Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom
t9 an
Partly cloudy with a high in
the mid-S0s.
Vol. XCII, No. 59 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 17, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages
cas onhanced
Officials list 3 alternatves
to axing physical therapy
Research has the potential to grow in size and in quality
and must continue to play a role of central importance at the
University, President Harold Shapiro said yesterday.
"It is possible to both do more and do it (researchY better,"
Shapiro said to a'meeting of the University Senate at the
Rackham amphitheater. t
SHAPIRO SAID it was important to enhance the quality of
research at the University, though the University is con-
sidered to be at the forefront among research institutions.
"There is room for great growth and improvement,"
Shapiro said of the University's research environment.
The University is striving for higher quality research
projects as opposed to a larger quantity of projects, Shapiro
explained, adding that conducting more research at the
University is a possibility.
SHAPIRO SAID the University administration could make
efforts to improve scholarship and research here, but this
would require reallocation of funds.
University faculty, students, and administrators must
vocalize their opinions on what areas they want to see this
money reallocated from, Shapiro said.
He said some of the major research questions that must be
addressed by the University's academic community were
how to increase graduate student research support, how to
deal with the indirect costs incurred by
See SHAPIRO, Page 6
University administrators have come up
with three possible solutions that would spare
the physical therapy program, currently under
review for possible discontinuance, from
elimination in the University's effort to become
"smaller but better."
Although Edward Dougherty, the University
administrator who is in charge of gathering in-
formation for the review, said elimination of
the program is still being considered, another
University administrator and the president of
the Michigan Physical Therapy Association
said the University would not likely discontinue
the program primarily because of mounting
pressure from state officials.
THE ADMINISTRATOR added, however,
that the physical therapy program would
almost certainly not continue as part of the
medical school.
The three options most strongly being con-
sidered by administrators, according to MPTA
President Dale Fitch, are:
" Transferring the physical therapy program
from the University's Ann Arbor campus to the
Flint campus.
" Relocating the program in the University's
School of Education.
" Transferring the program to Eastern
Michigan University in Ypsilanti.
Dougherty, an assistant to Vice President for
Academic Affairs Billy Frye, and Dr. Richard
Darnell, the director of the physical therapy
... meeting to be held today
program, added, however, that in addition to
these three options, outright elimination and
continuation within the Medical School were
still being considered in the review.
Doily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Harold Shapiro addresses the University
Senate yesterday on the topic of "Whither Research." In his remarks, he
said the University could have a bigger, and better, research program.
Defense research depends on faculty
attitudes, not 'U' policy, professor says
Regents may review
MERC ruling on GEO
Arguing against the notion that the University
administration is leaning toward the Depar-
tment of Defense for more research dollars, the
chairman of the faculty research policies com-
mittee said yesterday that the attitudes of in-
dividual researchers determine the amount of
defense research done on campus during any
one year.
Medical School Prof. Raymond Kahn told the
Senate Assembly he has not seen any shift by
faculty members toward defense department
research to date, but he added that more resear-
ch dollars will be available in defense as other
federal agencies lose out in federal budget
KAHN STUDIED defense department spon-
sorship here at the request of the faculty's
governing group.
Medical School Prof. Donald Hultquist, who
Are University researchers helping to
build the bombs of the future? Tomorrow,.
the Daily begins a three-part series on the
nature of defense department research here
and the reasons why it should or should not
be done.
initiated the request, said he had been concerned
that the University was actively pursuing defen-
se research, in light of the recent appointment of
a former defense department director for
research to a high administrative post at the
But Kahn reported that the Pentagon's con-
tributions to University research has been
relatively small-approximately 3.5 percent of
all research done here.
"THERE'S NO evidence" to support the idea
that the University is making an effort for
gaining more defense sponsorship, Kahn said.
"I was under the impression there was a great
push (toward defense research) underway, but
now, we see that's not necessarily true,"
Hultquist said last night.
Kahn's remarks contrasted with "the im-
pression we've had from the press in the past few
months," Hultquist said, referringto published
interviews with George Gamota, the Univer-
sity's new director of the Institute of Science and
Technology and former director for research in
the defense department. The interviews left the
impression that the University is pursuing
defense money, Hultquist said.
GAMOTA TOLD the Michigan Student Assem-
bly last week that he sees part of his job here as
matching scholars with research sponsors. The
defense department, he said, is a potential spon-
Kahn told the Senate yesterday that he feels
Gamota is looking more toward developing ties
See FACULTY, Page 2
The Regents may decide later this week
whether to appeal a legal decision ordering
them to recognize graduate student assistants
as employees, thus allowing them to collec-
tively bargain with the University.
The agenda released yesterday for Thur-
sday's 1 p.m. Regents meeting in the Flem-
ming Administration building did not include a
request for an appeal on the decision handed
down by the Michigan Employment Relations
Commission confirming the graduate assistan-
ts' employee status.
THE DECISION, however, requires the
Regents to file an appeal by Nov. 24, or a con-
tract negotiated between the University and
GEO in 1976 will take effect immediately.
Graduate Employees Orgainzation leaders
have scheduled a membership meeting for 7:30
tonight in an effort to drum up support for the
MERC decision.
University officials have refused to indicate
what action if any, may be taken on the
decision. However, Regents Gerald Dunn and
Nellie, Varner earlier gave their, support of the
decision. Other Regents could not be reached
for comment.
OTHER ISSUES that will be presented to the
Regents. Thursday include approving the
assignment of a chair for a $1.2 million en-
dowment, examing the University operating
budgets and research expenditures, and
hearing an annual MSA financial report and
several SACUA presentations.
Regents will also be asked to approve a
recommendation for assignment of the $1.2
million John D. MacArthur Chair to the physics
department. Professor J.G. Veltman, a
theoretical physicist who came to the Univer-
sity last September, will be recommended for
the position.
