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April 06, 1980 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-04-06

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City ele
City voters will decide the fate of two
ballot proposals tomorrow. Proposals A
and B, if passed, would allow the city to
borrow money in order to fund a storm
Vewer project and a road improvement
Approval of Proposal A - the Sister
Lakes drainage proposal - would allow
the city to borrow $575,000 through the
sale of bonds to build a drainage system
that would relieve flooding in the
Lakewoods neighborhood near the two
Sister Lakes on Ann Arbor's West side.
AND PASSAGE of Proposal B would
authorize the city to sell $325,000 in bon-
to finance the widening and resur-
acing of South Industrial Highway and
the construction of sidewalks along the
Voting on the ballot proposals
tomorrow is part of a city general elec-
tion in which city residents will also
elect five of ten city councilmembers -
one from each ward - to two-year ter-
Because both projects would add to
residents' tax bills -property taxes
would be used over several years to pay
ack money borrowed for the projects
- the two must be approved at the
polls, under the terms of the Headlee
1 M

etion ballot to include 2


The Michigan Daily-Sunday, April 6, 1980-Page 3
bonding issues

PASSAGE OF Proposal A would add
about $2.70 per year for ten years to the
property tax bill for a house assessed at
$30,000. Proposal B, if approved, would
mean an addition of $2.50 per year to
the same homeowner's tax bill.
The Sister Lakes bonding proposal -
Proposal A - would fund construction
of a retention basin and underground
istorm sewer construction to control
runoff from the Lakewoods neigh-
borhood south of Jackson Rd. and west
of Interstate 94.
The stormwater flows into three
Sister Lakes, two of which are within
the city's limits. Adjacent to the lakes is
Dolph Park.
ACCORDING TO Washtenaw County
Drain Commissioner Thomas Blessing,
the drain construction would not only
control the amount of water flowing in-
to the lakes, it would also improve the
quality of the water. The retention
basin, Blessing explained, would filter
out sediment that contains pollutants
and heavy metals.
Blessing and Michael Traugott,
president of the Sister Lakes Conser-
vation Association, pointed out yester-
day 'that construction of the drainage
system would have a much more im-
portant, though indirect, result.
If the county drain commissioner
administers the project, the pair said,

the commissioner's office legally
becomes a property owner. If future
development were to threaten the
drainage system of the Sister Lakes -
or that of more than 500 acres of un-
developed land to the south in Scio
Township, which comprises the Sister
Lakes Drainage District - the county
drain commissioner would go to court
as an aggrieved property owner.
TRAUGOTT CALLED the drainage
construction "indirectly a very impor-
tant planning tool in the development of
that side of town."
Proposal A has been endorsed by the
Ann Arbor League of Women voters
and Traugott's association, which is
made up of about 300 families.
The $575,000 bond issue represents
about 60 per cent of the total $872,000

estimated cost of the project. The
balance will come from state, county
and Scio Township funds.
PROPOSAL B, $325,000 in road im-
provements to South Industrial High-
way, would fund one third of the im-
provements slated for the road.
Residents and businesses along South
Industrial Highway will pay the balan-
ce of the road improvements' cost.
The Citizens Association for Area
Planning, a 200-member group which
lobbies City Council on planning mat-
ters, has declared its support of the im-
The group thinks the road im-
provements would help relieve the
heavy traffic on State Street, which
runs parallel to South Industrial High-
way, according Robert Pott's a -mem-

ber of CAAP's board of directors.
But the South Industrial im-
provements proposal does not have the
degree of support that observers give to
Proposal A.
City Council voted Feb. 4 to place
Proposals A and B on tomorrow's ballot
and while the Sister Lakes bonding
proposal passed easily nine to two, the
South Industrial proposal squeaked by
on the minimum seven to four vote.
Council voted against placing three
other road improvement bonding
proposals on the ballot the same
* LESLIE MORRIS (D-Second Ward),
one of the four who voted against the
placing Proposal B on the ballot,
yesterday said she did not think the im-
provements to South Industrial High-

