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July 24, 1975 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1975-07-24

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Page Three


Report hits cit
By DAVID WHITING oral prefi
New election procedures resulting from the use of suits by£
paper ballots, and not the city's preferential voting THE D
system, caused the major errors committed in last of prefer
April's local election, according to a City Hall report. itself. A
But none of the errors, the report emphasizes, could Stephen
have made the election open to ballot box tampering uncertain
or fraud. carrying
in office,
THE STUDY points to confused election workers, who exactly w
faced unfamiliar precinct closing procedures and a City Cour
grueling 18-hour work day, as responsible for most of
the mistakes made during the election. Wheeler
study. "I
The report was prepared by Robert Hunt, an admin- 'If I was
istrative aide, under the guidance of City Adminis-
trator Sylvester Murray after recently-elected Demo- HOWE
cratic Mayor Albert Wheeler, wanting to clear the aira
surrounding the controversial election, made the any erro
request. have com
Wheeler, after defeating former Republican Mayor of securi
James Stephenson by 121 votes in a hotly-contested fraud."
race which required a second round of counting may- A sourc
Apollo crew to
end flighttoday
SPACE CENTER, Houston (P) served as a passageway and air-
- The three Apollo astronauts lock to the Soviets' Soyuz craft.
return to earth this afternoon,
ending nine days of orbital ex- "IT'S GONE and it went
periments and the first inter- smoothly," Brand said. "It was
national rendezvous in space. really a pretty sight watching
Astronauts Thomas Stafford, it tumble off over the ocean."
Vance Brand and D o n a d .The astronauts return after
"Deke" Slayton will guide their nine days in space that ended
Apollo craft through a blazing one era and began another.
re-entry toward a 5:18 p.m. Theirs is the last voyage for
(E)DT) splashdown in the Pa- spaceship Apollo, the system
cific Ocean. which first carried man to the
moon, and the last American
THE USS New Orleans, a heli- manned spaceflight for at least
copter carrier and the prime re- four years. And, because Soviet
covery ship, is already on sta- spacecraft are designed for
tion near the splashdown target land, not water, returns and the
about 200 miles west of Hawaii. next breed of U.S. spacecraft
In one of the final acts of will come home like an airplane
preparation for the splashdown, on a runway, today's return to
the astronauts jettisoned the earth may very well be the last
black docking module which See APOLLO, Page 7
Egypt agrees to keep
U.N. forces in Sinai
By The Associated Press
Egypt accepted yesterday an appeal from the U.N. Security
Council to keep the U.N. buffer force in the Sinai for three more
months. The mandate was to expire today, and Egypt last week
had opposed an extension on grounds Israel was using the force to
perpetuate its occupation.
Egyptian Foreign Minister tsmail Fahmy said President Anwar
Sadat's original decision not to extend the mandate "awoke the
world to the dangerous possibilities in the area and forced all the
directly concerned parties, such as Israel, and the indirectly con-
cerned parties, such as the United States, to confront their re-
WASHINGTON, meanwhile, announced that Israel received
an Egyptian counterproposal for a Sinai settlement, but President
Ford said U.S. efforts to ease tensions in the region "might not
In Jerusalem, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin announced a new
condition for an interim Sinai accord, demanding that the pact be
finalized "in direct negotiations" between Israel and Egypt. Rabin
spoke after Cairo announced it would agree to an extension of the
U.N. mandate.
Fahmy said the unanimous decision by the Egyptian national
security council gives Sadat "another asset" in the Middle East
peace process.
"BUT WE will make a basic reassessment of our position con-
cerning further steps in the crisis," Fahmy told a committee of
the national Congress of the Arab Socialist Union, Egypt's only
political party. .
In New York, U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim told re-
porters, "In my opinion it is a satisfactory solution which opens
the door for further negotiating process."

