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July 28, 1978 - Image 13

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-07-28

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 28, 1978-Page 13
Philly oes spare no punches

Democrats with a history of ex-
changing political punches say they are
willing to settle their differences - with
gloves on, in a boxing ring.
City Councilman Francis Rafferty of-
fered the challenge to legislative can-
didate and housing activist Milton
Street during a news conference Wed-
nesday after a hot debate on Monday in
the City Council chambers.
RAFFERTY and Street called each
other names and had to be separated by
plainclothes policemen.
"I'd rather take him on in the gym
and kick him," said Rafferty, a former
amateur boxer. "You name your
favorite charity for the proceeds of the
match. I'll get a match with Milton
Street at the Spectrum."
The challenge was relayed by a
reporter, and Street, who has never
fought in the ring, accepted.
"HE'D BETTER have George Fencl
in the ring to hold onto my trunks," said
Street, referring to the police inspector
who heads the city's civil disobedience
squad and who intervened in council
chambers. "If he didn't have Fencl
holding onto my belt Monday, he
wouldn't be around now to make the
J. Russell Peltz, the city's leading
fight promoter, apparently thinks the
match will draw.
He said he expected "no problem" in
getting approval from Howard McCall,
chairman of the Pennsylvania State
Athletic Commission, and even
suggested a tentative date of Aug.-24 at
the Spectrum.
HE DID NOTE the contenders would
have to pass a physical exam.
The Rafferty-Street match on Mon-
day developed during a public hearing
funds urged
ANN ARBOR (UPI) - The head of
Planned Parenthood yesterday urged
Gov. William Milliken and the
legislature to reject legislation cutting
off state funds for Medicaid abortions.
Faye Wittleton, national president of
the New York-based Planned Paren-
thood Federation of America, told a
news conference that Michigan is "a
crucial test case" in the nationwide
drive to restore Medicaid coverage of
abortions for poor women.
"THE LEGALITY of abortion canot
be separated from the issue of its
availability to poor people under public
programs," Wattleton said.
Last year Congress and more than
two-thirds of the states stopped paying
for most Medicaid abrtions which Ms.
Wattleton criticized as "grotesque
violations of the spirit and purpose of
the original Medicaid legislation."
Michigan is among just 14 states
which continue to fund abortions,
although the legislature is considering
a bill to limit funding to just $1. Milliken
has said he opposed such a bill

on a proposed city charter change that
would extend the two-year term of the
mayor and, perhaps, give Mayor Frank
Rizzo another lease on the city's life...
The two, who have been on opposite
sides of the Rizzo fence, nearly came to
blows when Rafferty called Street a
"faggot" and Street countered by
calling him "racist."
STREET testified against changing
the charter.
Rafferty, 40, weighing 190 pounds,
said he had about 15 amateur bouts in
Nancy Lopez, who has blossomed into
stardom on the Ladies PGA tour this
year, began to play golf when 'she was
seven. Her father, Domingo, taught her
and allowed her to accompany him
when he played a round. She won a Pee
Wee tournament in New Mexico when
she was nine.
"When I first started to play
seriously," Nancy recalled, "nobody
knew my game like my father. He could
tell me to do things that he couldn't do
himself. Now, of course, I have the ex-
perience to make my own adjustmen-

the Army and after his discharge.
Street, 37, weighing 210, was once
hospitalized for multiple sclerosis,
which he said is now under control. He
said he doesn't drink or smoke and jogs
every day.
"TELL RAFFERTY he's on," Street
said to the go-between. "Bad health and
all, I'll take him on."
"Let's do it right and not insult the

people of Philadelphia in City Council,"
said Rafferty. "I guarantee he won't
walk out of the ring. I'll let it go two
rounds but only so the people will get
their money's worth. Then I'll knock
him out."
If nothing happens to change their
minds, the two would debut on a card
that already features middleweights
Benny Briscoe and Marvin Hagler,
Peltz said.

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