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October 11, 1981 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-11

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Ninety- Two Years
Editorial Freedom


LIE ian


Partly sunny today-with a
high around 600.

Vol. XCIl, N

o. 28

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 11, 1981

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

The crisis of couple


.,' t.

Jife 's escape not easy

Student problems pile up

'The young woman brushed back her long
dark hair and flicked her cigarette as she
recalled a painful and distant memory.
"I don't remember how it all happened.
He hit me in the mouth. I was terrified and I
tried to call the police, but he ripped out the
phone. Then he went upstairs and mutilated
#e other one.
"I'M NOT SURE what happened after
that. I know he hit me again because I was
unconscious for a few minutes. When I came
to, I ran to the neighbor's and called the
No one broke into Rachelle Woods' home
and attacked her. Her assailant was her,
husband of two years.
When the 23-year-old mother arrived at
the hospital she had two black eyes, a busted
lip and bruises all over her body.

"WE BROKE UP after that bad fight and
about four weeks later he came over with
Christmas presents. I was so lonely and I
really missed him. So we decided to1try
"We wrote out a contract and called it a
new beginning," Wood said. "We moved out
to the country, where no one could interfere
with our lives. But we weren't happy and we
both knew it wasn't going to work. I went to
SAFE House (a shelter for battered women)
once during that time for a weekend. I went
back home but then after a while I knew I
had to leave. After two months I was back at
SAFE House.
"I said, 'I'm back,' and they knew all
along I would be."
WOOD TALKED of how there were more
good times than bad with her ex-husband, of
See MANY, Page 5

Campus dating - sometimes idealized as
carefree romance - has become the subject
of research that indicates a startling num-
ber of college couples have physical abuse
A survey conducted at a Minnesota
college reveals that abuse is not limited to
the common domestic violence situation.
One out of five students reported having
been involved in some abusive situation.
THE MOST common reasons cited for
abuse were jealousy over a third party,
disagreements over drinking and
disagreements over sex. Additional resear-
ch revealed that negative life events - in-
cluding academic and family problems -
also play major roles in provoking abuse
among student couples.

Although no statistics are available at the
University on the rate of student abuse, of-
ficials from the University and local
organizations such as the Domestic Violen-
ce Project and the Assault Crisis Center say
that student abuse is a prevalent, and often
unreported, roblem.
Figures From the Domestic Violence
Project show that five percent of women
using the local S.A.F.E. house shelter for
abuse victims are students from the Univer-
sity, Eastern Michigan University and
Washtenaw Community College. But the
program's director Stephanie Vail pointed
out that these comparatively low figures
may be deceptive, since female students
can turn to friends in apartments, dorms
and sororities, instead of the S.A.F.E.
See ABUSE, Page 5

Domestic violence has no
boundaries. It cuts across race,
class and educational levels.
Student couples-because of
pressures particular to academic
and personal situations while in
college-can be especially prone to
problems of physical abuse. One
out of five students recently
reported having been involved in
an abusive relationship.

; "K

Blue surge





' iSpecial to the Daily
EAST LANSING - ItwasMichigan's
ground game versus Michigan State's
aerial attack yesterday. Behind
i..,tailback Butch Woolfolk's record-
setting rushing performance, the
Wolverines prevailed, 38-20, before
77,923 fans at Spartan Stadium.
Woolfolk entered the record books
J y . 4 early in the second period, when a 12-
yard gain off right tackle made him the
first back in Michigan history to rush
e for more' than 100 yards in seven
straight games. He devastated the
Spartan defense for a total of 253 yards
on 29 carries overall, confirming him-
self as a legitimate Heisman Trophy
candidate. Gordon Bell was the last.
Wolverine to gain 200 yards in a game,
with 210 yards in 1975. Woolfolk is now
111 yards away from Rob Lytle's all-
4 time Wolverine mark,
S"BUTCH IS going to be the all-time
leading ground gainer," Wolverine
coach Bo Schembechler said after the
game, "so tab him as Michigan's best
4.! back ever."
The Wolverines, who were riddled for
316 yards through the air by MSU quar-
terback Bryan Clark, in his first start,
' AP Photo and trailed 20-16 until late in the third
MIC1 A& ATE UNIVERSITY quarterback Bryan Clark grimaces as the Wolverines' Ben Needham sacks him period, are now 4- on the year and 2-
during first-half action in yesterday's game in East Lansing. Michigan's Robert Thompson (99) looks on. in Big Ten play. They trail Wisconsin
(3-0 after a 24-21 win over Ohio State)

