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October 24, 1981 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-24

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom


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Snow flurries ending today,
beoming slightly colder
and overcast, with a high in
the mid-40s, and a low in
the lower-30s.

Vol. XCII, No. 39 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 24, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages
acult questions research corporation

The proposed Michigan Research
Corporation, though praised for its
possible role in the revitalization of the
state's economy; may also pose some
serious problems for the University,
some faculty members have said.
The MRC, which was proposed by a
University task force committee on in-
dustry and University interaction last
week, would be a University controlled
corporation that would attempt to bring
industry money to the University's
research community through contracts
and grants.
THOUGH THE MRC is still only a
proposal, the University community is
already debating its pros and cons and

raising questions about a research cor-
poration's purpose, ramifications, and
control within the University.
Psychology Prof. Donald Brown said
because all the details of the MRC have
not yet been clearly defined by any
committee, faculty can only raise con-
cerns about the MRC and not true ob-
Brown said much of the concern was
voiced over who would control the
MRC. It has not yet been decided what
percentage of control the University
would retain over the MRC, nor who
would guide its policy.
Education Prof. Lauren Barritt said
his main concern is with the amount of
control the faculty would be able to

exercise over the MRC.
Barritt said the MRC would have a
faculty advisory committee, but the
committee would be concerned with
matters of a technical nature and might
not advise the MRC in matters of major
The University may find it has
problems harnessing the large cash
flow the MRC would bring, Brown said.
"WE NEED TO be very careful of the
policies and integrity of the Univer-
sity," said History Prof. David
The University must be sure that the
corporation's actions would be con-
sistent with the values and concerns of
the University, Hollinger said.

Hollinger said the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics is a good
example of a part of the University that
has grown too independent and is now
becoming hard to control. Hollinger
added that the faculty is concerned that
the MRC might acquire that type of in-
Another concern raised was whether
or not the proposed MRC would have
any monetary and educational benefit
to the University or whether it would
just be a drain on University funds and
faculty members.
"I'M NOT SURE what a corporation
like this would contribute to the Univer-
sity," Barritt said.
Advocates of the MRC proposal argue

that such a corporation would open up
new research opportunities and bring
money to the University through paten-
ts and royalties resulting from faculty
and research..
Engineering Prof. Robert Howe,
chairman of the task force that
prepared the MRC report, said industry
research could "enrich" the teaching
abilities of many University professors.
BUT ENGLISH Prof. Richard Bailey
said he hopes the MRC would not
become "a halfway house for people
leaving the University on their way to
industry jobs."
"We don't want to subsidize people
who are leaving the University
anyway," Bailey added..

Bailey added that if the University is
going to invest in something like the
MRC then it should be rewarded for
taking that risk.
Hollinger explained that the task for-
ce report made the MRC appear to be a
businesslike venture and that faculty
may want the corporation to be more of
a University enterprise.
Mathematics Prof. Morton Brown,
who is chairman of the Faculty Senate
Advisory Committee on University Af-
fairs, said a research corporation could
have a subtle but far-reaching effect idi
the type of research that goes on at th¢
He explained that having a financial
See FACULTY, Page 5

units used
to halt
Polish riots
WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Special military units will
be deployed across Poland to halt rioting and economic
decline, the government announced yesterday in a
response to rapidly spreading strikes and protests.
"Tension is growing," government spokesman Jerry
Urban said in a televised statement. "Thestate leaning
toward a fall must undertake all indispensable actions
in saving the state."
Citing rioting in Katowice on Tuesday, and a less
violent confrontation between crowds and police in
Wroclaw on Wednesday, Urban said, "Damage done to
the country's internal life forced the government into
taking strong, if unpopular, measures. These include
the suppression of street provocations and forcing
people to respect the rule of law."
EARLIER IN THE day, leaders of the independent
labor federation Solidarity called a one-hour nation-
wide strike for next week, but urged union locals to halt
the wildcat protests that have broten out in about
three-fourths of Poland's provinces.
Union leaders on the Country Commission, or regional
legislative body of the independent union, said a one-
hour protest over food shortages, alleged police
harassment and government policies would begin
Wednesday at noon.
There was no immediate reaction to the government
announcement from the union leaders meeting in
Gdansk, the Baltic port where the union was formed
during a wave of strikes in the summer of 1980.
THE DECISION TO use the special military units,
reached in a government presidium meeting yester-
day, came less than a week after the Polish Communist
Party named Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski as its
chairman. He already was serving as premier and.
defense minister.
Urban said the special military units, composed of
See MILITARY, Page 2

'U' alumni reminisce
at H omecoming events

Snow flurries fell on floats, pom pon girls, and into
tubas last night, but it failed to dampen the spirits of
the participants in the 1981 Homecoming Parade as
the procession made its way through town before
thousands of enthusiastic Michigan supporters.
Earlier in the day, spectators crowded around the
Diag to watch the annual Evans Scholars' Car Bash,
then proceeded to the Count of Antipasto restaurant
on S. University to cheer on the teams competing in
the Homecoming pizza-eating contest.
AMONG THOSE watching the Homecoming events
yesterday were a large number of University alumni
who were able to make the annual return to their
alma mater. They could be seen, donned in their
Maize and Blue neckties and scarves, walking

through campus reminiscing and talking of the
changes that have taken place in their absence.
"I'm amazed at how the campus has grown," said
Klemme Jones, who graduated in 1949. "With all
these one-way streets, I don't know where I'm
going." Jones, who now resides in Miami, Florida,
returned for Homecoming this year to attend the
100th anniversary of the Department of Naval Ar-
chitecture and Marine Engineering.
Joe Fischer, a 1959 graduate of the same depar-
tment, reflected, "I'm sad to see that buildings have
been torn down, and that the department has moved
to North Campus."
"I'M HOMESICK," said Charley Wessels of Min-
neapolis, describing his elation in returning to Ann
See 'U' ALUMNI, Page 5

