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June 10, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-10

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Page Two


Tuesday, June 10, 1975

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, June 10, 1975

6:00 2 4 7 13 News
9 Bewitched
20 It Takes A Thief
24 ABC News-Smith/
30 57 Electric Company
50 Untouchables BW
56 Energy, Technology and
6:30 4 13 News-Smith/
9 I Dream of Jeannie
11 CBS News-Walter
24 Partridge Family
31)57 Zoom-Children
56 Faust Legend
7:00 2 CBS News - Walter
4 7 News
9 Beverly Hillbillies BW
11 Family Affair
13 Wha's My Line?
20 To Tell the Truth
24 Mod Squad
31) Legacy
50 Horan's Heroes
56 Home Health Care
57 You Owe St To Yourself
7:30 2 13 Truth or Conseqoence
4 Last of the Wild
7 Price is Right
S Room 222
11 Hollywood Squares
20 Voyage to the Bottom
of the Sea
30157 Assignment America
50 Hogan's Heroes
8:00 2 Good Times
4 13 Adam-12
7 24 Happy Days
9 Swiss Family Robinson
11 Eleven at Large
31) 56 57 The Way It Was
50 Merv Griffin
8:30 2 11 H*A*S*H
4 13 Movie
"The Strange and Deadly Oc-
eurrence," a 1974 TV-movie
about a family being ter-
rorizedby amysterioussforce
in their newly purchased
country home.
7 24 Movie
"Heat Wave"
9 Adventures in Rainbow
20 Daniel Boone
30 5657 Nova--Science
9:0 2 11 Hawaii Five-O
9 News
9:30 9 On the Road-Variety
20 700 Club
30 Toledo City Council
50 Dinah!
56 That Uncertain Paradise-
57 Woman-Discussion
10:00 2 11 Barnaby Jones
4 13 Polite Story
7 24 Marcus Welby, M.D.
9 Look Who's Here-Interview
56 Soundstage
57 Interface-Report

In the ne,
TOKYO - The Philippines, a long-time
American ally, established diplomatic re-
lations with China yesterday. The move
tilts the balance of Asian power closer
to Peking in the wake of American with-
drawals from Indochina. The two coun-
tries also signed a trade agreement, but
no details were given. The Philippines
and Nationalist China immediately broke
all ties, and the Taipei government
claimed that the Philippines' formal re-
cognition of Peking will give the Chinese
Communists new opportunities for "in-
filtration and subversion," thus jeopard-
izing Filipino security.
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court
yesterday refused to consider appeals by
the four Cubans a lower court described
as "the foot soldiers of the Watergate
break-in." The four are Berbard Bark-
er, Eugenio Martinez, Frank Sturgis and
Virgilio Gonzalez. They pleaded guilty
to charges of conspiracy, burglary, and
wiretapping in connection with Water-
gate break-in. The Court left undisturbed
the decision of the U.S. Court of Ap-
peals in Washington, refusing to let
them change their pleas to innocent. All
four men have since been paroled from
their jail sentences.
NEW YORK - Mayor Abraham Beane
said yesteray the city and Gov. Hugh

ws today ...
Carey's advisory board have agreed on hery here. Saxe, a self-proclaimed fem-
formation of a corporation to bail the inist and lesbian, has also been ac-
city out of its fiscal crisis. He said the cused of murdering a Boston policeman
proposal to help the nation's largest city in another 1970 bank heist which netted
convert $3 billion in short-term debt into some $26,000. The money was allegedly
tong-term bonds was now up to the Re- used to finance revolutionary activities.
publican majority in the State Senate for With jury selection expected to be com-
approval. Beame said the state-backed pleted within the next few weeks, the
Municipal Assistance Corporation, label- government has been scurrying to find
ed "Big Mac" by Carey, "would not several key witnesses who have recent-
have any veto power to change anything ly disappeared. The missing prosecution
we have in our budget." witnesses could deal a serious blow to
" the government's case.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A divided
jury headed into its 11th day of delibera- JACKSON, Miss. - Fayette Mayor
tion yesterday on murder charges against Charles Evers, Mississippi's leading
two Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) black politician, faced trial yesterday on
members. Joseph Remiro, 26, and Rus- charges of federal income tax evasion.
sell Little, 25, are charged with the 1973 Evers, who in 1971 became the first
murder of Oakland School Sapt. Marcus black to run for governor of the state,
Foster. They are also charged with at- was charged with evading $52,593 in
tempted murder in the wounding of Fos- federal income taxes from* 1968-70. The
ter's top aide, Robert Blackburn, in the government has summoned more than
same ambush attack. No testimony in 150 witnesses against Evers and his ex-
the two-month-old trial has placed either wife, Nannie Laura Evers. Legal sources
defendant at the scene of the murder, say the trial will last 10 days or more.
the Oakland school district parking lot. Evers is running for the state Senate
But the prosecution contends they took but said he would not ask U.S. District
part in an SLA plot to kill Foster and Judge Dan Russell for a delay.
Blackburn. Under California law, that Wa t
would make them guilty of murder pun- Weather
ishable by life in prison. The weather picture will be deteriorat-
* ing rather rapidly after today. T h e
PHILADELPHIA - Susan Saxe, an clouds will start to roll in, with tempera-
underground revolutionary for almost tures in the mid to upper 70's. Things
five years, in a surprise last-minute pre- will be getting a little wetter on Wed-
trial move pleaded guilty yesterday to nesday and Thursday, with showers in
charges stemming from a 1970 bank rob- the forecast.

