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March 20, 1980 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-03-20

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Michigan Student Assembly
is now accepting applications for the
Central Student Judiciary (C.S.J.)
Interested students should apply by
March 27, 1980-5:00 p.m.
3909 Michigan Union.

Page 2-Thursday, March 20, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Mich. Senate
may axe


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LANSING (UPI) - The Senate
yesterday reaffirmed its decision to
drop a legal provision requiring local
school districts to offer free driver
education programs to their students.
A growing number of hard-pressed
school districts have threatened to defy
the more than 20-year-old law and drop
driver education courses, complaining
state support has not kept pace with the
program's cost.
THE UPPER chamber rejected, on
an 18-10 vote, an effort to remove from
a measure boosting state support for
driver education an amendment which
makes the programs optional.
The Senate then approved a second
amendment enabling 16-year-olds and
17-year-olds to obtain a license without
taking driver education, and moved the
bill into position for final action.
The amendment dropping the
requirement was first adopted last
"WE OUGHT to be giving local units
of government, including school distric-
ts, the ability to try to work out their
budget problems," said Sen. Donald
Bishop (R-Rochester).
Other lawmakers, however, warned
dropping the requirement will be unfair
to students in schools which decide to
drop the program.
"I don't know that we want to
discriminate against students who can
afford to take private lessons and those
who cannot afford it," said Senate
Education Committee Chairman Jack
Faxon (D-Detroit).
AFTER THE vote, Faxon suc-

Thursday & Friday
March 20 & 21
11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m
549 E. University



cessfully urged his colleagues to adopt
another amendment allowing 16-year-
olds to obtain a driver's license if they
can pass the regular state examination.
Currently, those under 18 must pass a
driver education course to qualify.
Faxon said it is clear there is insuf-
ficient support to reinstate driver
education as a required course.
With the second amendment, he said,
"No one could claim they were denied
the opportunity of qualifying for a
license on the basis of lack of oppor-
tunity" to take driver education
The bill itself hikes from $30 to $45 the
state's share of the estimated $70 per
pupil cost of driver education
Driver education programs have
been plagued by rising gasoline prices
and increasing difficulty in obtaining
cars from dealers.
Illinois loss
doesn 't deter
(Continued from Page 1)
he has 998 delegates - a majority - in
his column. He now has 206, and he'll
gain another batch in the New York
primary next Tuesday because he has
more delegate candidates on his slates
there than do the other candidates.
ANDERSON WAS upbeat about his
chances, saying Reagan cannot be elec-
ted in November. "I think that as more
and more Republicans become aware
of that fact, they simply are not going to
want to back a loser in that conven-
tion," he said.
Wisconsin's is an open primary, in
which Democrats and independents can
cast Republican ballots. Crossover
votes were the only thing that kept An-
derson competitive in Illinois; Reagan
won big in solid GOP territory.
Bush, who once had said that if
Reagan couldn't be stopped in Illinois
he couldn't be stopped at all, looked to
Connecticut and New York, the next set
of contests.
With 95 per cent of the precincts coun-
ted on Wednesday, Reagan delegates
had won 39 GOP convention seats, An-
derson 26, Rep. Philip Crane of Illinois
4, Bush 2, and 21 were uncommitted.
Nationally, that made it Reagan 206,
Bush 47, Anderson 39, Crane 4, with 33
uncommitted or pledged to candidates
who already have quit.
Carter now has 478.3 delegate votes at
the Democratic convention, far ahead
of Kennedy, with 182.1 delegate votes. It
will take 1,666 votes to win the
Democratic nomination.
Daily Official Bulletin
Daily Calendar:
Computing Center: Follow-up lab to Forrest Haf-
tman's March 11 lecture, NUBS, 9a.m.
CEW: Susan Harding, reviewing "Power of the
Positive woman" and "The Women's Liberation
Movement," E. Conf., rackham, noon.
Resource Policy and Management Program: Wes
Vivian, "Implementation of the USEPA's Air
Pollution offset Policy and Its Energy Im-
plications," 1028 Dana, noon.
Center for AfroAmerican & African Studies: "The
organization and Significance of BAM," Schorling,
SEB, 1:30 p.m.; "Perspectives on BAM .from the
University Community," 1200 Chem, 4 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: J. E. Lawler, Stanford-U.,
"Doppler-Free optogalvanic Spectroscopy," 2038
Randall, 4 p.m.
Guild House: Poetry readings, Lynn Coffin, Joseph
Brodsky, 802 Monroe, 7:30 p.m.

