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August 07, 1976 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1976-08-07

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Saturday, August 7, 1976


Page Five

Reagan defends VP choice

(Continued from Page 3)
the Republican party is trying
to bring segments of this party
together to win an election in-
stead of just winning a conven-
tion, and we're going to win an
election," Reagan said.
Schweiker, co-author in the
past of federal health and jobs
legislation which Reagan has
campaigned endlessly against,
said he finds his views com-
patible with the conservative
SCHWEIKER 'listed gun con-
trol, abortion and busing among
areas of agreement. He said
he supports Reagan's proposal
for catastrophe insurance as
being realistic, and contrasted
it with what Schweiker said
were unrealistic proposals like
comprehensive health insur-
"Of course we still have dis-
agreements," Reagan interject-
ed. "We agree fundamentally

on a great deal of our philoso-
phy or we wouldn't be in the
same party"
Schweiker would not say how
many delegates he hoped to win
over in Pennsylvania, which
now stands 76-10 for Ford with
17 uncommitted. Nationwide, an
Associated Press survey shows
Ford ahead with 1,101 com-
mitted or publicly declared
delegates to 1,034 for Reagan.
The nomination requires 1,130,
and there still are 124 uncom-
mitted delegates.
now more than ten Reagan
votes in the Pennsvlvania dele-
gation but that it might be
some time before they are an-
nounced because of what he
called a "horrendous amount of
heavy - handed pressure" ap-
nlied to five delegates who pub-
licly annonced support for
Reagan earlier this week.
Asked about the alleged pres-

sure, Schweiker said, "It's calls
from everybody in the political
establishment. I've even had
some delegates mention they've
had calls from people who do
business with the delegates."
Reagan said his selection of
Schweiker as his running mate
three weeks prior to the GOP
convention was intended to tell
Renublicans in the Northeast
that the party is not writing
them off this year.
HE SAID THAT by breaking
tradition and announcing his
running mate early it also gives
delegates a chance to judge
"which direction I'm going and
who I'm going to pick."
"And I would challenge Mr.
Ford to have the same confi-
dence in the rank and file mem-
bership of the party," and name
his running mate now, also,
Reagan said.
The President is starting a
confidential background check

of potential running mates, in-
cluding information about their
health, finances and taxes, but
still says that he will wait
to reveal his vice-presidential
choice "in the conventional
manner", after he wins the
SCHWEIKER defended his
strong ties with organized la-
bor, which has given his voting
record a 100 per cent grading
in four of the last six years,
and said that was no cause for
incompatibility with Reagan.
"Gov. Reagan is a lifetime
union member. Gov. Reagan
was an activist in the union
movement. Gov. Reagan was
president of his 'mion and chief
negotiator," Schweiker said.
Reagan also mentioned his
terms as president of the
Screen Actors Guild late in his
motion pictre career: "I'm
the first lifetime union mem-
ber, six-time president of my

local, to ever run for the presi-
dency of the United States," he
BOTH RE,%GAN and Schwei-
ker said their coalition is the
only chance for a Republican
victory i November.
"When I saw the possibility
of winning the nomination but
not being able to win an elec-
tion . . . I decided we had to
do so-ethina to bring the party
together." Reagan said. "We
have done that, but also we
ha-e done it oit front.
"The aim is to win in Novem-
ber, and we're going to win if
the Tonthi-n membershin of
onr nart'- on both sides - those
who fancv mei a conservative,
those who fane the senator as
a moder-to-will recognize that
for the first time someone in
this narty has lne more than
talk ab""t unity. We propose
sornethine nractical," Reagan


Freshperson SAT marks drop THIS AFTERNOON:
By JIM DANZIGER while in-state students. main- years has risen to about $5,800 Academy-Award winning Films at MLB
tained scores of 515 and 580. while the Ivy League schools'
holastic A p tlit a d e Test costs have swelled to about kgEfl Tfl Eg
T) scores for the Univer- SJOGREN PUT a large share $7,000. "If you can afford Mich-
s i n c o m i n g freshperson of the blame for the declining igan, you can pretty easily af-
s have dropped again this number of non-resident appli- ford others," Sjogren admitted.
, following a long-term na- cants on finances. The growing 12:30 p.m.-MLB Aud. 3
al trend. And median high costs of attending Michigan and "WE AREN'T g e t t i n g as
ol grade- point averages the withdrawal of both merit many top students with 1400 MHTP
A's) of students accepted scholarships a n d recruiting scores because of the loss of
have sunk as well measures often discourage non- financial advantage, a policy

