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June 18, 1975 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-18

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Poge Six


Wednesday, June 18, 1975

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, June 18, 1975

SATURDAYS 6-9 p.m.
1. cold vichysoisse
2. coq an vin
3. potatoes 0000
4. shrimp newburgh
5. boeuf burguingnone
6. rice
7. swedish meat balls
8. vermicelli
9. breaded veal cutlet
10. fresh garden green
11. tarragon peas
12. eggplant parmesan
13. beef oriental
14. veal hearts
15. chicken giblets
16. cheese casserole
17. slced beef
18. fried chicken
19. barbecued ribs
20. fried cod fish
21. black olives
22. greek olives
23. green olives
24. dill pickles
25. celery
26. carrots
27. green onions
28. crab apples
29. red peppers
30. radishes
31. corn salad
32. sliced cucumbers
with sour cream
33. sliced tomatoes
with fresh dill
34. red bean salad
35. greek bean salad
36. italian green peppers
37. greek stuffed eggplants
38. sliced beets
39. garlic sauce
40. herring
41. portuguese sardines
42. anchovies
'3. cod fish caviar mousse
44. cod fish red caviar
45. liver pate
46. sliced jambon
47. sliced salami
48. sliced cold turkey
49. chicken salad
0.ruomaf ish salad
51. tuna fish salad
52. cottage cheese
53. sliced mushrooms in
dill sauce
54. eggrolls
55. hot mstard sauce
56. stuffed eggs bonnefemme
57. cole slaw
58. cold salmon
59. fresh tuna in soyu sauce
60. butter
61. home made bread
62. sliced tongue
63. horse radish sauce
64. chicken wings Japanese
65. fried squid
66. smoked pork chops
67. potato salad
68. russan salad
69. macaroni salad
70. jellied fruit salad
71. tossed green salad
72. chef's dressing
73. french dressing
74. 1000 island dressing
75. russian dressing
76. tartar sauce
77. hot sauce
78. bacon crumbs
79. croutons
80. parmesan cheese
81. sliced onions
82. eggplant salad
83. cocktail sausage
84. hors deouvres
85. stuffed grapeleaves
86. greek feta cheese
87. swiss cheese
88. cheddar cheese
89. bread pudding
90. rice pudding
91. creme caramel
92. baked apples
9 3 . h o us e c a k e r g
94. peaches
5. mandarin oranges
96. orange sliced candies
97. bananas
9. grapes
99, apples
100. watermelon balls
/fuffi at

102 S. First, Ann Arbor

administrative bans hit UAC

(Continued from Page 3)
house in the 14,000-seat Cris-
ler Arena said, "I can't even
define it by music types be-
cause there are a lot of folk
people for whom you wouldn't
be set without a bottle of bour-
drinking at concerts has been
a major factor promoting the
tighter restrictions. And smok-
ing, regardless of the nature of
the plant,, presents a fire haz-
ard, especially in Hill, a highly
flamable structure.
"Hill is a fire trap because
there is no fire curtain that pro-
tects the audience from back-
stage fires," says Alfred Stu-
art, the director of the Univer-
sity Scheduling Office. He adds
that fire could drop through
vents in the main floor into
storage rooms, with old organs
and wooden instruments, under
the auditorium.
Beginning in the fall of 1972,
Young employed a large, well-
trained usher crew to deal with
the problems plaguing clean-up
personnel and fire wardens.
Concert - goers were (and con-
tinue to be) searched at the
doors for alcohol, food and
smoking paraphernalia and con-
sequently, the root of the prob-

lem has been considerably re-
Q U E S T 10 N E D as to
whether such an improvement
in audience behavior has brigh-
tened the possibility of renewed
administrative 1 e n i e n c y,
Thomas Easthope, assistant
vice president for student ser-
vices, responded, "We always
like to think that those years
where there was a high inci-
dence of booze and drugs are
over but they (the University
executives) can also say, 'hey
we gave you your chance.'
"Whether or not they'll give
them another chance," East-
hope added, "well, your guess
is as good as mine."
Meanwhile, many students
have complained not only of
the limited type of music
brought to Ann Arbor, but also
of the decline in quality and
quantity of performers sched-
uled in UAC's program during
the last year.
Y O U N G attributes the re-
cent degradation in attractions
to a number of factors. In the
1973-74 season, she said, "it was
amazing that the Moody Blues,
Bob Dylan and the Band, Joni
Mitchell and Judy Collins all
did big tours and fell together

