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January 26, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-01-26

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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom

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Val. XC, No. 95

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 26, 1980

Ten Cents

Ten Pages



Gunmen killed in
+S. African bank

Iranians vote
for president,
turnout high

SILVERTON, South Africa (AP)-
Police acting under a "no mercy"
policy stormed a suburban bank
yesterday and killed three black gun-
men who took 25 hostages in a bold at-
tempt to gain freedom for political
A 19-year-old woman hostage was
killed and 17 hostages and four
policemen were wounded in the gun
battle and by the expolosion of a
grenade thrown by one of the black
militants, hospital officials said..
SOUTH AFRICA Broadcasting Corp.
announced two women hostages were
killed, but hospital officials confirmed
the death of only one.
It was the first time black
nationalists have. seized hostages in an
attempt to free jailed black leaders in
this white-ruled country.
Police Minister Louis Le Grange said
heavily armed police charged into the
bank on the ground floor of a three-
story building, after the gunmen began
shooting the hostages. But one of the
hostages, P.S.J. Bierman, said it
seemed as if the blacks and police
began shogting at the same time.
LE GRANGE STATED the "no mer-
cy" policy, telling reporters after the
bloody shootout:
"Let this action of the police be a
warning and an example to all.

terrorists who have thoughts of
aggression against innocent people and
the state. We will take harsh action and
no mercy will be shown to them."
He said senior police officials had
negotiated with the gunmen during the
afternoon-long siege, but "their
demands were never even considered."
Le Grange said when there were
reports the gunmen were shooting the
hostages, "there was no stopping the
police, who stormed in and shot and
klled the terrorists." He did not
e aborate on his statement that the
gunmen had started shooting their cap-
THE GUN BATTLE lasted about
two minutes, punctuated by the
grenade explosion that rocked the
Police sources said the black
nationalists were members of the ban-
ned African National Congress and
among the prisoners they wanted freed
was Nelson Mandela, a 61-year-old
lawyer considered by many to be the
founder of South Africa's black
nationalist movement.
The gunmen reportedly were deman-
ding 'that Mandela and some other
prisoners be freed and transportation
be provided for themselves and the
prisoners to black-ruled Angola.

From The Associated Press
Torn by internal dissent and warned
against foreign "plots," Iranians voted
yesterday for a new president, one who
U.S. officials hope will change the tone
of the U.S.-Iranian showdown over the
, embassy hostage crisis.
Ailing revolutionary leader Ayatollah
. * lRuhollah Khomeini remained under
treatment for heart troublat a Tehran
hospital. His office issued a statement
describing the voting as "enthusiastic"
across most of the country, Tehran
Radio reported.
BUT THE government broadcasts,
monitored in London, also reported that
balloting did not take place in at least
two cities in Kurdistan, where anti-
Khomeini Kurdish leaders called for a
boycott of Iran's first-ever presidential
AP Photo election.

Ayatollah Mohammed Kazem
Shariat-Madari, i key Khomeini rival,
apparently also was boycotting the
balloting. The official Iranian news
agency said he had not voted by mid-
In another development, it was repor-
ted that a firing squad executed two
alleged members of a radical Islamic
group convicted in the assassination of
two close Khomeini associates.
among the eight official presidential
candidates were Culture and Education
Minister Hassan Habibi and Finance
Minister Abolhassan Bani-Sadr.
Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh
was also a candidate.
About 20 million Iranians were
eligible to vote. Definitive election
See IRANIANS, Page 2

IRANIAN WOMEN accept ballots for the nation's first presidential elec-
tion while a policeman stands by. Large turnouts were reported in the

