Page 2-Thursday, October 2, 1981-The Michigan Daily
Stamps going up to 20 cents
WASHINGTON (AP)- The Postal Service defied
its ratemaking watchdog yesterday and raised the
cost of a first-class stamp to 20 cents, effective Nov. 1.
Two minutes after it.was announced, the move was
challenged in court.
The two-cent increase will be the first such hike
that has not been approved by the Postal Rate Com-
mission, which three times rejected requests for a 20-
cent rate.
THE NEW PRICE represents a 25 percent increase
in first-class mail rates this year and a 333 percent
increase since 1971, when a letter could be mailed for
six cents.
Robert Hardesty, chairman of the Postal Service
Board, defended the increase as "reasonable,
equitable and fiscally responsible."
Since rates were increased from 15 cents to 18 cents
in March, the Postal Service has lost almost $126
million, he said.
POSTMASTER General William Bolger said the
increase will provide about $1 billion in additional*
revenue and allow the service to break even for the
1982 fiscal year starting today.
Bolger said the new rate is high enough to avoid
another increase for at least two years. Such stability
is important to large users who must know postal
costs before deciding on mass mailings, he said.
THE NATIONAL Association of Greeting Card
Publishers filed a suit challenging the legality of the
increase at 10:19 a.m., two minutes after it was an-
The suit in the U.S. Court of Appeals contends the
increase is discriminatory because it applies to some
classes of mail while some others are being
decreased or left the same.
The new rates are effective at 12:01 a.m. Sunday,
Nov. 1. The cost of mailing a letter will jump to 20
cents and postcards will increase from 12 to 13 cents.
Complied from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Baker says Reagan doesn't
Taiwan spurns China 's reunification offer
PEKING (AP) - China offered
Taiwan reunification terms yesterday
that for the first time mention letting
Taiwan leaders join in running the
Communist government while keeping
control of their island nation's local af-
The offer was made on the eve of
National Day; marking the 32nd an-
hiversary of Communist rule. It was
contained in an interview with Marshal
Ye Jianying, the country's top
parliamentarian and the equivalent of
head of state.
A SPOKESMAN for the Nationalist
Chinese government, which fled to
Taiwan in 1949 after 'losing the
mainland to the Communists, said Ye's
offer contained nothing new and was in-
tended to subjugate the people on
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Taiwan under Communist rule.
"The only way to bring about national
reunification is to abandon the Com-
munist system," said spokesman Dr.
James Soong.
While a high-ranking Chinese army
officer told reporters that the purpose
of Peking's overture was to reduce
fears of the mainland among people on
Taiwan, Western diplomats saw it as
aimed at the United States.
THE DIPLOMATS, who asked not to
be named, said one aim appeared to be
to make it harder for President Reagan
to justify arms sales to Taiwan, and to
prepare the Chinese public for w'or-
sened U.S.-China relations if the sales
go through.
The sense of urgency in the latest
proposal, the diplomats suggested,
resulted from the desire to remove the
Taiwan issue as a thorn in U.S.-China
Another goal of the reunification
campaign, observers say, is to polish
the tarnished reputation of the Com-
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munist Party, which suffered greatly
during the 1966-76 purges of the Cultural
YE'S PROPOSAL follows numerous
offers to Taiwan for unification. A
theme running through all of China's
statements on Taiwan has been that
China is adopting a reasonable, flexible
position while it is the leaders on
Taiwan who have been blocking a
peaceful solution.
China formerly talked of "liberating"
Taiwan by force, but now it says it
prefers peaceful means.
While various parts of the proposal
had been revealed before, it was the fir-
st time China officially offered gover-
nment positions to Taiwan leaders.
The kind of posts Taiwan officials
could have in the central government
would be subject to negotiation, the
Chinese officer who briefed reporters
In his interview with the -official
Xinhua news agency, Ye said, "People
in authority and representative per-
sonages of various circles in Taiwan
may take up posts of leadership in
national political bodies and participate
in running the state."
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have votes to save AWACS sale:
WASHINGTON- Senate Republican Leader Howard Baker told President
Reagan yesterday he does not have the votes to clear the $8.5 billion arms
sale to Saudi Arabia, and Secretary of State Alexander Haig hurried home
from the United Nations to try to save the deal.
Baker told reporters he thinks the president still can win the congressional
test, but opponents now have the upper hand.
"It is in trouble but it's not beyond salvaging," Baker said he told the
"I think Ronald Reagan's going to get the AWACS through," Baker said.
But for now, he told reporters "We don't have the votes."
In another development, the administration abruptly postponed sub-
mission of the sale to Congress and Haig returned to Washington to report to
the White House on efforts to negotiate a compromise to save the deal.
New drug may change
heart attack treatment
BOSTON- Researchers have found that a clot-dissolving medicine
protects people from the damage that usually follows heart attacks, and they
say the discovery could profoundly change the way doctors treat victims of
America's leading killer.
"I think it has great promise," Dr. John Markis said of the new treatment.
"I continue to be reinforced by what we've seen."
Markis said the new approach, which is being studies at several medical
centers, could have as dramatic an effect on the treatment of heart disease
as the development of coronary bypass surgery more than a decade ago.
Salvadoran president asks U.S.
for help in solving nuns' murders
WASHINGTON- Salvadoran President Jose Napoleon Duarte says he
needs more help from the United States to solve the murders of four
American churchwomen slain in El Salvador nearly 10 months ago, mem-
bers of the women's families said yesterday.
While some family members and friends of the women said they were en-
couraged by Duarte's statements in a private meeting with them, others told
a news conference that they doubted the killers would ever be brought to
Five months ago, six Salvadoran national guardsmen were detained as
suspects in the killings. But the men have never been charged and Duarte
has said he lacks sufficient evidence to convict them.
Coast Guard may begin
checking Haitian refugee flow
MIAMI- Coast Guard'planes, helicopters, and patrol craft could begin as
early as next week to intercept and turn back Haitians bound for the United
States, a Guard official said yesterday.
Capt. Alan Breed, chief operations officer of the Coash Guard 7th District,
said aircraft and ships could begin patrolling the Windward Passage bet-
ween Haiti and Cuba sometime next week after final details are worked out.
"We will be looking for vessels of the type that in the past carried illegal
migrants to the United States," Breed said.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization
Service said the rights of Haitians to ask for political asylum would be
protected, although people fleeing Haiti will be systematically returned.
President Reagan, declaring the entry of illeataliens "a'serious.natiOnal
problem detrimental to the interests of the United States," ordered the in-
terdiction program on Tuesday.
Reagan ordered the Coast Guard to stop and board vessels outside U.S.
territorial waters if there is reason to believe they are transporting illegal
aliens here. Since October 1980, according to government estimates, 11,000
Haitians have tried to illegally enter the United States.
Vol. XCII, No. 19
Thursday, October 1 , 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
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Editor in chief...................SARA ANSPACH
Managing Editor..............JULIE ENGEBRECHT
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