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November 04, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-11-04

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom

C 'l ,

LiE ian


Partly cloudy today with a
high in the low 60s.

Vol. XCII, No. 48

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 4, 1981

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

A IShuttle



hinges on

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - aboard C
Columbia is ready to fly, weather per- periments
mitting. Her astronauts went to bed Earth's re
last night knowing if the for exampl
skies would clear enough for a sunrise In all, s
launch of the shuttle's first return trip are planne
to space. flight. M
The forecast indicated a 30-40 percent Canadian-b
chance of overnight showers right tested for
through Columbia's 7:30 a.m. EST side the shu
launch target. One exp
SHORTLY before retiring for the fishermen1
night, both Joe Engle and Richard ON BOA
Truly told a meeting of top space of- for areas%
ficials that if a launch opportunity turns gree
exists, they want to take it - even if it tratin of al
means sitting until noon in the cockpit other fish
waiting for a break in the weather. green hues
"They don't want to miss a chance to The shut
go at their first opportunity," said and fly ups
astronaut coordinator Bill Jones. to target t
"They're ready and they want to go." piece of eq
Their goal is to take Columbia into by 7 feet
orbit; the ship would become the first to receive ra
make a repeat trip into space, ushering images of
an era where travel and work in space hoped theE
would become almost routine.. informati
FROM 157 miles in space, astronauts mineral re


Daily Photo 4y DEBORAH LEWIS
mood music
Students enjoying the unusually warm fall weather listen to the music of Barry Jenkins as they relax on the Diag.

olumbia will activate ex-
designed to reveal where
sources - minerals, or fish,
e - still lie undiscovered
even "earth-viewing" tasks
ed for Columbia's five day
ost monlitors, along .with a
built bionic arm that is being
satellite deployment, are in-
uttles huge cargo bay.
eriment may someday lead
to better grounds.
RD instruments will search
where the blue of the ocean
n, indicating a high concen-
gae. Some fish eat algae and
eat those fish, so the right
suggests good hunting.
ttle will open its cargo doors
side down -relative to Earth -
he instruments. The biggest
uipment is an antenna 30 feet
wide, which will send and
Aar signals to create maplike
the earth's surface. It is
experiment will help develop'
on to locate hard-to-find

Last April's maiden flight was
designed to prove the shuttle could
leave and return in condition to return
again. Flight II begins to demonstrate
Columbia's capability to put space to
use to the economic benefit of man.
SPACE OFFICIALS call the earth-
viewing package, OSTA-1, signifying
the initial effort of the Office of Space
and Terrestial Applications.
Another OSTA experiment requires
the astronauts to keep a special movie
camera handy to be ready quickly to
photograph lightning on the earth
From their six windows, the
astronauts can see an area of earth so
large that lightning storms probably
will be visible on each of their 83 orbits.
When they see one, a crew member will
grab the camera and shoot it. A
photocell sensor will record sounds.
The National Space and Aeronautics
Administration says there are no
photographs of lightning discharges
taken from above the storm. The data
could lead to methods providing early
warning of severe storms.




to, secure robotics plant


Gov. William Milliken will fly to
Europe this morning in an effort to con-
vince one of Germany's major robotics
manufacturers to establish a major
plant in Michigan, state officials said.
If Milliken is successful, officials
said, the construction of a robotics
facility would be another step toward
th economic diversification desired by
the state's economic planners.
PART OF THE diversification plan
involved, the planning and eventual
construction of a world class center in
robotics, probably in the Ann Arbor
area, said Robert Law, executive
assistant to the governor.
Milliken's trip to Europe is part of an
attempt to involve private enterprise in
the robotics center, said Paul Tesorero,
Detroit regional director in the office of
economic development. The OED is
part of the Michigan Department of
Commerce, and sponsored the gover-
nor's trip, he said.
The governor will, meet with officials
of Keller & Knappich (KUKA), one of