Doily Photo by MIKE LUCAS
PICTURED ABOVE RIGHT-South Fraternity members, winners of
yesterday's Evans Scholars' Car Bash. Above-2nd place float winner,
Triangle-Gamma Beta Phi.

gather for

Hundreds of students from campuses around the
country are gathering at East Quad this weekend
to devise strategies to combat policies of the
Reagan administration.
The students, meeting here for the second an-
nual conference of the Progressive Student Net-
work, will attend a number of panel discussions
and "strategy workshops" on topics ranging from
draft resistance to the anti-nuclear movement to
black freedom struggles today.
SPEAKERS AT the conference will include
Chicago Eight defendant Dave Dellinger; Sean
Sands, brother of the late IRA hunger striker Bob-
by Sands; and Rev. Herbert Dougherty, chairman
of the National Black United Front, as well as a
number of student organizers.
"This conference will set the tone for PSN
(Progressive Student Network) activism over the
next year," said David Sapp, a student from
George Washington University who helped
organize the PSN conference. "We hope to come
off of this conference with a strategy for fighting
Reagan's policies of cutbacks at home and
aggression abroad.
"Today's progressive student. movement is a
dynamic and growing force on campuses across

the country. This year's PSN conference will at-
tempt to arrive at a coherent and responsible
strategy for curtailing the recent right-wing offen-
sive in this country," Sapp said. "The ultimate
goal of the PSN and this conference is to develop a
movement for positive social change in America."
ELISA SELTZER, a local coordinator of the
conference, said that at the start of the conference
last night, more than 300 students had already
arrived from around the country and about 200
more were expected today.
Ann Arbor was chosen for this year's conference
"because it has had in the past a reputation for
student activism and we hop to activate studen-
ts," Seltzer said. PSN's first conference was held,
last year at Kent State University in Ohio.
The local sponsor of the conference, People
United for a Human Future, is a student group
that has also been meeting in hopes of organizing
students against Reagan administration policies.
PUHF was fromed last January and organized a
teach-in to protest the inauguration of President
The conference opened last night and will con-
tinue today and tomorrow with more workshops
and speakers.

Ufer condition 'serious'

Bob Ufer was listed in serious con-
dition in the intensive care unit of
Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit late
yesterday after undergoing surgery to
remove a blood clot in his brain.
A hospital spokesperson released
information from a statement on Ufer's
condition prepared by the Ufer family.
Ufer was admitted to the hospital
Tuesday and as of late last night, the
broadcaster's physician said Ufer's
condition "remains serious."
UFER, WHO has been broadcasting
Michigan football play-by-play for 37
years, has been battling cancer
throughout the year. In August of this
year, Ufer underwent surgery to
remove an earlier blood clot in his
As aresult, the broadcaster was for-
ced to miss delivering the Michigan

play-by-play for the first time in 362
Ufer has only broadcast the opening
and closing statements of WJR's
Michigan football coverage for the first
four football games this season.
After his doctors gave him the go-
ahead, Ufer returned. to the play-by-
play duties for the Michigan State game
Oct. 10 in East Lansing. Ufer delivered
the play-by-play for the Iowa game in
Ann Arbor and had planned to be a part
of the homecoming festivities for
today's Northwestern game, but Mr.
"Meechigan" was admitted to Henry
Ford Hospital Tuesday.
Part of the homecoming duties plan=
ned for Ufer was the homecoming pep
rally held in front of the Michigai
Union last night. Coach Bo Schem-
bechler told the crowd to keep Ufer in
their prayers.


A4 flurry of egg rolls
HE DIAG, famous for its entertainment between
classes, got a brand new attraction this week.
In addition to the traditional political rallies and
the roving evangelists, a bicycling egg roll vendor
has become part of the Diag scenery. Touting "fresh hot
egg rolls; the best egg rolls in town," vender Rock Ewing
from the Orient Express restaurant on S. State Street, rode

minutes late to a meeting usually means being the first one
there. But if one is meeting with 21 world leaders for the
start of a "North-South" summit on the world's economic
problems, it's not polite to be late, even if the summit is in
Mexico. President Reagan created a stir Thursday when he
failed to show up on time for the start of the two-day sum-
mit with the leaders of seven industrialized nations and 14
poor countries. All the other world leaders were in their
conference room chairs and summit host Mexican
President Jose Lopez Portillo, a stickler for punctuality,
was already into his preliminary remarks. But between the
Chinese and Philippines delegations there were two empty
chairs-one for Reagan and the other for the Secretary of
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Cali ng for help
The call came into the Miami police department on the
911 emergency line. And it was an emergency. It was about
an attempted burglary, and the call was made from the
would-be burglar himself. The 16-year-old boy was trying to
get into a house Thursday when he got stuck in the window
grating, halfway in and halfway out, authorities said. So he
picked up a telephone and called police. "He called and said
he was trying to burglarize a house but got 'caught' and
would we please rescue him," Metro-Dade police
spokesman Dave Graveline said. "It was the first time we
ever had a burglar call up and hand himself in." The youth

his rescuers, "I'm embarrassed, this is my first burglary."
Less daring feats
Several categories of more dangerous feats such as
sword swallowing are being removed from the Guiness
World Book of Records, a company spokeswoman said. The
spokeswoman for the Sterling Publishing Company refused
to list the categories being changed in the new edition, but
said they would be similar to those already made in the
English edition. Blowing up hot water bottles}and sword
swallowing are among those that have been deleted in
England. The spokeswoman declined to say whether the
American edition would leave in the names of the previous

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