Because out-of-staters must
edge out Michigan applicants to
enter, the high school rank and
SAT scores of the admitted non-
residents normally tend to raise
class medians. But this year,
deteriorating standards for non-
residents combined with the
downward pattern of SAT scores
to cause the lowered quality of
the new class, according to
Cliff Sjogren, University Direc-
tor of Admissions.
cline in this class that just fin-
ished its freshman year but (the
sliding scores) followed a na-
tional trend influenced by the
decline in the number of stu-
dents receiving scores above
600," said Sjogren. He added,
"Out-of-state students can now
get in (to Michigan) with lower
qualifications than were previ-
ously required because less are
Since 1967, when non-resident
freshpersons scored on the aver-
age about 40 points- above in-
state freshpersons, the median
scores of both have been drop-
ping steadily. Out-of-staters lost
about 110 points overall - in-
state students, only 70 points.
The class median has fallen 120
points from 590 in verbal and
640 in math in 1965 to 520 and
600, respectively, among last
year's freshpersons.
In 1967 the median scores for
non-residents entering their first
year at the University were 619
in verbal and 657 in math com-
pared to their in-state class-
mates' scores of 565:and 606,
according to Sjogren. Out-of- -
state students in the class that
just finished its first year had
median scores of 545 and 615

residents from applying-
"College choice is heavily in-
fluenced by finances and fund-
ing," he pointed out. "In '66 the
average out-of-state s t u d e n t
paid aboit $2,000 to attend Mich-
igan while Harvard and other
Ivy League schools cost about
two and a half times that, so
students came here."
The overall price paid by
nn-residents over the east-ten

against recruiting out of state
and (the fact that) we do not
award merit scholarships."
The average score for all high
schoolers taking the SAT exam
has dropped about 25 points in
each section since 1967. The
class of high school seniors
graduating in 1975 averaged 434
in verbal skills and 472 in math.
Eight years earlier, seniors av-
erag"d'466 and"492.

Directors and Designers
Anno Arbor Cintc Thear s now scotttnappiatonttsor editrec-
tos snod desisntrs tortour 1970-77 Srston : Se saidSmoke,
October 20-24: Little Mary susnsine, Deember 15-19; Spot ord
(H. shumitin . January 26-30: Brigndoon. Aprl 20-24; Anastasia
(M. Mu-ette>. May 12-18. we are lookion for experienced stage
directors ,musica dl ort. onds e. eo m rttorop and tlght-
Iog designrs. toterrstet inttdiduls nerd not Or mrembes af
AACT nor residents of Ann Arbor we invite anyone with an
interest in these positions to send a resume to AACT, PO Box
t1s9. Ao, A Arbr.M1 48106,. o -ci 062-7282 or 665-0063 for
turther inornmation.
AACT pays honoraria to at directing and design staft.
Note: we hope to hold interviews for director for Summer and
Smoke on August 8. 1976. Persons interestedltin directing this
show should contact AACT hefore A tst 7 to arrange for an
appoittrttent. All other positions will be literviewed in early
Septetmber; filal deadlinre for all applications is eptenber
8, 1976.
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
PO Box 1993, Ann Arbor MI 48106

3v20 wASHA .34-i7$2
Complete Shows
DAILY at 1 -3 -5-7
OPEN 12:45

Shown TODAY &
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. Ca ots .
u14 canoT SLM
Introduced by ORSONWELLES

ShowsTODAY r&

Th r -1-3-5-7-9 OPEN 12:45

Kathy E. Badgerow portrays the role of May Daniels,
one of three vaudevillians who head for Hollywood in the
Michigan Repertory's production of "ONCE IN A LIFE-
TIME." Tickets for this-"delightful comedy" are avail-
able through the Power Center Box Office M-F 12:30-5
p.m. For more information call (313) 763-3333.


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