Page Two
Thursday, July 24, 1975
In the news today ...
OTTAWA, Ontario--Canada has closed its
east coast ports to Soviet fishing vessels be-
cause of alleged overfishing in Canadian wa-
ters; the government announced yesterday. A
Canadian official said the move, which will
take effect July 28, was necessary after fail-
ure of diplomatic efforts to get the Soviets to
adhere to quotas set by an international com-
mission. "It will be a very serious inconven-
ience to them," the official said; but the Ca-
nadian agent for the Soviet fishing fleet called
the action "a futile gesture that will hurt no-
body but ourselves."
MIAMI BEACH, Fla.-Representatives of
the International Longshoreman's Association
(ILA) voted yesterday to refuse to load
American grain aboard ships bound for the
Soviet Union, but they gave union officials
the power to lift the ban. "If we do stop it
-and I hope we won't have to-we'll have the
support we need," said ILA President Thom-
as Gleason.
"We don't just want to kill the farmer out.
We want to see the government export pro-
duce. But we want assurances that our bro-
thers are protected." Meantime, Agriculture
Department officials said the Russians have
ended their $1.3 billion grain buying spree but
may start shopping again later this year. Over
the past few weeks the USSR has purchased
some 9.8 million metric tons of wheat, corn
and barley.
WASHINGTON-President Ford urged the
Senate yesterday to rewrite the 1965 Voting
Rights Act to make it apply equally in all 50
states, a plan previously rejected by the Sen-
ate. In a letter read by Democratic leader
Mike Mansfield shortly after the Senate voted
to limit debate time on a House-possed bill,
Ford noted that the bill's provisions for pro-
tecting voting rights of Spanish-Americans and
other language minorities would expand the
act's special restrictions to an additional eight
states. "What is right for 15 states is right for
50 states," Ford said. The House bill, like the
original law, would keep the primary applica-
tion of the act on seven Southern states.
RALEIGH, N.C.-Five blacks and seven
whites were empaneled as jurors yesterday in
the trial of Joan Little, a black woman ac-
cused of killing a white guard in a rural
North Carolina jail. The panel was seated
after 113 prospective jurors were considered
during eight days of jury selection. Four alter-
nates remain to be chosen. Eight women and
four men, many of them young, were chosen
to decide whether -Little stabbed the 62-year-
old night jailer in self-defense or, as the state-
contends, she murdered the man as part of an
escape plot. Four of the jurors expressed the
opinion on the stand that Little was inno-
cent even though they said they would base
their ultimate decision on the evidence.
LANSING-House-passed legislation to re-
peal the Fair Trade Act in Michigan was ap-
proved by the Senate Agriculture and Con-
sumers Committee yesterday in a 3-0 vote.
The proposal has the support of Governor Mil-
liken, the attorney general and several con-
sumer groups and was reported out of com-
mittee despite opposition from hardware deal-
ers and manufacturers.
The Fair Trade law, which originally was
intended to protect small businesses from be-
ing undersold by chain stores, prohibits all
retailers from selling goods below manufac-
turers' fixed prices. Said State representa-
tive Perry Bullard of Ann Arbor: "This was a
Depression-era act that hasn't accomplished
anything but to allow big manufacturers to
engage in price-fixing at the expense of con-
sumers." Bullard is the sponsor of the re-
DETROIT-The pace of new car sales in
mid-July was the highest for a mid-month
period since -une 1974, topping last year's de-
pressed figures by # per cent, U. S. automak-
ers reported yesterday. It was the first time
this model year that sales in a 10-day period
ran ahead of those for the comparable 1974
Happenings ...
Music lovers should enjoy the final concert
jn the Ann Arbor Summer Symphony series
tonight, which features "Beethoven's Fantasy
for Piano, Chorus and Orchestra" with the
Community Summer Chorus, music from the
"Swan Lake" ballet, and other musical treats.