Germany's largest producers of in-
dustrial robots, which are gaining
popularity among automobile
manufacturers because of their ef-
ficiency, consistency, and reliability.
THE PLAN LAID down by the gover-
nor's High Technology Task Force calls
for an eventual investment of $200
million over ten years by public and
private sources for the establishment of
the center, Law said.
Because KUKA is a major manufac-
turer of robots and a plant in Michigan
would be its first in the United States,
the center would probably be a "major
facility," Tesoreto said.
The governor is making the trip to
Germany to show the various com-
panies that the state of Michigan would
be supportive of any new business ven-
ture, and perhaps offer incentives and
programs to benefit the company,
Tesoreto said.
A COMPANY planning to locate in an
area usually needs enticement from the
local or state government, Tesorero

said, and a trip such as the governor's
is "standard procedure" as a means of
attracting industry.
Milliken will also speak at a dinner
and reception in Frankfort hosted by
the National Bank of Detroit's Frank-
fort office. More than 40 business of-
ficials considered potential investors
will attend the dinner for the governor.
The governor will visit a total of five
major German cities in addition to
Brussels, Belgium. It is the governor's
first major trade mission since a
similar trip to Mexico in January 1980,
officials said.
Officials of Metro-SB-Grossmaertke,
one. of Europe's largest wholesalers of
food and non-food products will also be
meeting with Milliken, said Assistant
Press Secretary Beth Farrar. Metro
has indicated a desire to begin
operations in southeastern Michigan,
she said.
Milliken will also visit the state's
trade office in Brussels and meet with
the U.S. ambassador, Farrar said.

Senate panel challenges
judges who force busing

Judiciary subcommittee voted 4-1
yesterday to prohibit federal judges
from using busing as a tool for
desegregating public schools.
Although the proposal is far from
winning final congressional approval,
the subcommittee vote gives momen-
tum to a broader effort by conservatives
to sharply limit the authority of lower
federal courts over various issues in-
cluding busing, abortion and school
SEN. ORRIN Hatch, (R-Utah),
chairman of a Judiciary subcommittee
on the Constitution, said he hopes the
measure approved by the panel will
become the main focus for busing op-
ponents in the Senate.
Among those voting for the Hatch
proposal was Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-

S.C.), chairman of the full Senate
Judiciary Committee, where a vote is
likely within two weeks.
Under the legislation, entitled the
Public School Civil Rights Act of 1981,
busing orders previously - issued
by federal courts could be
rechallenged, Judges would be
required to examine whether some
other method of desegregating schools
could be used.
IN ANY PRESENT, or future school
desegregation cases, judges would be
barred from using busing to achieve
racial balance.,
Sen. Dennis DeCopcini (D-Ariz.),
said he supports the Hatch proposal as
"a moderate but workable approach."
Joining Hatch, Thurmond and
DeConcini in voting for the measure
was Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa.)

The only vote against it was cast by
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.).
THERE WAS almost no debate prior
to the subcommittee vote.
Earlier this fall, the Senate approved
an amendment of a Justice Department
authorization bill which would prohibit
federal judges from ordering students
to be sent to schools more than five
miles or 15 minutes from their homes to
improve racial balance.
The House has approved similar
The Senate proposal, sponsored by
Sens. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), and Ben-.
nett Johnson (D-La.), also would bar
the Justice Department from asking
federal courts to use busing to increase
the ratio of minorities to whites in
public schools.

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Federal act
to protect family
stirs local

Many conservatives in Michigan are
frightened by new social trends which
they say are undermining the
American family. The yfederal gover-
nment must step in, they argue, to en-
sure that the family is defended against
erosion, according to Thomas Fous iof
the Michigan College Republican
And this move toward such
legislation has some people downright
Last Saturday, more than 150 people
gathered at the Federal Building down-
town to protest the proposed federal
Family Protection Act, which includes
a number of controversial provisions
such as one allowing for voluntary
prayer in public schools, and another
blocking federal funds for any in-
dividual or organization that advocates
homosexuality as an acceptable'
THE BILL, which was introduced by

