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July 18, 1975 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1975-07-18

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Page Twelve


Friday, July 1 8, 197 5

Tigers split*with Chisox

uvau nto ov E tvcNr~v~
FORMER MICHIGAN great Dennis Franklin, a sixth-round
draft pick of the NFL Detroit Lions, signed a contract with
them yesterday. Although a quarterback for Wolverine coach
Bo Schembechler, he will be tried at wide receiver.
'Dennis Franklin inks
Wift Detroit Lions
DETROIT-The Detroit Lions completed the signing of
their 1975 draft choices yesterday with the acquisionof
Dennis Franklin, former All-American quarterback at the
University of Michigan.f
Franklin, who led the Wolverinese to a 10-1 record
in the Big Ten last year, was the Lions' sixth-round pick
last January.
"I'm very pleased with my contract and I'm looking -for-
wrd to playing professional football with the Lions," Frank-
lin said. "As far as what position I play, I'll play anywhere
the coaches want me and where they feel I can help the
The Lions' draft choices, free agents, and a few veterans
will report Sunday to training camp at Oakland University.
Coach Rick Forzano said he plans to try the 6-foot-1,
180-pound Franklin at wide receiver during training camp.
A native of Masillon, Ohio, Franklin rushed more times
-352-than he threw passes-294-during his college career

CHICAGO (A') - Aurelio Rod-
rigues drove in four runs with a
bases-loaded single and a two-
run double to lead the Detroit
Tigers to a 9-1 victory over the
Chicago White Sox for a split of
their twi-night double-header
last night.
Wilbur Wood limited Detroit
to two hits and Chicago reached
Mickey Lolich for four unearned
runs in the third inning for a 4-0
victory in the first game.
The Tigers took a 3-0 lead in
the first inning of the nightcap
on an RBI double by Leon
Roberts; a sacrifice fly by Wil-
lie Horton and John Wocken-
fuss' run-scoring single.
Rodriguez then singled home a
pair of runs in the third inning
and doubled home two more in
the sixth to help Lerrin La-
Grow notch his seventh victory
against eight losses.
Wood, 8-13, hurled his second
successive shutout while beat-
ing Tiger ace Lolich, 10-7, in the
first game. He gave up a single
to Ron LeFlore in the second
inning and a base hit to Jack
Pierce in the eighth.
Bill Stein opened the Chi-
cago third with a single and
Brian Downing reached on an
error by shortstop Tom Very-
zer. Pat Kelly then hit into a
force play and Bucky Dent
struck out.
But Ken Henderson followed
with a run-scoring single and
after Deron Johnson walked,
Bill Melton drilled a two-run
single to left. Carlos May also
singled home a run.
Lolich was almost as tough
as Wood except for the third in-
ning. The only other hit he al-
lowed was a two-out single to
Johnson in the fifth inning.
Sox super!
BOSTON P()-Designated hit-
ter Cecil Cooper ripped a home
run, triple and double and drove
in four rcns, leading Boston to
an 8-3 victory over the Kansas
City Royals last night for the
Red Sox' eighth straight victory.
Cooper blasted his fifth ho-
mer of the year into the center
field bleachers in the bottom
of the second inning to open a
1-0 lead for the red-hot Red
Sox. After hitting a double in
the fourth, Cooper smacked a
triple off the center fieldbwall
in the fifth with the bases

Winner Luis Tiant, 13-8, han-
dled Kansas City easily through
six innings, allowing one hit,
until John Mayberry whacked
his 18th homer of the baseball
season into the right field cor-
ner. Tiant allowed five hits.
Reds halted
MONTREAL (P) - Pepe Man-
gual and Pete Mackanin hit
home runs Thursday night and
the Montreal Expos snapped
Cincinnati's 10-game winning

