The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 2-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 6, 1976
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Ford responds to defeats
President eyes new
campaign strategy
WASHINGTON () - Trailing
in committed delegates and
battered by four successive pri-
mary defeats, President Ford
sought on yesterday to find an
election s t r a t e g y that can
throttle Ronald Reagan and save
Ford the Republican nomina-
Campaign '76
A chorus of congressional and
staff advisers told Ford he must
do better at emphasizing admin-
istration accomplishments and
quit being diverted by Reagan's
attacks on such issues as the
Panama Canal.
BUT THE challenging former
California governor, stumping
in Nebraska for votes in that
state's primary next Tuesday,
kept up his drumfire on the
canal question and national de-
Reagan's delegate sweeps in
Georgia and Alabama on Tues-
day were capped by a narrow
popular vote victory but im-
pressive delegate harvest in In-
diana. Reagan won decisively in
Texas on Saturday, but Indiana
was his first primary victory in
a non-Southern or Southwestern
The tritle triumph catapulted
him into the lead for national
convention delegates over Ford,
360-292. Another 329 are uncom-
mitted. The distance the race
has to go is illustrated by the
fact that 1,130 votes will be re-
quired for nomination at the
national convention in Kansas
City this August.
ON THE Democratic side, the
Tuesday results were nearly as
impressive for Jimmy Carter as
for Reagan: he swept his home
state of Georgia, won the bulk
of Indiana delegates, and led in
the District of Columbia, where
no GOP contest was held. Car-
ter lost only in Alabama, where
Gov. George Wallace salvaged
at least home state support fatr
his sagging campaign.
Carter's victories emphasized
his status as the Democratic
front-runner. Ford, though in the
position of incumbent, found
himself in second place, at least
in terms of delegate count.
ie told a news conference,
however: "We think it's going
to be a tough race but we expect
to win."
ASKED IF he anticipated a
first-ballot victory, Ford simply
said: "I think we'll go to Kan-
See FORD, Page 6
Reagan, Udall gear up
AP Photo for primary in Michigan
Hello, yellow brick road
As if there aren't already too many pre-pubescent groupies lurking outside the dressing-rooms of
rockdom! This young Pennsylvania girl, sporting Elton John sunglasses, looks at the world
through enlarged eyes.
GEO U n again
Contract negotiations between the Graduate
Employes Organization (GEO) and the University
are once again underway. And although both
sides say that this time they are making pro-
gress, the road still appears rough ahead.
Last month the talks were halted after adminis-
tration officials rejected GEO demands to hold
open meetings. On April 23 the University agreed
to resume negotiations and conduct the sessions
on an open forum format, following a more com-
prehensive GEO presentation of their contract
THE TWO teams met yesterday, in their third
session since the talks resumed.
While the two sides claim that they wish to
avoid another strike like the one that crippled
the University for five weeks in 1975, both GEO
and the administration have accused each other
of already planning for a fall shutdown.
The University admits that it has already or-
dered department heads to make contingency
plans in the event of a GEO walkout. According
to Doug Moran, newly elected president of GEO,
such preparations may reduce chances for a
peaceful settlement.
JOHN FORSYTH, the University's chief bar-
gainer, defended the administration's actions say-
ing, "When it became apparent that we weren't
making any progress, it made good sense to
make these plans to preserve the continuity in
See GEO, Page 6
BuIoyed by wins in Texas and
Indiana, Ronald Reagan's cam-
paign machine will intensify its
drive in President Ford's home
state in hopes of piling tip
crossover votes in the May 18
Meanwhile, liberal Democrat
Morris Udall, hoping to make
Michigan the turning point in
t h e Democratic presidential
race, yesterday launched a two-
day campaign swing through
several Michigan cities.
OFFICIALS in the former
California governor's Michigan
campaign said yesterday they
will actively seek crossovers-
especially from supporters of
Alabama Gov. George Wallace.
To the humiliation of liberal
Democratic Party leaders, Wal-
lace won the 1972 primary, aided
by a sizeable Republican cross-
over vote.
The hierarchy of Michigan's
GOP, which is soldily in the
President's camp, was openly
concerned about the potential
impact of crossover voting-es-
pecially from Democrats aim-
ing to embarrass Ford.
Reagan's Midwest coordinator,
Charles Black, admitted that he
had practically written off Mich-
igan as solid Ford country, but
said that position is being re-
viewed in light of Tuesday's win
in Indiana. le said the Reagan
campaign would "redouble its
efforts" and may press Reagan
to make more stops in the state.
He was only slated to campaign
two days in Michigan before the
"BUT I wouldn't expect to win
here-this is Ford's strongest
state," Black saidn.
"Our slan is to win the nomi-
nation for Governor Reagan-
not to embarrass Mr. Ford."
Reagan's Michigan campaign
coordinator, state Sen. John
Welborn (R-Kalamazoo), said he
is hopeful of capturing 25 per
cent of the vote in the Republi-
can race.
THE ARIZONA congressman
planned stops in Grand Rapids,
Lansing, Flint, Saginaw and De-
troit as part of an intensive
See REAGAN, Page 6
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