way deserved priority over the other
road improvements. Morris voted
against all four road improvements
Feb. 4.
David Fisher (R-Fourth Ward) and
Ed Hood (R-Fourth Ward) voted again-
st all five ballot proposals at the Feb. 4
meeting, holding that it would be "in-
consistent" to ask the voters to give
themselves a tax hike when so many
were already concerned about high
Barbara Perkins, who is challenging
Fisher in tomorrow's polling, has also
declared her opposition to the South In-
dustrial bonding proposal.
The five projects considered Feb. 4
are part of a city Capital Improvements

Campus fraternities, sororities raise

more than $10,000


Members of campus fraternities and
sororities raised more than $10,000
during recent "Greek Week"
fundraising activities, according to
organizers of the event.
Liz Steinbaum, a co-chairwoman for
fundraising and public relations and
member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority,
said that participants were pleased with
the results of the March 28-29 event, the
proceeds from which will go to a
number of local and national charities.
"A LOT OF people have a stereotype
of Greeks being obnoxious and rowdy
and drinking beer all the time. I think
(fundraising) shows people we do care
about the community,'' Steinbaum
A. spokesperson for the Ann Arbor
Women's Crisis Center, one of the
organizations that will receive money
from Greek Week events, said, "It

made our month to hear we were
getting some money. It's this kind of
fundraising that is so vital to us as a
grassroots organization."
A variety of events sponsored by
individual fraternities and sororities
attracted large audiences andnetted
thousands ofsdollars in donations.
MORE THAN 1,000 spectators turned
out to watch the Sigma Chi fraternity
swimathon at Matt Mann pool. Nearly
$6,500 in pledges raised from the event
will be donated to the Muscular
Dystrophy associaiton and the
Women's Crisis Center.
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity earned
$1,700 in its fourth annual "Spaghetti
Chowdown." Proceeds from the event
will be donated to the Epilepsy
Foundation of America..
Sigma Delta Tau sorority organized a
"Donate-a-Six" can drive, netting
about $2,000 which will go to Mott
Children's Hospital.

tring 'Greek
A two-day blood drive sponsored by
Alpha Chi Omega and the Red Cross
was so popular that people had to be
turned away, according to the event's


Other events during Greek Week
included a Greek Sing at the Michigan-
Theatre, a bed race, a torchlight
parade, and the Greek Olympics at
Palmer Field.


conducted by: H. MOORE, phD
(Waldorf Inst. of Mercy Coll.,Southfield)
10:30 Lecture Introduction to the Biodynamic Method.
12:00 Potluck lunch (to bring something helps) plus slides of gardens.
2:00 Workshop in garden "Practices of Gardening in Spring." (weather
3:30 Lecture: Biodynamic Gardening. -Questions and Discussion.
1923 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor
sponsored by: The Rudolf Steiner Institute of the Great Cokes Area

Cinema Guild-Splendor in the Grass, Old Arch. Aud., 7, 9:15 p.m.
- Cinema Two-Grande Illusion, Aud. A, Angell, 7, 9 p.m.
Comm. for a New Jewish Agenda-Retired Major General Mattityahu
Peled, "Israeli Security in a New Key," Temple Beth Emeth, 8 p.m.
Siddha Yoga Dham-"Bliss or Freedom," 902 Baldwin, call 994-5625 for
Dharma Study Group-"Enjoying Our World: The Buddhist Approach,"
215 E. Kingsley.
UAC-Musket-Godspell, Power Center, 8 p.m.
Museum of Art-"Helen Frankenthaler: Works of the Seventies,"
"American Photographs: Gifts from the Marvin Felheim Collection," and
"Fifteen Photographs: A Purchase Exhibition."
Ann Arbor Public Library-Closed today; regular Sunday hours will
resume next week.

