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November 17, 1981 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-11-17

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Page 2-Tuesday, November 17, 1981-The Michigan Daily
Marshall reportedly

Supreme Court
to hear child
porn film ease


Complied from Associated Press and
United Press International reports


Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, the
high court's first and only black mem-
ber, is considering retiring from the
bench, the Sheridan Broadcast Net-
word reported yesterday.
The network's White House
corespondent Marc Gibsonn, quoting
informed sources, reported that Mar-
shall, 73, who has been ailing, called on
President Reagan last Thursday and
apparently "discussed his intent to

Deputy White House press secretary
Larry Speakes told reporters that'
White House counsel Fred Fielding said
he knew of no such meeting and doub-
ted that Marshall would want to step
aside to permit a Republican president
to name a successor.
Asked about the report, court
spokesman Barret McGurn said, "I
know absolutely nothing about it."
Marshall has had heart problems in
the past and has a pacemaker.

Polish American Students Association
Lecture By

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme
Court agreed yesterday to decide how
far states can go in outlawing the use of
children in sexually explicit
photographs, movies and plays.
The court will consider reinstating a
New York law that was found to be an
unconstitutional infringement on free-
speech rights since it could ban even
nonzobscene performances by children.
Nineteen states have similar "kiddie
pronography" laws.
The court's study of what is viewed as
a rapidly growing problem comes at a
time when Congress also is being asked
to help by providing more law-
enforcement money to combat the
sexual exploitation of children.

Ferber, who was arrested after selling
two undercover policement two films
depicting young boys performing
various sex acts.
Ferber was convicted of violating a
state law that did not require proof of
The law read: "A person is guilty of
promoting a sexual performance of a
child when, knowing the character and
content thereof, he produces, directs or
promotes any performance which in-
cludes sexual conduct by a child less
than 16 years of age."
The New York Court of Appeals
struck down Ferber's conviction last
May 12. Although the state court never
said so directly, prosecutors inter-
preted the ruling to mean the state can-
not prohibit such promotion - book or
movie sales - unless the performance
is proved to be obscene.


Ferdanand Gaj ewski

THE CHILD-SEX case stems
the conviction of Manhattan
nographic book-store operator


Wednesday, Nov. 18-7:30 PM
Henderson Room-
3rd Floor,Michigan League

The race is on for
LSA-SG positions
(Continued from Page 1)

Allen to keep post during
Justice Department investigation.
WASHINGTON- National security adviser Richard Allen will stay at his
White House post while the Justice Department investigates his acceptance
of $1,000 from a Japanese magazine, a White House spokesman said yester-
Aides to President Reagan refused to comment on the issue that surfaced
last week with the disclosure that Allen accepted $1,000 after helping
arrange an interview for the magazine Shufuino Tomo with first lady Nancy
In Tokyo, a Japanese magazine editor expressed astonishment over the
controversy about the gratuity given to Allen. He said it was the magazine's
own idea to make the payment.
House passes stopgap bill that
may lead to first Reagan vetQo
WASHINGTON- House Republican leaders, unable to marshal the forces
of this year's earlier budget battles, losttheir fight to cut almost $10 billion
from already reduced domestic spending yesterday.
The Democrat-controlled House passed the stopgap bill to keep the gover-
nment running past midnight Friday by a vote of 195-187. The bill now goes to
the Senate.
White House spokesman Larry Speakes said the president is seriously
considering vetoing the bill if it passes, It would be his first veto.
However, Democrats handed Reagan a victory when all 10 of their mem-.
bers on the Senate Budget Committee lined up with just two Republicans to
turn back a GOP effort to boost taxes by $48 billion over the next three years.
48 killed in panic
when wall collapses at rally
MERIDA, Mexico- A concrete wall strained by throngs of people shoving
to get into a free concert at a political rally collapsed at a packed bullring,
killing at least 48 people and injuring 49 others, the Red Cross said yester-
Witnesses to Sunday's accident said most of the victims were trampled in
the panic that broke out after the wall along a chute leading to the ring's en-
trance fell in. Many of the victims appeared to be children, they said.
Fernando Aranzabal, who was reporting on the rally for the Mexico City
newspaper Excelsior, said the ring had about 15,000 people inside-almost
double its capacity-and the noise from the bands and cheering apparently
drowned out the screams when the 8-foot-high concrete wall crashed down.
The wall tumbled about 5:30 p.m., and the rally went on for 2%/2 hours with
few inside the arena knowing what had happened.
Hinckley may have, suffered
brain damage in suicide try
WASHINGTON- The Justice Department said yesterday it could not
determine yet whether accused presidential assailant John Hinckley suf-
fered permanent brain damage in a 3- to 5-minute attempt to hang himself
before marshals cut him down.
Department spokesman Tom DeCair said Hinckley is in serious condition
but improving in the intensive care unit of the hospital at the Fort Meade,
Md. army base where he was confined. Hinckley's neck was not broken, and
his spine was uninjured, but he was suffering from acute lack of oxygen-
when he reached the hospital emergency room at 5:48 p.m. Sunday.
"He is expected to recover but it is not possible at this time to determine if
any permanent neurological defects will result," DeCair said of the 25-year-
old drifter who is scheduled to go on trial here Jan. 4 on charges of trying to
assassinate President Reagan.




derived from the name of a former
campus political party, the. Student
Alliance for Better Representation,
whose acronym spelled backwards is
'Erbas." Elliot Erbas leaders,
however, said their party has no con-
nection whatsoever with SABRE, which
was beaten soundly in last year's LSA-
SG election.
Independent candidates are, Paula
Biskup, Michael Jones, Leslie Rock,
Geoff Voss, and Mark Waters.
Experienced Students in Politics
candidates running for general LSA-SG
seats are Marty Abramson, Stacey
Fleisher, A. Robert Kotick, Judy
Levey, Richard Levin, Dayne Meyers,
Nevena Mirkovic, Bill Reilly, Karen
Stevens and Joan Urbancic.


Students for Academic and In-
stitutional Development general can-
didates are Tracey Easthope, Keith
Green, Vince Ho, Benna Kushlevsky,
Jodie Levey, Peter Ross, David
Suravell, Todd Walker, Mark
Weissman, and Dave Wolfe.
Students Promoting an Increase in
Knowledgeable Education general
candidates are Scott Arnson, Sarah
Deson, Gary Epstein, Mark Freeman,
Kenneth Gross, Cindy Nordmark,
Sharon Sibar, and Edward Wiznar.
Elliot Erbas general candidates are
Greg Coe, Steve Cohen, Michael
Freeedman, Gordon Goodwin, Joel
Herman, Hank Kornblut, Steve Lasin,
Mark Mardiros, Bobby Mitchell, Bruce
Patterson, Patrick Patterson, Danny
Shaw, Walt Simon,-Roger Smith and
Ross Weisman.
F acuity.
(Continued from Page 1)
between the University and industry
than specifically with defense.
Although Kahn's report cleared up
some of the issues, Hultquist said, some
questions still remain.
AMONG THOSE, Hultquist said, is a
review of the University's policy on
classified research. The policy states
that the University will not enter into
any contract "the direct application of
which,.. . is to destroy human life or to
incapacitate human beings."
The Michigan Student Assembly and
one of its ad-hoc subcommittees is in
the process of investigating issues con-
cerning defense research at the
Hultquist said most of the faculty, in-
cluding himself, are not well versed in
all the issues.
Subscribe to the
Michigan Daily




t t at-IVs
Vol. XCII, No.59
Tuesday, November 17, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The Univer-
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the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 49109. Sub-
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