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October 07, 1981 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-07

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 7, 1981-Page 3

Shapiro discusses researc

In his first visit ever to the Michigan
Student Assembly, University
President Harold Shapiro told student
government representatives that the
University is not actively seeking
military research contracts.
In response to a series of questions,
Shapiro said that although the Univer-
sity will not attempt to persuade faculty
members to seek defense department
contracts, neiither, will it prevent them
from working out their own agreements
for military intelligence research.
ON THE SUBJECT of minorities at
the University, Shapiro assured

MSAmember Ken Reeves that the
University would continue its commit-
ment to financial aid for minority
students and noted that the University
is lobbying extensively in Washington
against further cutbacks in federal aid
and loan programs for students.
MSA member Valerie Mims also
asked Shapiro why the University's Af-
firmative Action office has no minority
employees. Shapiro told Mims that the
situation in the affirmative action office
"doesn't reflect anything about what
our attitude is" on minority recruit-
Shapiro also said at the student

government's weekly meeting that the
University hopes by the end of the
academic year to be able "to articulate
just where enrollment adjustments will
take place" to ease student over-
crowding. He added that the University
plans to add more faculty members to
the engineering college to balance a
sliding student-faculty ratio there.
IN OTHER MSA business last night,
the assembly decided to take a
proposed appointment of David
Schaper, a controversial student
government activist, to an interviewing
committee that would select new
justices for the Central Student

h policy
Judiciary, the top student government
court. Schaper, a law student, who once
was the CSJ's chief justice, raised a
dispute within the assembly last spring
when he attempted to revise MSA's
compiled code, a body of rules which
governs the conduct of the assembly.
'MSA President Jon Feiger objected ;
strongly to the proposed appointment,
citing Schaper's "extremely controver-
sial" history with student government.
Assembly members overwhelmingly
agreed to table the appointment until
next week at Feiger's request, with
three dissenting votes.

UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT HAROLD Shapiro (center) discussed a number
of issues with student government representatives at last night's MSA
I meeting. MSA President John Feiger (left) and Vice-President Amy Har-
tman (far right) presided over the meeting.
-- ---- --

Britain offers prison reforms
BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP)- The British gover- garb and that half the parole time lost through cellblock
nment offered a "take-it or leave-it" package of prison protests will be restored if they call off their campaign and
reforms yesterday that excludes the key demand by Irish obey prison rules for three months.
nationalists that they be granted political-prisoner status. BUT HE STRESSED that the prisoners' demands for
The proposal, in response to cancellation of the Maze greater freedom within the prison and for exemption from
prison hunger strike that had cost 10 lives, got a cautious penal work "are not compatible with a civil prison system."
response from the Irish Republican Army's legal political Prior also emphasized that jailed guerrillas will not be ac-
arm. The Roman Catholic church hierarchy welcomed it, but corded political-prisoner status despite their claims that
leaders of Northern Ireland's Protestant majority called it a their crimes were politically motivated. Obtaining such
"sell-out." status has been the main objective of their protest.
GERRY ADAMS, VICE president of Sinn Fein, the Prior announced the reforms after the collapse Saturday of
outlawed IRA's political front, said it "remains to be seen" a seven-month hunger strike in the Maze by convicted
whether the reforms are enough to bring an end to the prison guerrillas seeking special privileges, which London said
protest that jailed guerrillas have conducted in the Maze sin- amounted to prisoner-of-war status that would accord the
ce March 1976. The hunger strike was a part of that protest. IRA and its splinter groups political legitimacy.
Northern Ireland Secretary James Prior said convicted Ten men died on the fast, which began March 1. The British
guerrillas can wear their own clothes instead of prison-issue refused to make concessions until the fast was called off.

Hospital needs AB blood
University Hospital researchers are
looking for blood donors with AB type
blood. One-half to one pint will be
drawn from each donor. Compensation
will be $20.00 per half pint.
The blood is needed for studies of the
inner lining of blood vessels. Interested
persons should contact Beth Coats at
763-4723 or 764-8100, Simpson Memorial
Institute, 102 Observatory Drive.

at MSU


(UPI)- A

suspected case of rubella on the
Michigan State University campus
led Ingham County health officials
Monday to set- up a vaccination
clinic in a graduate student residen-
ce hall.I
A communicable disease nurse
with the health department, stressed
that one suspected case of the three-
day measles does not mean an
epidemic, but said the college age
population is more susceptible to the
illness because they may not have
had the disease as children or they
weren'trequired to be vaccinated.

Renaissance window
One thousand dollars worth of
damage was done to an 18' 4' front
window of Renaissance clothing
store, 336 Maynard. The window was
broken at 2 a.m. yesterday. A sport
coat was stolen from the window
display. Witnesses said they saw
several college-aged students run-
ning from the area, but none of them
were caught.
Indecent exposure in
the Arb
Police received a report of in-
decent exposure in Nichols Ar-
boretum at 8 p.m. Monday. A
woman told police she was jogging
when a "fat" man who was totally
nude came out of the bushes.

