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October 01, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-10-01

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Ninety-Two Years
Editorial Freedom


Mit it3au


There's a chance of
showers for today. Windy
all day, turning colder this
evening as showers end.

Vol. XCII, No. 19

Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 1, 1981

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Future of Title IX is

up in the air

Is Title IX dead or alive?
That's a question that may be decided in the
next several months, as important decisions
are made by the federal government on the law
and its interpretation.
TITLE IX IS the federal sex discrimination
law that covers educational institutions
receiving federal assistance. Until recently it
has been assumed that the law pertained' to
athletics. But power to enforce the law soon
may be diluted.
One proposal that would *destroy Title IX's

impact on athletics is a bill already passed by
voice vote in the Senate. It was introduced last
June by the Committee on Labor and Human
Resources - chaired by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-
The Hatch proposal hopes to limit Title IX to
individual programs at an institution that
directly receive federal assistance. According
to University athletic director Don Canham,
none of the University's athletic programs
receive direct federal assistance, although
other University programs do.
IN A LETTER dated June 5, Hatch stated

that the Department of Education expanded
the Title IX law beyond Congress' original in-
"Though a few courts have held Title IX to be
program-specific, striking down regulations
which were over-broad, the Department of
Edcationrhas continued to try to impose its
directives on all of an institution's activities if
so much as one of its programs or activities is
federally assisted," the letter stated.
Last spring several athletic programs, in-
cluding the University's, were investigated by
the Department of Education's Office of Civil

Of those early investigations, the office has
completed four: the University of Akron, the
University of Hawaii at Manoa, the University
of Bridgeport in Connecticut and Pensacola
Junior College in Florida. Recommendations
on other investigations are still to come.
Another proposal which may threaten Title
IX is the review of all federal departments by
the Bush Task Force on government
regulation. The task force, named for Vice
President George Bush, has proposed no
changes yet, but the Department of Education

under the leadership of Secretary T.H. Bell has
changed its procedure for issuing findings of
the investigations.
BELL CALLS THE new procedure
"cooperation before confrontation."' Under
Bell's plan, an institution is given an oppor-
tunity to present plans for the future and
discuss its problems with federal officials before
a non-compliance letter is considered.
Athletic directors say they like the new
method, but add that it tends to make the in-
vestigations longer, and raises some questions
See FUTURE, Page 6

Dean says
can be cut

LadIy hoto y KIM HLL
Fallen arches
niversity workers began moving the last of the corinthian columns located on pioneering unistruct architecture building that stood behind them were originally
appan St. next to Lorch Hall to North Campus yesterday. The columns and the built for University architecture students to study.

Reagan to OK MX,B-I bomber
From AP and UPI other states. " Dakota, 50 by Maelstrom AFB in Mon- selection on the deployment area u

The University administration can
fire tenured faculty members if the
need arises, LSA Dean Peter Steiner
reminded a group of University
professors yesterday.
Apart from physical disability and
incompetence, Steiner said, the
University can fire tenured faculty for
two reasons. These reasons are: 1) if
the University declares it does not have
enough money to pay the faculty, and 2)
if the faculty :members' department or
program is discontinued.
Michigan League meeting of the local
chapter of the American Association of
University Professors.
Before launching into his speech,
Steiner told the professors he was on
their side. Unbuttoning his coat, Steiner
displayed a T-shirt emblazoned with a
superman shield and the letters
Getting back to more serious mat-
ters, Steiner noted that five of the nine
tenured faculty members of the
geography department - scheduled to
be discontinued July 1 - have not yet
been relocated in other University
THE NEW DEAN, who until this
summer was a professor in the
economics department, said he
believed he would be able to find other

positions for the tenured geography
professors, but added that if he cannot,,
those professors may. be forced to leave
the University.
Relocation of the tenured geography
faculty hopefully will be announced
within the next five months, Steiner
said, adding that every effort is being
made by the dean's office to place the
professors in other positions.
Steiner said he is asking chairpersons
of various departments whether or not
they would be willing to take the
tenured geography professors into their
departments. The college will pay the
salaries of the geography faculty mem-
bers if and when the departments ac-
cept them, he added.
"FIRING TENURED faculty will
never be an objective," Steiner said.
"Whether it will be a consequence or
not, I can't really say."
If the tenure issue comes up in the
near future, "it will be approached with
great caution," Steiner said.
The dean said there are no plans ;to,_
discontinue academic programs being
made by the administration at this
moment, but he added that such plants
will be made in the future.
Since the University's guidelines
concerning the discontinuation of
academic departments does not define
the size or scope of academic
programs, there has been some debate
See DEAN, Page 6


WASHINGTON- President Reagan
has decided to scatter 100 MX missiles
among 1,000 shelters in the West and to
build the B-1 bomber while a more ad-
vanced, radar-eluding Stealth aircraft
is developed, sources said yesterday.
A key Senate source, asking
anonymity, said he understands
Reagan has not settled on which states
will house the new generation of
nuclear missiles. The possibilities in-
clude shuttling them, shell-game
fashion, on desert land in Nevada and
possibly Utah, or basing some in
existing Minuteman missile silos in

