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November 03, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-11-03

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Ninety- Two Years
Editorial Freedom

Alt IgUU


Partly cloudy and mild
today with a high near 60.

Vol. XClI,N

No. 47

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 3, 1981

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

t . _

ROTC cadets fight it out
during weekend maneuvers

Big Ten
faculty rep

BOOM! "Somebody just blew up out
there!" Captain Michael Pearson yells
to the squad of soldiers. "He's dead."
John Denike had just marched through
a trip-wire, detonating the mine that
left him lying "dead" along the side of
the dirt road.
Moments later a resurrected Denike
listens attentively as Capt. Pearson,
assistant chairman of the University's
Army Officer Education Program
(ROTC), explains to a group of ten,
cadets the -proper procedure for
navigating a minefield. "It's a slow,
tedious process to go through a
minefield," Pearson says to his studen-
ts, "But if you do it right, you can make
THE MOCK minefield was one of five
Tactical Applications Exercises (TAX
Lanes) in which 61 University ROTC
cadets participated Saturday - a day-
long Field Training Exercise at Peach
Mountain, near Dexter. According to
Pearson, the purpose of the Field
Training Exercisj, which was designed
and conducted by the senior cadets, is
t place junior cadets in leadership
Ce M
to climb
Reserve Officer-Training Corps of-
ficials are predicting an increase in
national ROTC enrollment from a year
ago. ROTC officials and students say
the rise is due to student desire to use
the program to both finance , their
college education and as a stepping
stone for their civilian careers after
they've left the military.
Although national ROTC officials are
still in the process of tabulating
enrollment figures, the Air Force ex-
pects a 10 percent jump, while the Navy
and Army predict some increase.
enrollment of about 500 equals last
year's figure, which showed a 30 percent
See ROTC, Page 7

The University's faculty represen-
tative to the Big Ten athletic conferen-
ce, , Thomas Anton, considered
resigning from that post, a number of
University officials reported.
University President Harold Shapiro
said yesterday, however, that Anton, a
political science professor, will remain
as the faculty's Big Ten representative
and will continue to serve on the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics.
SHAPIRO SAID he never had
received a resignation letter from An-
However, Richard Kennedy, vice
president for state relations and an ex-
officio member of the intercollegiate
athletic board, said yesterday that An-
ton had written a letter of resignation,
but he noted that it was not addressed to
Shapiro or to University Athletic Direc-
tor Don Canham.
"There might be one (a resignation
letter from Anton) around here
somewhere," Shapiro said. Anton may
have considered resigning, Shapiro ad-
ded, but he has not done so.

... resignation in question
ANTON REFUSED to discuss
whether he had considered resigning
from his athletic board post.
He said, however, that he had
discussed with Shapiro over the past
year his role as faculty representative.
See BIG TEN, Page 2

LSA faculty demands

ret renchmei
LSA faculty members,in an effort to
increase their input into the Univer-
sity's budget-cutting, yesterday passed
a resolution demanding that the
administration keep them informed
during the retrenchment process.
The Rohn resolution- named for its
author, Residential College Lecturer
Matthew Rohn - was the subject of ex-
tensive debate before it squeaked
through yesterday's faculty meeting on
a vote of 40 to 36. It calls for the release
of detailed information about review
plans being made by LSA ad-
ministrators acting on the University's

itt updates
"smaller but better" retrenchment
IN THEIR resolution, the faculty
asked the administration to report on
any plans for program cuts, the ad-
ministration'a budgetary priorities,
and hiring trends at the University.
The points of the resolution were based
on the earlier findings of a student-
faculty group, It's Our University, con-
cerned with the direction of retrench-
ment at the University.
IOU was formed last February. in
reaction to the development of the ad-
ministration's "smaller but better"
plan. The group fought for increased
See LSA, Page 3


University formalizes

ties with China

. exchange program
to begin in 1982

Through the efforts of the ad-
ministration and faculty, the Univer-
sity is gradually formalizing ties to an
awakening power: the People's
Republic of China.
During his trip to China in May,
University President Harold Shapiro
established a scholar exchange
program involving eight different
Chinese institutions and the University.
It is set to start next fall.
Committee, which is chaired by
political science Prof. Michel Oksen-

berg, has detailed the arrangement in a
soon-to-be-released report to Univer-
sity researchers and faculty.
Under the exchange program,
University faculty and graduate
students will be able to conduct resear-
ch in China. They will have basic ex-
penses paid for by the Chinese in-
stitutions, Oksenberg said, adding most
of the Chinese acadamies and univer-
sities have agreed to provide inter-
preters for researchers.

