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October 08, 1981 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-08

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RA's, RD's jobs on line for low GPAs

As many as ten dormitory resident advisors
or resident directors may be fired by the
University because they do not meet the 2.5
grade point average requirement, Charlene
Coady, assistant director of in-residence staff,
said yesterday.
Three students from Bursley, one from
Markley, and six from West Quad and other
dorms may be fired, according to Coady and
the dorms' directors.
COADY AND other housing officials said that
the University has no definite plans to fire
anyone yet, because Coady's office is still
*eviewing RA and RD transcripts.
"We won't know until tomorrow (how many

don't meet the requirement)," Coady said
yesterday. The- deadline for turning in tran-
scripts is today.
The transcript review is the result of a new
policy set last year by the housing office.
-UNDER THE NEW policy, -students must
maintain a 2.5 GPA from the time they apply in
December or January, until fall term em-
ployment begins. Previously, RAs and RDs
were required to carry a 2.5 average only at the
time of application.
In the past, RAs and RDs whose averages
dropped after the application date "wouldn't
have been caught," West Quad Director Alan
Levy said. Coady said this is one of the reasons
the new policy was implemented.

Housing Office Director Robert Hughes said
last week that any RAs that fell below the
requirement "would be asked to resign."
Hughes was out of town and not available for
comment this week.
BURSLEY DIRECTOR Caroline Gould said
four Bursley students' transcripts were in
doubt, but Coady said that as of yesterday, only
three may lose their jobs.
"It's a situation where most of those under
question were here last year," when two Bur-
sley residents were murdered on April 17,
Gould said. One RD whose grade point fell
"took several incompletes because of last
year's tragedy," Gould said, "and I think with
three (others) there has been an error."

Gould said she believes the RD should be
given an extension to make up the incompletes.
"(University President Harold) Shapiro said
last year they should be given leniency," Gould
A BURSLEY RA who may be fired said last
year's tragedy "most definitely" had an effect
on her grades. The RA, whose grade point fell
to 2.45, said she plans to appeal i f'she is fired.
Coady said any problems Bursley students
may have had "has not been brought to my at-
John Finn, housing associate director of
student relations, said he also was not aware of
any student's specific problems yet, but that he

and other housing officials will be discussing
the possible firings with Hughes tomorrow.
Bursley resident Martha Vinette, whose RA
may be fired, said, "How can a grade point
average determine how good (RAs) are with
students on a hall? If they maintain an average
good enough for -their school, why isn't that
good enough to be an RA? I think it stinks."
VINETTE, AN LSA freshperson, said that if
her RA loses the job, the housing office "is
going to hear about it" from her fellow residen-
See LOW, Page 5

Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom

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Partly cloudy, highs in the




Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 8, 1981

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

in city
Ann Arbor police have a suspect in
the investigation of a series of six in-
home rapes commited in the city since*
July, Police Chief Corbett said yester-
Officers have questioned one black
man; but no arrests have been made
because-the evidence at this point is in-
conclusive, Corbett said.
FOUR OF THE victims have iden-
tified their assailant as a white man.
he other two victims have said their
rapist tvas black.
All six rapes occurred in the victims'
homes. In each case, the assailant had
gained entrance through an unlocked
door or window, Corbett said. In each
ease, he added, "We don't think proper
precautions were taken."
"It looks as though the assailant is
casing the, premises, waiting for an
Ounlocked window or door,"said city
council member Lowell Peterson, who
chairs the city's Citizens Advisory
Committee on Rape Prevention.
"HE (THE RAPIST) has got a well-
planned method of operation," Peter-
son said. "The chances are very slight
that the assault is a spur-of-the-moment
The attacker probably knows the vic-
tims activities and chooses the best
time for the rape, Peterson said. "The
best wayto avoid a gape is to keep the
*doors and windows locked."
The police investigation is focusing
on the assumption that two rapists are
See POLICE, Page 3


EGYPTIAN WOMEN IN Sadat's home village of Mit Abul Kom wail and scream in anguish over the assassination of
Egypt's president Tuesday.
Haiig, Beg iMu bara kraffirm
support for Camp David accords

