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June 19, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-06-19

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Page Four


Saturday, June 19, 1976

Iowa focus U.S. evacuation of Reporter's view: People
of tight Lebanon readies comprise the University

GOP race
iCotinud fromaPee )
Betty Ford came to Iowa as
a stand-in for her hosband, who
canceled his scheduled appear-
ance because of the crisis in
REAGAN, IN a brief address
at a dinner honoring Republi-
can National Chairwoman Mary
Louise Smith, emphasized party
unity and "values mutually
shared" among Republicans.
e aimed his ars not at the
President, ut at the "heartless
Democratic spenders in Wash-
ington . . their cruel politics
of inflation" and their "40 years
of inflation and elitism."
Betty Ford also stressed party
unity, saying:
not divide us because of the
strength of our common politi-
cal goals. Our Republican prin-
ciples unite us."
Earlier, R e a g a n criticized
Ford's economic and, agricul-
lure policies and said he was
tptimistic about winning a ma-
jority of the Iowa delegates.
le also called on Republicans
to forge a "new majority" by
attracting Democrats in the
'eneral election this fall.
Todv & Tomorrow at
100 3:30-6:00-8:30
Ooen 12:45
ETOCOLO UnitedA ists
"Starmer"at 100500900
"Feer" at 300700
Oern at 12:45
Tecunicolort Panavisiont - G7
an-Michael Vincent in
"White Line Fever"
Todov & Tomorrow at
Osen 1:15


U. S. diplomacy in the middle
East has left the Palestine is-
sue as one of the last to be fac-
ed in arranging a gradual set-
tlement between Israel and the
Arab states. One reason is Is-
rael's refusal, backed by suc-
ceeding U. S. administrations,
to negotiate with the PLO until

its accepts the presence of a
Jewish state.
The PLO is now one of the
principal elements in the Leba-
nese civil war.
vention is believed to have as
one of its objecvties bringing
Yasser Arafat's organization
under control.

Students to fund
'U' Health Service

(Continued from Page 3)
Energy Research and Develop-
ment Administration, which has
requested suggestions for build-
ing sites.
Flint) said the proposed insti-
tute would provide "worthwhile
research for the benefit of the
public," and that it would create
a "considerable number" of
jobs for area residents.
-The Regents approved the
appointment of Susan Eklund to
an assistant deanship of the
Law School. Eklund graduated
from the University Law School
in 1973, and later served as a
staff attorney for a legal serv-

ices program on an Indian res-
ervation in Arizona. Law Dean
Theodore St. Antoine said Ek-
lund will serve as a "dean of
student affairs," in charge of
student counseling, registration,
and scheduling.
-The Regents, in a measure
to cope with the state legisla-
ture's tardiness in approving a
University appropriation, ap-
proved emergency action for
expenditures to serve until a
1976-77 budget is adopted. Both
salary and non-salary expendi-
tures will be paid at "a rate not
to exceed the monthly budget
levels for 1975-76," according to
Pierpont. The current budget
expires at the end of this month.

(Continuedfrom Pagel)
older woman, I left with the
hope that I would be as active
as they are when I reach their
ONE OF THE MOST striking
lessons I have learned during
the course of my interviews is
that it is equally difficult for
young and old alike to deal
with the changing world. In
fact, perhaps it even more of a
challenge for a woman of 40
with a family to decide that she
wants to go back to school or
that she wants a divorce. She
had not been offered the many
options .as early as I had.
I was as impressed by some
of the men I spoke to as I was
the women. While their active
lives were inspiring, I was
touched more by the thought-
fulness and sincerity with
which.they approached our dis-
cussions. Usually, I did not feel
that they were trying to adopt
a "liberated" air for either a
young woman or Daily re-
I sensed that most of the
men felt their worlds were
quickly changing. They knew
something was happening to
their lives, to the world which
they were used to, and that
things would never quite be the
same again for them.
YET, I ONLY occasionally
sensed the men realizing that
the women's movement freed
them as well. Yes, they are
giving things up. But they do
not realize yet that they are
getting a great deal more in
One problem is the lack of
support groups available for
men. Women are fortunate be-
cause they recognize the need
for their support groups and are
no longer afraid to admit this.
The School of Engineering pro-
vides a good example. There