gains 2
and Iowa (which outscored Indiana, 42-
28, to advance to 2-0) in the Big Ten.
With today's victory, Wisconsin has
completed a sweep of traditional con-
ference contenders Michigan, Purdue
and Ohio State. Iowa travels to Ann Ar-
bor for a showdown with the Wolverines
next Saturday.
MICHIGAN STATE implemented a
ball-control type of passing game, with
Clark (21 for 38) throwing short passes
in front of a hesitant, injury-riddled
Wolverine secondary to keep the Spar-
tans close. Neither cornerback Brian
Carpenter nor safety Keith Bostic were
able to play at all yesterday, and in-
juries to Marion Body, Evan Cooper,
and Jeff Reeves during the course of
the game forced the Michigan coaches
to use several different combinations.
Defensive tackle Winfred Carraway's
sprained ankle kept him out of action.
"I was a little worried," Schembechler
said. "We are hurting a little defen-
sively. We started this game with three
starters from the Rose Bowl defense -
then (Marion) Body got jarred, and
then (Evan) Cooper got hurt.
"We are down, but we'll be alright,"
Schembechler continued. "Don't feel
sorry for us. I'm just surprised we did
as well as we did with the defense the
way it was. Let's give that kid (Clark)
some credit. He had some right on the

53 yards
TWO FIELD goals by Spartan kicker
Morten Andersen, one a 26-yarder with
five seconds remaining in the first half,
and the other a 31-yarder early in the
third quarter gave MSU its 20-16 lead.
With six-and-a-half minutes
remaining in the third quarter,
however, the Wolverines launched an
83-yard scoring drive and took control
of the ballgame. Two Woolfolk runs net-
ted the Wolverines 27 yards, and then,
after an illegal procedure penalty and a
Steve Smith incompletion, the senior
tailback zipped around left end for 20
more to the Spartan 41.
Seven-yard runs by Smith and
fullback Stanley Edwards, sandwiched
around a crucial fourth-and-five pass
from Smith to tight end Craig Dunaway
on the right sideline, set up Lawrence
Ricks' three-yard touchdown plunge.
hesitated in his decision to gamble on
fourth down from the Michigan State
23. "I felt I needed to score," he said.
"Our offense moved the ball well. The
only times we got stopped, we stopped
After the touchdown, Michigan was
successful on a two-point conversion
when Smith handed off to Anthony Car-
ter around right end and drifted left into
See MICHIGAN, Page 10

Egypt, world leaders bury Sadat t 4r\

CAIRO, Egypt (AP)- Egypt buried its fallen leader An-
war Sadat yesterday to the homage of world leaders, the
comforting words of the Moslem holy book and the sorrowful
fury of thousands of ordinary Egyptians kept from bidding a
final farewell.
At one point during the stately ceremony, gunfire briefly
clattered as police had to drive back a surging crowd trying
to reach the burial site.
THE ASSASSINATED president was laid to rest at Egypt's
tomb of the unknown soldier, on the desert outskirts of Cairo,
beneath a black monolith memorializing him as a "hero of
war and peace."
But his Arab enemies, who saw treachery in Sadat's-
separate peace withIsrael, rejoiced.
"The traitor is buried forever!" proclaimed Syrian state
THREE FORMER U.S. presidents and dozens of other
world leaders paid final tribute to Sadat and then flew home,
leaving behind an Egypt stunned by its loss, anxious over the
future and seething with unrest among Moslem fundamen-
talists, the religious extremists blamed for Sadat's
Security was so tight that the Egyptian public was barred
from the funeral ceremony, which took place under the mid-
day sun on the same military parade ground, in suburban
Nasr, or Victory City, where the president was fatally woun-
ded in a blaze of gunfire last Tuesday.

