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September 26, 1981 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-09-26

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O'Connor joins
Supreme Court

The Michigan Doily-Saturday, September 26,1981-Page 3
Court to decide
on abortion

WASHINGTON - Sandra O'Con-
nor became the first woman on the
Supreme Court yesterday, pledging
in a solemn and historic ceremony to
defend the Constitution and "do
equal right to the poor and to the
rich." ,
President Reagan and an elbow-
tonelbow audience of 400 people
jammed the courtroom to watch
Chief Justice Warren Burger swear
in Mrs. O'Connor as an associate
justice of the nation's highest court.
'"JUSTICE O'CONNOR,'welcome to
the court," Burger said at the con-
clusion of the oath. "I wish you a
long life and a long and happy career
in our common calling."
She then donned for the first time
the robe of a Supreme Court justice
- actually the robe she wore as a
member of the Arizona appeals
court - and became the 102nd'
member of the high court dating
bacl to its 1790 founding.
Earlier, Mrs. O'Connor and her
husband, Phoenix attorney John
O'Connor, rode with the president
and first lady Nancy Reagan up
Pennsylvania Avenue from the

White House to the Supreme Court,
located just east of the Capitol.
On arriving, she went to the
privacy of the'justices' oak-paneled
conference room, where she took a
Judicial Oath from Burger. There
she pledged, in part, "I will ad-
minister justice without respect to
persons, and do equal right to the
poor and to the rich."
After taking theoath, Mrs. O'Con-
nor was helped into her judicial robe
and led to the seat traditionally oc-
cupied by the court's most junior
justice - to the far right of the bench
as viewed from the courtroom.
O'Connor had served as an
Arizona appeals court judge since
late 1979. She previously served as a
state court trial judge and majority
leader in the Arizona Senate.
The Senate.. approved her
nomination by a 99-0 vote Monday.
The court's members previously
were known as "Mr. Justice," as in
"Mr. Justice Stewart." However,
last November they dropped that
title in favor of simply "Justice." It.
was assumed that the change an-
ticipated the naming of the first
woman to the high court.

for raped child


State Supreme Court was asked yester-
day to decide whether the state can
overrule a mother's religious beliefs
and order an abortion for a 12-year-old
girl who was gang-raped by three boys
on her way home from school.
The court was told the child contrac-
ted veneral disease from the incident
and a doctor says her life is in danger if
she completes the pregnancy. The girl,
in her 10th week of pregnancy, told a
lower court she wants an abortion.
THE CHILD'S mother opposes an
abortion on religious grounds.
"She is a member of the Church of
Holiness," said Michelle Porta, court-
appointed attorney for the mother.
"The mother believes abortion is taking
a human life and that if God wanted a
child aborted he would abort it."
State' attorneys argued an abortion
would be legal on two grounds-that a
state court could order it for a child in
its custody and that the child had the

right to an abortion regardless of her
mother's wishes.
A THREE-JUDGE panel headed by
Vice Chief Justice Don Barnes conduc-
ted an emergency hearing only hou-s:
after the petition was filed, and Barnes
said the full court would issue a ruling
Thomas Ray Jr., assistant public
defender, told the court the child was so
traumatized by the rape she ran away
from home. When the girl was found the
welfare department assumed custody
on grounds she was a deprived child.
The child is a resident of north
Oklahoma City and attorneys said she
was walking home in what were con-
sidered good surroundings when she
was raped.
The rapists, described as in their
teens, were not apprehended.
Attorneys said the mother did not ob-
ject to treatment of the veneral disease,

AP Photo
AFTER ROBING AND being sworn in as an associate justice of the Supreme
Court, Sandra Day O'Connor walks down the U.S. Supreme Court steps with
Chief Justice Warren Burger yesterday.

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Fake drug
peddle rs
"may face

LANSING (UPI) - Makers and ped-
dlers of phony "lookalike" drugs, who
have found'an eager and naive clientele
in the state's schoolyards, would face
tough criminal penalties under a new
measure proposed yesterday.
Sen. Phil Arthurhultz announced he
will introduce legislation slapping pur-
veyors of the copycat pills with the
same sanctions they would face for
pushing the real thing, warning such
traffic is a health hazard and a hin-
drance for law enforcement.
"IF PERSONS in the business of
manufacturing or selling the lookalike
drug can pretend it's real, then they can
pretend they're doing time in jail for

hustling the real thing," the Whitehall
Republican said.
Arthurhultz, appearing at a; news
conference with state police Lt. Joseph
Young, said the lookalikes are designed
to resemble controlled amphetamines
but contain only caffeins and other mild
substances. Manufactured in Chicago
and Pennslyvania, they cost
distributors only about $30 per thousand
but are sold on the street at a huge
markup, he said
The pills first ,started appearing in
the Flint area and have recently crop-
ped up in Kalamazoo, Detroit, Lansing,
Grand Rapids and Gaylord.
YOUNG SAID the traffic is a problem

in almost every school district now, ex-
cept some in northern, areas of the
Attorney General Frank Kelley has
moved against some distributors on
consumer fraud charges, but criminal
sanctions would be a greater deterrent
and enable officers to confiscate the
goods, Arthurhultz said.
The young Republican said his bill
will be patterned after one used in
Delaware and said he hopes to meet
soon with U.S. Rep. Guy VanderJagt,
(R-Mich.), to discuss possible federal
"The only way we will be able to
really stamp it out is with a federal
law," he said.



