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September 11, 1981 - Image 133

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-09-11

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, September 11, 1981- Page 13-B

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'U' budget ax trims
Botanical Gardens

Extension Service cut

The University's Matthei Botanical
rdens was the first non-academic
gram to fall victim to the ad-
ministration's budget ax this summer.
University administrators announced
last June their plan to cut the gardens'
budget by about 36 percent, forcing the
closing of one of the gardens' five
greenhouses and the layoffs of at least
five gardners and other employees.
Bill Collins, the gardens' senior bot-.
' ulturist, said the staff has been in-
Wrmed of the cuts-totaling about
$100,000-in a meeting about two weeks
before the cutbacks were enacted.
He also said that then-acting LSA
Dean John Knott had assured the gar-
den's staff that the current budgetary
constraints were only temporary.
Collins agreed with other staff mem-
bers that a great deal of energy would
be devoted to looking for alternative
sources of funding.
Bob Henry, one of four horticulture
asistants at the gardens, said that the
*tbacks forced the elimination of three
lull-time positions and two part-time
jobs at a time when he said the gardens
are already short-handed.
Though the, five dismissals will
account for most of the cutbacks, the
gardens also enacted other measures,
inclluding the introduction of a 75 cents
admission charge, to absorb the deficit,

Collins said. The remainder will come
from several other sources. They plan
to ask for a 75 cent donation from
visitors as well as a fee from
organizations that hold meetings at the
Gardens, he said.
ABOUT $20,000 of the deficit will
hopefully be made up by charging
researchers for space used at the Gar-
dens, Henry said. Collins added that
they will also be charged for any
materials and staff time used.
Henry said the Gardens area most
jeopardized will be the section open to
the public, because with the reduction
in the number of groundkeepers, the
staff will be unable to keep it up.
Collins said that since the main fun-
ction of the Gardens is teaching and
research, there will not be as much out-
side maintenance needed, which con-
sumes considerable staff time.
Steiner said, however, that the gardens
were never fully utilized because they
never had a' research staff. "If the
Botanical Gardens had a research
staff," he said, "there would be,
perhaps, a greater interest in keeping
(the facility) at a maximum level."
Dean Knott said there have been ef-
forts to have more researchers at the
Gardens in the past, but that they
haven't worked out "for one reason or

. .. in pensive mood
Collins said some of the areas which
cannot be tended to will be "let go into
natural areas." He added that some of
the outside maintenance will be done by
volunteers, particularly from the
Friends of the Botanical Gardens.
HE ADDED that the cuts that are
being made to the Gardens will "very
significantly diminish the ability of the
Gardens to produce material for class
and diminish the quality of the Gardens
as a public education resource."
Greenhouse 3, which holds mostly
personal collections and class material,
is slated to be closed to save ap-
proximately $1,000 in heating costs,
Henry said.
This story was reprinted from the
Daily's summer edition.

The budget of the University's Exten-
sion Service was cut by nearly 90 per-
cent this summer as part of the Univer-
sity's retrenchrent plan, a move the
program's director said will force the
dismissals of at least 45 staff members.
The cut forced the discontinuation of
the program's Extension Regional Cen-
ters in Ann Arbor, Detroit, Grand
Rapids, and Saginaw, Director Alfred
Storey said.
THE CUT IS part of a
"reorganization" of the Extension Ser-
vice being conducted as part of the ad-
ministration's plan to make the Univer-
sity "smaller but better," according to
a July report to the Regents.
And, though University Vice-
President for AcademicAffairs Bill
Frye reassured the Regents that the
cuts "will enable the University to
provide, with minimal disruption, ser-
vices to off-campus students," Storey
warned the cut would "greatly
diminish" the program's ability to ser-
ve the state. "We're being reduced, not
reorganized," he said.'
HE ADDED that these services reach
47,000 people through the credit-course
program, and another 20,000 people in
credit-free programs, such as con-
ferences and institutes.
The academic unit that sponsors a
particular program or course with Ex-
tension Service will hopefully pick up
the responsibilities for those programs,
Storey said. This will depend on their

individual budgetary constraints.
Along with the cuts, an Advisory
Committee on Extension Activities will
"review the mission of Extension in
light of changes within the University."
STOREY SAID he feels this mission
includes "the responsibility of sharing
with citizens of the state teaching and
research resources of the University."-
The fulfillment of this mission, he said,
would be greatly hindered by the cuts.
The Extension Service offers credit
courses at six centers around the state
as well as non-credit courses, including
seminars and conferences, many times
using University faculty members as
The cutbacks are the result of an ex-
tensive review of the Extension Ser-
vice, held in February, which is part of

the University's massive budget cut-
ting plans caused in part by reductions
in state appropriations. The report of
the subcommittee which studied the
Extension Service, made in March,
recommended that the department be
totally eliminated.
THERE HAS been some criticism of
the review process by program of-
ficials. The director of the center in
Detroit, Robert Schultz, said he wrote a
20-page criticism of the process,
charging the committee was incom-
petent and unworthy of the University.
He said the committee didn't gather
information or think logically and made
"gross errors of omission and com-
This story was reprinted from the
Daily's summer edition.

'J' officials not ruffled
by Title IX review

Despite President Reagan's intended
review of many federal regulations, in-
eluding the controversial Title IX,
Utaiversity athletic and affirmative ac-
n officials aren't too concerned about
e effects of the act's possible
elimination on campus sports.
Although the application of Title IX,
which requires proportional financial
support for men's and women's athletic.
programs,. to the University's Athletic
.Department, has- been the subject of
a continued debate, the aspects Qf the
regulation that will reportedly be
eviewed by the R eagan ad-
inistration are "non-issues," accor-
ding to University Affirmative Action
Director Virginia Nordby.
Canham said he thought "it was about
time the amateur-ish" investigations
of the law's implementations, as they
pertain to the University, were
reviewed. He addedthat he was "happy
as hell " about the review of what he calls
"a classic case of government
bureaucracy at its worst."
"It won't make a bit of difference one
ay or another" Canham said, adding
at the University already complies

with Title IX. "We have 11 men's sports
and 11 women's sports. We treat them
both the same."
Women's Athletic Director Phyllis
Ocker said the support of the women's
sports has "come a long way and Title
IX helped. She said, however, that she
thinks federal support would continue,
even if Lhe law's rules were to be
relaxed or even totally abolished.
AND EVEN IF the review finds that
Title IX doesn't apply to departments
not receiving direct federal aid-such
as the University's Athletic Depar-
tment-Nordby said she doubts there
would be a.withdrawal in the Univer-
sity's committment to the support of
women's athletics.
"We've done so much already," she
said, "there would be no sense in not
continuing on the path we've set for
Women's basketball and softball
Coach Gloria Solud said she thought
Canharn, the University Athletic
Department, and University President
Harold Shapiro all strongly support the
womens' programs.
This story was reprinted from the
Daily's summer edition.



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