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May 21, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-05-21

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The Michigan Daily

Vo. LXXXVI, No. 13-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 21, 1976

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

, _-I*-

Regents will rule on DNA

The University Board of Regents is
expected to take action today on two
intensely controversial issues-the ques-
tion of permitting recombinant DNA
research here, and the problem of a
funding plan for the Michigan Student
Assembly (MSA).
In their morning and afternoon sessions
yesterday, the Regents heard public
discussion on both issues.
SPEAKERS both opposed to and in
favor of the proposed DNA research
gave their statements to the Board,
which had asked for "additional input"
from the community before making its
Critics repeated their claims that too
much danger is involved in recombinant
DNA work, and that the Ann Arbor
community has not been consulted suf-
ficiently in the matter. They were an-

swered by a variety of scientific and
medical authorities, who maintained that
adequate safeguards exist to protect
against any unforeseen accident.
Though one or two of the Regents still
feel that too little information has been
made available to them, the general
mood on the Board is one of impatience.
"THIS THING has been widely pub-
licized," said Regent Thomas Roach (D-
Detroit). "People had the opportunity'
to attend the forum last week and to
pose questions. We've discussed it in
public session four times. I'm ready to
make a decision-I hope we decide it
The Regents are expected to vote in
favor of the research. Said Regent Paul
Brown, who is against immediate ap-
proval: "It's just a question, really, of
whether we decide it this month or
wait until next month's meeting. I

don't think there's too much opposition
to the research itself."
The Board also heard the MSA's fund-
ing proposal, which consists of a negative
check-off system much like the one pres-
ently in use by the Public Interest Re-
search Group In Michigan (PIRGIM).
Under the system, students would be
automatically assessed 15 cents per term
for the cost of running MSA as they
are now, but would have the option of
receiving a refund if they wished.
A NEW FUNDING plan became neces-
sary last month, when student voters
overwhelmingly expressed their desire to
see MSA funded by a voluntary system.
The proposal was presented to the Re-
gents by Vice President for Student
Services Henry Johnson and MSA Presi-
dent Calvin Luker.
Johnson and Luker estimated the oper-
ating costs of MSA at $20,000 yearly,
and assured the Regents that a 75 cent

assessment per student per term would
easily meet those costs. The remainder
of the money, said Johnson "will go to
those nonessential functions which stu-
dents find necessary."
Johnson, Luker and University Presi-
dent Robben Fleming were unanimous
in asserting that MSA performs many
administrative functions with volunteer
labor which the University would have
to take over in the event that the student
organization could not obtain sufficient
"IT'S IMPORTANT to remember,"
said Fleming, "that in the same refer-
endum the students voted to continue
all the services MSA provides - they
simply voted against paying for them."
"I'd hate to put our salaries up to a
vote," said Regent Gerald Dunn. His
fellow Regents chuckled.
Roach said that unless funding were
See REGENTS, Page 5

Humphrey draft
committee formed

By The Associated Press
Whether Hubert Humphrey
liked it or not, a committee
was formed yesterday to draft
the Minnesota senator for the
Democratic presidential nomi-
"Our aim is to meet the
needs of the nation, not to ac-
commodate the wishes of an
individual," Rep. Paul Simon
(D-Ill.) chairman of the com-
mittee, told a news conference.
added, "when the office must
seek the candidate."
County, New York, Democratic
chairman, met with Humphrey
on Wednesday to inform him
that the committee was being
established and that they plan-
ned to go ahead no matter what
he said.
Asked if Humphrey appealed
to him not to go ahead, Cran-
gle replied, "If he did, I didn't
hear him."
Simon said he and Crangle
had been encouraged by recent
setbacks in Jimmy Carter's
drive for the Democratic nomi-
CARTER WAS defeat-
ed in the Nebraska and Mary-
land primaries and scored nar-
row victories in Michigan and
Conecticut during the past
two weeks.
Asked what he expected to
happen when balloting begins
at the Democratic National
Convention in July, Simon said,
"Obviously, Jimmy Carter will
be leading on the first ballot.
We anticipate Sen. Humphrey
will have approximately 300
He predicted that on the sec-
ond and third ballots there
would be wholesale shifts to
Humphrey, who would emerge
with the nomination.
Carter faces a strong challenge.
in the next few days - trying

to keep up with four other can-
didates vying for votes in the
six primaries slated for next
Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho)
and Gov. Edmund Brown (D-
Calif.) were in Nevada and
Oregon, Rep. Morris Udall (D-
Ariz.) visited Kentucky and
New Jersey, while Gov.
George Wallace (D-Alabama)
campaigned in Arkansas.
Frontrunner Carter managed
to hit two states - Nevada,
which votes next Tuesday, and
California, which votes June 8.
BUT CARTER, Udall, and
Church indicated that they
would cut off future campaign
efforts in the face of Brown's
home-state power.
Spokesmen for all three can-
didates denied any plan to con-
cede California and its 280 dele-
gates to Brown, whom polls
show is immensely popular in
his home state.
Meanwhile, President Gerald
Ford, buoyed by critical vic-
tories in Michigan and Mary-
land this week, may be getting
another boost from the large,
uncommitted New York dele-
York gain would come next
Monday, when the state's un-
committed Republican dele-
gates will hold a meeting that
could give Ford some 100 more
votes at the national conven-
tion and push him above chal-
lenger Ronald Reagan in GOP
New York state GOP chair-
man Richard Rosenbaum an-
nounced the session yesterday,
two days after Ford's double
victory in the Michigan and
Maryland primaries, and he
later told a reporter that he
would push the uncommitted
delegates to switch their sup-
port to Ford.
"THINGS have progressed to
the proper point for New York
See HUMPHREY, Page 5

AP Photo
Women hit 'U' sports inequities

Three women appeared before the University
Board of Regents yesterday to protest Univer-
sity policies that deny sports scholarships to
National Organization for Women (NOW)
representative, Marcia Federbush, Beverly Har-
ris from the University's Commission for Wo-
men and Lee Beckett, the parent of an incom-
ing University freshwoman, lashed out against
the policy as being discriminatory and illegal.
FEDERBUSH asked that the Regents appoint
an Equal Athletic Opportunity Commission to
develop a scholarship policy for men and women
to be implemented over a three year period of
time, beginning next fall.
"I think that even the most diehard opponent
of equal opportunity for women and men in ath-
letics would have to admit that $700,000 in ath-
letic scholarships for men versus $0 for women

is just a little too unequal,' said Federbush.
Added Beckett, whose daughter would like to
become a professional golfer, "Last time I was
passing through so I stopped by and asked what
was the scholarship program for women and I
found out they have none . . . Then I have Marie
Hartwig (head of women's intercollegiate sports)
tell me there are no good women."
"BUT IT'S a domino theory," Becket said.
"You can't have good women unless you en-
courage them."
The University's Athletic Board in Control,
and the Advisory Committee on Women's Ath-
leics are currently working on a plan that
would give out some sports scholarship monies to
University upperclasswomen next fall. However
according to most reports-this plan would not
allot any money to freshwomen athleties, even if
it were approved.
Up to now, the University has denied all wo-
See WOMEN, Page 5

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