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April 06, 1980 - Image 4

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Page 4-Sunday, April 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily

NinesI1Y Yealrs (ofIEdito)rialI Freedoml

Anderson should stay in race

Vol. XC, No. 146

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
MSA endorsements
Realistic Party: A needed
philosophical freshness

A S THE Michigan Student Assem-
bly (MSA) approaches the end of
yet another ineffective year, students
will be asked on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday to select next year's represen-
tatives. Of the five parties and the in-
dependent candidates; the Realistic
Party offers the most admirable can-
didates and platform.
The Realistic candidates aren't as
informed on the issues as many of their
opponents. Their ideas aren't as
solidified. Instead, the Realistic can-
didates dwell more on a philosophical.
change for MSA-one which we believe
is essential if MSA is ever to become
As Realistic presidential candidate
Mike Ryngaert puts it, MSA has too
long been a "parliamentary pre-school"
for representatives who "think they're
up on Capitol Hill." indeed, Assembly
members have wasted much time and
energy on bureaucratic red tape. It's
time for our representatives to under-
stand their function and scope. They.
are University students representing
other students, not a powerful body
that should spend time advising
President Carter and condemning the
Iranian government.

So what, then, should the Assembly
be doing? Ryngaert and his vice-
presidential candidate, Tom McDade,
are insistent that the body act only on
issues about which students have been
vocal. For instance, two projects they
would like MSA to work on are im-
proving counselling and increased
security. Both issues have been central
student concerns for quite some time.
The Realistic candidates see one of
the prime tasks of the Assembly as ad-
vising and educating students and in
turn gathering student opinion to bet-
ter formulate the group's views. As is
currently the case with several ballot
issues, the University administration
will certainly take the Assembly more
seriously if it clearly represents
student opinion.
Several of the other president/vice-
president slates are also ap-
pealing-particularly those of GATOR
and the Independent Students Party.
But as nice as their ideas sound,
they're too much like proposals can-
didates have espoused since MSA was
founded; every year there las been lit-
tle progress. MSA will never be effec-
tve unless candidates like Ryngaert
and McDade can change the
philosophy of the Assembly.

You almost have to feel sorry for John
Anderson. It seems the poor man just can't
Back in January, before the primaries had
even begun, a New York Times
editorial-which since then has been
effectively incorporated into Anderson's
campaign literature-questioned why a man
who many people think is the best candidate
in the race should also be regarded as having
no chance to win. It is certainly true that
Anderson, though admired and respected in
Congress, started with practically no national
recognition, let alone constituency. Yet, as a
Congressman who has proven his claim of bi-
partisanship by voting according to the issues
rather than party lines, he does have some
appeal to Republicans, Democrats, and
independents alike, and that should count for
THE MAIN THING Anderson's open-
minded approach to politics has brought him,
however, has not been votes, but criticism
from candidates and commentators both to
his left and right.
Understandably, it was the conservative
Republicans who first disclaimed this
"maverick" who, over the course of 10
Congressional terms, has gradually and
thoughtfully adjusted his overall position
leftward from one they would have found
more to their liking. Phil Crane went as far as
telling Anderson he" had no business being a
Republican and that he should get out of the
party, while Ronald Reagan asked him
whether he would favor Ted Kennedy over
Recently it has become fashionable for
Democratic liberals to attack the man who
they thought was really one of them. Their
bitter disappoinftment-and even
repulsion-is all the stronger for their having
been "deceived."
WHICH ONLY GOES to show that labels
are not very helpful these days. Or perhaps
the trouble is that Anderson simply defies
labelling because his mix of social liberalism
and fiscal conservatism-a mix particularly
well-suited to today's problems-cannot be
averaged to yield a quotient of moderation.
His views, though they are combined in a
nontraditional way, are not those of a fence-
sitter and are strongly, not moderately, held.
Still, candidates like Anderson, whose
positions do not lie consistently either to the
right or left, are commonly called moderates,
and, because they affiliate themselves with
no single political party, cause the electorate
some consternation. After all, voters often
claim they like a "real choice," and when
these types are running against each other
how is aneasy selection to be made?
AMAZINGLY ENOUGH, however, when
moderates compete against those with more
extreme views, the moderates seem to fare
extraordinarily well; it is not the Goldwaters
or McGoverns that get .elected. Why a
candidate whom everyone agrees is
somewhere in the middle of the political
spectrum should not do well is not clear.

