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June 10, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-06-10

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXV, No. 24-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 10, 1975 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Victorious school board candidate Cecil Warner (left) and Assistant Superin-
tendent of Schools LeRoy Cappaert go over last night's election returns in which
three conservatives were swept into office.
Conservatives win
school board seats

Ford to release
CIA report today
By GORDON ATCHESON Rockefeller's claim that the Agency com-
Special to The Daily mitted only minor violations of the law
WASHINGTON-President Gerald Ford while conducting covert activities.
announced last night that the Rockefeller THIS DISPARITY has raised a num-
Commission report on Central Intelli- ber of questions about the Rockefeller
gence Agency activities will be made findings-some of which the President
public today, but material related to tried to answer last night.
assassination plots will remain confi-
dential. There was no immediate reaction to
Ford's statement from Church or other
The information on alleged CIA in- members of Congress.
volvement in plans to kill foreign leaders
will be turned over to Attorney General Ford called the Rockefeller report "an
Edward Levi and to Congressional panels extensive job . . . which is fair, frank,
probing the Agency along with other and balanced." After reading the docu-
data collected by the executive branch, ment last weekend, the President said
Ford said. he has some ideas on how to improve
CIA operations.
"BECAUSE THE investigation of as-
sassination allegations is incomplete and 'Because the investiga-
because the allegations involve extreme-
ly sensitive matters, I have decided that tion of assassination alle-
it is not in the national interest to make gations is incomplete, I
p u bIi c material relating to these
charges," Ford told reporters gathered have decided not to make
in the White House rose garden. this material public.'
It will be up to Levi and the Justice
Department to determine if any individ- -Ford
uals should be prosecuted for alleged
CIA transgressions, Ford explained. HOWEVER, the President refused to
The CIA must not engage in domestic specify what changes should be made.
surveillance according to guidelines es- "It remains my deep personal convic-
tablished when the Agency was created tion that the CIA and other units of the
in 1947. intelligence community are vital to the
survival of this country," Ford added,
THE FINDINGS of the Commission, reiterating a point he has often made.
headed by Vice President Rockefeller, "As we lake the steps necessary to
have become a political hot-potato for insure the proper functioning of the in-
Ford since it was learned last week the telligence community, we must also be
portion of the report on assassinations certain that the United States maintains
might be kept secret. the capability necessary for the full pro-
The President, however, said the Con- tection of our national interests."
gressional investigators could choose to
release the now-classified material but IN RESPONSE to a question, Ford
cautioned them "to exercise utmost pru- acknowledged the Rockefeller Commis-
dence in handling the information." sion material on assassination plots "may
Senator Frank Church (D-Idaho) who be" made public sometime in the future,
heads the Senate CIA probe has disputed See FORD, Page 5

City voters yesterday elected three
conservative members to theschool
board while turning down a property
tax increase request. Two millage re-
newal proposals, however, won by better
than 2-1 margins.
B o a r d incumbents Clarence Dukes
and Cecil Warner, as well as candidate
John Heald, captured the available
three-year seats, bringing the board to
a 7-2 conservative majority.
PR0PO IT ON A, a 1.5mil
lage hike proposal, was defeated 7,118
votes to 6,331 in the traditionally light
voter turnout. Approval of the proposed
tax hike would have brought about $1.3
million per year to the school district,
which supporters of the measure main-

tained was necessary both to continue
present programs and establish new
Board President Dukes, seeking a sec-
ond term, led the list of ten candidates
with 7,095 votes. He said he expected to
win but added that he was "deeply dis-
appointed" that the millage increase
proposal failed.
"It makes my victory less a pleasure,"
Dukes said. "We really needed that and
the board really worked for that. I'm
disappointed that the public didn't see
fit (to approve the proposition)."
ALTHOUGH THE school district can
request the millage hike again as soon
as August, Dukes said he doubts the
board will take such action.

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Faith healer draws
crowd of converts
Kathryn Kuhlman, renowned faith healer and miracle
minister, stood on the stage in Crisler Arena with her arms
and rapturous face uplifted toward the blazing lights, and
personified what she claimed not to be-the Lord's angel.
Thousands had come from miles around, many in wheel-
chairs and stretchers, to be touched by the power of God
and to be hesled by the Holy Spirit through the hands of
Kuhlman. For five hours last Saturday the packed cavernous
Crisler Arena became a multi-denominational church.
THE SEATS were filled by 11:30 that morning, though
Kuhlman didn't begin her service until two hours later. And
despite the long wait, there was no sense of impatience or
restlessness. The crowd sat back and quietly listened to a
choir sing familiar hymns. A few sat with bowed heads, their
lips moving silently in prayer.
"You know," said Kuhlman during a press conference
before the 'miracle ministry' began, "I never get over the
crowds. The night before I never sleep. I have this night-
mare that the auditorium will be empty. It just scares me
to death."
Kuhlman, a tall, almost emaciated woman with dyed,
frizzy red hair began her work in 1946. Since then she has
See FAITH, Page 9

VOIIV f-hOTO lay Z) t tV It NPAU^N
Kathryn Kuhlman

See FAITH, Page 9 Kathryn Kuhiman

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