on our calendar in the same
"Any ninth grader can tell
you who the hot acts are,"
she continued, "and hot acts
like that just weren't around
last year and won't be again
next year either."
However, other obstacles
prove crippling to the schedu-
ling procedure even with good,
available acts. For example, no
University facility is reserved
exclusively for concert use,
and coordinating performers'
date offerings while they are
in this part of the country with
an open night at Hill, Power
Center or Crisler Arena (de-
pending on the act) is often im-
IN ADDITION, show cost is
a major concern among the co-
operative members who are re-
quired to underwrite their de-
termined share of the ex-
Young said, "When we go
into it we have to have a bet-
ter than 50 per cent chance of
breaking even. If we make
money on it, there's flexibility
built into the co-op because
the profit percentage can be
shifted among groups" to fit
their immediate needs.
But now and then, even tic-
ket sales can't guarantee the
odds when groups like Log-
gins and Messina and the Beach
Boys are asking for $20,000 to
do a show, or 60 per cent of
ticket sales. "Sometimes they
just won't come down and we
just can't go up," Young said.
F U R T H E R M O R E,
the cost of putting on a show
at the 2,400-seat Power Center
is approximately $2,500 while
Hill Auditorium runs $4,000 a
night for 4,000 seats. And if a

show is considerably promising,
the co-op can gamble on the
8,000 front-of-the-stage seats at
Crisler Arena for triple the
cost of either of the other two
options at nearly $12,000. But,
according to Stuart, "General-
ly (the) Power (Center) is too
small and too expensive to
make it worth the effort."
Young contends that Univer-
sity organizations should not
have to pay for campus facili-
ties. "What we need is another
building that can't be wrecked
and that's smaller than Crisler.
That would be a way of putting
any brand of music back on
campus," she reasoned.
"THE OLD ice coliseum
would be a possibility but the
athletic department won't let
us use it."
Another rough edge for the
concert co-op lies in competition
with other universities where
the bargaining can be fierce.
Also, a law which prohibits the
appearance of an act more than
once in 30 days within a fifty-
mile radius excludes perform-
ances contracted by the profit-
able Detroit concert halls.
The infamous promoter, Pre-
mier Company who schedules
most of the major British sen-
sations, prefers large-city en-
gagements to college - town
shows for professional reasons.
Despite the numerous hurdles,
Young claims, "We're trying
like hell to match all the fac-
tors up." And so, Frank Zap-
pa, Keith Jarrett (jazz), Chic
Corea (jazz) and the National
Lampoon Show are so far slat-
ed for this year. Negotiations
for Loggins and Messina, the
Beach Boys, Elton John and
a number of others are also un-

231 south state
.603 east liberty
neute Pone 65-290 Theatre Phone 662-6264
Coll Theater for Slowtimesl
Tues.-Thurs. sO 7 & 9 "l."~"all"tbatthe
Open of 6:45 pict scree has
Sot.-Sn.-We at 1-3-5--9 piCtire 6Cre{ ha
otu ad. of 1- 35-7 neverdared to showbefore.
E1xpect the truth.
necumarration A
r with
Pavision Technicolor BRENDA SYKES
231'south state
Theatre Phone 662-44
1214 s- 5.Un~rsi Tues.-Thurs, at 7 & 9 p.m.
Open at 6:45
AM PU St-Sun-Wed
1-3-5-7-9 p.05.
Wed. is BARGAIN DAY a tall
Theatre Phone 668-6416 Butterfield Theatres - Until 5
p.m. ALL SEATS $1.00
r°Emanuel L. Wolf presents
an Arthur.Cohn-Macina Cicogne
production of
Vittorio De Sica's
Ssetarrin Florinda Bokans" Directed by Vittorio Delcs
roduced by A rthur Con and Marina Cicea gs
Cysa.An AllsedArtists Reiese0 0

Postal Service says rate
change could cost millions

W A S H I N G T O N IP) -
The Postal Service said yes-
terday that a recommendation
to lower first-class postage rates
and increase other classes
would cost taxpayers $350 mil-
lion per year.
A legal brief filed with the
Postal Rate Commission dis-
puted the findings of the com-
mission's administrative law
judge, Seymour Wenner.
THE POSTAL Service said
W e n n e r' s recommenda-
tions would lead to a substan-
tial drop in mail usage by sec-
ond, third and fourth class
mailers. The resulting drop-off
in revenue, estimated to be
more than $350 million, would
have to be made up by the tax-
payers, the brief said.
In the long run, many busi-
ness mailers would find other
methods of sending their mail
and the Postal Service "could

properly be renamed the U. S.
Letter Service," one Postal
Service official said.
Wenner recommended on May
28 that first-class rates be re-
duced from the current 10 cents
per letter to 8 cents. The
judge recommended substantial
rate increases for parcel post
and bulk mail.
THE POSTAL Service's brief
said Wenner's decision "dis-
cards without explanation, a
large part of the record, ignores
without comment substantial
evidence that is contrary to the
judge's untested assertions and
reaches beyond the record
where necessary to achieve the
desired results."
Wenner also used accounting
practices that have been used
in the past to regulate rates for
industries that are now bank-
rupt or nearly bankrupt, the
Postal Service said.

(dir. Philippe de Broca, 1967)
Alan Bates and Genevieve Bujold are the stars
of this popular antiwar comedy. Always worth
seeing again.
7 H&U9.P:M. $1.25

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