Armed Black Muslim
hijaeker surrenders


Michael Smydra, a member of the
*Michigan State University Board of
Trustees, resigned his post Thursday in
the face of possible board action again-
st him concerning his alledged misuse
of administrative funds.
Smydra said yesterday that the con-
troversy which -ld to his resignation,
arose when the board'learned of his side
trips to Rice ' University and a
Galveston Medical school while he was
attending a conference on Governing
Conf rence
exami n es
Donna, a sales correspondent, was
first harrassed by a co-worker one day
when she was on the phone with a
client. He walked in front of her. stared
down at her breasts and began licking
That was only the beginning. A sales
manager asked her out but she refused.
After that he continued to complain
about her work. When the abuse con-
tinued, Donna complained to her.
superiors. Her complaints . were
ignored. The recurrent abuse even-
tually forced Donna to quit her job.
THIS IS ONE example of sexual
harrassment that was cited yesterday
at a day-long conference at the
Michigan Leagues Called 'Planning.
Programs on Sexual Harrassment,"
the conference was sponsored by the
University and Wayne State Univer-
sity's Institute of Labor and Industrial
Approximately 65 women and five
men attended the conference that
focused on two areas - providing
background information on sexual
harrassment and training people to
plan programs to deal with the

tstee quil
Boards in Dallas. He denied claims that
the board disapproved of his spending
over $200 without authorization.
ACCORDING TO Smydra, 31, any ac-
tion taken against him by the board
would have been rooted in the fact that
"we don't always see eye to eye. The
last three years have been filled with
tension and stress because I disagree
with them philosophically."
As an example, Smydra said he
believes in dealing with problems at
MSU in a direct manner. He said he
would not hesitate to go to a professor's
office to talk to him or her personally.
He contends that other board members
would be more apt to go through chan-
nels rather than take care of a problem
Smydra said he believes the purpose
of the board is to "promote academic
excellence" and that it is "appropriate
for a trustee to be intimately involved
with the area of education on a day to
day basis." He claimed he visited the
two Texas universities in order to ob-
serve ways in which to improve
education at MSU,



ACCORDING TO Smydra, the
majority of the board did not agree with
his reasons for traveling to Galveston
and Houston and that this sparked the
present controversy. "If my philosophy
is considered improper, then any action
stemming from that philosophy is also
considered improper."
As to the claim that he spent over $200
in one month without authorization
from the board, Smydra admitted .he
did break a rule but alleges that five
other trustees have also. "Two or three
board membrs a month exceed the
limit; spending over $200 has become a
coimmon practice," he said.
John Bruff, chairman of the MSU
board of trustees, said that counter to
Smydra's claim, the unauthorized ex-
penditure of over $200 in one month has
not become a common practice. He said
that exceeding this limit, which was set
by the board last year, "must be ap-
proved under any circumstances."
SMYDRA ALSO said "there is no
mechanism for seeking authorization."
But according to Bruff, approval may
be sought through the audit committee.

trove rsy
"By choosing to resign I chose not to
defend myself," Smydra said. "When
you are accused of something like this,
and then the final report comes out
saying you are cleared, nobody
remembers that. The allegations that
are made are what stick in peoples'
According to Smydra, there, was
"presumption of wrong-doing to being
with." He said that because he planned
to serve only another year of his term,
he decided it was not worth spending
the next 11 month fighting.
'I believed that after this, something
else would happen," he said. "I figured
the university wasn't being helped by
this constant controversy. Something
had to give and sok I resigned," he ad-
Bruff refused to comment on what ac-
tion would have been taken against
Smydra had he not resigned and
claimed that all of Smydra's
allegations were untrue.

MIAMI, Fla. (R) } - A Black Muslim
man who hijacked a jet with 65 people
aboard and demanded to be taken to
Iran was taken into custody yesterday
in Cuba after the passengers sneaked
off the plane. None of the passengers or
crew was injured and they returned to
the United Stales last night, federal of-
ficials said.
The man, who was accompanied on
the flight by his wife and two daughters
- seven months and two years old -
surrendered nearly 14 hours after
hijacking the Delta Air,. Lines. L-1011
over North Carolina, according to
Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) spokesman Fred Farrar in
Washington and Delta spokesman Dick
Jones in Miami.
ARTHUR NEHRBASS, special agent
in charge of the FBI office in Miami,
where the plane landed at 6:36 p.m.,
EjST, identified the man as Samuel
Alben Ingram Jr., 29, of Atlanta.
Nehrbass said Ingrain, his wife arnd
th"ir children were being heh'l in Cuba
and he didn't know whether Cubans
would return them to the United States.
"We're still putting the story
together," Nehrbass said. "The crew
tells us the Cuban authorities were very