The three ex-presidents-Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and
Jimmy Carter-got a first-hand look at the violent grief when
their motorcade brushed within 20 yards of a stick-waving
throng of Egyptians being pushed back by police.
ALTHOUGH THE three former chief executives left Cairo
immediately after the ceremony, the head of the U.S.
delegation, Secretary of State Alexander Haig, stayed
He was to meet with Sadat's handpicked successor, Vice
President Hosni Mubarak, and with other delegates to the
funeral, including Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
The day's ceremonies began with a prayer service over the
casket in a mosque at the Maadi military hospital, where the
body had lain since the assassination.
THE CASKET WAS then flown nine miles by helicopter to a
stadium at the Nasr parade grounds and, draped in the red-
white-and-black Egyptian flag, was loaded onto a caisson
drawn by six black stallions.
Jihan Sadat and her three daughters were seated in the
reviewing stand where Sadat was sitting last Tuesday when
his assassins sprung from a passing military parade and
opened fire.
"Remember that God created you and God will call you
back to him," a Moslem preacher recited from the Koran.
"For life and death are not your right to decide. God chooses
the hour. And in your life as in your death you should
acknowledge that God is great."

AP Photo
ASSASSINATED EGYPTIAN President Anwar Sadat is buried yesterday at
the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior in Nasr City in Cairo, near the location
where he was slain. Security was tight and the Egyptian public was barred
from the funeral ceremony.

Jihan Sadat
... watches burial

Applied econometrics
N A RADIO INTERVIEW between halves of the
Michigan-Michigan State football game in East
Lansing yesterday, economist and University Presi-
dent Harold Shapiro offered some good words on the
future of the state's economy. With government and citizen
effort, Shapiro said, there are "great days ahead for the
State of Michigan and the Michigan economy." Maybe
0^ dernef n nrA;.,f fh n.fn4rn of fhPfnnrallii

it-an advertising blimp. Art Chiistensen, a Newark, N.J.
repossessor who played host last week for the American
Recovery Association's national convention, told the sad
tale Friday after filing a police report. "We checked
everything out, searched everywhere and then had to go to
the police," he said. The 4-foot by 6-foot balloon, filled with
helium and valued at approximately $1,300, was last seen
Oct. 3 in the Grand Ballroom of the New York Statler Hotel,
he said. It is white with red, white and blue fins, has a large
ARA logo and a banner saying "Repossession Specialist-
s." "It's a little embarrassing, not only for us but for the
Statler as well," Christensen said. "After all we're
..nne-ac wvamh of t1 nMn c, e vnni a fromnwham

Friday that Jennings, 29, of French Lick, dialed policeman
David Moffatt's home by mistake Thursday night. Not
realizing to whom he was talking, Jennings offered to sell
some stolen television sets for $175, McClure said. Moffatt
"played along" and learned the location of the loot taken in
burglaries of recreational vehicles at a camp site near
Patoka Lake, the trooper reported. Police checked a bar ad
found television sets, portable ovens, a toaster and several
other kitchen appliances, Then they went after Jennings
and arrested him. Investigators are still trying to figure out
who Jennings was trying to call. D
Going straight

'Ordinary People' back
The book "Ordinary People" will be permitted back in an
Ohio high school class despite the protests of a parent and a
student that led to a temporary banning of the work. The
Mad River-Green Local Board of Education reversed its
vote of-two weeks ago banning the book from a literature
class atGreenon High School in Enon. The novel, which was
made into a film, is about a young man's problems with his
parents and the death of his brother. The board banned the
book because of objections by one student and parent Terry
Craig, who said it contained needless profanity. "You're all
sick," Craig told the school board. "You've got no morals at




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