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January 13, 1980 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-01-13

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Page 2--Sunday, January 13, 1980-The Michigan Daily

Nader organization condemned the fir-
st session of the 96th Congress yester-
day as "the most anti-consumer" di the
"Congress in 1979 has been the
Congress that couldn't," said Mark
Green, director of Congress Watch, a
lobbying group. "It couldn't enact a
coherent energy program, nuclear

r group
power safeguards. . . or anti-in-
flationary hospital cost containment."
BASED ON A review of 75 votes last
year, Congress Watch said the House
and Senate had the lowest overall
scores since the group began surveying
votes on consumer-oriented legislation
in 1976.
When the 1979 Congress did act,
Green said, it often sided with business

blasts 'anti-consumer'

interests, such as on the vote to weaken
the authority of the Federal Trade
"The battle over the FTC represents,
in microcosm, an example of how
recklessly Congress can legislate when
stampeded by corporate slogans," like
those against government regulation,
Green said.
HE CLAIMED that in trimming

Available Starting January 17, 1980

FTC's powers, lawmakers catered to
the funeral industry, used car
salesmen, tobacco companies, insuran-
ce firms and manufacturers of sugar-
coated food for children.
"For businessmen to get Congress to
handcuff the FTC is a case of the rob-
bers chasing the cops," Green asserted.
Congress Watch blamed the "anti-
consumer" trend of Congress on the
growing influence of campaign
donations from corporate political ac-
tion committees.
"CONGRESS HAS neglected the one
institutional reform - public funding of,
public elections -, that would free it to
legislate independently and thought-
fully," Green said. "Instead, the cor-
porate financing of public elections
The Congress Watch study examined
40 House votes and 35 Senate votes in
six legislative areas: Consumer protec-
tion, government reform, energy, en-,
vironment, tax reform, and business
The group said the erosion of con-
sumer support was most severe among
Democrats from northern states who
had been the strongest supporters of
'pro-consumer legislation.

out for special criticis
Congress who had the
and those who had falle
percentage points in the
Several of those co
tacked 'the group's rat
"Too many of these
amount to nothing more
fraud," said Rep. Rob
Ill.), who was listed as c
st" House members wi
cent rating.
also had a three per
criticized the inclusion o
Alaska lands, Tellico
Clinch River breeder rei
"Even in the wildest
i)agination, it's hard to
have to do with protectir
he said.
R6p. Jerry Patters
whose rating dipper
criticized the inclusion
"no" votes in computing
The "worst" member
- all tied with three per
were 'reps. Marvin Lea
Bob Wilson (R-Calif.);I
Kan.); and Joe Wyatt (D

N also singled The lowest-rated senators, excluding
m members of a nine per cent rating for Minority
lowest ratings Leader Howard Baker, whose figure
n more than 20 was blamed largely on absences due to
past year. presidential campaigning, were Sens
ngressmen at- Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.), and Ted
ting system as Stevens (R-Alaska) with 12 per cent.
rating systems senators were listed as "disappoin-
than consumer tments of the year" for having dropped
ert Michel (R'- more than 20 percentage points in the
ne of the "wor- past year.
ith a three per They were Reps. Patricia Schroeder,
(D-Colo.); Millicent Fenwick (R-N.J.);
R-Alaska), who Jim Wright (D-Texas); Chalmers
r cent rating, Wylie (R-Ohio); Paul Findley (R-Ill.);
f issues such as Jim Mattox (D-Texas); Neal Smith (D4
Dam and the Iowa); Sharp; Patterson and Bedell. ,
actor. Senators on that list were Ernest
stretch of the Hollings (D-S.C.); Robert Morgan (D-
see what these N.C.); Jim Sasser (D-Tenn.); and
ng consumers," Claiborne Pell (D-RI.).
MOST OF those criticized were not
on (D-Calif.), immediately available for comment.
d 22 points, The top-rated members were Sen.
of absences as William Proxmire (D-Wis.) at 89 per
the rating. cent; Rep. Gerry Studds (D-Mass.)
s of the House with 95 per cent; and Reps. George
cent ratings - Miller (D-Calif.), Andrew Maguire (D
ath (D-Texas); N.J.), Toby Moffett (D-Conn.), and,
Larry Winn (R- James Shannon (D-Mass.), with 93 per
)-Texas). cent.