From AP and UPI
CAIRO, Egypt- In an emergency
session yesterday, the Egyptian
Parliament endorsed overwhelmingly
the nomination that .the nation's ruling
party gave Vice President Nosni
Mubarak within hours of President
Anwar Sadat's assassination Tuesday.
The vice president accepted the
nomination during a televised meeting
with a parliamentary delegation.
Meanwhile, it was announced that
two of Sadat's assassins were civilians
who masqueraded as soldiers to sneak
into the milita y review that ended in
the bloodbath. Egypt's defense
minister was quoted as saying at least
two of tsix assassins were not
THE GOVERNMENT scheduled a
referendum next week to approve
Mubarak as Sadat's successor.
Mubarak said at an impromptu news
conference late yesterday that the
assassination was a "criminal act un-
dertaken by individuals and was by no
means a coup attempt." Mubarak was
wearing a bandage around his left
wrist, indicating he was wounded'in the
The vice president reiterated his
commitment to Sadat's policies and
said the year-long emergency declared
immediately after Sadat's death was
being enforced "to protect the nati9n
from any saboteurs."
DEFENSE Minister Abdel Ralim
Abu Ghazala said one of the assassins

was an officer, one was a retired reser-
ve officer and the other two were
civilians pretending to be soldiers, the
newspaper Al Akhbar reported in its
Thursday editions.
Abu Ghazala did not elaborate in the
newspaper account on how the two
civilians, reported to be veterans of
Egypt's mandatory military service,
slipped into one of the trucks parading
past Sadat in a military review that en-
ded in the bloodbath.
Sadat had numerous enemies in
Sadat's assassination and
administration lobbying per-
suades some congressmen to
change their minds on the con-
troversial AWACS sale, but ap-
proval still looks unlikely. See
story Pa ge 5
Egypt and throughout the Arab world,
both because of his peace treaty with
Israel and his recent roundup of more
than 1,500 foes charged with fomenting
Moslem-Christian rioting. Palestinians
in Lebanon continued celebrating his
death yesterday by firing rifles in the
THREE GROUPS in Beirut claimed
responsibility for the attack within
hours of the assassination, and one of
them purported to be a military branch
See EGYPTIAN, Page 5

From AP and UPI
A rising concern for continued peace
in the Middle East following Tuesday's
assassination of Egyptian president
Anwar Sadat spurred Israeli, Egyptian,
and American leaders to reaffirm their
support yesterday of the Camp David
accords and a peaceful future for the
But, even as world leaders urged con-
tinued peace in the region, Arab and
Iranian revolutionaries urged Egyp-
tians to use the assassination to stage a

coup against their government.
THE REAGAN administration war-
ned Libya and other radical Arab
nations yesterday that it "would view
with great concern" any attempt to
seize upon President Anwar Sadat's
assassination to meddle with Egypt or
otherwise fan instability in the Mideast.
Secretary of State Alexander Haig
declared also that America remains a
full partner in the peace process
initiated by Sadat: "this gigantic per-
sonality," and is committed to "pursue

his work" toward a comprehensive
Middle East settlement.
Haig pledged full support to the
Egyptian government now headed by
Hosni Mubarak, Sadat's hand-picked
heir. Meanwhile, the Defense Depar-
tment continued its order of late
Tuesday calling for boosted readiness
of the U.S. Rapid Deployment Force
and American warships in the
See ISRAEL, Page 5

