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August 04, 1976 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-08-04

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Wednesday, August 4, 1976


Poge Five

Flood death toll could reach 200

(Oontinued from Page 2) AT A VACAN
canyon with temperatures about ped to serve a
40 degrees. body count sto
Searchers transported evacu- day, but worke
ees to two makeshift landing Kibbey Funera
pads for eight helicopters and received the b
continued the gruesome task of were told to e
hunting for bodies of flood vic- more.
tims. A third helicopter land- Sheriff Watso
ing site was established outside the death tollr
the mouth of the canyon, pri- The FBI sen
marily to receive the bodies. unit to aid in f
GEC, U'argi
In a wide-ranging session, University and
.Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) nego-
tiators yesterday clashed over non-discrimina-
tion and-health insurance contract sections but
made strides on the class size issue.
By far the most emotional debate of the meet-
ing concerned non-discrimination, specifically a
controversial sexual preference clause.
GEO BARGAINERS took issue with the lan-
guage of a University counter-proposal that read:
"It is understood that individual employes will
regardless of sexual preference, observe stand-
ards of what constitutes appropriate private and/
or public conduct."
GEO's Dan Tsang denounced the phrase as
being specifically aimed at gays and demanded
to know what constituted appropriate or inap-
propriate behavior.
University negotiator John Forsyth answered
that standards would "have to be relative to fact
TSANG ALSO challenged the University's right
to prescribe conduct. "You have the right to
control our job performance, but what right do
you have to regulate our private or public con-
duct?" he asked.
Forsyth replied that the University felt some
standards to be necessary, and added, "We
have to have the ability to control what goes on
around the classroom."
GEO bargainer Nancy Kushigan voiced the
primary GEO objection to the phrase: "The
point is that this sentence is insulting-to as-
sume that this is going to happen with gays is
insulting. We want something that talks about
job performance, not what we do at home or
walking down Main Street."
ON HEALTH INSURANCE benefits, old dif-
ferences once again surfaced, resulting in im-

T hospital equip-
s a morgue, the
od at 63 at mid-
rs at Loveland's
l Home, which
odies, said they
xpect at least 20
n said he feared
might reach 200.
it in a disaster
ingerprint analy-

ses to help local officials identi-
fy the dead. Dr. Patrick Allen,
a Larimer County deputy cor-
oner, said fingerprint identifi-
cation was necessary because
many of the bodies were muti-
MEANWHILE, federal and
state officials met here to map
disaster aid plans.
Gov-.Richard Lamm said he
would use his emergency pow-

ue sex clause
GEO asked that the University extend health
insurance benefits to Graduate Student Assistants
(GSAs) hired in the summer immediately upon
notification of hiring instead of having them wait
until the start of the fall term.-
At present, The University only gives summer
coverage to those GSAs hired the spring term.
FORSYTH DID not move from his previous
position that "The program GSAs enjoy is one
of the best on campus" and "we have no inten-
tion of expanding coverage."
The meeting did end on a positive note, how-
ever, as the two sides reached agreement on a
clause of the class size proposal dealing with
a-ailability of class size data.
Dog bitfes man
ROCKLAND, Maine (AP) -- A dog on trial for
viciousness provided its own most damaging tes-
timony - it bit an assistant district attorney in
the ankle.
Two dozen persons had gone to the court to
complain about the dog. District Court Judge
Paul MacDonald, trying to keep order in the
crowded court, continued the case and asked the
district attorney's office to interview witnesses
in a separate room.
During the interviews, the dog caught Asst.
Dist. Atty. Paul Eggert walking across the room
and bit him.
MacDonald, saying no further evidence was
needed, ordered the dog's owner, Emily Robbins
of Rockland, to chain the dog. He said that if
the dog escaped in the future, possible penalties
could include a jail term for its owner as well
as the destruction of the animal.

