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July 22, 1978 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1978-07-22

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Page 6-Saturday, July 22, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Soviets criticize Carter's latest remarks

MOSCOW (AP) - Tass asserted
yesterday that President Carter's
latest public comments on Soviet-
American relations were "marked by
inconsistency and duplicity."
In a Washington-datelined dispatch
reporting on Carter's news conference
Thursday night, the official news agen-
cy said the president's positively
phrased remarks contrasted with
moves he had just taken regarding two
pending U.S.-Soviet trade deals.
A COMMENTARY in the Soviet
government newspaper Izvestia
denounced an upsurge of "anti-Soviet
hysteria in Washington."
At the news conference, Carter said
he had not "embarked on a vendetta
against the Soviet Union."
He said that aside from the two
specific restrictions imposed
earlier-blocking sale to the Soviets of
an electronic computer as well as oil-
drilling technology-he had no plans to
reduce trade with Moscow.
"WE WOULD LIKE even to enhance
trade with the Soviet Union," he said.
The Tass account claimed the Carter
administration's policy toward
Moscow, including open support of,

dissidents and human rights activists
within the Soviet Union, "has caused
serious anxiety among the American
"All public opinion polls show that the
vast majority of the American public
continues to support the policy of deten-
te and the development of Soviet-
American relations," it said.
reflection at the press conference held
by President Carter," Tass said. "The
president was asked many questions
about the policy of the United States
with respect to the Soviet Union. His
answers, however, were marked by in-

consistency and duplicity."
It took note of Carter's comments
favoring continuation of the U.S.-Soviet
strategic arms limitation talks and ex-
pansion of trade.
"But these good wishes were
nullified," Tass said, by Carter's fur-
ther remarks confirming he had acted
to hold up sale of the computer and
oilfield technology.
Izvestia carried a commentary by the
newspaper's Washington correspon-
dent, Melor Sturua.
"Using as a pretext the trials held in
the Soviet Union over some renegades
and spies, the forces of reaction have

begun an all-out campaing against the
curbing of the arms race and against
the development of international
cooperation in the interests of peace,"
Sturua wrote.
"The danger of the current anti-
Soviet hysteria on the Potomac is that
by thus trying to resolve their own
problems-external, internal and per-
sonal-high-ranking officials are
placing in jeopardy the national in-
terests of the United States, the in-
terests of all concerned countries of the
world and the entire course of inter-
national relations."

D. C. transit strike continues

WASHINGTON (AP)-The capital's
bus and subway system remained at a
standstill for a second day yesterday as
drivers and mechanics defied a court
order and pleas from their own union
officials to end their wildcat strike.
But city riders and commuters from
suburban Maryland and Virginia ap-
peared to cope far more smoothly than
on Thursday, when the walkout

produced traffic jams stretching for
miles and worsened air quality in an
area already under a pollution alert.
AUTHORITIES throughout the area
instituted emergency steps to ease the
crisis as the estimated half-million
riders of the publicly owned Metro
transit system resorted to car or foot.
"It's virtually a total shutdown,"
acknowledged Metro spokesman Cody

Calif. landlords eheer Brown

LOS ANGELES (AP)-More than
1,000 landlords cheered Gov. Edmund
Brown Jr. and his proposal for volun-
tary rent relief yesterday. But they
boosed a city councilman who said he
would push for a temporary rent con-
trol measure.

Los Angeles City Councilman Ernani
Bernardi, who is spearheading a drive
for a six-month moratorium on rent in-
creases, said he had supported the
Proposition 13 tax initiative but had no
clue that landlords would take the win-
dfall and increase rents anyway.
tenants of apartment buildings," he
There were shouts of "no, no," boos
and hisses from the large audience at a
meeting called by a newly formed lan-
dlords' task force.
Brown, in a brief speech, said he is
against rent controls but wants volun-
tary participation in his plan to rollback
rents to May 31 levels and rebate some
tax savings to renters.
"I THINK THE last thing this state
needs is another gigantic bureaucratic
police force to go around to every one of
you and find out what you're doing,"
Brown said to loud applause.
At one point, he asked the landlords to
stand and show how many of them
would support the voluntary plan. The
majority of those in the audience stood.
"I promise you we will work with you
if you work with the renters," Brown
"I SEE IT AS a great challenge for
you, for all of us, for our way of life

