardware."
That's the typical defense given by
researchers on campus who work under
Department of Defense contracts. This
time it was Engineering Prof. Maurice
Sinnott, who heads a materials resear-
ch council funded by the defense depar-
THOSE WHO support the idea of
researchers working for the Pentagon,
and those who actually do this work, see
the defense department as a proper
sponsor-one which contributes to the
quality of life, is easy to work for, and
represents the attitudes of the
American people.
It is not the researchers, they say,

on campus,
who decide which federal agency will
support their work. The federal gover-
nment allocates money to its depar-
tments to support basic research, and
the University researchers who rely on
federal money must work within the
So if the government, with the
backing of the American people, has
decided that the defense department is

a proper supporter of basic
technological research, then University
professors and students can, and
should, use the Pentagon to support
their projects.
"THE ISSUE is one of national
policy. The University's position has to
be we can't influence national policy,"
said Medical School Professor
Raymond Kahn, the chairman of the
faculty's Research Policies Committee.
In an interview last month, Kahn said
he would encourage members of the
University community to address the
issue as individuals, but the University
itself must remain neutral on the issue.,
Therefore, he said, the University
could not restrict researchers from
using the defense department as a
sponsor for basic research, as that

would violate academic freedoms.
In fact, just about any faculty mem-
ber, whether or not he or she supports
defense research, immediately jumps
to the defense of freedom of inquiry
when the subject of restrictions is
THEY ALL agree that the individual
must decide whether what he or she is
doing is morally right, and the Univer-
sity cannot decide for individuals on an
open-ended issue such as this.
Yet the defense of academic
freedoms is not the only reason to sup-
port the Pentagon on campus.
Many of those involved see their work
as making a significant contribution to
the national security. They sometimes
describe their work as a way to keep up
with the Soviets.

BUT BEFORE reaching that
argument, most point out that they've
seen defense-sponsored work accom-
plish a lot of good for society in general.
They all admit they can see the possible
military applications for their work,
but to most, that fact is of secondary
The most recent example has been in
the laser field. Harvard University
Professor Nicolaas Bloembergen won
the Nobel Prize in physics last month
for his work in spectroscopy and
lasers-projects sponsored almost en-
tirely by the Department of Defense.
Bloembergan's work could lead to
significant advances in the medical and
communications fields, but it also can
be used to develop powerful weapons
for the Pentagon.

COUNTLESS other advances in
technological and even social fields
have been financed by the defense
department. Some of these advances
have led to military applications;
others have yielded nothing for the
defense department.
But - because .researchers do not
determine the applications of their work
- they only work on the fundamental
aspects of their subjects - they feel
their work has a legitimate purpose.
"Some of the people in the social
sciences may not quite understand that
when you're working on technical
problems, the same fundamentals en-
ter all applications," said James
Nicholls, an engineering school
professor working on the fundamentals
See DEFENSE, Page 9

Law clinic

More than 150 students protested a possible
reduction in the variety and scope of the law
school's clinical law program at an open forum
A special faculty-student committee is reviewing
the program to see if it is worth the approximate
$100,000 the law school spends on it each year.
STUDENTS WHO take clinic courses receive
academic credit for giving legal advise and
representing real clients in the courtroom under the
supervision of their professor.
The Law School Student Senate is strongly in
favor of maintaining the program in its current
form. "It is known as one of the most rewarding and
challenging" courses offered, said LSSS President
Doug Ellmann. The senate requested the open
forum, he said, to show the committee the student
support for the program.
"Everyone knows the price tag on clinic. Now we
want to show its value," he said.
The Clinical Review Committee, which is made

up of five law school faculty and two law students, is
looking at several proposals which would change
the structure of the program. Currently, the
program offers three courses-Clinical Law, the
Child Advocacy Clinic, and a tax audit clinic. Ap-
proximately 50 students can enroll in each course.
One of the proposed changes would combine
Clinical Law and the Child Advocacy Clinic.
Another would replace the clinic courses with more
simulation courses, in which students argue cases
in a simulated courtroom. Limiting the number of
credits and the size of the clinics is another
MANY SUPPORTERS told the committee that
the practical experience gained through the clinic
program is invaluable.
"It is the first time many of us learn what it
means to be a lawyer," said law student Stephan
Vidmar said it is the school's responsibility to
give the students tlis opportunity.
"It's anomalous to say we're here to be taught
See STUDENTS, Page 3

grid coach-
Special to the Daily
YPSILANTI - Shouting slogans,
singing the school fight song, and
carrying signs, a group of almost 100
Eastern Michigan University Students
staged a rally on their campus yester-
day, saying that the time has come to
take Stock out of Eastern's football.
The students were protesting the
school's decision to rehire EMU head
football coach Mike Stock, whose team
is 0-10 this season. In his fourth year as
the coach of the Hurons, Stock has guided
the team to a 6-34-1 record, and
Eastern's current 18-game losing

S rehiring
streak is the second longest in the coun-
try, trailing only Northwestern's 30-
game mark.
"STOCK HAS had his four years, and
he hasn't been able to produce," said
Eastern graduate student Rob
Seeterlin, one of the protesters. "It's
time for a change."
The rally was organized by several
student government leaders, who feel
that the student body should have more
input into decisions affecting the foot-
ball team. "We're not satisfied with the
football program," said Ann York, the
Student Affairs chairman of the EMU
Student Senate. "The students want to
See EMU, Page 12

EMU students protest

Couch at seat of controversy
dents concerned about budget cutbacks that may
soon force 2,000 of them out of classes are grumb-
ling because the school purchased aSwiss leather
couch that cost almost $10,000. The 17-foot black
couch was selected from one of the showrooms of the
Pacific Design Center and moved into a meeting room at
Santa Monica Community College's 'new $3.4 million
1 .. .....I. ,- mhoflA -In 4...:.fal0 O p

other approach is to recognize that this is a public building
built with public funds for many people to use and to reflect
in the design and furnishings a respect for the public." QI
Bumper blunder
A Wisconsin state agency distributed 20,000 bumper
stickers promoting Wisconsin but there's a problem-the
stickers are too big for small car humnrs The tickers.

Unfair exchange
It took an eagle-eyed bartender to discover that Boston
City Councilman Albert "Dapper" O'Neil had been rooked
out of $20. O'Neil was in a bar the other day and passed
what he thought was a $20 bill across the counter. "I gave it
to the bartender and he said, 'What are you trying to do,
play a joke on me?' " O'Neil said yesterday. O'Neil said he
looked at the bill and found it was a $1 with $20 markings
taped on the corner, and that the face of George
Washington, not Andrew Jackson, was on the bill.
"Whoever did it is an amateur," O'Neill said. "They did a

caps on the basketball court under a ruling handed down in
U.S. District Court in Chicago. Judge Milton Shadur struck
down an Illinois High School Athletic Association rule
barring orthodox Jewish high school basketball players
from wearing headcoverings during games. The
association said the rule was imposed for safety reasons,
but Shadur said the headcoverings-yarmulkes-do not
necessarily pose a safety risk. "What this lawsuit is about is
not the abstract question whether ISHA can decree basket-
ball safety but rather the specific question whether it can be
prohibit the wearing of yarmulkes and override the exer-
cise of First Amendment rights," Shadur said.LI




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