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July 22, 1978 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-07-22

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The Michigan Dal
Drug offic
future unce
Bourne's ri
WASHINGTON (AP) - The future of
Dr. Peter Bourne's office in the White
House remained uncertain yesterday
after the presidential drug abuse ad-
viser's abrupt resignation.
At the daily White House news
briefing yesterday, presidential
spokesman Jody Powell said "I'm not
in a position to give you guidance" on
whether the health adviser's office
would be dismantled.
BOURNE, A 38-year-old psychiatrist
and close friend of President Carter,
resigned his $51,000-a-year post as
White House health adviser on Thur-
sday, about four hours before the
President was to hold a nationally
broadcast news conference.
For nearly 24 hours before his
resignation, Bourne had been em-
broiled in controversy over his ad-
mission that he wrote a prescription for
the much-abused sedative Quaalude to
a fictitious name.
The prescription actually was for
Bourne's administrative aide, Ellen
Metsky, and Bourne said he used a
phony name on the form in order to
protect her privacy. Metsky said she
gave the prescription to a friend, Toby
Long, 20, to have it filled.
WHEN LONG tried to fill the
prescription in a suburban Virginia
drug store she was arrested on a charge
of trying to obtain a controlled drug "by
fraud, deceit or misrepresentation."
Authorities in suburban Prince
Non-conformist AP Phot William County, Va., are continuing an
This young, unidentified member of the Small World Entertainers, a Salt Lake investigation of the incident.
group, apparently has decided early in life that you get noticed when you're Powell also said he had no knowledge
erent. of any use of marijuana or cocaine by
members of the White House staff.
e e .
South African officials penalize
12 for deaths of three blacks

ily-Saturday, July 22, 1978-Page 7
rtain after
Published reports Friday quoted Bour-
ne as saying there was a "high inciden-
ce" of marijuana use among White
House workers and occasional use of
"I HAVE no way of knowing"
whether that is true, Powell said. He
said the White House is not conducting
an investigation of drug use by White
House employees.
Powell also said he was not aware of
any treatment given by Bourne to
members of Carter's family. And, in
response to an inquiry, Mrs. Carter's
press secretary, Mary Hoyt, said Bour-
ne "never" treated the first lady.
Carter had been asked at his news
conference Thursday whether Bourne
had treated him or his family. Carter
responded that Bourne hadn't treated
him, but did not mention whether Bour-
ne had treated Mrs. Carter or other
family members.
AT YESTERDIAY'S briefing, Powell
said the acting head of Bourne's office,
formally named the Office of the
Special Assistant to the President for
llealth Issues, will be Charles O'Keeffe,
O'Keeffe was . still answering the
telephone yesterday by saying "Dr.
Bourne's office."
O'Keeffe declined to answer
questions, and referred a reporter to
the White House press office for
biographical details about himself.
However, no biography was available
in the press office.
At the briefing, Powell declined to
answer any questions about the events
leading up to Bourne's resignation. 'He
would not say when Carter first learned
of Bourne's legal problem.
He said he usually answered such
questions about "decisions of state" but
that the Hourne case is "very per-
sonal." Metsky remains on the White
House staff, Powell said.


PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) -
South African authorities investigating
the separate deaths of three black men in
police custody have ordered six
policemen to be tried for murder, three
security officers transferred to new
posts and three other policemen
suspended from duty.
Amid allegations that two of the vic-
tims died from beatings under in-
terrogation, the latest deaths have
proved embarrassing for Police
Minister Jimmy Kruger who last year
pledged new measures protecting
A security police commander who
played a key role in the Steve Biko af-
fair was one of those "transferred"
from his Port Elizabeth station in
southeastern South Africa following
another detainee's death on July 10,
national police commissioner Mike
Geldenhuys announced here Friday.
Black consciousness leader Biko died
of brain injuries last September after
being moved to Pretoria from Port
Elizabeth where he was first detained
and questioned.
The summary transfer of Col. Pieter
Goosens and two other Port Elizabeth
security officers follows a departmen-
tal investigation into the death of 20-
year-old Lungile Tabalaza, who
plungedf f teourth ithfloorpf
are-tet hoie f -eer blasazakwas
arrested-,w't.W ~'lrs we

before as suspects in gasoline bomb at-
tacks on delivery trucks.
The shakeup in the security forces
was announced as two more blacks
were reported to have died in police
custody since the death of Tabalaza on
July 10.
In Bloemfontein, the provincial
capital of Orange Free State, six
policemen and two civilians were
charged with murder following the
belatedly disclosed death in detenltion
of a black commercial security guard
last March 19. Another police officer
was chargedwith assault.
Three white sergeants, four black
constables and two white civilians are
alleged to have killed Jankie Matobako,
25, arrested with four other black men a
week earlier on suspicion of burglary.
In the eastern province of Natal, two
white and one black policemen were
suspended pending criminal in-
vestigation into the July 13 death of 22-
year-old Paulos Ncane, a carpenter
convicted of theft who was awaiting
sentence in Hluhluwe police station. He
died in a hospital of kidney collapse in
the nearby resort of Empangeni amid
claims by a doctor he had been the vic-
tim of "systematic torture."
Hospital staffers said that before he
died Ncane told doctors and his mother,
Lina Ncane, that he had been strung
,upb thew ed bear ten'with thip-
ssic8 0tadr~q.ia fo,

make him reveal where he had hidden
$11,845 stolen from a livestock dealer's
In both the cases of Ncane and
Matobako, doctors reported the
prisoners' bodies were covered with
welts, cuts and massive swellings.
According to government statistics,
92 prisoners other than political
detainee died in 1975, 117 in 1976 and 128
in 1977.
Until now it has been primarily
security detainees, those held under
South African laws permitting
unlimited detention without trial,
whose deaths have attracted inter-
national notice.
The private testimony of' prisoners
has indicated far more widespread
mistreatment of both political and
criminal prisoners than police figures

tour-de-farts is probably one of
the most vile and repugnant films
to be shown on a national scale.
Makes Peckinpah look like Disney
and Johnny Rotten like Johnny
Denver. A must-see film if there
ever was one. Rated PF-Pure
Sun: Murnou's NOSFERATU
(FREE of 7:30 only)
TONIGHT at 7:30 & 9:30

FRIDAY, JULY 21-9:00-1:30 am
SATURDAY, JULY 22-9:00-1:30 am
dltaP FULL BAR-Come dance the night away

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