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January 13, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-01-13

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See editorial page


Ninety Year, of E~ditorwi Freedom


See Today for details

9/of. XC. No. 84

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday; January 13, 1980

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages



wide oil


U.S. allies could be targets

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran said
yesterday it would stop selling oil to
countries that back U.S. economic san-
ctions against the Khomeini regime.
But as the U.N. Security Council
prepared to resume debate on inter-
national sanctions aimed at forcing
Iran to release the U.S. Embassy
hostages, the country's revolutionary
leadership was preoccupied with
violence in the provinces.
MOBS OF Azerbaijanis opposed to
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's rule
went on a rampage through the north-
west city of Tabriz, ransacking shops
and setting fire to banks, after firing
squads executed 11 supporters of the
anti-Khomeini Moslem People's
Republican Party. Four persons were
killed in the day's violence in Tabriz.
Iranian Oil Minister Ali Akbar Moin-
far said of the oil cutoffs, "Our policy is
quite clear."
"We will surely cut our oil to coun-
tries which lend their support to U.S.
economic sanctions imposed on our
country," Tehran radio quoted him as
saying. He later confirmed the remarks
to reporters.
HE APPARENTLY meant the flow of
oil would be stopped to any nations
joining the United States in imposing
The Foreign Ministry refused to
comment on a reported oral message
from the Iranian leadership asking that
the U.N. Security Council recognize the
legitimacy of Iran's demands for the
return of the ousted Shah Mohammad
Reza Pahlavi, now in Panama.
The Security Council debate had been

postponed for one day because of the
reported message, which Western
sources in New'York termed "one step
forward" toward freeing the 50 or so
American hostages, held since the em-
bassy was taken over Nov. 4. But they
did not hold out hope for their im-
mediate release. I
OTHER IRANIAN officials appeared
to ignore the threat of sanctions, and
Iranian news media paid little if any at-
tention to the pending debate.
Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Sadegh
Ghotbzadeh sent a letter . to
Panamanian President Aristides Royo
formally requesting that Panama
arrest the exiled shah, the official news
agency Pars said. It said an Iranian
arrest warrant was attached to the let-
ter and that Iran would ask Panama to
extradite the shah within 60 days of his.
The militant students holding the
Americans hostage demand the shah's
return before they release their
A MILITANT spokesman said the

students would broadcast a statement
endorsing the Tabriz executions, which
followed a week of regional fighting in
which more than 50 persons died in
clashes across Iran.
The 11 persons executed in Tabriz
were among 28 backers of the Moslem
People's Republican Party arrested in
a pre-dawn battle in which Khomeini's
revolutionary guards captured the par-
ty headquarters, a guard spokesman
said. But witnesses said the rioting
crowd of party supporters, angered by
the arrests and executions, re-occupied
party offices and ransacked shops.
Two party supporters were killed in
the clash, and two other persons were
killed in separate incidents in Tabriz.
central city of the restive Azerbaijan
region, said leaders of the party, main
organization of the Turkish-speaking
Azerbaijanis, went into hiding.
The Moslem People's Republican
Party supports Ayatollah Mohammad
Kazem Shariat-Madari, Iran's second-
See IRAN, Page 5

MSU educator seeking
funds for Iranian student

AP Photo
Garner says no!
Michigan center Thad Garner blocks an attempted dunk by Purdue's Arnette Hillman (45) in yesterday's away game
against Purdue. The referees, however, called a foul on Garner. By protesting the call, Wolverine coach Johnny Orr
picked up his first technical in five seasons. This was symbolic of the frustrations Michigan had yesterday trying
to upset the Boilermakers. The final score: 68 Purdue, 61 Michigan. See Page 11 for details.

