Page 12-Friday, July 28; 1978-The Michigan Daily
Smoking risks not left to men
WASHINGTON (AP) - A new report
on smoking shows that American
women have 'come a long way, baby -
a long way toward higher disease and
death rates" from using tobacco, HEW
Secretary Joseph Califano Jr., said
The secretary of the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare made
the statement in releasing his depar-
tment's 10th report to Congress on
smoking and health, this one concen-
trating on the effects of increased
smoking among women.
IN 1964, CALIFANO said, when the
famous Surgeon-General's Report
linked smoking to lung cancer among
men, "there were not enough women
smoking over long enough periods of
time to yield the same grim evidence
for women as men. Now there is
Women, Califano said, have "come a
long way, baby - a long way toward
higher disease and death rates from
bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer,
certain other cancers and car-
diovascular disease."
The evidence summarized in the
latest report indicates that women who
smoke cigarettes face essentially the
same increased risks of lung cancer,
,%..../ v
Women have 'come a
long way,
heart disease and other health
problems as men who smoke, but they
add to their risks as well.
THE REPORT said recent studies
show women who take birth control
pills substantially increase their risk of
heart attack if they smoke, too, and
pregnant women who smoke increase
the chances that their babies will be
stillborn or unhealthy.
The more a woman smokes, the more
likely her baby is to suffer the con-
sequences, the report said, citing what
is called a "dose-response relationshi-
p" between smoking and the incidence
of fetal death in late pregnancy,
premature birth, low birth weight and
numerous complications of pregnancy
and delivery.
The Tobacco Institute, a trade
association, called the report "a classic
of bias and omission. . . deftly crafted
to support Mr. Califano's personal
views about tobacco."
baby ...'
IN A WRITTEN statement, the In-
stitute said it was "paradoxical, in-
deed, to hear that tobacco smoking by
women accounts for their problems of
illness and pregnancy at a time when
their longevity is highest and infant
mortality rates lowest. It is cruel to tell
women they can solve these problems
by putting out their tobacco cigarettes
when that advice is at besta monumen-
tal oversimplification."
"Secretary Califano's war against
tobacco smokers isn't going to be won
by continued distortions and decep-
tions," the institute said. It added that
the report "completely ignores
published scientific criticism of the
major studies on which it is based."
The report submitted to Congress by
Califano cited one study which showed
that smokers of cigarettes with
relatively low "tar" and nicotine
reduce their risk of dying somewhat
when compared to high tar and nicotine
smokers but still have 50 per cent
higher mortality rates than non-
FOR PURPOSES of thestudy,
cigarettes with less than .17.6
milligrams tar and 1.2 mg. micotine
were considered low tar and nicotine,
while high tar and nicotine cigarettes
were those with 25.8 to 35.7 mg. tar and
2.0 to 2.7 mg. nicotine.
A number of brands marketed in
recent years contain considerably less
tar and nicotine than those considered
"low tar" in the study. At least one
brand advertises itself as containing
only 1 mg. of tar and .1 mg. of nicotine.
The sooner one begins smoking, the
sooner one is likely to die, the report
said. "For those who begin smoking
before the age of 15, the risk of
premature death is about 86 per cent
higher than that for nonsmokers."
But it offered a measure of hope to
tnose who quit.
Death rates of former smokers
decline as the number of years since
they quit increases, the report said.
"After 15 years off cigarettes, death
rates for former smokers are nearly
identical to those of nonsmokers."
Korea agrees to withdrawal of U.S. troops
CORONADO, Calif. (AP) -
hepresentatives of the Republic of
Korea agreed yesterday to the phased
withdrawal of U.S. ground troops still
there 25 years after the end of the
Korean war.
"I don't see any major or serious dif-
ficulties," Defense Minister Ro Jae
Hyun said as a joint communique was
issued ending talks with U.S. Military
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SECRETARY of Defense Harold
Brown appeared with Ro at a news con-
ference and announced formation of a
five-officer "Combined Forces Com-
mand" assigned to make certain the
South Koreans are able to repel an in-
But Brown said invaders "cannot ex-
pect to win a victory." He said that
although the 36,000 U.S. ground forces
in the Republic of Korea would be with-
drawn by 1982 "the military balance
will not be endangered or jeopardized."
President Carter had announced early
in his administration that the U.S.
ground forces would be pulled out of
South Korea.
In answer to a question, Hrown said
the Carter administration has already
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to relocate to Traverse City. Con-
sider moving expenses. Send resume
to: Michgan Daily, Box 120, 420
Maynard, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109.
compromised somewhat in the
timetable for withdrawing forces. He
said the administration is consulting
with Congress and "our timetable is not
The communique ending the 11th an-
nual security meetings between the two
countries said North Korea "has con-
tinued to increase its offensive military
capabilities" and still is a serious
threat to the U.S. ally. But it said the
Republic of Korea will stay able to
withstand any invasion.
The United States, it said, "will con-
tinue to deploy Naval forces around the
Korean peninsula." Brown said
military equipment and aerial sur-
veillance needed by the South Koreans
will be provided but that now is the time
to begin the pullout "at a time when the
military balance is acceptable and ten-
sion is not high."
Girl only survivor in
cable ear accident
Authorities said the cable itself was un-
EUREKA, Mo. (AP) - A 12-year-old damaged, and about 16 other cars
girl, the only survivor in a cable car damagedinndeabots16ndtgerbcars
that fell 70 feet, was in serious condition remained in the air, stranding about 35
persons. It took firemen four hours to
yesterday, one day after the accident rescue them.
killed her sister, a cousin and an uncle.
Jennine ee , dsuained Authorities said Kristen, whose home
multiple fractures anditernalinjuries wasiHarre, Vt., and Johnson, of
min l the acde and wsinerliuiswon- nRivesville, were visiting the Weeks
in the accident and was p serious con- family in St. Louis County.
dition after surgery, a spokeswoman at Park security personnel ushered
St. Joseph's Hospital in Kirkwood said. about 12,000 customers out of the park,
KILLED IN the fall of the cable car at which closed six hours esrly.
Six Flags Over Mid-America on Wed- DC YE. pksa o i
nesdaywere her sster, Trisha Weeks DICK TYLER, a spokesman for Six
10; her cousin, Kristen Johnson, 15, and Flags, Inc., said in Los Angeles that
her uncle, Clark Johnson, 25. , Sky Way rides at Six Flags parks in
her ncl, Cark ohnon,25.three other states - Georgia, Texas
Johnson's mother, Catherine John- and New Jersey - were closed after the
son, 65, was listed in fair condition accident. All were to be checked when
yesterday in the same hospital. The the cause of the accident at Mid-
spokeswoman said the woman, of America was discovered.
Rivesville, W. Va., had been admitted Investigations at the scene began
as a p ecauth nary hasu efer she a before the park opened yesterday, a Six
grasdholdrfedFlags spokesman said. Bob Kochan,
grandchildren. park public relations director, said at-
Safety engineers and St. Louis County tendance seemed normal with only por-
inspectors began efforts yesterday to tions of the park open yesterday moii-
determine what caused the 70-foot ning.
plunge. "Attendance is fine. Comparing it to
THE ACCIDENT occurred shortly af- another day, our business is normal,"
THE CCIENToccrredshotlyaf- Kochan said.
ter the Sky Way cable car began its ride The park was reopened, except for
toward the western end of the park. A the Sky Way, after all the cars on the
supporting arm broke, the cable jum- ride were removed from the cable and
ped and the gondola plunged to the the broken supporta s alen
ground at - the base of a pillar, d onarm was taken