The program begins at 8:30 in Hill Audi-
The weather scene today is hardly exciting;
mostly cloudy skies and a 30 per cent chance
of thunderstorms may spoil your outdoor ac-
tivities. High temperatures will reach the
mid 80's as the South sends us a 10-15 mph
6:00 2 4 7 1113 News
9 Bewitched--Comedy BW
20 It Takes A Thief--
24 ABC News--smith/
30 Electric Company
50 Untouchables BW
56 Dig It
57 Sesame Street
6:30 4 13 NBC News-John
7 ABC News-Smith/Reasoner
9 I Dream of Jeannie-
11 CBS News-Walter
24 Mod Sonad-Crime Drama
30 Basically Baseball
56 Antiques
7:00 2 CBS News-Walter
4 7 News
9 Beverly Hillbillies BW
11 Family Affair--Comedy
13 What's My Line?
20 To Tell the Truth
30 56 Black Perspective on
The News
50 Michigan Lottery
57 Electric Company
7:30 2 13 Truth or Consequences
4 Jeopardy!
7 Let's Make a Deal
9 News
11 Wild Kingdom
20 Voyage to the Bottom of
The Sea-Adventure BW
24 Ohio Lottery Buckeye 300
30 Consumer Survival Kit
50 Bogan's Beroes-Comedy
56 Evening Edition with
Martin Agrensky
57 Jean Shepherd's America
8:00 2 11 The Waltons
4 13 Gladys Knight and the
7 24 Barney Miller-Comedy
9 CFL Football
30 56 Evening at Pops
50 Merv Griffin
57 Feeling Good
Stay away
from 1-94
partment of State Highways and
Transportation is advising mo-
torists to avoid 1-94 between
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti be-
cause of construction work un-
One lane in each direction is
being shut down periodically on
the 10-mile stretch between the
two cities from 8:30 a.m. to
3:30 p.m. Monday through Fri-
The closings are the result of
modernization and widening pro-
jects under way on I-94 between
Jackson Road west of Ann Ar-
bor and the U.S. 12 BsIness
Route interchange south of Yp-
8:30 7'24 Texas Wheelers
20 Happy Though Married
57 Man l}uilds, ManVestroys
9:00 2 11 Movie-Drama BW
"Who's Afraid of Virginia
4 13 Movie-Drama
"The Greatest Gilt"
7 24 Streets of San Fram-
20 Wrestling
30 LifeDof Leonardo Da
56 Movie-Drama BW
"Shakespeare Wallah."
57 Philadelphia Folk Festival
9:30 20 700 Club
50 Dinah!
10:00 7 24 Barry O-Crime
57 Movie-Drama BW
"Through a Glass Darkly
10:30 9 Audubon Wildlife Theatre
30 Make-up of a Clown
11:00 4 7 13 24 News
9 CBS News-Lloyd Robertson
20 Bappy Hunters-Religion
30 Janaki-Exercise
50 Dealer's Choice-Game
56 Jean Shephard's America
11:30 4 13 Johnny Carson
11:20 9 News
7 24 Wide World Special
Four decades of 20th Century
Fox movie musicals
50 Movie-Drama BW
"Experiment Perilous."
56 57 ABC News-Smith/
11:45 2 11 News
12:00 9 Midnight-Laurier
La Pierre
12:15 2 Movie-Comedy
"A Great American Tragedy"
1:00 4 Tomorrow-Tom Snyder
7 13 News
1:4 11 News
2:00 4 News
2:15 2 Movie-Drama
"A Great American Tragedy"
3:45 2 Mayberry R.F.D.
4:15 2 News
Daily Official Bulletin
Thursday, July 24
Day Calendar
WUOM: Interview with J. Rifkin,
founder, People's Bicentennial
Commission, 10:05 am.
A-v ctr.: Films on aging, Aud. 3,
MLB, 7 pm. .
Michigan Repr'75: ns' The
Bot L Baltimore, Mtendelssohns, 8
RC summer Theatre: The Jani-
tors, E. Quad Aud., 8 pM.
Volume LXXXV, No. 48-S
Thursday, July 24, 1975
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a y Tuesday through
Sunday morning daring the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 41104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area);
$11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio);
$12 non-local mal (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.50 local mail
(Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).
Fri, afternoon - Mon. morning
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