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Conl'['II*ct heats UP i ha-nistan
t$ . _a

With wire service reports
Donald Lammers, chairman of
Michigan State University's history
department, is considering
establishing a fund to help the
family of an JIranian graduate
student who is seeking U.S. asylum.
Malek Towghi, 43, has been found.
deportable by U.S. Immigration of-
ficials but fears imprisonment or
even death if he is forced to return to
his native land because of his out-
spoken criticism of the current
SINCE LOSING financial support
from the Iranian government,
Towghi has been forced to support
his wife and four teenage children on
the $290 he receives per month as a

graduate assistant at MSU. Accor-
ding to Lammers, Towghi can't seek
other employment because U.S. law
forbids him or his wife to work for
Towghi became deportable after
he was unable to renew his student
He said the Iranian government
refused to renew his passport after
he wrote an article in the MSU
student newspaper criticizing
Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini.
LAMMERS, WHO is Towghi's
doctoral dissertation director, said
while some funds are available, he
will not know until Monday whether
Towghi will agree to receive them.
"He's a very proud man who'd
prefer to make it on his own,"
Lammers said.

From the Associated Press
Backed by air bombardment, newly reinforced
Soviet troops inflicted heavy losses on rebels in nor-
.theast Afghanistan, according to reports reaching
'akistan yesterday. But rebel supporters vowed the
Kremlin would not put down the Islam-inspired in-
surgency "even if it commits its entire military
Reports of the Soviet military successes could not
be independently confirmed, and there were conflic-
ting reports of rebel gains in fighting in the same
THE U.N. GENERAL Assembly resumed an
emergency sessioi. expected to result in a resolution
calling for the withdrawl of all foreign troops from
In the debate, U.S. Ambassador Donald McHenry
accused the Soviet Union of "hypocrisy" in claiming
its intervention was aimed at helping the Afghan
Ports oil
may be key
I to invasion
An AP News Analysis
KABUL, Afghanistan - Deposed
President Hafizullah Amin thought a
massive airlift of Soviet troops that
began Christmas Eve was intended as a
Kremlin show of support for his gover-
nment, most diplomats in the Afghan
*capital believe.
It turned out to be a 20th century
Trojan horse instead.
Two. days after the airlift began,
Soviet military advisers sabotaged
Afghan tanks, and Soviet troops, sent
into Kabul aboard Antonov transport AFGHAN]
planes, moved quickly to replace Amin bombing r
over the vi
See WESTERN, Page 5

"The truth of the matter is the Soviet Union in-
vaded Afghanistan to quell determined opposition by
the Afghan people to their own government," he said.
THE 152-NATION General Assembly cannot enforce
a. withdrawal resolution, and Soviet leaders were ex-
peted to ignore it.
In Moscow, Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev
made his first public comments on the Afghan
situation, denouncing the "shameless anti-Soviet
campaign" in the West and saying it was "absurd" to
claim U.S. interests were threatened by events in
He contended that "the politics and psychology of
colonizers are alien to us" and declared Soviet
citizens would not lose "a single kilogram of bread"
because of the U.S. grain embargo. His comments
came in an interview with the Soviet Communist Par-
ty newspaper Pravda.
U.S. OFFICIALS MET yesterday at the State

Department with representatives from the world's
other major grain-exporting nations in hopes of per-
suading them not to replace the 17 million metric tons
of grain the United States is cutting off from Moscow.
U.S. officials estimate there are as many as 100
million tons of grain stockpiled outside the United
Brezhnev's interview with the Soviet Communist
Party newspaper was read simultaneously on
television and radio and transmitted by the official
news agency Tass.
The Soviet leader made no specific threat against
the United States in retaliation for Carter's sanctions
against the Soviet Union, but the statements and the
prominence given them were the toughest attack on
Washington since the Afghan crisis began in late
December with the influx of Soviet troops into that
central Asian nation and the Soviet-backed ouster of

Kennedy, Brown will
not 'Meet the Press'

