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November 03, 1981 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-11-03

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Page 2-Tuesday, November 3, 1981-The Michigan Daily
Big Ten faculty rep
. .
con sidered resigning





2 Year Scholarships

(Continued from Page 1)
During that time, Anton said, he and
Shapiro had had one or two
"I have intended to raise some
issues," Anton said. It took some time
to raise those issues, he said, but would
not comment on their substance.
SHAPIRO SAID the discussion bet-
ween himself and Anton had focused on
the possible establishment of a Univer-
sity policy toward the Collegiate Foot-
ball Association and the women's
athletic program.
"There wasn't actually a matter of
disagreements," Shapiro said.
Kennedy said Anton "did for a
variety of reasons indicate that he
might not want to continue" on the in-
tercollegiate athletic board.
MUCH OF THE problem, Kennedy
said, was that Anton and Shapiro were
not communicating as well as they
should have been.
Kennedy said he had learned from his
conversations with Shapiro that there
was difficulty managing the whole en-
terprise for the athletic department
when there are so many levels of
Shapiro said there was aemiscom-
munication between the Big Ten faculty
representative (Anton), the athletic
director (Canham), and himself.
THE PROBLEM, Shapiro said, lay in
the lack of communication between the
Big Ten presidents' group, of which
Shapiro is a member, the Big Ten
Athletic Directors (of which Canham is
one) and the Big Ten faculty represen-
tatives (of which Anton is one).
Some University faculty also have
suggested that Anton's resignation may
have been sparked by his dissatisfac-
tion with the way in which the inter-
collegiate athletic board has been run
in the past..

There was also speculation by those
close to the Board in Control of Inter
collegiate Athletics that Anton had
presented his resignation letter to draw
the president's attention to current
problems Anton was encountering on
the board.
ENGLISH PROF. Thomas Senior, 'a
member of the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs, said An-
ton recently had expressed concern to
that group that faculty members on the
intercollegiate athletic board were not
given enough control.
SACUA met with Anton, and athletic
board faculty colleagues Brymer
Williams and Richard Corpron, on Oct.
12, and according to minutes of that
meeting, discussed "issues of mutual
"We hope in SACUA that this will get
resolved in an amicable, way," Senior
OTHER SACUA members, including
chairman Morton Brown and
Engineering Prof. Andrew Nagy,
declined to comment on the issue.
In' the confusion surrounding the
possible Anton resignation, ad-
ministrators denied responsibility for
accepting such a resignation.
"I'm not the one he'd resign to,"
Shapiro said.
CANHAM, however, said Shapiro
was the person who would have to deal
with the resignation of the faculty
athletic board representative.
"I don't elect a faculty represen-
tative," Canham said. "Whoever they
elect is fine with me."
Faculty representatives to the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics
are recommended by SACUA,
nominated by the president to the
Regents and then approved or rejected
by the Regents.
Howard Brabson, member of the
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics and University social work
professor, said he had not heard of An-
ton's possible resignation.
Elise Elconin, board member and
LSA sophomore, also said she had no in-
formation about the issue.,

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Preis International reports
Shuttle crew more than. read'.
for Columbia space launching
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.- Joe Engle and Richard Truly arrived at the
Cape yesterday, eager and ebullient, and said they are "more than ready"
for a mid-week launch of the space shuttle Columbia. The ship, on Launch
Pad 39A, was pronounced as fit as the crew.
If the countdown continues well and the weather cooperates, the shuttle
will blast off at 7:30 a.m. EST Wednesday and become the first ship retur-
ning to space a second time.
"Columbia's ready and Joe and I are more than ready," Truly said.
"We're all set to go." Engle, commander for the shuttle flight, said: "We're
ready to go. We're going to tune up and polish up tomorrow."
Walesa persuades Polish
workers to halt strike


WARSAW, Poland- Lech Walesa persuaded the 120,000-member
Solidarity chapter in Tarnobrzeg to end its two-week walkout yesterday and
persuaded some other local unions to call off threatened strikes until after
the independent union's national committee meets.
But demands for strike pay by workers in three other cities and protests
over alleged government harassment in two more cities kept about 160,000
workers idle in wildcat strikes, according to Solidarity figures.
Voters in 15 states choose


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Resident Director/Teaching Fellowship
Position Available Winter Term 1982
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Responsiblities intlude:
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1500 B.A.B. from 4:00 A.M.-12 noon and from 12:30 P.M.-4:34 P.M., Thurs-
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APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4:00 P.M., Friday, Nov. 6, 1981

NOVEMBER 3.12 Noon
Professor of Anthropology and Afro-American Studies
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At the INTERNATIONAL CENTER For additional information,
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Co-sponsored by: The Ecumenical Campus Center, The International Center.
Church Women United in Ann Arbor.

governors and mayors todayp'
Early big Democratic leads in the races for governor of New Jersey and
Virginia vanished on election eve with Republicans staging massive media
campaigns and get-out-the-vote drives in last minute bids for victory.
In Virginia mudslinging with racial undertones by supporters of.,
Republican Attorney General Marshall Coleman, coupled with last minute
television-ads featuring Reagan, were undermining the 11 percent lead held
by Democratic Lt. Gov. Charles Robb, a month ago.
In New Jersey, the final Eagleton Institute poll had Democratic Rep.
James Florio still narrowly ahead, but showed the heavy undecided vote
breaking 2-to-1 in favor of his Republican challenger, former Assembly
Speaker Thomas Kean.
Baby powder could
cause illness, doctor says
NEW YOR1K- Careless use of baby powder poses a danger to infants who
inhale it, causing coughing spells, vomiting or pneumonia, says a
pediatrician who specializes in poison control and accident prevention.
Dr. Howard Mofenson, director of the poison control center at the Nassau
County Medical Center in New York, said 92 cases of baby powder inhalation
were reported to the center in the first six months of this year.
Mofenson recently analyzed 40 cases of baby powder inhalation in an ar-
ticle in the journal Pediatrics. Twenty-nine of the cases occurred in children
less than 2 years old.
Coughing and sneezing were the only symptoms in 19 of the 40 cases
studied. Twelve of the children had more serious problems, including dif-
ficulty breathing and vomiting. One child developed pneumonia. All of them
Prison hostages released
GRATERFORD, Pa.- Seven inmates released the six hostages they held
for six days and surrendered to authorities yesterday at the State Correc-
tional Institution here, the governor's office said.
"All of the hostages are safe. The conflicts are in custody,"said Paul Crit-
chlow, Gov. Dick Thornburgh's press secretary.
Officials still had not disclosed the number of hostages or captors, but a
high official in the state Correction Bureau, who asked that his name not be
used, said all seven inmates who surrendered were captors. Their remaining
hostages released were six prison employees.
Vol. XCII, No. 47
Tuesday, November 3, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
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Editor in chief ............. . .. .... SARA ANSPACH
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SPORTS STAFF: Barb Barker, Jesse Borkin, Tom Ben-
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