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June 19, 1976 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1976-06-19

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Saturaay, June 19, 1976


Page Three

Students to fund Health Service

The University Board of Regents yes-
terday approved a recommendation to
charge a six-dollar-per-term Health Serv-
ice fee from all students beginning this
fall - a move designed to offset the
Health Service's loss of General Fund
Explaining the new fee plan, which will
end a long tradition of state support for
the Health Service, Vice President for
Student Services Henry Johnson told the
Regents it "is consistent with that of
most comparable university health serv-
AS GENERAL FUND support is phased
out over the next two to three years,
the fee will be increased further, al-
though Vice President for State Relations
Richard Kennedy said he does not know
how large the increments will be. John-
son was unavailable for comment lost
Hail to the Chiefs
-To the younger residents of Twin
Falls, Idaho, there are several people
who would make a better president than
Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, or Jim-
my Carter. Six to eleven-year-old stu-
dents in that school district wrote es-
says explaining why they thought their
fathers should beour nation's chief ex
ecutive. "I think my dad should be
president because he's honest and keeps
his promises. Ile is also funny and
not so boring," one youngster said. "My
dad should be president because he has
good ideas. My dad is good at bassing,"
another wrote. A third student thought
his father best fit the bill. "He's a
very good golfer," the child explained.
"And presidents like to golf." It would
seem Twin Falls has never heard of
women's lib. No children told why their
mothers should be president.
You'll have to hold it
As if rising gasoline prices aren't
enough to make customers feel the
pinch, service station owners in Rhode
Island have devised a plan sure to brine
about more than just a twinge in the
pocketbook. Upset at inroads made into
their business by self-service stations,
the owners have decided to demonstrate
their worth by closing their rest rooms
to everyone but their customers over
the 4th of July weekend. A spokesman
for the Ocean State Service Station Re-
tailers Association said that participa-
ting members would provide rest rooms,
air for tires, and water only to custom-
ers purchasing gas or other services.
Happenings ...
... the Outing Club will be hiking and
swimming today. Meet at 1.30 at the
north entrance of the Rackham bldg.
... Art Worlds is sponsoring a free arts
workshop today from 1:00-3:00 at their
studios on S. Main .. There will be a
group gathering at Hanover Park at
noon today to protest the controversial
S-1 bill ... finally, Sunday at 8:00 black
political organizer John Powell will dis-
cuss "The Role of Religion in Liberating
Oppressed Communities" at the Ecumen-
ical Campus Center at 921 Church.
Weather or not
It looks like we're in for a wet week-
end, since rain is predicted both days.
The high toay will be 75, and tonight's
low will be in the upper 0's-.

The change in financial support from
the General Fund to the students evolved
from the need to cut back on budget
demands in the face of a lean state ap-
propriation for the coming year.
Kennedy said he "would be surprisa4
if there wasn't some concern" expressed
over the fee by part-time students and
students who live outside Ann Arbor.
"IT'S ALWAYS difficult for them to
understand why they need to be charged
these sorts of fee, too," he said. "By the
same token, the service is there and it's
available to them equally."
Kennedy said the new plan will pro-
vide enough money to maintain present

In other action at yesterday's meeting:
--THE REGENTS approved a new
tuition plan for undergraduates which
will demand substantially smaller fees
from part-time students. For in-state stu-
dents electing up to ten credit hours,
tuition will be lowered an average of
$44. Students electing 19-20 credit hours
will pay an average of $60 more per
term. Other students will pay roughly
the same as present rates.
Chief financial officer Wilbur Pierpont
said the change, recommended by the
Committee on Fees established in 1973,
was made to encourage part-time en-

rollment and because the old fee system
may have been "unfair." He said the
fee increases of recent years have been
made without sufficient regard for part-
time students. Pierpont added that offi-
cials hope the lower rates will encourage
enrollment by those with full-time jobs,
married women with children, and older
-In an attempt to lure the federal
government to build a prestigious Solar
Energy Research Institute in Michigan,
the Regents agreed to make available
for construction a 133-acre site adjacent
to Willow Run Airport. The offer will be
tendered by the state to the federal
See STUDENTS, Page 4

Best seat in the house
Four ten year-old boys enjoy a game-watching vantage point in Lexington, Ky.

GOP race turns to Iowa

By ThcAssoclatedPre s
Ronald Reagan and First Lady Betty
Ford met briefly yesterday, exchanged
smiles and pleasantries, and then issued
parallel pleas for Republican party unity.
The former California governor and
the President's wife cane to Des Moines
to campaign for delegates as Iowa Re-
publicans opened their state convention
and started selecting 36 national conven-
tion delegates.
HOWEVER, AT press time, the Iowa

Republicans were still caucusing late
into the night without a final proportion-
ing of delegates between Reagan and
President Ford.
Besides Iowa, Republicans choose dele-
gates today in Washington, Delaware,
Texas and Colorado, as Reagan and Ford
renew their scramble for last-minute
Only 90 votes separate the men in
their national delegate race. Ford has

SEMCOG: Lending a
hand to Michigan cities

967 delegates, according to the Asso-
ciated Press tally, while Reagan has
877. There are 159 uncommitted dele-
gates and 25S delegates yet to be chosen,
counting the 36 Iowa delegates.
It will take 1,130 votes to win the
MEANWHILE, Jimmy Carter will get
21 of Texas' 32 at-large delegates, ac-
cording to a presidential preference poll
conducted at the state Democratic con-
vention last night.
California Gov. Edmund (Jerry) Brown
and Alabama Gov. George Wallace each
won one delegate, while nine others will
be uncommitted, accordingto the poll.
The actual delegates will not be se-
lected until today, but their distribution
was determined by last night's poll.
WITH THE addition of the 32 at-large
delegates, the Texas delegation will
break down this way: Carter 114, Brown
1, Wallace 1, uncommitted 14.
Carter won 62 per cent of the vote in
the poll of the 3,484 state convention
delegates. Gov. Dolph Briscoe had pre-
dicted earlier in the day that the former
Georgia governor would win more than
1,0 per cent.
CARTER NOW has 1,417 natiomal con-
vention delegates, only 81 away from the
magic number of 1,505 necessary for
Brown, Carter's only active opponent,
conceded yesterday that the Georgian is
the almost certain choice for the nomi-
nation, but vowed to remain a declared
candidate, although he is cutting back
sharply on campaign travel outside
See IOWA, Page 4

The ground rumbles in Romulus as
another jet wings its way skyward
from Metropolitan Airport. Children
continue to play, unmindful of the
reverberating engines whose constant
roar has been accepted, or at least
tolerated, by -: urban residents.
But a glance at downtown Romulus
tells a sadder story. Across the street
from the post office sits the remains
of vacated homes, their paint chipping
from near-barren.wood-4ertile ground
for the intervention of the Southeast
Michigan Council of Governments
(SEMCOG). Based in Detroit, SEM-
COG is a group committed to helping

Michigan's cities cope with the reali-
ties of the present and brace for the
uncertainties of the future.
"BECAUSE OF the noise patterns
(of the airport), the Federal Housing
Administration won't finance con-
struction in the area," says Romulus
city official Denny Meajher. "At least
65 per cent of the city is unusable for
The town has battled state, county
and airport interests for years in
hopes of saving its residential com-
ponent. Though Romulus has been
promised that the airport's presence
would eventually mean an economic
boom, Mayor pro-tem Beverly Mc-
See SEMCOG, Page 10


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