See AFGHAN, Pages

From UP[ and AP
SIOUX CITY, Iowa - Sen. Edward
Kennedy and California Gov. Edmund
"Jerry" Brown Jr. both asked NBC
yesterday to allow them to join Jimmy
Carter in a "Meet the Press" interview
scheduled with the president on the day
before the Iowa caucuses.
But no invitation was forthcoming
from NBC, which issued a statement
pointing out that Kennedy and Brown
had already appeared on the interview
program since announcing their can-
KENNEDY, campaigning in Sioux
City, had said earlier that he "just hap-
pened to be available that day" and
would be "delighted to join the
president and anyone else on the
And Tom Quinn, chairman of
Brown's presidential campaign, sent a
telegram to "Meet the Press" program
moderator Bill Monroe asking that both
Brown and Kennedy be included in the
interview scheduled for Jan. 20.
But in a statement, NBC said, "Both
Gov. Brown and Sen. Kennedy have ap-
peared on "Meet the Press" in recent
months after both announced they were
declared presidential candidates. The
NBC News invitation to President Car-
ter has been a longstanding one."

MONROE SAID one problem in ad-
ding Kennedy and Brown was a
scheduling conflict which prohibited
the interview show from being expan-
ded to a full hour. Monroe said he did
not know what program posed the
scheduling conflict.
"We knew weeks ago that we would
have only a half hour," he said, adding
that length of time would not be suf-
ficient to interview all three.
Kennedy, Brown, and Vice-President
Walter Mondale took their Iowa cam-
paigns to Waterloo yesterday to join in
a "poor substitute for the debate that
never was."
President Carter's surrogate cam-
paign, was to share the stage at a din-
ner with the senator from Massachuset-
ts and the California governor, but the
encounter bore little resemblance to the
plans for last Monday's canceled
"It's a poor substitute for the debate
that never was," groused a Kennedy
aide. "But it's the only game in town."
The absence of Carter or even a
debate failed to deter hundreds of
Democrats from snatching up all the
available tickets just hours after the
See CAMPAIGN, Page 12

AP Photo
REBELS hold a Soviet-made bomb that didn't explode and a fuel tank they say were dropped during a
aid over the village of Rohd in August 1979. The rebels said Soviet MiGs flown by Afghan pilots made raids
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by Soviet Artists at Hill Auditorium need not be out a con-
cert. A University Musical Society (UMS) spokesperson
j reports that those holding tickets for the events have the op-
tion of attending replacement events, at the same place and
time. The Glinka chorus of Leningrad, scheduled for
Tuesday, Jan. 29 at 8:30 p.m.. at Hill Auditorium, will be
r replaced by the Roger Wagner Chorale, a well-known
American choral ensemble. The Krasnayarsk Dancers, a
Siberian folk dance company scheduled to perform at Hill
Friday, Feb. 29 at 8:30 p.m., will be replaced by the
Massenkoff Russian Folk Festival, an American-based
urmmn f n R Pznc Pn cmiorni-eA, A Adi ntirkk orPvnich

Shuttle flights between 1983 and 1985. Dr. Matthew Kluger,
associate professor of physiology, will conduct a study of
febrile (fever) responses during space flight. Dr. Mureil
Ross, associate professor of anatomy, will perform a study
of the effects of space travel on mammalian gravity recep-
tors. The projects were among 78 proposed projects for the
two flights. Spacelab will serve as a laboratory for life
science and other investigations in near-Earth orbit for
seven to 10 days on each flight. The experiments will be
carried into orbit and returned by the Space Shuttle. The
reusable shuttle, roughly the size of the Physics-Astronomy
huildine in s nected tn reduce the cnt nf naen travel by as

Motion." Rev. Gustav H. Schultz, pastor of the University
Lutheran Church, said other answers included, "None, but
definitely not Mormon," "Blue Oyster Cult, Born-Again
Atheist," "Fat Worship of the High Cholesterol Order,.
Southern Pedestrian," and "Church of God the Totally In-
different." L
On the inside
For a recap of yesterday's Michigan-Purdue basketball
.:-- -- r~an A narntral..mc

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