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March 19, 1980 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-03-19

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MSA moves closer
to raising student,
fee assessments

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 19, 1980-Page 3


The Michigan Student Assembly last
night cleared the first hurdle to raising
students' MSA fee assessments to more
than four dollars per term over the next
three years.
Last night the Assembly voted to put
the question of whether or not to raise
the fee on the ballot in the April 8 and 9
MSA general election; but the final
decision will come from the Regents
next month.
The fee - which is divided among
Student Legal Services, MSA, course
evaluation, and the Tenant's Union -
would increase from $2.92 to $4.25 in
yearly increments over the next three
Vice-President for Academic
Economic Affairs and former MSA
treasurer Brad Canale said the point of
the overall increase is long-range con-
tinuity: "MSA will have the ability to
plan.,That is the key."
HE ADDED that, if approved, the
three-year program of gradual in-
creases would remove MSA from its
"erratic" year-to-year planning.
Canale said, "The whole thrust
behind the (Student Legal Services por-
tion of) the increase is to keep an SLS
program and to have a competent and
aggressive Student Legal Services."
Even with the increase, MSA
1 treasurer Jeff Smith said the SLS
Lawyers' salaries will not even ap-
proach parity with those of lawyers in
conventional private practice.
Smith said the lawyers could "go out
and make twice as much'as they do

Canale said the increase in the por-
tion of the assessment that remains in
MSA's general fund allows for an in-
flation-proportionate increase in the
amount of money allocated to student
groups, and compensates for MSA's
"total cost absorbance" policy. (Under
this policy MSA pays secretarial
salaries and other expenses that
previously have been paid by the
MSA President Jim Alland em-
phasized that putting a referendum on
the April ballots would not guarantee
the fee hike - but he said if the students
support the idea, it will give MSA extra
"bargaining power" when they go to
the Regents.
IN OTHER new business last night,
MSA voted to put another referendum
on the April ballot - students will also
say yes or no to a change in the all-
campus constitution which would give
the MSA election board the power to
certify MSA elections.
The election board would decide
whether or not to certify an MSA elec-
tion. Then, any person who disagreed
with the board's decision would have
the opportunity to go to the Central
Student Judiciary to appeal the
If passed, the amendment would not
affect the way this year's election is
certified. That will remain the sole
responsibility of the CSJ.
Daily reporter Julie Engebrecht
also filed a report for this story.

Now that National
Procrastination Week is over.

. .

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THIS TEST MODEL of occupant balanced housing, a structure heated
partially by human body heat, was demonstrated at a mall show in Char-
lottesville, Va. in September 1979. The model shown measures 12 feet in
diameter and is approximately eight feet tall in the center.
Body heat warms up
shelter, saves money