... This is a real test of self reliance,
mutual aid and people doing for them-
selves and together," he concluded.
A lawyer representing tax crusader
Howard Jarvis-attorney Trevor
Grimm-told the landlords: "During
the campaign, we didn't guarantee that
rents wouldn't go up if Proposition 13
was passed. We guaranteed they would
go up if Proposition 13 wasn't passed."
Although the tax cut measure adop-
ted June 6 makes no provisions for ren-
ters, its supporters-including co-
author Jarvis, a landlords association
director-promised during the cam-
paign that tenants would benefit from
the average 57 per cent tax reduction
due this year to landlords and all other
property owners. The measure, which
took effect July 1 as an amendment to
the state constitution, limits property
taxes to 1 per cent of market value.
Some landlords have rolled back ren-
ts since the campaign. But many have
adopted a "wait and see" attitude and
others have even raised rents. They say
they have done so because they do not
know whether Proposition 13 will sur-
vive legal challenges, because the rent
was too low or because they just bought
the building, which means it will be
reappraised for taxing purposes at
current market values.

The District of Columbia government
and some federal agencies and private
employers instituted a policy permit-
ting workers to arrive late, depart early
or simply stay home on unscheduled
leave time.
POLICE OPENED some no-parking
areas, and meter spaces were pronoun-
ced free for the duration of the strike.
Autos were permitted in bus-only lanes
and special rush-hour traffic rules were
extended to cover four hours in both the
morning and evening.
Commuters quickly organized car
pools and left earlier for work than
There was no clear indication when
the strike would end, despite U.S.
District Judge Luis Oberdorfer's tem-
porary restraining order banning the
action late Thursday.
"WE'RE STUCK in this together,"
said one driver. "I don't think any of us
plan on backing down to the courts or to
The walkout was triggered by Metro
mechanics dissatisfied over delays in
arbitration proceedings on what they
claim should have been an automatic
cost-of-living wage boost July 1. Their
picket lines were honored by 4,500 bus
drivers and subway motormen, all
belonging to the same union.
Metro officials, calling the strike
"senseless," say they are pressing to
resolve the arbitration as quickly as
possible. Meanwhile, they suspended
and threatened dismissal of some 180
mechanics and drivers identified as
principals in the wildcat action.
George Davis, president of Local 689
of the Amalgamated Transit Workers,
agreed the strike was illegal and urged
the union members to return to their
jobs. But he and other union leaders have
been greeted with derision by the wild-
cat group in making that plea.

Brown to landlords: 'I promise you
we will work with you if you work
with the renters.'

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Gun permits up after Okla. murders

appealed to "a mystery witness" who
was traveling with two gunmen when
they killed six restaurant workers, of-
ficials said yesterday that permits for
handguns have nearly tripled following
the worst mass murder in the city's
An open letter from Police Chief Tom
Heggy, printed on the front page of both
Oklahoma City daily newspapers,.
described the witness as "the key
solution" to the case and urged him to
come forward-both for $57,000 reward
money and for his own safety.
"IF YOU KNOW them and what they
did, you will almost certainly be their
next victim, if only to insure your silen-
edWggy Wro a - a
Police .hve-s,_ bletrt thte
men were involved in the grisly events

Sunday night at the Sirloin Stockade
restaurant. Six employees-four of
them teen-agers-were herded into a
meat locker and shot in the head, and
the gunmen escaped with an estimated
From reports by persons near the
establishment and shreds of physical
evidence, police have theorized that
only two of the men did the actual
SHORTLY AFTER the crime,
authorities issued an all-points bulletin
for a green stationwagon seen leaving
the restaurant parking lot with its
headlights out. The restaurant is near
an interstate highway.
Heggy said yesterday that some
Msignificant"' ew leads tiwhich -he
refused toidentifyhave broaght the in-
vestigation to the. point where

"something can break on this within the
next few days."
The letter told the third man that, "If
you ... did not pull the tgigger, you are
not a killer . you have nothing to fear
from us." Oklahoma County District
Attorney Andrew Coats said that does
not "commit us to giving anybody im-
munity," but added, "I would give
serious consideration to immunity if
testimony helped us get the killers."
MEANWHILE, THE killings have
prompted restaurants around the city
to increase their security and some
parents to worry about their teen-agers
working at night.
The fear has also sent citizens in
large numbers to stores selling hai-
dguns andinear y tripled thenumber-of
g permits being processed-

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