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June 18, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-06-18

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 32-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 18, 1976

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

VA motive uncovered

The motive behind the perplexing poison-induced
murders of patients at Ann Arbor's Veteran's Adminis-
tration (VA) Hospital last summer is apparently known
to federal prosecutors but they will not discuss it before
the trial of two nurses arrested in connection with the
In further developments, the possibility that other
individuals were involved in the crimes was also raised
by the prosecutors, while accused murderers Filipina
Narciso, 30, of Ypsilanti and Leonora Perez, 31, of Evan-
ston, Ill. were arraigned in Detroit and Chicago.
THE TWO Filipino women were indicted Wednesday by a 23-
member grand jury on five counts of murder, one count of con-
spiracy to commit murder and ten counts of injecting the lethal
muscle-relaxant Pavulon into the intraveneous medicine of pa-
The two nurses worked in the intensive care unit of the Fuller
Rd. facility last summer when a mysterious outbreak of breathing
failures afflicted more than 50 patients. Investigators attributed
the respiratory attacks to the powerful muscle-relexant Pavulon,
a drug that makes breathing impossible without artificial aid.
Eleven patients died as a result of the attacks, and at least six
of the deaths were classified by investigating authorities as
ARRAIGNED before U. S. Magistrate Barbara Hackett at the
Federal Building in Detroit, Narciso declined to enter a plea.
According to U. S. Assistant Attorney Richard Delonis, Narciso
"stood mute saying 'I am innocent and on advice of my counsel
I plead mute."'
A plea of not guilty was entered on her behalf by attorney
Thomas O'Brien of the Ann Arbor firm O'Brien, Moran & Dimond.
Narciso was denied bail following comments by the prose-
cutor regarding the severity of the charges facing the nurse.
O'Brien said he would appeal the bail ruling.
PEREZ WAS brought before U. S. Magistrate Carl Sussman
in Chicago who set bail at $500,000, and ordered Perez removed
immediately to the Michigan jurisdiction.
U. S. Assistant Attorney Richard Delonis said he expected
Perez to be arraigned in Detroit Monday.
At a news conference earlier in the day, Delonis revealed
that the motive for the slayings was known by prosecutors but
that it would not be disclosed before the trial. Delonis said the
killer's motive was to play a major part in the prosecution's
WASHINGTON (/) - Rep. Wayne Hays, embroiled in a con-
gressional sex scandal, has told House leaders he will resign his
chairmanship of the Administration Committee effective Monday,
sources close to the leadership said last night. He also has indi-
cated to congressional colleagues that he will soon announce plans
not to run for his 15th two-year term in November.

Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
CAST MEMBERS OF Theatre Company of Ann Arbor, Inc.'s "Bitch, You Crazy!" rehearse for
tonight's opening performance. The production premieres at 8 p.m. in Schorling Auditorium.
U.,S. may leave Lebanon

WASHINGTON (P)--President Ford and mem-
bers of the National Security Council held a 90-
minute White House discussion of the Lebanon
situation late yesterday, including the question
of whether to evacuate American citizens.
But no announcement of any decisions was
made, and presidential Press Secretary Ron Nes-
sen told reporters he would not say anything
more last night.
JOINING THE council members at the meeting
was retired Ambassador L. Dean Brown, who has
been a temporary U.S. diplomatic representative
in Beirut. Ie is being sent by Ford to escort the
bodies of slain Ambassador Francis Meloy and
economic counselor Robert Waring back to Wash-

Secretary of State Henry Kissinger drove away
from the meeting without speaking to reporters.
Nessen would say only that "the President re-
viewed the situation . . . was brought up to date,
and there was a very thorough discussion."
"THAT IS ALL that is going to be said this
evening," the spokesman added. He did not in-
dicate when there might be further White House
action or comment in the wake of the slaying of
the American diplomats.
In Beirut, Palestinian and leftist guerrillas
promised to report on the interrogation of sus-
pected assasins of Meloy, Waring and their Leba-
nese driver.
See U.S., Page 10

'U' must bow to changing sex roles

Fourth in a Five Part Series
With w o m e n increasingly asserting
their new roles, the University must re-
spond by both accommodating and wel-
coming the changing needs of men and
women alike.
"There is a general commitment to
change," says Regent Sarah Power, "on
the part of President Fleming and the
Regents. The Commission for Women
and the Affirmative Action Office oper-
ate out of the President's office. We
were one of the first and few universi-
ties to have collected and analyzed data
(about affirmative action)."
"THE KEY question," according to

University Natural Resources Prof. Peter
Sandman, "is whether or not symbolic
and personal changes can lead to in-
stitutional changes. The University is
not prepared, but it is not closing up."
Title IX, a law which under the 1972
Educational Act prohibits sex discrimin-
ation in any area of public education, is
a good stepping stone for the University.
At present, following the guidelines of
Title IX, the University is undergoing a
major self-evaluation to pinpoint the
areas where sex discrimination practices
are occurring.
"Title IX provides substantive rights
for students. Areas such as housing, fi-
nancial aid, athletics, course offerings

More women required
and student organizations are being in- conscientious job, it may work."
vestigated," Virginia Nordby, interim Compliance with Title IX, however,
Title IX Policy Coordinator, explains. does not demonstrate a willingness on
"The University has been trying to elim- the part of the University to take initia-
inate discrimination practices in these tive-they are legally bound to follow
areas for awhile, but now under federal .the law's stipulations.
law, Title IX gives students the right." "I am more interested in the Univer-
sity's commitment," says Power, "not
"THE EXTENSIVE debate which Title Title IX and Title VII (a protection
IX brings about is healthy," says Nord- against race discrimination)."
by. "People are better educated and A more active recruitment of women
more convinced that we have a serious students, faculty, and staff is one positive
problem. If we accept the task of self- action which Power suggests the Univer-
evaluation with good grace and do a See 'U, Page 10

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