Doctors hopeful on

heart-inn g
( continued from Page i1)
dpipe. """
THE PROBLEM is rejection - the
immune system, which protects the
body against disease, identifies the
transplanted organ as a foreign invader
and attacks it.
Similar problems almost ended heart
transplantation after a flurry of
operations failed because of rejections
a decade ago. Stanford was one of the
few medical centers that persevered
and learned to defeat rejection with
drugs that suppress the immune
After Stanford's results - 60 per cent
of transplant patients live five years -
the procedure. is again being done
Dr. Kenneth Moser, a UCSD
professor of pulmonary medicine who
experimented for several years with
lung transplants in dogs, said "each
organ is highly specific in terms of its
rejection potential .. . Nobody has yet
been able to find a way to keep the lungs
from being rejected."
He said lungs seem more susceptible

to rejection damage than other organs.
"Small blood vessels in the lungs are, the
first things to be injured by rejection
and they are the most vital parts," he
"That's where the oxygen gets in to
the blood stream and carbon dioxide
gets out."
Shumway said the procedure might
be especially effective for patients with
irreversible damage to blood vessels
associated with the lungs, such as
primary pulmonary hypertension.
Moser said reliable lung transplants
might someday save many patients
with diseases ranging from cystic
fibrosis to emphysema.
Long and Short Haircuts
by Professionals at
Dascola Stylists
Liberty off S*ate-668-9329
East U. at South U.-662-0354
Maple Village-761.2733

POLICE PROTECTION: The University must live up to its responsibility
to increase patrols of dorm and off campus student housing. Students forced
to live off campus deserve better protection against rape and assault.
PARKING TICKET REFORM: The city of Ann Arbor gives out an
average of 18,700 tickets a month. This is plain harassment of students and
other residents. The real problem is a glaring lack of parking space. Police
enforcement should be directed to Hill and State St. areas.
STUDENT VOICE ON CITY COUNCIL: when was the last time
you heard from your City Council Person? Last election, right? Students make
up 35% of ward t and yet are ignored by the present council women. Don
Hubbard, Junior LS&A, will represent the students.
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Hubbard to Council
Treasurer Dave Foulke.
548 S State. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48104



Wesley Foundation-Love is Like A Fool, 602 E. Huron, 12:10 p.m.
AAFC-Design for Living, 7 p.m., To Be Or Not to Be, 8:40 p.m., Aud. A,
Cinema Guild-Dark Star, Old Arch. Aud., 7,9:05 p.m.
Germanic Lang. & Lit,-Hintertreppe, 115 MLB, 7 p.m.
Physical Ed. -G. Lawrence Rarick, "Some Observations on the Motor
Behavior of Handicapped Children," 1250 CCRB, 3 p.m.
Critical Theory-Gerald Graff, "Literature as Propositions," Rackham
Amphitheater, 4 p.m.
Comm. for a New Jewish Agenda/Ctr. for Near Eastern and African
Studies-Retired Major General Mattiyahu Peled, "Israeli Settlements and
Palestine Self-Determination," Lane Hall Commons Rm., 4 p.m.
Appled Mechanics-Subhash Goel, "Inelastic Cyclic Buckling of Steel
Bracing Members," 219 W. Eng., 4 p.m.
Nat. Resources-Panel Discussion, "Toxics and their Impact on the State
of Michigan," Pendleton Rm., Union, 7 p.m.
Music Theory Faculty Lecture Series-Richmond Browne, "On Learning
Beethoven's Prosody from his Orthography," Rackham assembly Hall, 8
Viewpoint Lectures/Comm. for a New Jewish Agenda-Retired Major
General Mattityahu Peled, "Israeli Security in a New Key," Kuenzel Rm.,
Union, 8 p.m.
Wrestling With Conscience-"Sorting Out," Conference Rm. 5, Union, 7:30
Ann Arbor Orienteering Club-'"Orienteering in the Arboretum," meet at
CCRB South entrance, 5:00 p.m.
Grnaute Women's network-Guild House. 4-3 n m




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