According to the recommendation submitted
by Vice President for Academic Affairs Billy
Frye, the physics department should be awar-
ded the chair "inasmuch as the long-range
See REGENTS, Page 6
50 students vie for seats in LSA-SG election
The candidates are off and running in
the annual LSA-Student Government
election, which will be held Nov. 23 and
Nov. 24.
Fifty students, most of them mem-
bers of four campus political parties,
announced their intentions to enter the
bid for the 15 seats on the student
government in time for the filing
deadline last Thursday evening. Ac-
cording to LSA-SG President Sue Por-
ter, the number of candidates is one of
the largest in years.
"It's going to be an interesting elec-
tion" Porter said Sunday. "There are a
lot of people running that have never
been involved inLSA-LG (before)."
Though the number of students
seeking LSA-LG seats has been
growing over the past few years, the
chief issues in this year's election are
not new.
Leaders of three of the four-policitcal
parties said that if elected they hope to
concentrate their efforts on gaining
more student influence in ad-
ministration decision-making, im-
proving minority recruitment and
retention at the University, and im-
plementing a training program for
graduate teaching assistants. The four-
th party, Elliot Erbas, has not yet
developed a platform, its leaders repor-
ted yesterday.
All four parties are entering can-
didates for the LSA-LG presidency and
The Experienced Students in Politics
party is running Mark Klein and Mon-
meta Wilson for president and vice-
president. Running on the Students for
Academic and Institutional Develop-
ment ticket is Margaret Talmers, for
president and Will Hathaway, for vice.
president. Doug Meadow and Jeff
Hagen are running on the Students
Promoting an Increase in
Knowledgeable Education ticket. And
Jon Pheils and Bob Krasnick, of the
Elliot Erbas party, are also making a
bid for the executive posts.
Five independent candidates have
also entered the race, though none are
running for president or vice president.
Wilson of the ESP party said that her
party will focus its efforts on the
failures of the University's recruitment
of and services to minority students.
She said her party would like to
establish a recruitment program in
which minority students already at the
University would contact other
minority students who were con-
sidering attending the University en-
couraging them to apply.
Like the SAID and SPIKE, Wilson
said ESP hopes to improve and im-
plement a plan already developed by
LSA-SG to train University TAs. ESP
would also seek more student input into
decision-making by University ad-
Talmers, who is presently LSA-SG
vice president, explained that SAID
has a three-prong platform.
First, SAID seeks to increase student
influence in administrative decision-
making by "developing strong depar-
tmental associations for students and
then using these associations to develop
support for student involvement among
the faculty," according to SAID can-
didate Hathaway. Once this support is
gained SAID would push for an amen-
dment to the faculty code which would
call for a student representative on the
influential LSA Executive Committee,
Hathaway said.
A second component of SAID's plat-
form is continued work on the creationof
a TA training program.
Third, SAID hopes to help the Univer-
sity achieve its affirmative action goals
by "more aggressively 'recruiting
faculty and students from diverse
cultural backgrounds and increasing
the coordination between different
minority support services," Talmers
SPIKE's platform also calls for more
student involvement ยข in University
decision-making, especially in the
University's retrenchment plans, ac-
cording to its presidential candidate,
sophomore Doug Meadow. SPIKE also,
seeks to improve the security in the
campus area through the placement of
walking guards in the student residen-
tial areas along Mill Street and by
University dormitories, Meadow said.
SPIKE has also developed a plan to
raise money from University alumni
and other private organizations to save
University departments and programs
that would otherwise be eliminated in
the University's upcoming retrench-
ment plans. According to the plan,
students would develop fund-raising
programs and present them before
alumni as sales pitches for donations.
Like ESP and SAID, SPIKE too wants
to develop an effective TA training
Leaders of the fourth party, Elliot
Erbas, said they would announce their
platform tomorrow after they have
ironed out the details of their program.
All but one of the candidates running on
the Elliot Erbas ticket are freshmen
residents of Elliot House in Markley
dormitory. The party's presidential
candidate, senior English major Jon
Pheils, does not live on the Markley
Representatives of Elliot Erbas said
the second part of their party's name is
See RACE, Page 2
Stockman sellout
DAVID STOCKMAN should congratulate himself
for creating an economic boom-at local book-
stores. When employees from two local
Community Newscenter bookstores put the
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Alumni news overflow
Michigan State University officials, who have been
feuding with the school's alumni association, have sent out
a newsletter to tell their side of the story to former students.
The first edition of the monthly MSU Today-167,000
copies-was mailed out last week and officials said the cir-
culation list may be expanded to include the parents of MSU
students as well. MSU Vice President Connie Steward said
alumni have been complaining that they are "not hearing
the other half" of the story about MSU. Asked if the
neletter will conmter neaaative nublicity from the alumni
Hairless protest
Angry employees of the Bank of the Philippine Islands
have grabbed razors and makeup instead of picket signs.
When customers at ten of the bank's offices walked in the
doors this week, they were confronted by totally bald men
and women with beards and moustaches painted on with
eyebrow pencil. The 75 men and 55 women employees were
protesting to dramatize demands for holiday pay, meal
allowances, overtime and other benefits, the Times Journal
of Manila reported yesterday. It wasn't immediately clear
and pregnancy never shows in roly-poly bears since the in-
fants weigh between one or two pounds, said spokeswoman
Robin Larsen. So until the birth occurs, Bandit is "lying in"
at her den, separated from her mate Boo Boo. Spectacled
bears, which weigh 20 to 30 pounds, are in danger of
becoming extinct in Peru and Ecuador, where their,
homelands are being destroyed by foresters and farmers.
Should Bandit give birth, her cub will go to the zoo in
Calgary, Alberta, Larsen said. Q
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