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July 12, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1975-07-12

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From hanger to

degenerated last year from
a respected art show to a col-
losal city-wide carnival w h e r e
trinkets, rejected clothing, and
the crowd itself became major
The art fair, once limited r a
four block area, had expanded
into a mind-boggling four - day
affair which encompasses sev-
eral varied fairs specializing in
a range of items catering to
widely differing tastes.
Plastic knick-knacks bent
spray-painted wire, and glued
sea-shells were hawked on Lib-
erty St. to the tune of a rag-timne

band playing nearby.
Hordes of leather hobbyist
with similarly beveled belts, di
minated the scene on Main St
while Grandpa's old glase
case went antique and fetched
high price underneath a hug
billowing canvass tent on Nat
University St.
LOCAL enterprising cand
m-skers got into the profit-mal
ing biz on the Diag by spren
inag their wares out on old bln
kets and waiting for aryon
hanpening by who might like t
get rid of a few bucks.
However, some excellent m
work could still be found at th
simmer-time commercial e)

Art Fair caveats
hanging in one easy twist
travaganza. lief from the sweltering heat. their brown bodies.
s, Nestled between a shish-kabob Bun wandering sight-seeers ap- Hundreds of high-school a g e
a- stand, on the corner of a s t peared unsure if getting a good youths regarded the art fair as
., and South University streets - look at the art was worth the a gigantic party where t h e y
s' and extending north to some hassle of bumping shoulders proceeded to smoke dope, drink,
a kiddies' carnival rides and west with other sweaty spectators. and drop acid - getting as high
?e to where the familiar leather - as possible to enhance the al-
th belts finally squeezed aut the AN EASIER and more light- ready electric atmosphere.
serious artists - lay beautiful- hearted pasttime was che ckcing Also cruising the streets with
le ly crafted sculptures, painings, out the packs of bodies w h o a buzz were the renowned
k- and photographs revealing t h e often ended up only gawkig at "street people," always ready
d- artist's talents. each other. to strike up a brief conversation,
n- But you had to wait your turn Looking like studies of light "Hey man, got any spare quar-
e to catch a glimpse of the objects and dark in a crowd dominated ters?"
to on display. by mid-westerners were t h e Continuing the intoxicaued
Thousands milled around Isi e Muscle Beach types with well- parade were freaks mingled with
rt streets, sipping twenty-five cent cultivated tans and bi i.ding local college students w h o
e ice-filled cokes to get same re- white clothes, intended to accent spend the summer trying to
scrape up enough money for
next term's books or last year's
INCLUDED IN this .ve''g
train were beer-bellied baness
execs and thei-rmartoonied swiv-
es, who exclaimed over the
bent wire, costing a me-e $5.
"Oh, isn't that cute? It would
look so nice in the den."
Accompanying the charade
were local rock bands, laring
out their version of a tune, ant
other ni'sical ensembles which
crowd', din.
Suddenly, however, after fiour
days of chaos, the art fnir was
over and quiet hung over trash-
strewn streets which wait in
anticipation fist nex t year' s

The Michigan Daily
Edited and managed by Students at the
University of Michigan
Saturday, July 12, 1975
News Phone: 764-0552
L nsin: Ethics misplaced
THE STATE LEGISLATURE Tuesday rejected a motio
that would have allowed the sale-of alcoholic bever
ages on state campuses. The, measure, spearheaded b
state senator Gil Bursley, was designed both to increas
sadly deficient aid coffers at universities now findin
themselves unable to provide needed help to deservin
students, and to revitalize once active student enter
made dormant by the lure of off-campus nightclubs an
dance halls.
In the case of the University, plans for opening;
Rathskellar in the basement of the Union have bee
tossed around for several months. Its proponents argu
that the location of a popular student hangout ther
would eradicate the mausoleum-like atmosphere th
building has fostered for decades, and produce revenu
that could be used to take up the slack in aid fund
brought on by tight-fisted legislators.
THE BURSLEY bill's enemies in the Senate claime
the sale of alcohol on campus would lead to skyroc
keting immorality and depravation among students.
It could be argued that alcohol consumption isn
the best thing people can do to their bodies, but in ligh
of the positive results an on-campus watering hole coul
generate for needy students, the folks in Lansing shoul
have tried to shake their petty puritanistic predilection
before making a decision on this matter.


David Whiting is a Daily
Night Editor.
Letters: Bias inherent

To The Daily:
JIM TOBIN'S essay yesterday
portrays the journalist as a
mere reporter of facts. "He is
merely the observer and teller
. . . responsible only for sincer-
ity and thoroughness", without
any moral responsibility.
Tobin's own actions (appar-
ently subsequent to his writing
the essay) contradict that puta-
tive detachment from involve-
ment. Tobin, after clearing it
with the Daily editors, turned up
as a witness at the grievance
hearing before the Designee of
the Vice Pres. for Academic
Affairs. Tobin's testimony about
what the German Dept. Chair-
person told him, contributed to
a GEO victory in the case, for
all those not hired were hired
spring or summer terms.

Tobin correctly perceives that
he is not responsible for the in-
terpretation readers place on his
writing. For some, his reports
may have indicated sympathy
with the GEO position. Shroud-
ing the role of a journalist i- ob-
jectivity, however, does not ac-
curately describe what is in-
volved. Journalists implicitly
"take sides": in deciding on
what topic to write, whom to
interview, and how to write it
up. No journalist is free from
preferences or biases.
WHAT GOOD reporting calls
for it not mere "sincerity' and,
thoroughness" but openness
about one's own predilections. If
Tobi' (and -all reporters) makes
a practice of being explicit about
their own leanings, the reader

wil be more adequately prepar-
ed to assess a piece of writ-
ing. Otherwise, a reporter be-
comes at best a mere mouth-
piece for the person quoted, or
at worst, dishonest in' hiding be-
hind a veneer of objectivity.
If Tobin had written, the es-
say in April before he appeared
as a witness, the timing of publi-
cation of the. article is unfortun-
ate, and probably due to circum-
stances beyond his control.
Nonetheless, his series of re-
ports on the grievance are an
excellent piecerof investigative
reporting, and he deserves to be
less modest about what he did,
and wrat journalists can do, and
in face do do.
..--Dan Tsang
July 11

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