Russell Lloyd, a 47-year-old attorney
and father of six, was gunned down
in the living room of his home
yesterday. His doctors admit that
his chances for survival are "very
Police said Lloyd, a Republican
who served as mayor of this
southwest Indiana city of 12,000 for'1
eight years, was shot four times at
close range with a high-caliber pistol
about 7 a.m. yesterday morning.
Julie Van Orden, a 36-year-old
opponent of Evansville's
government, was seen driving away
from the house in a pickup truck and
was arrested about an hour later.
She was charged with attempted

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
TMI may be abandoned
HARRISBURG-The Three Mile Island nuclear plant may never reopen
because of mounting expenses and public pressure, an electrical engineer
told the Public Utility Commission (PUC) yesterday.
Dr. Robert Parents is a consultant with Theodore Barry & Associates,
which the PUC hired to do a one-month mangement audit of General Public
Utilities, the company that owns the Three Mile Island plant. He told the
PUC that it would cost well over $1 billion to clean up and restore the
crippled unit. He emphasized that no one has been inside the reactor building
yet so it's impossible to assess the damage.
"In my view, the most likely outcome is for it never to return to service
but for it to be decommissioned," he said.
Planning for Detroit subway
goes behind. closed doors
LANSING-A special committee charged with hammering out a Detroit
subway compromise met behind closed doors yesterday despite protests
from reporters and lawmakers. House Speaker Bobby Crim and Gov.
William Milliken had recommended the meeting be closed so lawmakers
would have a chance to discuss the sensitive matter in private.
At stake is the fate of a $950,000 preliminary engineering study of a
Detroit subway and suburban transit plan. The committee was appointed by
Crim last week after House members were unable to agree on the transit
Evansville's ex-mayor shot
Nm, *'m.


March only

Russell Lloyd

Student Newspaper at The University of Michigan
r----------- WRITE YOUR AD HERE! -----------
1 1
1 1
1 1i
H ---------CP AND MAIL TODAY! ----------J
Words 1 2 3 4 5 add.
0-14 1.70 3.40 4.60 5.80 7.00 1.00
Please indicate
15-21 2.55 5.10 6.90 8.70 10.50 1.50 where thisad
22-28 3.40 6.80 9.20 11.60 14.00 2.00 for rent
29-35 4.25 8.50 11.50 14.50 17.50 2.50 help wanted
36-42 5.10 10.20 13.80 17.40 21.00 3.00 roommates
43-49 6.80 11.90 16.10 20.30 24.50 3.50 etc.
7 words per line (Each line of space used counts as 7 words).
Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words-This includes telephone numbers.

Italy's government resigns
ROME-The seven-month-old minority government of Christian
Democrat Premier Francesco Cossiga resigned yesterday, plunging Italy
into a new political crisis at a time of mounting terrorism. Cossiga handed
the resignation to President Sandro Pertini, who asked him to stay on in a
caretaker's capacity. Pertini then announced that consultations on forming
of a new government would begin tomorrow afternoon.
The Socialists had been demanding Cossiga include the Communist
Party, Italy's second largest behind the Christian Democrats, in the govern-
Prime rate climbs to 19%
NEW YORK-Major American banks united on a 19 per cent prime
lending rate yesterday, as money markets gyrated from the weekend anti-
inflation measures adopted by the Federal Reserve Board.
The prime increase was initiated Tuesday by New York's Chase
Manhattan Bank, the country's third largest, which said even the new rate
did not cover its current cost of funds. The rest of the industry fell into line
On the consumer front, banks began disclosing their strategies to curb
personal credit. Chase, for example, stopped taking applications for
unsecured personal loans and Visa credit cards.
Business profits dip in 1979
WASHINGTON-Before-tax profits of the nation's businesses rose 15
per cent last year, down from the 1978 pace as the overall economy slowed,
the government reported yesterday. When adjusted for taxes and the
inflationary effects on inventory and capital, profits showed a lean 3.5 per
cent increase for 1979 after rising 7.5 per cent in the previous year.
The department also reported that the overall economy grew at an
annual rate of 2 per cent in the final quarter of last year, down slightly from
the 2.1 per cent growth the third quarter.



ANJbre OLiigan I u
(USPS 344-900)
Volume XC, No. 133
Thursday, March 20,1980


Markley Minority
Affairs Council
Awards a,
Sunday, March 23
5:00 p.m.
Michigan Union Ballroom

The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
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Editor-in-Chief.,..................MARK PARRENT
Managing Editor ........ . ........ MITCH CANTOR
City Editor.....................PATRICIA HAGEN
University Editor ................... TOMAS MIRGA
Editorial Page Editors ..............JOSHUA PECK
Magazine Editors................ ELISA ISAACSON
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Executive Sports Editors.................ELISA FRYE

Business Manager.........ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI
Sales Manager. ........ ............DANIEL WOODS
Operations Manager..........KATHLEEN CULVER
Display Manager.............KRISTINA PETERSON
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BUSINESS STAFF: Patrica Barron. Joseph Brodo,
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Maxwell Ellis, Aida Eisenstat. Martin Feldman. Bar-
barn Forslund. Alissa Goldfaden, Jeffrey Gnthim.




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