Studies, said possible research oppor-
tunites exist in all areas ranging from
working in any of the Academies of
Medicine and Science to studying of ur-
ban planning in Peking.
University researchers may stay in
China from one or two months to a year,
Oksenberg said.
Because the program is based on
reciprocity, the University will pay the
expenses of Chinese scholars here.
The future program support is
hoped to eventually be entirely funded
by private donors and firms doing
business in China. Already, Oksenberg
said, the Burroughs Corporation has
agreed to fund two fellowships.
In previous years, University
scholars often had a difficult time
arranging research opportunities in the
People's Republic of China, though
numerous Chinese scholars were at the

University. Oksenberg said this ex-
change program is a modest way to
facilitate University scholars conduc-
ting research in China.
OKSENBERG emphasized that the
Chinese situation is a delicate one,
although the country is opening up, it is
still an authoritarian state "without a
tradition of unfettered research." For
example, even Chinese researchers in
China do not have free stack access and
many of the books in the libraries are
classified, which limits the research
opportunities, he said.
Consequently, Oksenberg said
University scholars will have to be
realistic about the restraints on their
research opportunities, But, he stated,
several University faculty and
graduate students have recently been
able to successfully research in China.

Many Chinese scholars
here at 'U' alread

During the Cultural Revolution of the
late 1960s in The People's Republic of
China, Rongqu Luo, a history professor
at Peking University, was exiled along;
with other university intellectuals to a
Chinese labor camp.
Now, with China emerging as a world
power and strengthening its education
programs, Luo is one of the more than
6000 Chinese schoilars in the United
States - up from zero two years ago.
LUO IS A visiting professor at the.
University's Center for Chinese
Studies. He is currently doing research

on a book about American life " to in-
troduce the reality of the United
States" to the Chinese people. He is
here on a grant from the Center for
Chinese Studies.
Luo, however, is an exception. Of the
more than 80 Chinese scholars. at the
University, most are engaged in
research in the hard, physical sciences,
such as engineering or physics. They
are sponsored by government or
private sources, said Michel Oksen-
berg, a political science professor and a
See MANY, Page 8

associate at

who is also a research
the Center for Chinese



Classy vending machines
HE CHAMPAGNE brunch, once a dining tradi-
tion of the elite, is now available at New York
City's only remaining automat. The Horn & Hard-
art Automat at 42nd Street and Third Avenue
began serving the brunch Sunday. Although the buffet-style
meal was served in an elegant stvle amid the Art Doln

The Pony Express returns
In a demonstration touted as evidence that the Postal
Service needs "a stiff shot of competition," an Idaho,
senator left virtually no doubt that a good steed, given a
motorcycle escort, can beat the U.S. Mail out of town.
Republican Steve Symms is the sponsor of a bill to let
private companies deliver first-class mail, and he had an
idea for calling attention to that proposition. So he invited
jn !_ _ L_.-- L_ e & , .

would normally arrive Wednesday. A first-class letter to
Boise, Idaho, he noted, might take a day longer, at the same
new rate of 20 cents, up 2 cents as of Sunday. But the mail
agency's express service would get up to two pounds of mail
to either Harpers Ferry or Boise overnight for $9.35-or
your money back. Symms didn't say how long it might take
the horse to get to Boise. Nor did he say how much it cost to
operate the horse, or tie up two police escorts. The horse
had a head start, thanks to the fact that Symm scheduled
the event at 10 a.m. and the next pickup time for\ the
mailbox was 1 p.m. "I didn't select this point," Symms
aid- "I nues the Pntal Srvice onuld onme by and get it "

public-to ensure that there will be a universal service at a
universal cost." Symms dismissed a reporter's question as
to whether his proposal might revive the Pony Express.
"The Pony Express is the most publicized but the least-suc-
cessful of all the mail services in our history," he said. Q
On the inside .. .
Arts has a preview of tonight's Siouxsie Sioux and'the
Banshees show... Howard Witt fires off at Big Business




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