is an Office for Women, but
where do the male students
It was a rewarding feeling
to have the University open up
to me as a real community,
with real people. When I think
now of Rackham, I think of a
kind, thoughtful man who runs
the place.
When I think of all the peo-
ple who work in the Adminis-
tration Building, I think of
more aware and sensitive in-
dividuals who inhabit different
floors and occupy varying-sized
WHEN I THINK of the Michi-
gan Union, I think of Vice-
President for Student Services
henry Johnson, clad in a cool
melon shirt and striped tie,
who cut our meeting short be-
cause of a troubling phone call
he received.
I have been at this University
for three years. In the fall, I
will start my final undergrad-
uate year. It has taken me this
long to feel any sense of com-
This University is a large in-
stitution, but we need to start
taking care of our members.
Dissension which occurs be-
cause of tuition hikes, is an ex-
amnle of this need.
I have seen scores of Tndivid-
1as confront many of the same
issues. lonefully, this can be a
stenpine stone for many great
things to come.
NEW YORK )-'-An estimated
$9.3 billion was paid in 1975 by
life insurance companies to
beneficiaries of policyholders
who had died.
The Institute of Life Insurance
said the sum was more than
nine times the amount paid in
Indiana passed a right-to-
work law in 1957.

A Firm By N
A Mexican masterpiece about C u b a' s evolution from
colonial oporession to the present revolution, told through
three different stories, involvins three different women
named Lucia. Dramatic, suspenseful, with overwhelming
sisuals, and a powerful political statement. Spanish with
7:30 & 10:00-$1.25

a c

Rioting peaks in s.
Africa; scores die
(continued from Page 1) THE POLICE minister has
n Soweto, the township where appointed a white judge, Petrus
demonstrations began, some C'illie, to investigate the riots.
civic, school and church Johannesburg remained calm
ders refused to attend a with whites and blacks going
eling called by the black ad- about their business.
istrative board to consider A seniorrpolice official said
:asures to restore calm. tmilitary reservists w e r e on
he township leaders said they standby alert and were ready to
uld participate in talks only take over key points if needed.
er Afrikaans had been drop- He said extra police had been
StSuwloshools poic
hdat Sowetotsholswn ice moved into the Johannesburg
:hdrewv from the township and area
commission with black and
ite members was named to "WE WILL not be intimidated
estigate the reasons for the and will maintain law and order
ing, at all costs," Prime Minister
~- John Vorster told the South
Africa parliament.
1 956He charged the rioting was a
determined effort to cause panic
and divide the country into op-
posing black and white factions.
Vorster did not indicate who
r bon he thought was responsible for
rks for cattle bencouraging the riots. But two
strikes oil and be- leading South African church-
tloyers. In color. A men were served a court order
by George Stevens. yesterday warning them from
opper. A classic by interfering in the current unrest.
THE TWO w e r e Beyers
Naude, director of South Af-
IVE rica's Christian Institute, and
John Rees, secretary general of
the South African Council of
OLD ARCH. AUD. Churches. Both groups are
ADMISSION $1.25 strong opponents of 6out'h Af-
A Nrica's apartheid policy of strict
racial separation.

Dean's third and lost role as a moody ranch hand who wor
Rock Hudson and his new bride Elizabeth Taylor. Dean
comes a tycoon-much to the dismay of his former emp
panorama of three generations of Texas life directed E
Also featuring Dean's buddies, Sal Mineo and Dennis Ht
any measure.
SUN: Buster Keaton's WILDLY INVENT
SHERLOCK JR.-Free at 8

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