cooperative. Some of the passengers
are exhausted, but otherwise everyone
is all right."
TIE PLANE'S passengers and crew
were debriefed by federal authorities
before going through Customs and con-
tinuing on to New York, the flight's
original destination.
Authorities had said the man - who
seized the jet at 1:51 a.m. EST - ap-
parently had been armed with one or
more guns. There were no reports of
One of the passengers, Lynn Martin,
19, of Dallas, said in Miami:
"HE °the hijacker) did not threaten
the passengers. The captain told us he
was armed. I Qlon't know with what."
She said the hijacker was in the cock-
pit while his wife and daughters were
asleep in their seats while the plane was
on the ground in Havana.
She said that the passengers began
sneaking out the back of the plane and
to the ground via a truck used to raise
food to the plane.
"HIS WIFE and kids were in their
seats asleep and he was in the cockpit
and we just snuck out," she added
before being hus' led off by Delta per-
sonnel. 'It was nerve-wracking."

Capitol Hill officials
speak of war threat

The atmosphere in Washington these
days is turbulent, and the spirit of war
pervades, U.S. Rep. John Conyers said
last week in an informal discussion in
Ann Arbor.
Michael Russell, spokesman for
United States Senator Donald Riegle,
did not agree, but did say 'there appear
to be two camps, one for some sort of
strong military posture, and the other
along the lines of, 'we ought to get
serious about thinking about a strong
military posture'."
"WAR FEVER, like the morning af-
ter Pearl Harbor," he continued, "it
hasn't reached those proportions. But
SALT II, you can etch it in stone. It will
not be considered in this session of
Butdfor the moment, aside from
President Carter's proposal,
registration for the draft has met with

little other encouragement.
"He (Riegle) would not want to go
ahead with it (the registration
proposal) until he's had a chance to
participate in the hearing on the selec-
tive service system," Russell said, "At
this point he would go no further than
negotiation." The hearings will
probably take place some time this
ACCORDING TO Stephen Serkaian, a
spokesman for U.S. Sen. Carl Levin,
President Carter will have to decide
whether to propose the registration of
women for the draft by Feb. 9. To in-
stitute a draft registration affecting
both sexes would take longer than if a
conventional draft were instituted, said
Serkaian, because it would require new
The president is required by law to
respond to Congress on the study of the
See SENATE, Page 2

AP Photo
STANFORD UNIVERSITY students burned a mock draft card at a demonstration Thursday. About 600 students
attended the noon rally at the university's Old Union Courtyard, and shouted their approval as the poster size card
went up in flames.

Tom Durham. "We couldn't get out there unless we had a
lot of beer." Durham said the fraternity is having the beach
party to kick-off the beginning of Rush Week. and to "try to
get a little publicity for ourselves." Durham also said he
hopes the party will help alleviate the fraternity system's
generally negative image in the wake of the cat killing
incident. O
ie-president resigns
It was announced this week that Kim Bower, the newly
elected vice-president of LSA-SG, has resigned from that-

unclaimed suitcase over to police in April, 1977, she didn't
realize she was handing in over $185,000 in 'loot.' Actually,
the woman is probably relieved she didn't keep the missing
luggage. It seems the suitcase contained 18 grams of heroin
with a street value of $175,00, $8,600 in cash and some'
women's clothing. Since nobody claimed the suitcase, Cir-
cuit Judge Hazen Armstrong ruled this week that it belongsj
to Saginaw County. Sheriff James Kelley has been given
custody of the suitcase and it's contents. If someone had'
claimed the suitcase, however, there world have been a big
Catch-22. Possession of large amounts of heroin is a felony

audience at the Hollywood Pallaldium, as a "good-looking
older man." But as Parks walked on stage, she remarked,
"He doesn't look so old." Parks was fired last month from
his job as the Miss America Pageant's emcee because
Pageant officials said he was too old. fZ
On the inside
Coverage of the Michigan-Minnesota hockey game in
Minneapolis in Sports . . . Star Trek on Arts, page 5 .. .
And a criticism of the media's treatment of religion on the




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