ers to grant access to private stew from five-gallon contain-
land for construction of access ers to the rescue teams. They
roads and other emergency dished out the food from a large
work in the flood-stricken can- van and from a garage marked
yon. by a ltnber scrap which bore
Members of volunteer search the word "Food" in yellow
teams were mostly in their spray paint.
teens and early 20s. Helmeted Mike Vogl, 21, of Greeley,
and armed with shovels and received a hot meal when he
rock-climbing equipment, the flew into the pasture airfield
youths combed mudslides and on a Chinook helicopter. Vogl
debris for corpses. had been flown in as an emerg-
"YOU GOTTA get 'em out," ency medical technician to the
said Steve Childs, 25, of Glen Glen Haven area, a vacation
Haven, a small mountain com- spot among the worst hit in
munity heavily damaged in the the disaster.
raging waters. But his medical skills were
"There's a lot more bodies unneeded. "I saw three bodies.
to be found yet, and the longer I saw parts of two yesterday
they stay there, the longer the and one today in a tree. I
water's contaminated. couldn't even tell what sex
"Plus, that'll be a little less they were."
time people have to worry about VOGL USED to know the once
them missing. Not knowing is beautiful canyon "like my own
the worst. My dad drove up back yard." He traveled the
from Denver looking for my winding canyon road, now ob-
body in the morgue." literated, as a ski patrolman
AS RESCUE EFFORTS con- last winter. Now, "there are
tinned, area Seventh Day Ad- places I don't even recognize.
ventist churches and neighbor- Where there used to be motels
hood women ladled hot soup and there is nothing."
Mustards Retreat Friday and Saturday Evenings, no cover.
Great Buffet for a buck eighty-five
1 1 to 1 :30 Tuesday thru Friday.
Two for One Cocktail Hour, Tuesday thru Friday, 4 to 6
215 N. MAIN, ANN ARBOR - 663-7758

UAW Local 2001-U of M CLERICALS

That's the amount unionized clericals in the East North Central States make
over non-unionized clericals (Source: U.S. Labor Department, Bureau of
Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review) -
Those working for decertification in the August 5-11 vote want us to trust
University management to do as they please with our working lives. What is
the University's past record?
* The median wage paid to U of M clericals is still only about $3.75
per hour. This is less than 2/ what the leading sectors of organized
clericals make and nowhere enough to live on decently. Without
a strong, membership-controlled Union to demand higher wages,
management will not even pay us enough to cover inflation, let
alone enough to bring us up to other organized clericals.
" Of institutions in Michigan employing as many workers as the
University, approximately 75% have better health benefits-at
least outpatient care, prescription drugs and some dental or optical
coverage. What ever happened to the myth of the "great" Uni-
versity fringe benefits package?
University moangement has not respected our work as individuals-it's time
we used our collective strength through our Union to force recognition!
Membership of UAW Local 2001 approved the following economic demands
for the contract negotiations which will begin as soon as the decertification
election is over-provided we still have a Union. Such demands can only be
won by organized workers, although they obviously cannot be won all at once.
Most of the demands already have been won by the leading sectors of organ-
ized labor. Can you imagine University management ever giving them to us
as individual clericals?
* WAGES A new maximum wage rate $50 per week above the,
present maximum. Bring atl clericals to the maximum within one
year. Combine the C-2 and C-3 pay grades at the C-3 rate.
* SHORTER WORK WEEK 35 hours work for 40 hours pay.
* COST-OF-LIVING ALLOWANCE Unlimited cost-of-living allow-
ance with a formula that would have provided an $18 per week
increase over the last year.
" LONGEVITY PAY $1 per week increase for each year of seniority
e.g., an extra $10 per week for 10 years seniority).

" SICK/PERSONAL DAYS Two days per month for sickness or per-
sonal business with no limit on accrual.
* VACATION Two days per month.
" HOLIDAYS Add Martin Luther King's Birthday, Good Friday, Easter
and the two week Christmas break as paid holidays. Clericals may
substitute holidays for any five of the above.
Life Insurance Three times the C-6 base annual wage rate plus
extra accident insurance for every clerical.
Health, Dental and Optical Benefits The best available Blue Cross/
Blue Shield (including outpatient care and prescription drugs),
Dental and Optical Insurance Plans; physical exams, "well
baby" care, allergy tests and birth control paid directly.
Disability and Extended Disability Benefits 100% pay for 26
weeks, then 75% of pay for 52 weeks, then 50% of pay for the
duration a fthe disability, with a built-in escalator.
Retirement The University would pay a full 15% of the C-6 base
annual wage rate into the TIAA/CREF Retirement Plan for
every clerical.
* EDUCATION Tuition waiver (refund for other schools) and paid
release time for up to 5 credit hours per term. $50 per term for
books and materials. All courses accepted.
* DAY CARE Free quality day care run by the Union and parents.
" FREE PARKING Near where we work.
The decertification drive is a serious threat to all of us. With contract nego-
tiations and a chance to make real gains in our working conditions and
standard of living iust weeks away, decertification would take away our right
to barain collectively at all for what we want and need, New is the time
to organize ourselves together, not dissolve our Union As individuals, we could
never compel the University management to treat us fairly or pay us decent
wages and benefits.
UAW Local 2001 is us, organized to win a better life for ourselves and our
children. The Local 2001 membership determines contract demands, priori-
ties and strategy, including whether to strike for our demands. The strength
of the Union is the membership, and the direction of the Union is determined
by the membership. We must not throw away what is at present our only tool
for gaining control of our working lives.


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