Marketing Club/MSA-Film of the 1979 CLIO Awards for advertising:
Hale Aud., 12:30 p.m.
PIRGIM-Language of the Deaf, The Blind: An Emerging Minority,
People First, Couzens cafeteria, 7:30 p.m.
Cinema Guild-Hearts and Minds: Old Architecture Aud. 7, 9:05 p.m.
AAFC-The Conformist: MLB 3,9:30 p.m.
Yeats T Watre Festival-Michael Colgan, "Theatre in Ireland Today,"
Pendleton Room, Michigan Union, 10:00 a.m.
College of Engineering-Janice Jenkins, "Computer Interpretation of the
Esophagael Electrocardiogram in the Diagnosis of Complex Arrhythmia,"
2075 E. Eng., 9:00 a.m.'
Computing Center Chalk Talk-"File Editing for the Beginner," 1011
NUBS, 12 noon.
Physics Colloquium-John Keyes, "Computed Tomography in Medicine,"
296 Dennison, 4 p.m.
C.I.C.E. Seminar-. Alan Dohner, "Engine Calibration Optimization," 1504
Reactor Engineering Seminar-David Losey, "Impact of Reduced
Enrichment Fuel on Research Reactor Performance and Utilization,"
Baer Room, Cooley Bldg., 4:00 p.m.
18th Century Semester-George Kish, "Mapmaking in the Age of
Enlightenment: The Beginnings of Scientific Cartography," Clements
Library, 4:00 p.m.
Chemistry. Dept.-Analytical Seminar, Kathy Dien, *'Resonance
Ionization Spectroscopy," Room 1200, Chem. Bldg., 4:00 p.m.
Organic Seminar-Joseph Kostusyk, "Approaches to the Synthesis of
Gymnomitrol," Room 1300, Chem Bldg, 4:00 p.m.
Washtenaw Audobon Society-W. H. Wagner, "Adaptions of Ferns the
World Around," Matthaei Botanical Gardens, 7:30 p.m.
Dept. of Romance 'Languages-Morris Goodman, "A Critique of Some.
Currently Fashionable Theories on the Origins of Pidgins and Creoles", E.
Conference Room, Rackham, 7:30 p.m.
Ecumenical Campus Center-Mutombo Mpanya, "Re-examining
Christianity," Ecumenical Campus Center, 921 Church, 7:30 p.m.
Center for Afroamerican and African Studies-Charles Kidd, "The
Significance of Black Student Activism in the Late Sixties: The Case of
BAM," Schorling Aud., School of Education Bldg., 8:00 p.m.
Women in Comrmunications-Panel discussion with professional com-
municators, Conf. Room 3, Michigan Union, 7:00 p.m.
PIRGIM-Chris Carlson, "Meeting Facilitation Workshop", Conf. Room
6, Michigan Union, 7:00 p.m.
Michigan Republicans Club-Mass Meeting. Anderson Room, Michigan
Union, 7:30 p.m.
Yeats Festival-Leslie Bassett, "A Ring of Emeralds," a choral piece,
Pendleton Room, Michigan Union, 1:15 p.m.
Studio Theatre Series-"The Interview," by Peter Snett, Arena Theatre,
Frieze Bldg., 4:10 p.m.
Yeats Play: "Resurrection," Terrace Room, University Club, 5:30 p.m.
Yeats Festival-Scott -Fredericks in "Yeats Remembers"-a dramatic
presentation, Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg., 8:00 p.m.
Pendleton Arts Center-Poet Galway Kinnell: 2nd floor, Michigan Union,
8:00 p.m.
University Musical Society-Yehudi Menudhin, violinist, Hill Auditorium,
8:30 p.m.
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Using a source of heat that's costless
and available to everyone, two Ann Ar-
bor residents have built a model
residential structure that uses human
body heat as a major source of warmth.
In his backyard on the city's north-
west side, Fred Golden - assisted by
architect Larry Hackenberg - has
built a model structure to demonstrate
the feasibility of what the two call oc-
cupant balanced housing.
"We've been working on the project
for four or five years, but our interest in
housingbgoesback much further,"
Hackenberg said.
THE TEST model, a sleeping unit for
one person, is designed to reflect the in-
frared heat emitted by the body. The
shelter, which weighs less than 30
pounds, is constructed of seven
polyurethane foam boards coated with
alumihum foil.
"This is truly a piece of personal,
inhabitable sculpture," Golden said.
"We spent about $43 on the boards,
and less than $75 total," Golden said.
"It tookus' a total of three afternoons,
or 24 manhours:"
The structure has been up for about
three weeks. Golden said he and
Hackenberg are currently constructing
a 200-square-foot structure next to the
smaller building.
"WE'RE ATTEMPTING to do each
of these with different materials in or-
der to show what can be done with
materials available in local stores,"
Golden said. The second building is
scheduled to be completed by the end of
the month.
Both Golden and Hackenberg stressed
that the model structures are not iden-
tical to the concepts expressed in their
paper, "Occupant Balanced Housing,"
a statement of the heating principles
involved in the processes.
According to the paper, the human
body maintains its heat by changing
metabolism - processes in an.
organism by which energy is made
available for its functioning - and/or
by changing its thermal mass - the
body's total heat at a given moment.
"THE BODY gives off radiant heat,"
Hackenberg said. "The infrared
proportion of this is reflected and
returned by such materials as
"We take these reflections and focus
them back on the occupant," Golden
"We want a reflective environment,
reflective to infrared radiation,"
Hackenberg said. He explained that
shiny aluminum foil is 96 per cent
reflective, but noted that this "does not
discount the other materials that have
possibilities we know nothing about."
HACKENBERG, A University
graduate with bachelor's and master's
degrees in architecture, has written
two books on low-energy housing. A
former associate professor at the
University of Virginia, Hackenberg
now teaches continuing education cour-
ses there.
Thesmaller structure at Golden's
home is partially heated by a 250 watt
Medieval and
Renaissance Collegium
MARC Student Housing
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infrared light, and by a 115 watt electric
blanket. The human contribution of
three people heating the structure is
approximately equivalent to the power
generated by three 100 watt light bulbs,
Golden said.
According to Hackenberg, the struc-
ture can be cooled by pulling up a cor-
ner of the carpeting, and allowing the
earth to absorb excess heat. The struc-
ture is also a comfortable sleeping unit
during warm weather, he said.
According to Golden, an Ann Arbor
resident since 1965 who has worked as a
printer, conventional homes can also
benefit from the principles he and
Hackenberg put forth. This is accom-
plished through retrofitting, making
changes in the existing internal struc-
ture, he said.
Carpeting and wallpaper that are in-
frared-reflective will contribute to
energy conservation, Hackenberg said.
"When these become commercially
available, they will become the victory
houses of America," he added,
referring to the "Victory gardens" of
the World War II era.

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