By Carl Cormany
Nonetheless, Anderson has in fact had his
problems in the primaries-although few
would disagree that his performance has been
infinitely more successful than was thought
possible when he declared his candidacy.
Maybe this can be explained as being a result
of the criticisms leveled against him lately, or
of the nature of the primary system. In any
case, Anderson has had no wins, a few close
second-place finishes, and some true
disappointments. He is becoming less and,
less likely to win the Republican nomination.
This weekend Anderson is taking a break
from his campaigning to consider running as
an independent, or "third party," candidate.
Although many have encouraged him to do so,
the decision is not an easy one: he knows the
deck is stacked against him. He has already
missed deadlines to get on the November
ballot in some states and will miss more
before the Republican convention. He would
be at a severe financial disadvantage because
he would not qualify for the federal money
($29.5 million each) the major party

not enjoy the support of the hard-line
Democrats because he is not one of them. And
if things in Iran continue as they have been
going, November 4 will be Day 368.
A large number of people swear they will
not vote for Kennedy under any
circumstances because of Chappaquiddick
and other reasons.
And Reagan, while trying to broaden his
base of support, is still just the leader of a.
faction (admittedly, the controlling one) of a
minority party. His lack of desire, or simple.
inability, to discuss the issues realistically
and truthfully is undermining his credibility.
SO WHETHER ANDERSON is in the race
or not, the winner just might be the candidate
who is least unpopular on election day.
Anderson would certainly not be favored by
some whose opinions he does not entirely
agree with, but if the voters are looking for
someone who is intelligent and willing to take
bold action when necessary, he could actually 3
get some votes from those who do not want to
settle for the lesser of two evils.
Perhaps the best thing for Anderson to do
now, therefore, would be to declare his
,intention to run in November, whether he gets
the nomination or not, and to begin to lay the
groundwork for the independent campaign

AP Photo
JOHN ANDERSON OFTEN takes a -swim in a hotel pool while on the campaign trail. If he con-
tinues in the presidential race as an independent, Anderson will have to struggle against strong
political currents.

candidates will receive. And there is the
matter of support among the voters:
independents have made consistently
unsuccessful showings in Presidential
whether Anderson has a chance of winning.
Polls taken in the last few months have shown
Anderson a big loser when matched against
either Kennedy or President Carter, and the
primaries have previewed his chances
against Reagan.
But the other candidates have shown
weaknesses of their own recently, too.
Carter's old "love" platform and current
promises (usually made through Rosalynn)
that "everything will be all right" are finally
becoming unacceptable to the people as they
realize how ineffective, and possibly
, angerous, he has been as President. He does

that may be necessary. This may lose him
some of the vote in the remaining primaries,
but he would be no worse off than if he were to
abandon the party now. He could find himself
in a better position, because he would show he
really wants to work within the system, and
because that- would not keep him from
obtaining the federal money he would get if he
should still somehow find himself the
Republican nominee.
Anderson may well lose if he runs in
November. But even if he does, he could do a
lot to keep the others honest in a year when
much needs to be done. And that is nothing to
feel sorryabout, after all.

Fee increase justified

HE CHANCES that students will
approve the MSA ballot proposal
to' increase the mandatory student
government fee assessment from the
current $2.92 per term to 14.25 seem
pretty slim. Anticipating huge tuition
hikes and higher living expenses,
students will probably be unwilling to
pay more money to a student
government with which most never
even have contact.
Unfortunately, what many students
will fail to realize as they mark "no"
on their ballots is that more than 90 per
cent of the increase will go to Student
Legal Services (SLS).
SLS, which provides free legal
assistance to all University students,
lias not received a funding increase in

several years. It has become
increasingly difficult to retain well-
qualified SLS lawyers because the"
salaries SLS can offer are far from
SLS will have to cut back its services
if the ballot proposal is not approved.
In the long run, these service cutbacks
will cost students much more than the
fee increase. Students will have to go to
outside legal offices and pay high legal,
fees for advice they can get from SLS
for free.
The proposed increase requires the
approval of the Regents, and this
approval depends in large measure on
favorable response from students on
the ballot proposal.

Carl Cormany is a third-year University
law student and an associate editorial
page editor.

.x r.: , ... , , ,. _. .. _.

