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June 18, 1975 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-18

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Wednesday, June 18, 1975


Page Seven

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Dorm meal rebates
to face tightening

House defeats effort to cut
trust fund from energy bill

(Continued from Page 1)
opposition to it, and he makes
all the final decisions, no mat-
ter what."
Freeman added that as early
as May 14 student committee
members told Feldkamp that
students should be warned of
the changes. "I've brought up
cancellations all along," he ex-
plained. "Since we're changing
things, t h o s e people affected
should be allowed to cancel."
HOWEVER Feldkamp insist-
ed the matter requires individ-
ual consideration. "Somebody
who benefited from a previously
e r r on e o u s interpretation (of
meal rebate standards( doesn't
persuade me he should be au-
tomatically considered for a
Meal rebates, according to
Freeman, are not illegal opera-
tions but an understood part of
dorm life. "The student signs a
lease and he's getting a whole
package. If the package is al-
tered, he should be allowed to
get out."
He also questioned the legality
of Feldkamp's intentions to dis-
criminate b e t w e e n students

whose diets were restricted for
reasons of religion and those
with personal objections, such
as vegetarians:
to it. People who for matters
of conscience do not want to
should not be forced to eat the
food-it's as simple as that."
Feldkamp said that meal re-
bates previously cost the dorm
system $60-$70,000 a year "be-
cause students off the meal plan
are scattered throughout the
system and there can be no
staff reductions." He added that
labor costs constitute 60 per cent
of the food service budget.
Using added funds from meal
rebates along with other dorm
service cutbacks recommended
by the Cost Reduction Commit-
tee in areas such as mainten-
ance, Feldkamp feels, "we can
easily do a break even budget."
However Freeman claimed
that the committee as yet had
developed no final package of
recommendations to erase the
total projected deficit. "I'd like
to know how Feldkamp knows
what the committee plans to
institute," he said.

WASHINGTON ({P) - The en-
ergy tax and tariff bill survived
a new attack yesterday as the
House rejected .an attempt to
wipe out the measure's propos-
ed energy conservation and con-
version trust fund.
By 247 to 162, the House de-
feated an effort by Rep. Wil-
liam Steiger (R-Wis.) to elim-
inate the trust fund from the
energy legislation
MONEY FROM the trust fund
would go toward research and
development of new energy
technology. The fund would be
fed by taxes that the bill would
levy on some business use of
oil and natural gas, as well as
receipts from new duties on im-
ported petroleum.
The House, starting on a
second week of action on
amendments to the energy bill,
already has killed proposed fea-
tures of the bill which w : u 1 d
have boosted the federal gaso-
line tax and would have put a
tax on gas-guzzling new cars.
House voting on the energy
measure resumed shortly after
the Ways and Means Commit-
tee agreed to consider a sweep-
ing set of complex and contro-
versial general tax-revision is-
sues in a pair of legislative
packages, including possible ex-
tension of the newly enacted
general tax cuts.
FOLLOWING a closed-d o o r
committee session, committee
Chairman Al Ullman (D-Ore.)

said there would be a two phase
legislative approach to tax re-
vision, starting soon with hear-
ings aimed at getting "a tax re-
form bill on the floor in Oc-
tober" for full House acion.
This initial bill would be fol-
lowed by a second legislative
package of tax revisions on
which hearings would begin in
November, Ullman said.
Tax cuts enacted earlier this
year for in ividuals are sched-
uled to expire at the end of tie
VARIOUS tax cuts for busi-
nesses enacted this year a r e
o heduled to expire over the
next two years.
Other isues to be examined
as part of the first package,
Ullman said, are capital gains
and losses; capital formalion
including fast depreciation, in-
vestment tax credits and the in-
tegration of corporate and in-
dividual taxes; and shelters.
The first package alao will in-
clude consideraion of various
tax-simplification matters invol-
ving deductions for child care,
alimony payments, and expens-
es attributable to business use
of homes and rental of vacation
homes, Ullman said.
ASSORTED issues involving
foreign income also would be
considered in the first package,
Ullman added, along with var-
ious problems involving prepar-
ers of income tax returns and
the tax-exempt status of condo-

miniums and homeovner as-
Somt liberals on the commit-
tee complained that including
capital gains and losses .and
capital formation issues in the
consideration of the first pack-
age may mean the measure will
be loaded doon to the point
where tax revision efforts will
produce no bill this year.
However, Ullman, said includ-
ing those matters, "just makes
it tougher to meet the sched-
ule . . . it will mean a lot of
hard, intensive work."
MANY of the items to be
studied by the committee had
been part of last year's tax-re-
vision drive which bogged down
in constant argument over as-
sorted complicated tax propos-
als and resulted in no legisia-
tion getting on the books.
For its second package, Ull-
man said, the committee agreed
to focus on estate and gift tax-
ation, and the tax treatment
of single persons and married
Happiness is
making you
look great
U-N Stylists
at the UNION

City, police gear-up for
heated contract talks

(Continued from Page 1)
The statistics also showed that
in 11 of the 32 cases, the arbi-
trators selected the last offer of
the public employer, while in
the remaining 21 cases the
unions emerged victorious as
their last offers were selected.
An additional factor in favor
of the command officers is the
fact that Joseph Valenti will
enter the arbitration process as
the union's arbitrator. Valenti
is reputed to be one of the most
powerful union leaders in Mich-
igan, and played a big part in
constructing the healthy officer
contract which Council recently
EVEN THOUGH the proposed
union contract amounted to
considerably more than Murray
had stipulated for the command
officers in his budget, Police
Chief Walter Krasny stated yes-
terday that the union will hold
firm to its financial stand dur-
ing arbitration.
"I am reasonably sure," said
Krasny, "that we will not back
down on any salary demands."
Krasny also hinted that the
union may even up their salary
HOWEVER, Assistant Admin-
istrator Patrick Kenney pre-
dicted yesterday that arbitra-
tion would probably not result in
increased salaries. He suggested

that additional cost items, such
as free parking at city hall and
extra insurance benefits, may
be won by the union.
He also stated that the arbi-
trators' decision would be bind-
ing "unless we take the final
decision to court."
If the arbitrated contract goes
over the budget as the latest
contract proposal did - and it
appears it will - both Murray
and Krasny have proposed that
the amount could be made up
within the current police budget
over the year by personnel at-
BUT MAYOR Albert Wheeler
said yesterday that the city
will go into arbitration hoping
to win the option of laying off
police within this unionized de-
"I don't think the arbitrators
can make us sign a no lay off
provision," said Wheeler. "Some
of them (the command officers)
are going to have to go."
NEW YORK OP) - The 51
nations that signed the Charter
of the United Nations each re-
ceived an original copy of the
historical document written on
100 per cent cotton fiber paper,
says the Cotton Fiber Paper
Council, Inc.

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