scores again
isigning draftees
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (A') - The nounced.
Kentucky Colonels, champions The. Colonels also announced
of the American Basketball As- that 28 games would be played
sociation, announced the sign- next season in Louisville's Free-
ings of three top draft picks last dom Hall while 14 home games
night, including their No. 1 se- will be played in the new River-
lection. Jimmy Baker of the front'Coliseum in Cincinnati.
University of Hawaii. Baker had
been picked in the third round
of the National Basketball As-
sociation draft by the Philadel-T
phia 76ers.
ALLEN MURPHY, a 6-foot-3
guard who helped lead the Uni-
versity of Louisville to the fv r c
NCAA finals, also signed with OCEANPORT N.J. (M -
the Colonels, as did Jimmy Dan Monmouth P a r k announced
Conner of the University of yesterday the invitation of 15 3-
Kentucky. year-olds to the Aug. 2, $100,000
Both Conner and Murphy had Monmouth Handicap, including
been chosen in the second round Kentucky Derby winner Foolish
of the NBA's draft by the Pleasure, Preakness champion
Phoenix Suns. Master Derby and Avatar, first
A spokesman for the Colonels in the Belmont stakes.
said that rights to Conner, who i h emn tks
sparked Kentucky to a second The others invited were L'-
place finish in last season's Enjoleur, the top Canadian 3-
NCAA tournament, were ac- year-old: Aunt Jin, the Mon-
quired from the ABA's Virginia month Oaks winner and only
Squires in exchange for a "high the filly invited: Forceten, win-
draft choice and future consid- ner of the Swaps Stakes:
erations." Prince Thou Art, the Florida
Derbyvusinner; Diabolo, third is
TERMS of the contracts of the Kentucky Derby and Pre-
the three players were not an- akness.
Major League Standings
East East
W L Pet. GB W L Pet. Gn
Boston 51 37 .580 -. Pittsburgh 55 33 .623 -
New York 45 42 .517 51, Phsiladelphsia 50 40 .5566
Milwaukee 4t 43 .17 51/2 New York, 44 42 .512 t0
Baltimore 42 44 .488 8 St. Louis 42 44 .488 12
Cleveland 40 47 .460 10 ' Chicago 42 48 .467 14
Detroit 40 48 .455 11 Montreal 36 48 .429 17
West West
Oakland 56 32 .636 -. Cincinnati 61 30 .670 -
Kansas City 47 --42- .528 91, Los Angeles 49 42 .538 12
Chicago 41 46 '.471 14Y_ San Francisco 41 47 .466 18y>
Texas 42 49 .462 15% S an Diego 41 49 .456 19
California 41 51 .446 17 9tlanta 39 50 .438 21
Minnesota 39 40 .443 17 Houston 33 60 .355 29
Yesterday's Games Yesterday's Results
California 6, Milwaukee 1 Philadelphia 6, Houston 5, 18 inn.
Chicago 4-1, Detroit 0-9 Montreal 3, Cincinnati 0
Baltimore 6, Minnesota 3, 12 inn. New York 4, Atlanta 3
Boston 8, Kansas City 3 Chicago at San Diego, ine.
Oakland 6, Cleveland 3 Pittsburgh at Los Angeles, inc.
Texas 7, New York 2 St. Louis at San Francisco, Ing.

streak by beating the Reds 3-0
last night.
The torrid Reds, who have
won 19 of their last 22 games
and 41 of 51 to turn the Nation-
al League West race into a run-
away, were checked on five hits
through six innings by Steve
Rogers, 6-7, who struck out sev-
en before leaving the game with
a blister on his right forefinger.
hsle Murray completed the
shutout with three innings of
two-hit pitching.

MILWAUKEE (A') - The Bos-
ton Red Sox and the Detroit
Tigers in the National League
sounds improbable but don't
count it completely out of the
realm of possibility.
The Associated Press learned
that the subject of such a switch
came up more than once dur-
ing the owners' meetings which
ended yesterday in Milwaukee.
The agreement among the
24 major league baseball clubs
setting up the National and
American circuits, expires
next year and apparently
some of the folks in the NL
would like to do some team
It was learned that at least
several NL officials talked about
the possibility of. shifting the
Red Sox and the Tigers to the
National League if a .new align-
ment could be worked out next
"We would like to have the
Red Sox and the Tigers in our
league," several N a t i o n a 1
League people were said to have
said both in the closed meetings
and outside in private discus-
Among those known to have
talked about the matter, accord-
ing to knowledgeable baseball


the M

Bosoxto NL?
es were National League have had very few problems.
ident Charles S. "Chub" The major league rules com-
ey; Donald S. Grant, pres- mittee would have the first say
of the New York Mets; on any re-alignment, and pre-
John McHale, president of sumably, like most o t h e r
Montreal Expos. changes in the sport, it would
lhe source gave various rea- require affirmative votes from
s for the National League's at least nine teams in each
action with the Boston and league to pass.
.roi franchises including at- These particular discussions,
dance of the two teams and so it was said, did not mention
managements of both the splitting the 24 teams into three
ers and the Red Sox, who leagues.

The Michigan Daily
to San Francisco
DALLAS UP) - Bob Hayes, bara, Calif., on Saturday.
who once terrorized the Nation- Cowboy officials did not im-
al Football League with his mediately comment on the
blazing speed, said yesterday trade.
he has been traded by the Dal- HAYES, who spent much of
las Cowboys to the San Fran- the past two seasons sitting on
cisco 49ers. the Cowboy bench, said he had
A spokesman for the 49ers no regrets about being traded.
said Hayes was obtained for Asked as a new here if he
an undisclosed 1976 draft choice. would have done anything dif-
The spokesman said Hayes is ferently in his 10 years with the
expected to report to the 49ers Cowboys, Hayes, "I'd have been
training camp in Santa Bar- out of Dallas a lot sooner."

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