The extension of the life of the 3,919-man force was sought
by the U.N. Security Council in an appeal sent to Sadat on Mon-
day night. The Egyptian reply, signed by Fahmy, was handed to
the president of the Security Council for July, Eugenio Plaja of
Italy, and the Council was expected to vote on the extension.

erential ballots, was hit with a series of law-
EFEATED incumbent challenged the validity
ential voting and the conduct of the election
Circuit Court ruling is pending.
son's court actions served to put a shroud of
ty over the diection and hindered Wheeler in
out official duties. Wheeler, after only a week
then decided it was necessary to determine
hat went on during the election. At the May 1
cil meeting he asked Murray to find out.
r yesterday explained why he requested the
'd like to have the issue settled," he stated.
fraudulently elected then I ought to resign."
VER, the report concludes, "At no time do
rs (committed during the election), appear to
tbined in a way which produced a total lack
ty precautions vulnerable to tampering or
e of major controversy in the dispute over the

validity of the election was whether the paper ballots
were sufficiently secure to prevent ballot stuffing.
While the report emphasizes the ballots were secure
enough to prevent fraud, it points out a number of
blunders in their handling.
THE BALLOTS were placed in sealed canvas bags
which were then supposed to be placed in locked ballot
boxes. However, ten of the boxes were never locked.
The report lists a total of 28 security errors pertain-
ing to the bags and boxes, most of which involved fail-
ures in recording seal numbers on the ballot containers,
"Experience proved to be a disadvantage," the study
notes while reasoning what factors might have con-
tributed to the poor security.
SINCE THE city converted to machine voting, the
ballot boxes have been used only to store election sup-
plies. However, because of the newly-instituted prefer-
ential voting, paper ballots were used last April.
Prior to last April it was not necessary to seal the
"supply" boxes, but only the voting machines.
See REPORT, Page 5

Clowning around
Leslie Brouer, 20, of Simi, California - who wants to be a circus clown - gets face makeup from
a professional clown, George Koury of New York, as she and other would-be performers showed
up for a tryout before the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Baily officials in Los Angeles
Local Motion co-op seeks
community service unds

Last fall it was just a gleam
in the eyes of its creators, but
Local Motion (LM), the com-
munity - based fund - raising
cooperative, has survived the
first trying stages of infancy
and has ambitious plans for the
LM, which began operating
in February, collects money
from sponsors - mainly on the
campus community - and dis-
burses the funds twice a year
to non-profit organizations with-
in the city.
"UP TO this point, we've been
collecting over $1,000 a month,"
boasts Diane Hall, one of the
group's original founders and
currently one of its managers.
Many of the cooperating
businesses collect the money
from Local Motion canisters on
their sales counters with a bro-
chure explaining the organiza-
tion's purpose. Some, like Piz-
za Bob's, donate a certain

amount each month from their
"We would like them all
eventually to ask each custom-
er if he wants to donate a 2
per cent surcharge on what he
buys," says Michael McCor-
mick, a co-manager. "Of
course, the tax is strictly vol-
SO FAR, most sponsors
seem to prefer the canister ap-
proach. One restaurant owner
said the voluntary surcharge
"can be misleading, especially
in a store where the service has
to be pretty fast."
Once the money is collected,
LM's Board of Directors, com-
posed of human service lead-
ers and local businessmen, de-
cides where the funds will go.
"Basic services" like food,
health care, housing, child care
and legal aid get top priority.
Second priority is given to edu-
cation, information and advi-
cacy services, and finally grants

for cultural and transporta-
tional services are considered.
The next disbursement will
come at a public meeting Octo-
ber 18, when Hall and McCor-
mick expect to have about
$4,000 to distribute among the
groups applying for aid.
"IT'S REALLY taking off,"
said McCormick, "and we ex-
pect a lot of growth."
He anticipates that by the
following disbursement date
next March, LM will have twice
the October figure to disburse.
The co-op's only problem in-
volves the summer vacation
ill in volunteers to staff the
organization, cutting it from its
usual pool of 30 or more to a
skeleton crew of half a dozen
There is certainly no lack of
sponsors. There are over 30 al-
ready and the number is stead-
ily increasing.
"LM GAVE us a single source
See CO-OP, Page 7

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