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January 30, 1980 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-01-30

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The Michigan Daily--Wednesday, January 30, 1980-Page 7

Cable T.V. goes to Denver firm

SAVE $$$

The Ann Arbor Cablecasting Com-
r ission last night announced the firm
aniels and Associates will assume
ownership of the local cable television
franchise April 1. The assets agreemen-
ts with the Denver firm were completed
last October.
In addition, bankruptcy claims
against the present company, Xanadex,

are being dropped by a California
bankruptcy court since the new firm
will provide the financial resources
needed. At closing, however, Xanadex
must pay all back taxes and other out-
standing business expenses.
DEMAND FOR cable television sub-
scriptions in this area is increasing
strongly. Xandadex business con-
sultant Bill Cullen said the past year
shows a 15 per cent increase in sub-

scribers to pay T.V., bringing the total
to 10,240 customers.4
Cullen attributed the increase to the
fact that the present company has
maintained operations as if it were not
selling the franchise, and continuing to
advertise, provide free installation, and
improve picture quality.
The Public Access Sub-committee
reported that as the new firm takes
over operations, new equipment such

Study looks at future enrollment

A major research university such
as this one will be less susceptible to
drastic changes in enrollment
because higher admissions standar-
ds can be lowered, according to a
report on the next twenty years in
higher education released last week.
The study, prepared by the Car-
negie Council on Policy Studies in
Higher Education, focuses on the
dramatic effect enrollment changes
will have on the future of higher
THE CARNEGIE Council also
reported that most institutions will
be concerned with survival rather
than maintaining high levels of ex-
cellence in all programs.
"The end of expansion, and even
the discipline of moderate contrac-
tion, allows institutions to turn their
;energies to the quality of
education," the report says.
The future of state universities are
bound up with the interests of the
state, and the Carnegie Council
study suggests the best way to con-
tinue autonomy is to creatively
solicit contributions from alumni,
corporations, and foundations.
THERE IS little guarantee of an
adequate level of support from the
state. State colleges and universities
are dependent on the size of state
population and fiscal trends for fun-
ding levels.
(Last week, Governor Milliken
recommended a 9.5 per cent fund
hike for the University in fiscal year
1980-81. Administrators had
requested a 12.9 per cent ap-
propriation increase.)
The study suggests universities
take the following steps in prepar-
tion for the next two decades:
Analyze factors, such as

demography and labor-market con-
ditions that are likely to influence
future enrollments.
" Seek support from private sour-
ces for funds.
* Intensify recruitment efforts
and attempt to reduce attrition.
" Institute a more centralized
planning system, and anticipate
future problems.
" Set priorities, the foremost

being maintenance of quality in
teaching and scholarship.
" Encourage innovation in
curriculum and support services,
and flexibility in resource
Students will come through the
next two decades with increased
financial support, and a curriculum
tailored to their tastes, the report

as portable cameras and color equip-
ment will be purchased.
CULLEN SAID that Xanadex was
very choosy in selling the franchise to
Daniels, stating that Daniels' was not
the highest bid. Among the im-
provements that Daniels has budgeted
to complete in its first year of
operations are:
* Improving the picture quality of the
Pay T.V. service by purchasing new
playback units, adding time base
correctors and image enhancing
" Changing the Pay T.V. product to
the Showcase service;
" Completing'a Proof-of-
Performance Test on the cable system
as a whole;
" Constructing an earth station
satellite receiver and adding four new
stations which will be transmitted by
* Completing the construction of the
cable system to 2,500 homes within Ann
Arbor city limits;
" Doing a house-to-house audit to
make sure that everyone receiving
cable T.V. service is actually paying for
" Initiating a long-term converter
change-out and upgrading program;
" Inititating system and subscriber
servicing procedures that will meet
Daniels' standards; and
" Beginning an information and ad-
vertising campaign.
After operating at a deficit for most
of the time since cable television first
was introduced to Ann Arbor in 1972,
the commission reported that the firm
has been operating in the black for over
a year now, with the excess money
mainly to be channeled into im-
provement of equipment.



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Expert says faculty
' '


won-t prosper
(Continued from Page I) While t
and part-time students "may well academic
become the new majority." change,
A report released last week that challeng
projected the profile of the average university
student body of the 1990s indicated the exar
there will be a 50 per cent western u
changeover in the type of student at- of the st
tending college. The Carnegie Coun- clearly\ d
cil on Policy Studies in Higher while the
Education prepared the report on enrolledi
the next twenty years in higher "The pro
education. (For details on the report ratio them
see story, Page 7). said.
On the other hand, "the profile of Boyera
the faculty looks disgustingly, about th
drearily the same," Boyer said. curriculum
IT IS important for university vocationa
policy-makers to anticipate what is arts educa
ahead of them so they can be He urg
prepared to manage shifts in the in- values t
stitution, Boyer said. He added there Boyer sai
is virtually no way to avert most of college"I
the problems in the next decade. connectio
"It's time for higher education to "The tr
stop fretting about the aggregate sity) gov
profile," Boyer said in reference to sing," Bo
the overall picture for colleges and for outs
universities. "What will happen will moderat
happen." within ani