Senators Roger Jepson (R-Iowa) and
Paul Laxalt (R-Nev.) and is now being
considered by Congress, seeks "to
strengthen the family...through
education, tax assistance, and related
measures." But, its opponents view it
as something considerably more
Some of the demonstrators at the
rally, which was sponsored by a
coalition of groups opposing the FPA,
warned that passage of the bill could
mean a crackdown on all Americans
who do not conform to traditional social
The succession of speakers at the
rally sharply criticized the FPA as a
threat to civil liberties. Jim Toy of the
University's Gay Advocates Office
compared the FPA to a plastic bag:
synthetic, smothering, and anti-life.
Another spaker, Lynn Crawford of the
Alliance of Lesbian and Gay Male
Social Workers, called for an "expan-
ded concept of family, rather than a

restricted one, that would recognize the
bonds of love and spirit that are as
necessary and deep as blood ties."
THE MOOD OF the rally, under last
Saturday's warm skies, was generally
relaxed. Some onlookers sat on ben-
ches on the Federal Building's plaza to
watch. A few people milling around in
the crowd wore Halloween costumes.
One man, dressed as a minister, wore a
button on his black lapel which read
"The Moral Majority is Neither."
Some of the observers offered differing
opinions on the issue of the FPA.
Mark Kellet, a University graduate
who paused to listen to the rally, said
the proponents of. the FPA "believe
they are going to control crime, and the
un-American way of life, by advocating
traditional old values in a real sim-
plistic way. They say, 'We need a
nuclear family and it looks like this,'
ignoring the basic points that make a
family good."
See FAMILY, Page 7

Family act'
outlin ed
The proposed federal Family Protec-
tion. Act contains a number of
provisions which have sparked fierce
opposition on Capitol Hill and around
the country.
For one, it would allow
schoolchildren in public institutions to
pray if they choose to do so, a measure
which. its opponents claim would allow
religious teachers to coerce pupils into
THE ACT WOULD also deny federal
funds to any individual or organization
which advocates homosexuality as an
acceptable lifestyle, a provision which
See FAMILY ACT, Pagel7

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No thanks, GM
GENERAL MOTORS Corporation says it is not
surprised the 46 home buyers who took advantage
of a promotional "Buy a House-Get a Car" deal
turned down the manufacturer's offer of a 1982
GM ar. Tnder the aereement, buyers who Durchased any

Positive reinforcement
Teachers in Cheyenne, Wy. have been given a list of tac-
tful ways to tell parents their children are liars, selfish, and
dirty. When filling out annual report cards, instead of
writing that a student is a bully, teachers have been advised
to say he or she has "qualities of leadership but needs help
in learning how to use them democratically." A student
who tells lies has "difficulty in distinguishing between
imaginary and factual events," and a noisy student "needs
to develoD auieter habits of communications." The school

day after she bought it and was awarded another raccoon
says she will name her new pet for the judge. "That's the
greatest compliment this court has received," said Justice
of the Peace Laurence Wayne, who ordered the pet store,
Varmit N Things, in Houston, Tx. to give Shelly Frizzell a
new raccoon by July 31, 1982. Frizzel , 28, went to court to
collect $75 she paid in July for a raccoon. It died a day later
and the pet store refused to refund her money. Because
raccoons produce offspring only once a year, Wayne lear-
ned he couldn't order the store to hand over a raccoon right
away. So he gave the store until 1982 to replace the animal
_- _ H mnL n - r

promise of 40 jobs and a hefty property tax take, gave the
firm a building permit. But within a year, officials say,
Ecological Energy vanished- leaving behind 400,000 tires
on a 15-acre lot. Now town officials are faced with paying 25
cents each to have the tires hauled away- a $100,000 bill to
clear land worth about $50,000. "What we're hoping is that
there is some individual that would find it feasible to
acquire the land at a reasonable cost and get rid of these
tires at a cost less than we've been quoted," said Richard
Therrien, the town's lawyer.






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