r I I Il gl I

10:30 9 Saskatchewan Pre-Elec-
tion Special
57 Book Beat
11:0)1 2 4 7 11 13 24 News
9 CBC News
20 George and Diane-
50 Dealer's Choice-Game
%t It's Your Turn
57 The Naturalists-profile
11:20 y News
11:30 2 11 Movie-Crime Drama
The art treasures of St. Pet-
ers' become a target for
crooks in "The Vatican Af-
4 13 Johnny Carson
7 24 Wide World Mystery
30 Janaki-Exercise
50 Movie-Comedy BW

"A Royal Scandal" (1945) Tal-
lulah Bankhead as the Czar-
ina of Russia, whose affairs
are not those of state.
56 57 ABC News-Smith/
Captioned for the hearing-
12:00 9 Movie-Drama BW
"Operation CIA." (1965) Ag-
ent (Burt Reynolds) investi-
gates murder and espionage
in Saigon.
1:00 4 Tomorrow-Tom Snyder
7 13 News
1:30 2 Movie-Western
"A Man Alone." (1955)
11 News
2:00 4 News
3:00 2 News

Daily Official Bulletin Job bill

Nan 00

Tuesday, June 10
Day Calendar
WUOM: James Loudon chief
Planetarium demonstrator at Ex-
hibit Museum, on "Jupiter & the
Outer Planets," Part 2, 10 am.
MHRI: H. J. A. Goodman, "Cur-
rent Issues Concerning the World
'nformation System - Encyclopedia
Notiosn," 00:30 am.
Volume LXXXV, No. 24-s
Tuesday, June 10, 1975
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a iy Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor. Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area);
$11 tocal mail (Michigan and Ohio1;
$12 non-local mail (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $05.50bpcarrer
campus area); 06.00 loaol mail
(Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail lother states and foreign).

$473 million bill to provide
summer work for 840,000 S oung
people was approved my t h e
House Appropriations Commit-
tee yesterday in hopes of send-
ing it to President Ford by to-
The same amount was pro-
vided as part of the $5.3 bislion
emergency employment b i l1
which Ford vetoed last month.
His veto was sustained by a
five-vote margin in the 11 nse
In order to keep the govern-
ment's summer youth emply-
ment and recreation programs
alive this summer, Chairman
George Mahon (D-Tex.) worked
out agreements leading toward
swift passage of the new mea-
The summer youth empinv-
ment program will provide nine
weeks of work with a 26-h::r
work week for 840,000 youths

low i



Have Arrived!!
6:00-9:30 P.M.
-2 Price BEER-
6:00-9:30 P.M*
-V Price on
everything-ALL DRINKS-
Mon. & Tues. Nites

Home Cooking Is Our Specialty
Breakfast All Day Specials This Week
Beef Stroqanoff
3 eggs, Hash Browns, Chinese Pepper Seek
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Eoa Rolls
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Sausage with 3 eggs, Barley. Clam Chowder. ec.)
Chili, Vegetoble Tempura
.Hash B'owns, Toast a served after 2 p.m.
jelly--$1.50 Hombuerqer Stek Dinner-
(/ lb.)..... $1.99
3 eggs, Rib Eye Steak, Spg"hetti in Wine Souce
Dash rownsBeef Currie Rice
Hash Browns, Baked Flounder Dinner $2.25
Toast & Jelly-$2.10 1lalb. Rst. Beef, Kaiser Roll $1.69
11 lb. Ham on Kaiser Roll $1.39




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