in 8'sH
he faculty remains static,
interests of students will
he said, posing stiff
es for members qf the
y community. Boyer cited
mple of one large mid-
university where two-thirds
tudents were enrolled in
defined vocational fields,
e remaining one-third was
in the arts and sciences.
oblem is that the faculty
re is just the' reverse," he
also said he is concerned
he cleavage between a
im educating students for a
and one focused on liberal
ed universities to connect
o professional courses.
d he is "still looking for a
that offers a significant
n between the two.
aditional notion of (univer-
ernance is rapidly collap-
yer said, opening the way
ide decision-makers to
e conflicts that emerge


BRESICA, Italy (AP)-A man who
bought a strange-looking "puppy" at a
fair here recently wondered why it
/never barked.
He also wondered why at 4 months old
it was strong enough to break a heavy
leather leash. When the owner tried to
put another leash on, the animal bit
Both animal and master were taken
to a hospital where a veterinarian an-
nounced, "This is no dog, it's a lion

Dormitory staff selection process begins

(continudfronitie i) VIABLE RD candidates must exhibit, the selectionprocess. "I had an advan-
in all dorms. Building directors can leadership.and administrative abilities, tage because they knew me. This is a
request exceptions to those guidelines she said. Counseling abilities are more big factor," he said.
for a specific dorm, but all changes are important for prospective RA's. An RA BUT MOSHER-JORDAN RA Wendy
ubject to Central Housing Office ap- must be an authority figure as well as a , Wheeler said she thought having frien-
royal. friend to dorm residents, Bewley poin- ds on the selection committee "made it
For instance, Mosher-Jordan selects ted out. a lot harder-they knew me too well."
its staff in a day or two. But South and, East Quad RA Ron Gifford said he Gifford said he thinks East Quad's
West Quads choose their staffs in about feels his main duty is "being around selection process is fair and uninfluen-
two weeks. and helping people on the hall, and an- ced by bias. This year, he will be on the
Despite the seeming abundance of swering questions, especially for selection committee. "I've discouraged
applicants, their numbers have been freshmen." Gifford added that the a lot of my friends from coming to my
gradually dwindling in the past few amount of counseling an RA does interviews. I want to help them out, but
years, according to Assistant Director depends on how close he or she is to the tend to be tougher on them," he said.
of Housing Charlene Coady. She added residents. "The closer ones come with In Alice Lloyd Pilot Program and
that the selection process and avan- personal problems, but the others go to East Quad's Residential College, stric-
ges of the jobs remain basically un- their friends," he said. ter requirements diminish the possible
changed, but "there used to be around Several present staffers admitted impact of personal bias. RF applicants
1000-12, applications each time." that knowing people involved in the must be graduate students qualified to
Coady said the increased selection boosted their chances of get- teach as well as to advise. Alice Lloyd
availability of financial aid my be con- ting the job. West Quad RA Ron Kelley RD John Douglass said the selection-
tributing to the decline in applicants. said many of his friends participated in process in necessarily cumbersome.
Students may not want to live in dorm
regardless of the price or may not want
to accept the attendant responsibilities
of the job, she said.
BUT FEWER applicants have not
significantly reduced selection
rocedures. In West Quad, for example,
'A applicants must apply to each house
separately,, Building Director Leon
West said "the houses are fiercely in-
dependent," and want to make their
owns selections. That means the ap- _
plicant must be interviewed by mem-
bers of each house, who report their
preferences to West. Then he makes the
final choice.
In South Quad, RD and RA hopefuls
,fust be interviewed three times after
an initial screening of applications. All
RA's and RD's must have earned 55HA FP I EB R N GH
credit hours and uphold a minimum 2.5
GPA. Building Director Mary Bewley
makes the final choice after inter-
viewing the finalists. e,
Although RD's need not be residents W EDNESDA at Rick's
or RA's of the dorm at which they
desire the directorship, there is a ten-
dency to hire in-house candidtes, ac- Pius- special Happy Hour 8-9 p.m.
cording to ,Bewley. She added that ap-
icants from outside the dorm would Live Music by MELODIOSO
led exceptional qualifications such as
counseling experience.
41. _~m*mu~

"The pilot program is very fair and in-
terested in student input," he said.
Applicants to any of these jobs must
submit their forms and fall term grades
to Charlene Coady's office, 1500 Student
Activities Building, by today. By
Friday at 4:00 p.m. the candidate must
submit a date-stamped copy of the ap-
plication to the individual halls in which
he or she is applying.
The applications will be screened
between Feb. 2 and 29. Then RA and RD
candidates will receive notice of accep-
tance or rejection March 21. Those
chosen must accept or decline the offer
by 4 p.m. March 28.

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