In Ms. Charlene Coady's Office,

1500 SA B

POSITIONS INCLUDE: Resident Director, Assistant
Resident Director, Resident
Advisor, Head Librarian, Resident
Fellow, Minority Peer Advisors
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Advisory positions require the completion of a minimum of.55 credit hours by the end of the 1980
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QUALIFICATIONS: (1) Must be a registered U. of M. student on the Ann Arbor Campus
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end of the 1980 Winter Term. (3) Preference will be given to applicants who have lived in resi-
dence halls at University level for at least one year. (4) Undergraduate applicants must havea
2.5 cumulative grade point average in the school or college in which they are enrolled. Graduate
applicants must be in good academic standing at the end of the 1979 Fall term in the school or
college in which they are enrolled. (5) Preference is given to applicants who do not intend to
carry heavy academic schedules and who do not have rigorous outside commitments. (6) ,
Applicants with children will not be considered. (7) Proof of these qualifications may be required.
Present staff and other individuals who have an application on file must come to the Housing
Office to complete the new application form.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: Reapplying Staff-January 24, 1980
New Applicants-January 30, 1980

U.S. asks joint

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - The United States
yesterday secured commitments from
all other major grain exporting nations
that they would not increase their grain
sales to Russia to make up the shortfall
that resulted from the U.S. embargo.
Representatives of all the nations -
including Argentina, which this week
publicly said it refused to go along -
agreed "that their governments would
not directly or indirectly replace the
grain that would have been shipped to
the Soviet Union prior to the actions an-
nounced by President Carter," an of-
ficial joint statement said.

States called on m;
nations yesterday b
halt shipment of 1
of grain to the
retaliation for i
U.S. Undersecr
Dale Hathaway ar
grain exporters a
tment and told rep
tries would "discu
and parallel actior
the U.S. grain is no
feed livestock in o
meat supply for it
could make up the
created by the U.S

embargo effort
(AP) - The United find willing sellers.
ajor grain exporting U.S. officials estimate there are as
to back its decision to many as 100 million tons of grain stock-
7 million metric tons piled outside the United States, much of
Soviet Union in it in small countries.
ts intervention in Among the major grain exporting
nations, only Argentina has said it will
etary of Agriculture not cooperate with the United States.
rived at a meeting of David Lacroze, chairman of the Argen-7
at the State Depar- tine National Grain Board, made no
orters that the coun- statement to reporters as he arrived at
uss our own actions Saturday's meeting. {

ins ... to maze sX ure
t replaced."
who want the grain to
)rder to increase the
is citizens, probably
impending shortfall
. embargo if it could

University of Michigan
Membership Information
WED., JAN. 16th-7p.m.
CCRB Info: J6onn, 668-81 12

(USPS 344-900)
Volume XC, No. 84
Sunday, January 13, 1980
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morn-
ings during the University year at 420 ,
Maynard Street: Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12-Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through,
Saturday mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

require its grain exporters to report
where they sell their piroducts, is expec
ted to have 12 million tons of grain and,
soybeans available for export in a few
Daily Official Bulletin
MondayJanuary 14. 1980
Daily Calendar
Resource Policy & Management: William J
Johnson, "Creativity in Resource Policy 0
Management," 2032 Dana, noon.
Neuroscience: William R. Uttal, "A Taxonomy of
visual Processes," 2032 Neuroscience, 12:15 p.m.
Center for Near Eastern & N. African Studies:
Genevieve Dollfus, "The Susiana before Susa: The
Archaeology of 1*AUrban Communities in South-
western Iran," MLB Lee. Rm., 2, 4 p.m.
Industrial & Op at onal Engineering: Lucy
Chalmer; "Effici 'in Colnlititd Rectilinear
Distance Location Problems," 246 W. Eng., 4 p.m.



Q4way Su O Sun
" sleep in late
* have a leisurely brunch
" forget about the library
(at least till 2)
* and relax with
U be jL [tQ~ au-

it W


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