New boyfriend,

new smell



Preferential voting wise
EMBERS OF the Michigan Stu- as cliques of people who vote as a
dent Assembly have proclaimed group solely for the sake of politics.
udly and at length that they desire a Preferential voting has some
ide range of student viewpoints to faults-ballots marked preferentially
ater into MSA decisions-especially are tedious to count, and the system is
lose that involve using money sometimes confusing. The advantages,
llected from the mandatory student however, suggest that MSA members
e assessment. should continue to be elected through a
But there is a proposal on the ballot preferential system,
r this week's MSA general election First, students who run
iat would deprive the Assembly of independently or with small parties
ist such a spectrum of student input. stand a better chance of getting
y voting "yes" on the proposal to elected. Second, preferential voting
bolish preferential voting, students establishes, in essence, an automatic
ill effectively be limiting their run-off election; a preferential ballot
udent government representatives to says to the voter: 'If your first choice is
embers of large, well-organized not elected, who would you next like to
ampus political parties-parties see as your representative in student
hich have been more aptly described government?'
Certification plan desirable

Q. A year ago I broke up with a
guy I had gone with for three
years. Since then I have dated
some good-looking men, but I find
myself not being attracted to
them. What I think is bothering
me is that they don't smell as
good as my old boyfriend! It's.not
that they smell bad, it's just dif-
A. You are probably one of
those people who is very sensitive
to the way people smell,or at least
more'aware of your sensitivity.
Ezvery individual has a distin-
ct body odor, even though most of
us in this society spend a lot of
time covering it up or enhancing
it through perfume. One reason we
do this is to enhance our sexual
attractiveness. However, the ir- .
ony of this is that there is quite a
bit of evidence that certain
natural odors are much more
sexy than anything Faberge or
Revlon produce.
Researchers have been
studying the relationships bet-
ween sexual attraction and
specific smells for more than 30
years. James Hassett, in a
review article in the March, 1978

Health Service

issue of Psychology Today,
described a series of experiments
done in 1952 by a French scientist
on a substance called exaltolide,
the musky fragrance used in
many perfumes. This substance,
it, turned out, is produced in the
human body, and males produce

female mice kept separate from
males returned to normal when
the smell of males' urine was
made available to them, and
spayed female monkeys, who are
normally unattractive to the
males, became more desirable to
them when they had been rubbed

dates is due to the quality or
make-up of chemicals they
There is one other plausible ex-
planation. Perhaps you have
learned to associate certain
smells, such as those of your old
boyfriend, with pleasant feelings.
Scientists are aware that smell
may be the last sensory memory6±
to fade, and are leaning toward
the idea that learned relation-
ships between sex and smell are
more important than any instin-
ctive reactions to certain odors
that we may possess.
If this is true, you may find that
your memory of your boyfriend's
smell fades over time, or that you
learn to enjoy other smells as
Health Service Handbook
answers a variety of health-.
related questions each Sunday
on this page. Questions should
be directed to Gail Ryan,
Health Educator, University
Health Service, 207 Fletcher

twice as much as females. The
interesting finding was that men
and pre-pubertal children had
difficulty smelling exaltolide,
while women were quite sensitive
to it. It was hypothesized that this
supstance played a role in the
sexual attraction of the males by
the females which was necessary
for species survival.
Studies with lower animals
have produced other fascinating
results. For instance, the
irregular menstrual cycles of

with the vaginal secretions from
non-spayed monkeys. The
chemicals in the urine and
vaginal secretions with 'these
"aphrodisiac" qualities, have
been named copulins.
There has been no study with
humans, however, that consisten-
tly points to either the presence
or importance of copulins in
xhuman sexual behavior. As a
result, it is difficult to conclude
with any confidence that the
unattractiveness of your recent



' \



I T SEEMS ALMOST ridiculous to
decide whether the Central Student
Judiciary (CSJ) or the Election Board
should certify the MSA elections. After
CSJ refused to certify last year's
fouled-up balloting, University Vice-
President Henry Johnson stepped in and
overruled the CSJ decision. As long as
fhe University collects MSA's funds,

semblance of dignity and legitimacy, a
student board should have the power to
certify MSA elections-even though
the certification is only a token
gesture. That student board should be
the Election Board; we urge students
to vote "yes" on the ballot proposal
that would transfer certification
powers from CSJ to the Election



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