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March 19, 1980 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-03-19

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The Department of Romance Languages'

Page 2-Wednesday, March 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Iran orders probe of


alleged vot
From The Associated Press
Iran's Revolutionary Council ordered
an investigation yesterday of
allegations of widespread fraud in
national parliamentary elections, most
of it attributed to the Islamic party that
is leading in the contest.
If it dominates the new Parliament,
the clergy-led Islamic Republican
Party might obstruct President
Abolhassan Bani-Sadr's efforts to have
the U.S. Embassy hostages freed
quickly. It was unclear whether the
fraud inquiry would further delay the
convening of the Parliament.
Ruhollah Khomeini declared an
amnesty for several thousand political
prisoners and chastised the most
zealous of his revolutionary followers
for indiscriminate arrests of "counter-
In other developments, the
government was reported to have
pledged not to execute the deposed shah
if he is extradited, and the United
States resumed its case against Iran in
the World Court.

ing fraud
Also, the Iranians suspended natural
gas exports to the Soviet Union,
complaining the Russians insisted on a
price that was about half the world
market level. The Soviets announced
Monday they were temporarily ending
negotiations with Iran because of
"exaggerated" Iranian demands.
ON THE EVE of the Iranian new year
and the 136th day of captivity for 50
American hostages at the U.S. embassy
in Tehran, Republican member of the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
saying Iran has declared war on the
United States by holding .American
hostages, is urging the Carter
administration to begin preparing for a
possible naval blockade and mining of
Iranian harbors.
Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.),
charging that President Carter has
bungled the crisis, also urged that all
Iranian diplomats in the United States
be detained until the 50 hostages are


Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
U.S. blocks computer

Prime lending rate
hits record 19 per cent

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(Continued from Pagel1)
amount in more than four years.
Consumer spending also slowed
sharply during the month, an indication
that consumers may be reaching the
limit of their purchasing power in the
face of high inflation and a sluggish
economic growth.
On Wall Street yesterday, the Dow
Jones average of 30 industrials gained
12.97 points to 801.62, rebounding from a
23.04-point loss Monday. The stock
market's gains were concentrated in
blue-chip issues, while others lost
ground on fears the chances of a
recession are increasing.
The dollar's value was mixed on
foreign-exchange markets. On bullion
exchanges, the price of gold was un-
changed in Zurich at 1489 an oiunce, up
$3 in London at $480.50 and ahead $17.50
on the Commodity Exchange Inc. in
New York at $486.50.
Bond prices gained sharply for the
second straight day after weeks of
large losses and amid hopes the ad-
ministration's package will bring down
inflation - and interest rates - over
the long term. For now, costs of raising
money remains high. Three-month
bank certificates of deposit of $100,000
or more yielded 18 per cent yesterday,
off slightly from Monday.
At First National Bank of Boston,
1411111 &

Daily Official Bulletin
Psychiatry: Sidney Smith, "A Psychoanalyst's
view of DSM III: A Short Reide on the Multiaxials,"
Academic Women's Caucus: virginia Nordby,
"Questions and Answers with Virginia Nordby," 3050
Frieze, noon.
Center for Russian and'E European Studies: Gerd
Olszak, "Leipzig: A Look at the City and the Univer-
sity," Lane Commons Rm, noon.
Center for Afroamerican and- African Studies:
Panel discussion, "The U-M a Decade After the
Black Action Movement," Whitney Aud, SEB, noon.
Computing Center: "File Editing for the Begin-
ner," 1011 NUBS, f2:10p.m.
Psychology: Allan Collins, "Human Plausible
Reasoning," 107 Perry, 3:30 p.m.
Nuclear Engineering: David C. Losey, "Impact of
Reduced Enrichment Fuel on Research Reactoi
Performance and Utilization," Baer Rm., Cooley, 4
Chemistry: Kathy Dien, "Resonance Ionization
Spectroscopy," 1200 Chem, 4 p.m.
Chemistry: Joseph Kostusyk, "Approaches to the
Synthesis of Gymonitrol," 1300 Chem, 4 p.m.
Center for Russian and E. European Studies:
Joseph Fletcher, Jr., "An Islamic Fundamentalist
Global Tide: From China to Senegal in the 18th and
19th Centuries," Lec Rm 2, MLB, 4 p.m.
Physics: J. Keyes, "Computed Tomography in
Medicine," 2%6Dennison, 4p.m.
Clements Library: George Kish, "Mapmaking in
the Age of Enlightenment: The Beginnings of Scien-
tific Cartography," Clements, 4 p.m.
Romance Languages: Morris Goodman, "A
Critique of Some Currently Fashionable Theories on
the Origins of Pidgind and Creoles," E Conf Rm,
Rackham, 7:30 p.m.
Center for Afroamerican and African Studies:
Chares Kidd, "The Significance of Black Student Ac-
tivism in the Late Sixties: The Case of BAM,"
Schorling Aud, SEB, 8p.m.