'U' experts unsure
of Egypt's future

(Continued from Page 1)
"It's a horrible shame we live in a
world where people are shot down in the
streets," Rabbi Rod Glogower of Hillel
said. "It's doubly sad because Sadat
seemed truly interested in negotiating
with Israel."
"Speaking from the Zionist point of
view, it was a shock to me," said David
Holzel of the Union of Students for
Israel. "We're a little nervous. Sadat

was the only Arab leader we ever dealt
with. Anyone else will be an unknown
The human brain is split into two
hemispheres. One governs a person's
intellectual and critical behavior. The
other handles intuitive and artistic

Thin a aPmhlftkj gtwtre&e
Prints, Drawings, and Books in the Age of Luther
A major loan exhibition from
Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg
Landesbibliothek Coburg
Detail: fortress at
Coburg from Martyr-
dom of St. Erasmus.
woodcut, 1506, by
Lucas Cranach
First loan ever made outside Germany of rare graphic works which
illustrate dramatic change in religious and artistic ideas in Northern
Europe during Luther's lifetime. Unique drawings and prints by Late
Gothic and Early Renaissance masters such as Schongauer, Durer,
Cranach, Baldung, and Altdorfer. Exclusive to Detroit and Ottawa in
North America.
Until November 22 Only
Schwartz Graphic Arts Galleries. No admission charge.
Tuesday through Sunday, 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


Hillel Service Schedule:

University Presideft Harold Shapiro and Director of Affirmative Action
Virginia Nordby will discuss the University's position on affirmative action
during a special event today titled, "People and Issues in Equal Oppor-
tunity." The public conference will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the
Michigan Union Ballroom. Concerns, to be addressed are women, the
disabled, Vietnam veterans, racial and ethnic minorites and age
Alternative Action - Courageous, Nat. Sci., 7 and 9 p.m.
Cinema Guild-Vintage Cartoons, Lorch Hall Aud., 7 and 10:05 p.m. Also
Picture Stop Animation, 8:45 p.m.
Classic Film Theater-Kurosawa Festival, Red Beard, Lorch Hall Aud., 4
and 7:30 p.m.
Dept. of Economics-Hal Varian, "Analysis of Consumer Demand
Behaviour Through O.R. Techniques," 4 p.m., 243 W. Engin.
Aerospace Undergraduate Seminar Series-R. S. Buchanan, Rockwell In-
tern., "Current Aircraft and Manned Space Activities within Rockwell,
USAF, and NASA," 3:30 p.m., 107 Aerospace Building.
School of Social Work-Prof. William Birdsall, "Update: An Economic
Analysis of the Reagan Budget Cuts-its Effects in Social Work," noon,
Student Lounge, 4th floor Frieze Bldg.
Dept. of Classical Stu ies-Prof. William Scott, "The Laertes Scene in
Odyssey 24, 4:10 p.m., 20 Angell HAll.
Center for Western European Studies and Scandinavian Colloquium-Per
Lachmann, "Greenland: 2,000,000 Km' and 50,000 People," 8 p.m.,
Rackham, W. Conf. Rm.
Center for Russian and East European Studies-Prof. George Kish, "Folk
Tales and How they Grew," Brown Bag, noon, Commons Room, Lane Hall.
Wild Life Society - Jim Lavvorn, "Management Research on Migrating
Sandhill Cranes," noon, Rm. 2024 School of Nat. Resources.
Museum of Art/History of Art-Philipp Fehl, "Medals & Monuments of
Papal Rome: Notes on the Truth of Fictioh in Art & History," 4 p.m., Aud. D,
Angell Hall.
Computing Center - Rick Riolo, "Intro. to Database Management
Systems," 7-9 p.m., B120 MLB.
Division of Biological Science - Jack Szostak, "Structure and Function of
the Ends of Yeast Chromosomes," 4 p.m., MLB 2.
Environmental Law Society -- Mark Van Putten & Mike Donovan, "Oil
Derricks in the Great Lakes; Do Oil & Water Mix?" 7:30 p.m., Rm. 443,
Mason Hall.
Dept. of Psychiatry - Douglas Robbins, M.D., "Affective Disorders in
Adolescence," 9:30-11 a.m., CPH Aud.
Career Planning & Placement - Public Service Intern Program Mass
Meeting, 7p.m., Rackham Aud.
International Center - Overseas Study Options, noon, International Cen-
LSA Student Government -6:15 p.m., 3rd floor, Michigan Union.
Music at Midweek - Linda Yoshida, soprano, songs by Debussy, Strauss
and Japanese folk songs, 12:10 p.m., Pendelton Room, Michigan Union.
School of Music - Organ Recital, Peter Corneliussen, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
UAC Laugh Track - 9 p.m., Univ. Club, Michigan Union.
Ark - Hoot night, open mike, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill.

Thurs. Eve.
Oct. 8
5:15 p.m.

a(at Hillel)
(at Power Center)
(at Hillel)

Wed. Eve.
Oct. 7
7:00 p.m.
6:40 p.m.

Thurs. Morn.
Oct. 8
10:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.

6:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m.

5:30 p.m.

HILLEL, 1429 Hill St.





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Our representative will be at:
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