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Procedural and systematic changes have been sitivity, said Ruth Phillips, a doctoral candidate in
By PAM FICKINGER made within the University to create a program of af- the University's architecture school. Funds for
h~ ' 1Affirmative action should be at the very core of the firmative action, Nordby said. Now the only question scholarships and financial aid for handicapped in-
University's role as an educational institution, is "Will it work?," she said. dividuals are getting harder and harder to find, she
But the goal of a strong affirmative action "Only the people in charge can make affirmative said.
program, like so many of the University's objectives, action work now," Nordby said. JEAN CAMPBELL, director of the Celter for the
may be difficult to attain in coming years of financial Regent Nellie Varner said she is worried that the Continuing Education of Women said she was con-
hardship. - current atmosphere at the University is not con- hon-
THAT'S THE message President Harold Shapiro ducive to overt support for affirmative action. cerned with the lack of female representation in the
gave to the more than 150 persons who attended Referring to Shapiro's "smaller but btter" term "Unensnofdthe Unrstagnistri.
m s g o a ls yesterday's "People and Issues in Equal, Oppor- coined to describe the University's long range "Unintended or unrecognized," there is a great
ftukW e do '.ie i n i e l w r d a h n v r i y i c :t a m l e iln c s a i y b e t r
tnity" program. retrenchment poesVaeraishwsntcon- deal of age discrimination at the University, said
"Won't ivein r a , ret hat process, Varner said she wasn't Eloise Snyder, publication director at the Institute of
"" do'"iei nielwrda h nvriy vne htsalrwlncsaiyb etr Gerontology. Older individuals can be a "productive
Shapiro said. "We're facing a situation at the REPRESENTATIVES from a variety of campus GetologynOleriny,"suasan.
Unirsityt i v egroups with a need to shrink." roups spoke about some of the special concerns they asset the University," she said.
t, /That need to shrink will mean fewer available staff face.y John Russ, a lecturer in the English department,
Tanedtshnkwlmenewraaabesff face. charged that the University has no clear commit-
positions. And with fewer positions open, Shapiro Eugene Morley, representing Vietnam war ced that e U i ha cler com
said, some affirmative action goals will be hard to at- veterans, said he was "shocked" when he learned the ment to recruit black high school students from
tain. University had no full-time representative for Michigan cities with large black populations such as
UNIVERSITY Affirmative Action Director veterans' concerns. Both society at large and the Detroit, Flint, and Saginaw.
Virginia Nordby cautioned against using the current University owe Vietnam veterans special con- educational opportunities, said CarLs Arce, an
budget woes as an excuse to pull' back from the sideration, he said.
University's commitment to affirmative action. Handicapped individuals also need a special sen- See TIGHT, Page 3


Defender turns enforcer
ACK SMITH is about to trade in his briefcase
for a nightstick and a K-9 companion. A lawyer
who says he is tired of seeing criminals go
"unpunished," Smith has decided to give up
practicing law in Pittsburgh and is heading for
Venice, Fla., where he will enforce the law, although it will
mean a drastic cut in his current $26,000 annual salary.
"I've always wanted to become a police officer, and I just

Marta Mahan, 6, was credited with saving the lives of
sleeping tenants in seven 'apartments early Tuesday when
she ignored her mother's order to flee the burning apar-
tment building, fire officials said. Instead, she ran through
the three-story brick building shouting "Fire," and
knocking on the doors of the other apartments to alert the
tenants, mostly college students, to the 2:30 a.m. blaze, said
her mother, Joanne Mahan. "I guess they said if it wasn't
for her, they'd all be sleeping still," Ms. Mahan said. "The
building went up like a matchstick." Marta, who has three
uncles in the Albany fire department, was helped out the
back by tenants she had awakened, her mother said. "The
little girl did a good job," said Albany Fire Chief Joseph!

his doctors at Stanford MedicalCenter in California about
his bike trip, Hayes' hometown physician approved of the,
idea. During a stopover in Colorado, Hayes said although he
must take "about 48 pills a day," he can play football,
baseball and pedal his way across the country. He left
Knoxville Sept. 4 and says he has an appointment in Stan-
ford on Oct. 26. Hayes said he may be a few days late. O
Best of the worst
Newspaper reporters, Wall Street brokers and used car
salesmen are the worst dressed, while cowboys are at the

who looks as if he can barely tie his shoelaces is savvy
enough to report on matters of crucial importance." At the
other end of the spectrum, Hix gives his top honors to
cowboys "because they recognize that clothing must, first
and foremost, be funtional." Cowboys don't wear western
boots because they're trendy," said Hix.
On the inside
The Arts page features a preview of Saturday night's
Gordon Lightfoot concert.. . the Opinion page presents an




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