which went to a 19 per cent prime
yesterday, spokesman Wayne Taylor,
said the institution's cost of funds is 22
per cent. But new restrictions announ-
ced by the Fed last Friday will raise the
cost of funds to 25.3 per cent, he said.

exports to Soviet Union
WASHINGTON-The Carter administration took strong action against
the Soviet Union yesterday in announcing a block on exports of sophisticated
U.S. computers, raw materials and products that could be critical to Soviet
industry. Exceptions to the embargoed wares would be parts for health
equipment and such "humanitarian" goods.
This means that a substantial number of the 700 export licenses hung up
during policy review may not be approved for the shipment of high-
technology goods to the Soviet Union.
In other action, former Defense Secretary Clark Clifford said yesterday
that the United States would consider a Soviet thrust toward the Persian
Gulf "an act of war" opening the way for unlimited U.S. response.
Taiwan dissident trial starts
The trial of Taiwanese dissident leader Huang Hsinchieh, accused of
masterminding a plot to overthrow the Nationalist Chinese government last
December 10, has begun.
In what is being called the most important political trial in years in
Taiwan, Huang and six staff members of the now-suspended Formosa
Magazine, of which he was the publisher, are accused of sedition and of
inciting a riot in the southern city of Kaohsiung.
Huang told a five-judge court that he signed a confession after 56 hours
of non-stop interrogation and that he wanted to die. Human rights groups
have expressed concern about the future of democracy in Taiwan and about
the country's human rights policy.
Kansas City firefighters 1
strike, sabotage stations
KANSAS CITY, Mo.-Missouri National Guardsmen were placed on
alert yesterday to return to Kansas City to protect fire stations from
sabotage by firemen striking for a second day. City policemen had been
switched to fire duty.
The walkout occurred Monday night to protest the city's decision not to
rehire 42 firemen dismissed after a 12-day "sickout" in December. Police
Chief Norman Caron said 18 pieces of fire-fighting equipment were sabotaged
before the walkout.
Only a few of the city's union firemen reported for work, and others
manned picket lines at various stationhouses.
Furniture-buying freeze
doesn't stop government
WASHINGTON-The government has spent $36 million on new furni-
ture in the past four months despite a freeze on purchases intended to force
federal agencies to use furniture stored in Washington-area warehouses,
according to Senator Lawton Chiles (D-Fla.).
Chiles said if purchases continued, he would sumbit legislation to delete
$229 million earmarked for furniture purchases in the current federal
budget. Also, Chiles complained that General Services Administration
continues to do business with a New Jersy paint supply company convicted
last year of bribing GSA officials.
Court says heavy penalty
OK for $230 in crimes
WASHINGTON-A 5-4 Supreme Court ruling yesterday held that a
man's life sentence for committing three frauds totalling $229.11 is not
"cruel and unusual punishment" forbidden by the Constitution. William
James Rummel was sentenced by a Texas law requiring life in prison upon a
third felony conviction for habitual offenders.
Rummel was imprisoned in 1973 and becomes eligible for parole in 1984.
Historic swallows due today
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, Cal.-The swallows that traditionally fly
to this town every March 19 have diverted their landing site from the town's
adobe mission to a nine-year old community hospital in Mission Viejo, six
miles to thebnorth. Noise and tourists are believed to have driven the birds
to the suburb.
However, hospital officials complain that swallows nesting under the
eaves make such a mess with their droppings that people have refused to go
outdoors. They have tried blocking off the eaves. Meanwhile, tourists
continue to gather at San Juan each year to see the few strays that show up.
Indecency statute upheld
LANSING-The Michigan Court of Appeals yesterday ruled that the
state's "gross indecency" statute is constitutional and that it can apply to
both public and private acts.
The case dealt with a man accused of offering to perform indecent sex
acts with three Grand Rapids police officers for $25. To charges that the
statute was vague, the 2-1 majority said that the defendant's actions were
clearly illegal in keeping with the previous decisions of the court.

I m



The Eighteenth Century
Semester Presents:
"Mapmaking in the Age of Enlightenment:
The Beginning of
Scientific Cartography"
Department of Geography, University of Michigan

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Volume XC, No. 132
Wednesday, March 19, 1980
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Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
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