Wednesday, May 5; 1976
Page Three
Gov. won't hike aid to universities
An apologetic Gov. William Milliken
yesterday dashed all hopes that he might
support the state legislature's education
appropriation this year.
"If I had the resources I would glad-
ly do so," said Milliken, who was in
Ann Arbor to begin his statewide cam-
paign swing in support of President
Ford's presidential bid. He spoke be-
fore an audience of some 20 senior citi-
zens and campaign workers at Ford
Headquarters on Washtenaw Avenue.
"I WISH WE HAD a freer, less tight
budget than we do," he said. But
the shaky state of Michigan's economy,
maintained the governor, has made an
austere budget unavoidable.
It was in anticipation of a Milliken
veto of the senate approved atipropria-
tion that the University's Board of Re-
gents voted last month to approve a
nine per cent tuition hike.
"We couldn't wait until November
for the (governor and the legislature to
settle the budget," said University Presi-
dent Robben Fleming. "Although we re-
main encouraged by the State Senate's
attempt to increase our allocation, we
had to assnme that the governor's more
frugal budget would prevail."
The governor did offer one small con-
solation - the state's economic condi-
tion, he said, is "turning around" (a
blessing he attributed to Ford's fiscal
policies). In next year's budget, he prom-
ised, educational appropriations will be
"substantially improved."
"WE WILL EMERGE stronger than
before," said Milliken, asserting
that a tight economic strategy would
help to strip away many deadwood pro-
grams. "We will have decided, this is
the most important, this is the least
lie hopes to present the state with
a final budget by the second or third
of July, and has met with legislative
leaders to expedite the process "as much
as possible."
If he fails to work out a viable pro-
gram with the legislature before it re-
cesses in late July, a final budget rosUld
well be delayed until late November.
Milliken called lost week's Textis pri-
mary, in which former Ca'tlifnrnia Gov.
Ronald Reagan handily defeated Ford,
"m aberration."
"It has certainly inde the campaign
iore difficult for the president," he
said. "But it doesn't alter oy convic-
tion that he's going to carry this slate"
Repeating the Ford camp's oft-heard
warnings against "overconfidence and
apathy," he declared, "I believe the
president will be nominated, and I be-
lieve he'll be elected in November."
Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Gov. William Milliken, who was in town yesterday to open President Gerald
Ford's local campaign headquarters, said that he would veto the state legisla-
ture's appropriation bill for higher education.
Order the Daily
Welcome back to all you people plan-
ning to spend to summer in good old
Ann Arbor. Because you're here we're
sticking around too. The summer Michi-
gan Daily will be published 5 days a
week, Tuesday through Saturday, all
summer long. Subscriptions for the en--
tire summer are only $6.50 so come
into the Daily or call 764-0358, and let
us put a Daily on your doorstep.
Soap and dope
Louise Lasser, 37, star of the comedy
soap opera "Mary Hartman, Mary Hart-
man," is free on $1,631 bond posted after
a series of problems that began with
her arrest Saturday on a charge of
creating a disturbance at a boutique.
Police said Lasser started pounding her
fists on the counter after store personnel
denied her request to charge a pur-
chase. The store manager told police the
firm did not allow personal charge
accounts. Police searched Lasser's purse
and found a vial of white powder that
chemical analysis showed was cocaine,
Capt. Jack Egger said.
Money sale
Some brought their motor homes and
camped for the night while others
snuggled closely in blankets waiting for
the doors to open, offering them to buy
money at "discount" prices. The lure
of money - a $100 bill for $80; a $50 for
$40t a $20 for $16 and silver-clad dollars
for 50 cents - brought hundreds of
persons to the American Federal Savings
branch bank in Farmington that opened
Monday. The "free money" was a pro-
motional gimmick. In all, the bank sold
$10,000 vorth of money for $7,830 on a
first-come, first-serve, one-purchase only
Creepy crawlers invade
Somewhere, deep in the darkest
campus crannies, dozens of deadly
eight - legged killers 1 u r k. Without
warning, one of the creatures attacks
an unsuspecting passerby.
It hasn't happened yet, but this
could well be the scene if the Univer-
sity is unable to control its spider
APPROXIMATELY 50 poisonous
spiders were discovered in two Uni-
versity-owned buildings during the
past three weeks. The specimens were
identified as Loxosceles rufescens, a
species normally found in North Af-
rica, Israel, and the Near East.
"We really don't know for sure how
they got here," said zoology professor
George Nace.
University officials speculate that
the creatures may have ended up in
Ann Arbor via a shipment of textbooks
sent from overseas.
THE SPIDERS were found on cam-
pus in the Natural Science Building
and in the University-owned Argus
Building on 4th St. and William.
Faculty members at the Natural
Science Building received a memor-
andum earlier this week from the
Biology department warning of the
problem with dangerous spiders. The
memo was issued as a precautionary
measure while University officials
study possible extermination proce-
Nace stressed that the eight-legged
creatures do not pose an immediate
threat to area residents.
"NORMALLY, the spiders will only
bite when they are pressed against
the skin," he explained.
He added that if a bite is treated
immediately there is usually no prob-
lem. But, if medical treatment is not
received, serious consequences may
result, including cell destruction, kid-
ney failure, or death.
Nace said that members of this
species are about the size of a half-
dollar. They seek out d=rk rooms and
flee when disturbed or exposed to
light. He added that the creatures do
not migrate much and are usually
found close to the floor.
See SPIDERS, Page 13
CiyCouncil endsdedloc
By MIKE NORTON their action. to establish them in a "strong bargain-
After nearly a month of bitter dead-
lock, the city's Democratic mayor and
new Republican - dominated City Coun-
cil ore making tentative moves toward
compromise on at least two key -issues:
the controversial police firearms policy
and the community development plan
adopted by the previous Democrat-Soc-
ialist Human Rights majority.
The police weapons policy, which
limits police use of firearms to in-
stances in which human life is immi-
nent danger, was passed last month by
the closing session of the old Council.
IT WAS immediately challenged in
the courts by the Police Officers' Asso-
ciation (POA) and in Council by the
new Republican majority. The Republi-
cans voted to rescind the policy, but
Mayor Albert Wheeler promptly vetoed
Similar treatment was given to the
$2.4 million Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) program approved
by the lame-duck Council at its final
meeting. Republican members, com-
plaining that they had not been given
time ti, view the plan before it was
adopted; used their new six-vote major-
ity to rescind it.
Once again, Wheeler used his veto
power to cancel their move.
SEVERAL other plans have encoun-
tered the same political impasse. Each
side in the power struggle is counting
on the strength it believes it has to
wring concessions from the other.
THE DEMOCRATS, on the one hand,
feel that Wheeler's actions have helped
ing position."
"Now they (the Republicans) know
that he's (Wheeler) not afraid to veto
any of that stuff of theirs,',' said Coun-
cilman Jamie Kenworthy (D-Fourth
Council Republicans are equally con-
fident. Said Mayor Pro Tem Robert Hen-
ry, (R-Third Ward) leader of the Re-
publican majority: "The important thing
is that all these programs have to be
funded somehow, and Wheeler needs our
votes for that."
AT LAST Monday's Council meeting
Henry addressed City Administrator Syl-
vester, reminding him that the hotly-
debated gun policy "is not the policy of
six members of this Council" and warn-
See COUNCIL, Page 13