Education leaders vow
to fight Reagan'scuts

WASHINGTON (AP) - Education
leaders vowed yesterday to fight
President Reagan's attempt to cut even
deeper into school programs and said
they have the votes to block his plan to
dismantle the fledgling Department of
"We certainly intend to head him off
at the pass, even though he's a pretty
good cowboy,"-said Scott Thomson,
executive director of the National
Association of Secondary School Prin-

course that will destroy public
education," charged Bernie Frietag,
vice president- of the National
Education Association.
Thomson ,and Frietag were among
the leaders of a dozen school groups-
who called A news conference to vent
their displeasure with Reagan's latest
plans to scale down federal spending on
They said the new cuts he outlined
Thursday - when coupled with the 25
percent cuts he called for last spring -
would amount to a $3 billion reduction

in school aid and lunch programs.
ALTHOUGH Congress refused to
reduce education budget ceilings by the
25 percent Reagan called for last
spring, the appropriations bills have
yet to pass and the administration is
pushing for most of the cuts it originally
sought. In theory, at least, the final ap-
propriations could be much lower than
the budget ceiling.
Meanwhile, Education Secretary T.
H. Bell was telling his 5,600 employees
by letter that some of them are likely to
be fired.

Daily Photo by MIKE LUCAS
Get the Point
This angular skylight of the new underground law library should help
brighten diligent law students' subterranean studies and sharpen their
knowledge of the law.

. , warns education employees

The Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) is sponsoring a conference
today entitled "Staying Alive: A Conference on Teaching For/By TA's." The
program will be held on the fourth floor of the Rackham Building with the
morning session beginning at 10:30 a.m. and afternoon sessions beginning at
1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. The conference is free, open to the public, and child care
will be provided. Special invitation is extended to teaching assistants and
graduate students.
The "Ann Arbor Science Fiction and Fantasy Fair" will be held today at
the Michigan Union in conference rooms 2-6. The fair is open to all from 11
a.m. until 11 p.m. Admission is $3. Several science fiction writers including
Lloyd Biggles Jr., Murray Yacu, Tefe Reynolds, Lynn Abbey and Robert
Asprin will be appearing. In addition, science fiction and fantasy films will
be featured and there will be exhibits, panel discussions, games and con-
tests. For more information call 971-3705.
Second Annual World's Worst Film Festival-Plan 9 From Outer Space, 7
p.m. Harlem Rides the Range, 9 p.m.; Little Shop of Horrors, 11 p.m.,
Michigan Theater.
Cinema II-Carrie, 8:45 & 10:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Mediatrics-Stir Crazy, 7 & 9 p.m., Nat. Sci.
AAFC-Groove Tube, 7 & 10:20 p.m.; Kentucky Fried Movie, 8:40 p.m.,
Cinema Guild-Raging Bull, 4,7 & 9 p.m., Lorch Hall.
Alternative Action-The Kids are Alright, 7 & 9 p.m., MLB 3.
Professional Theater Program-Mirandolina, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Ark-Concert, Jim Ringer & Mary McCaslin, 8 & 10:30 p.m., 1412 D4ill St.
The Stage Company-Hold Me, 8 p.m., Canterbury Loft, 332 S. State St.
The Japan Club-Opening Party, 6-8 p m., International Center.
Grad. Christian Fellowship, 7 p.m., Michigan League, Rm. D.
SYDA-Week-long Siddha Meditation Intensive on "The Gura," 8:30 a.m.-
ALk5 n m. 902 Radwin

Engineering TA fired

(Continued from Page 1)
job) had not taken the class before or
was even enrolled" in it at the time,
Frisque said.
Gardella has refused to comment on
this teaching job. y
Engineering school Dean James
Duderstadt said a student in Frisque's
class complained to him that Gardella
was unqualified. "I intended to speak to
Chairman Haddad about it but our
communications got shuffled. As soon
as Haddad became aware of the
situation, he handled it immediately,"
Duderstadt said.
STUDENTS IN Gardella's section
have not yet been formally notified of
their TA's dismissal, but their reaction
to his teaching was not generally

"I have nothing against Joe. He's a
good programmer, but being a good
programmer doesn't qualify you to
teach," said Scott Weidner, a junior in
computer engineering enrolled in the
class's other section. "He was enrolled
in the class. That should speak for it-
"I was disappointed at first," said.
John Rosenberg, a junior in Gardella's
discussion section. "I was worried he
didn't know the material and the
discussion would not be as effectual."
BUT, ANOTHER of Gardella's
students said had Gardella not been
hired he would have been unable to
enroll in the class at all, and for that
reason he was glad Gardella was hired.
"It was better to have him (Gardella)
there and be able to take the class,"

for lack of
junior Doug Durham said, adding that
Frisqte and the other TA would have
been available to help had Gardella not
been familiar with the subject.
Haddad said undergraduates are
sometimes hired to assist lecturers but
that those students have always been
familiar with the subject matter. "It is
not unusual to have very qualified
senior level students help with begin-
ning courses," Haddad said.
Associate chairman Irani said that it
is an acceptable practice to hire un-

dergraduates as TAsbecause they do
not assign final grades.
Aides do, however, grade students'
computer programs, which are con-
sidered as a factor in determining the
students' final grades.
Frisque said the discussion section
Gardella taught will not be closed
because the TA was dismissed. Instead,
Frisque said that he will teach the sec-
tion himself until a replacement for
Gardella can be found.

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