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March 11, 1980 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-03-11

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 11, 1980-Page 9



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AP Photo

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL hopefuls Ronald Reagan (left) and George today's primary vote. The latest polls in the sunshine state give Reagan
Bush (right) had a busy day campaigning in Florida yesterday prior to comfortable lead over Bush.
*Carter, Reagan hope for southern victories


Earn the credentials that count as a

From The Associated Press
With a timely boost from John Con-
nally's withdrawal from the presiden-
tial race, Ronald Reagan looked for a
sweep of today's three Southern
Republican primaries. President Car-
ter was a sure bet to win big among
down-home Democrats.
At stake in the primaries in Florida,
;Atabama, and Georgia are 114
'legates to the GOP National Conven-
tion this July and 208 Democratic con-
vention delegates.
George Bush, seemingly more con-
cerned about keeping former President
Gerald Ford out of the GOP race, said
yesterday he'd settle for a "respec-
- redicted
(Continued from Page 1)
educiton in the general fund.
We don't have money for our
current project, without raising the
millage," Leslie Morris (D-Second
Ward) said recently.
Assistant Administrator Kenney
acknowledged yesterday that a general
fund budget reduced by 15 per cent
vould mean layoffs in City Hall and
tome service cuts, but he had no
accurate picture of the extent of the
cuts or of the number of people who
would be laid off.
As it was, Kenney aid, it "will be very
difficult" to meet new demands on the
:general fund without cutting taxes.
The new demands include adding
police officers, meeting the cost of
financing the pension fund, staffing two
new community recreation centers,
taffing a new fire station, and
m aintaining the street repair program
to the level of prior years.
READING, England (AP)-A banner
was recently hung on a bridge over the
Thames River here.
' The banner, put up by the Reading
:Crime Prevention Panel, read: "Now
Is the Time To Stop Crime."
Thieves stole the banner.
A representative
will be on the campus
MARCH 20, 1980
to discuss qualifications for
advanced study at
and job opportunities
in the field of

table" showing against Reagan.
"Everybody assumes that all three of
these states are strong Reagan states,
and I know that," Bush said.
THE ONLY other major Republican
candidate, John Anderson, was not on
any of the Southern ballots. He chose
instead to concentrate on the March 18
primary in his home state of Illinois.
Reagan was the man to beat in
Alabama and Georgia, where he
defeated Ford by large margins in 1976.
In Florida, where he narrowly lost to
Ford - four years ago, the former
California governor held a comfortable
lead over Bush in the latest polls.
The polls were taken before Connally
dropped out Sunday, the day after he
was thrashed by Reagan, 54 per cent to
30 per cent, in the South Carolina
primary. Bush and Reagan both said
they expected to benefit today from the
former Texas governor's exit.
BUT EVEN Bush said it would help
him more in other states, particularly
Texas and Illinois. And Reagan,
welcoming. any Connally campaign
strategists who might want to join his
camp, observed that he and fellow con-
servative Connally "were appealing to
the same group of voters."
On the Democratic side, Carter was
expected to win handily in his native
Georgia and neighboring Alabama. A
recent poll by a group of Florida
newspapers showed 52 per cent of
Democratic voters favored Carter, 10.1
per cent supported Sen. Edward Ken-
nedy, and 32 per cent were undecided.

THE ONLY other major Democratic
contender, California Gov. Edmund
Brown Jr.., has done almost no cam-
paigning in the three states and is likely
to finish far behind.
Kennedy has not appeared in
Georgia, and has limited his appearan-
ces and campaign spending in Alabama
and Florida, but his campaign offices in
all three states say they hope to score
well in key areas and obtain at least
some Democratic delegates.
Among the Republicans, Anderson
has no campaign organization in the
three states anol is not a serious conten-
der. The withdrawal of Sen. Howard
Baker of Tennessee from the race last
week was expected to have little effect,
because he had not campaigned in the
ALTHOUGH REP. Philip Crane of
Illinois once campaigned heavily in the
South, he canceled television commer-
cials and cut back on his scheduled ap-
pearances last week, saying it would
"require a miracle" for him to win the
GOP nomination. He may receive some
votes in Georgia and Alabama, but his
percentage was likely to be in-
Bush escalated his Southern cam-
paign late last week. He said that
finishing a strong second to Reagan in
Florida "would be perceived across the
country as a very good showing."
Ford's interest in jumping into the
GOP race prompted Reagan to say the
former president would be a "for-
midable opponent." Bush, seeing a

Ford candidacy as a threat to his own,
said Republicans need "new faces and
new ideas" and not a "rerun of the 1976
election" between Ford and Carter.
Ford is not expected to make a
decision about becoming a candidate
until after today's primaries, but his
entry could affect later primaries in
heavily populated states like Michigan,
Ohio, and California.

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Thursday, March 13, 1980
Dr. Joaquim Puig-Antich
N.Y. State Psychiatric Institute
MHRI Conference Room 1057
3:45 to 5:00 p.m.
Tea 3:15 p.m. MHRI Lounge

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