THE PRESIDENT is to announce
those multibillion-dollar decisions
tomorrow as he discloses plans to
modernize the nation's strategic forces,
which he contends have fallen
dangerously behind those of the Soviet
One thousand vertical Minuteman
silos are in North Dakota, South
Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. Four
hundred of those are large enough to
accommodate the MX and would
require little modification.
Of the 400, 150 are controlled by
Grand Forks Air Force Base in North

tana and 200 by Francis E. Warren AFB
in Wyoming.
DELAYING A decision on where to
deploy the MX would not necessarily
set back the 1986 period when the first
of the missiles is scheduled to be in
operation, according to an Air Force
spokesman, Lt. Col.Mike Terrill.
In fact, Terrill said, the Air Force
does not expect environmental impact
statements on all the areas under con-
sideration-Nevada, Utah, Texas and
New Mexico-to be completed until
next month at the earliest.
"We had not planned on making the

late November or early December," he
BUT A DELAY of several months
past December could set back the MX
schedule becasue of problems with fur-
ther environmental studies and land
acquisition," Terrill said. "You run into
a problem with land withdrawal,"
. Terrill added.
Reagan is expected to go ahead with
plans to manufacture the B-1 bomber,
which was rejected by then-President
Jimmy Carter, and to develop Stealth
bombers able to elude enemy radar, the
See REAGAN, Page 5

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There's always
the next. day,
"or the dayatr

The assignment is due in a week and even though
you intend to start it right away, two or three days
will pass before you actually get around to it.
You can almost predict the rest: It's now the night
before the due date and you must work feverishly to
get the assignment in on time.
IF THAT SOUNDS like you, don't worry.
Procrastination is a common condition. And resear-
chers say procrastination is not necessarily the result
of laziness, or lack of discipline and motivation.
Students procrastinate, say the experts, because
they fear success, they fear failure or because they

high school to college, they aren't able to produce
things at the level (of excellence) they've been ac-
customed to. Having that over your head is in-
timidating, and that makes it hard to get started,"
she added.
BURKA AND colleague Lenora Yuen have been
running for the last several years clinics on
procrastination for students at Berkeley.
Fear of failure plays a big role in a student's
decision to put off a project. "By procrastinating,"
Burka said, "they never allow their best work to
come to light, to be evaluated." If parents pressure
their children to succeed, they will withdraw
altogether from being evaluated she added

"THERE ARE NO built-in limits to the grounds of
being a student," Brunner said. "If you are writing a
paper, there is always more research you could have
done, always more readings you can do to understand
a point further. You could, if you wanted, let studying
fill up all your time.
Several students had other ideas about why they
"I procrastinate when I have no specific structure
for my day," said LSA third-term freshman Jeff
Walker. "If I know I have five or six hours ahead of
me and only one thing to get done, blowing off that
first or second hour doesn't seem like a bad thing to

are rebelling. In addition, said University psychologist Alice WALKER ALSO suggested that his procrastination.
"Some people are perfectionists in their mind's Brunner, many students find themselves was the result of his parents' high expectations for
eye," said University of California at Berkeley procrastinating because they are overwhelmed by him and his consequent fear of failure.
onpsychologist Jane Burka. "Often, once they go from academic pressure. The images people carve out for themselves has
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Fancy garage sale
COME ONE, COME ALL. Uncle Sam is cleaning
house and auctioning off what he finds in the
federal basement - scores of pricey, garish and
gaudy gifts from foreign governments to U.S.
officials that they are prohibited by law from keeping.
What will you pay for a brass cigar box from Thailand or a
silver gilt Russian liquer set? And who will buy the oil por-
trait and five busts of former Secretary of State Henry

fered to sell them at fair market value to the recipients
themselves. This reduced the gift list from about 260 items
to 182. The most expensive item, valued by the U.S. gover-
nment at $6,000, is a Piaget gold watch, a gift from Oman to
Henry Catto when he was chief of protocol. Catto, now chief
Defense Department spokesman, said Tuesday he decided
not to buy the watch back from the government. "It's very
handsome, but unfortunately, a bit expensive for my ex-
chequer," he said. His secretary, Alice Parrish, said Catto
also had returned a watch given to him by the King of Saudi
Arabia. Asked whether Catto planned to purchase that one,
ehnvoliA "n nman 11R,, rkn a tnn -.r~A nf-

From vandals to thieves
Spokane County in Washington state used a heavily van-
dalized stop sign to demonstrate how much vandalism costs
county taxpayers. But now the sign can be used to demon-
strate the cost of theft-if it is recovered. The sign was
stolen from an easel on which it was displayed in the county
courthouse entrance to show that each stop sign destroyed
by vandals costs $93 to replace. County Engineer Robert
Turner said Tuesday that the stolen stop sign was not itself
worth any more than the value of its metal as scrap. Its true
-.r.Ah- o a e - : - ---n+;t nninr wo cn n .-crim v hnlt ,

night. He said he filed a battery complaint against his at-
tacker with the state attorney's office. Witnesses said for-
mer city commissioner Farris Tarantino struck Doyens, 25,
several times in the face. The editor tried his best to deflect
the punches, but did not return the blows, said Henry Cab-
bage, a Panama City News-Harold reporter who watched
the altercation. Tarantino asked to speak to the editor out-
side City Hall, after a City Commission meeting. Tarantino
complained about the news coverage in the weekly paper
and hit- Doyens in the face, the editor said. Doyens said'
Tarantino apparently was upset about a newspaper story
that said he resgned his nost on the City Commission in 1979




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